by HatetheSwamp on October 27, 2023 12:53 pm
Oh goodness Bill, of course not in those exact words. It was more a paraphrased simplification of what two you imply by the way you speak and rush to his defense all the time.
po, you, quite innocently, have revealed that you suffer from delusions of omniscience many times. I honestly think that Trump is despicable. I never defend him.
Like how I know, by your not so subtle implications, that you don't giveafuck about the two thousand Palestinian children dead in Gaza so far from Israeli military attacks.
EFFINwrong. Your stark embrace of the preferences and prejudices that you bring with you to every moment of your life is hyper rare. Even Donna doesn't engage in the to the extent you do.
I can believe that OD abhors all of the evil on both sides because that is my starting point. Read my posts here from October 7 on. I've been consistent, and it's all true.
HAMAS is evil as livingfuck. I have already showered my hatred and total condemnation upon them in several posts in here.
Sadly, you got to that party too late even to claim you attended it.
Here's the difference between OD and pb, and Curt, and Donna and you. We resist the preferences and prejudices that we bring with us to every moment of our lives. You seek "news" from sources that fuel the fire of your preferences. You did that on October 7. We avoid them. And, balance them out.
Read the posts on October 7 and 8 here. While the rest of us were struggling with the reality of what was happening, you two were already taking sides in the most vicious way. You, much more than Donna.
What people say and do in unguarded moments reveal the truth about them. What you said and did in the first moments... choosing, not understand the happenings, but to condemn. That's you.
It ain't OD. It ain't Curt. It ain't pb. And, that's all here in black and white on SS.
by Ponderer on October 27, 2023 1:39 pm
You're simply a fucking moron, Bill.
by HatetheSwamp on October 27, 2023 1:50 pm
What OD and pb posted on SS is preserved on the is what you posted.
You may not want your truth to be your truth, but no one forced you to type those words.
Your words are the words of someone who's rigorously Anti-Israel...and, it seems to me, probably antisemitic.