by Ponderer on October 25, 2023 8:25 am
"You mean "why don't you support the goose-stepping little german droids we have in the party of hate, inaction, and slavery?"" -olde dude
Ah you MAGA Hats and your boundless projection...
"goose-stepping little german droids"
The GOP is the far and away the home of goosestepping Nazis (they even wear the uniform when they march), fascists, authoritarians, and antisemitism. No other party could ever hold a candle to them. All such racist sociopaths and psychopaths naturally gravitate to the GOP... "Their People".
"the party of hate"
What party is the home of racism, stripping Americans of their rights, banning books, racism, arming mentally deranged psychopaths, racism, death threats, and racism? Not the Democrats, that's for sure.
Oh that's the funniest one. I laughed out loud when I read that one. So who is the current Republican Speaker of the House, od...?
Which party has religiously fought against employee rights and raising the minimum wage again...? Oh yeah, it's the MAGA Republican party.
by HatetheSwamp on October 25, 2023 10:07 am
Ah you MAGA Hats and your boundless projection...
Ain't no MAGAs here. I have asked Curt to pay someone to post here and to pretend to be a MAGA just for you, po. But, alas...
by oldedude on October 25, 2023 10:13 am
Lead- I forgive her, I don't think her meds are working today.