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So is Trump too much of a pants-pissing coward to debate Harris?
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Military selectors, pages, etc.
Amazing. The Hamas/Palestine war with Israel narrative has changed
By HatetheSwamp
October 16, 2023 8:02 am
Category: Military

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Curt posted a link to a NYT editorial, "Hamas Bears the Blame for Every Death in This War." (see link)

When word of the rape of innocent Israeli women, the murder of more than 1,000, including the beheading of Israeli EFFINinfants, the kidnapping of hundreds of civilians, SS was a fair microcosm of the American reaction, which was diverse.

Mostly OD but pb and Curt also were passing on updated reporting from the scene. I sensed horror among them that these things could... DID... happen.

On the other hand, Donna was quick to point out the horror of Israel turning off the fresh water faucet to Gaza. po quickly chimed in that it was EFFINIsrael that had committed the War Crime...

...and, honestly our progressives on SS were mellow in their Anti-Israel rhetoric. There were rallies in significantly Muslim communities and on dozens of university campuses demonstrating, protesting that Israel was fully responsible for the terrorism perpetrated on its own innocent citizens.

MSNBC preached the Anti-Israel gospel of our progressives enthusiastically until the ADL's Jonathan Greenblatt confronted... and, let me tell the truth... the MORONS on MSNBC’s MORNING JOE... and asked the Joe on-air gang and the people who run the show, "who is writing (your) scripts!?"

If you haven't seen it, watch the video. It is pure truth.

Interestingly, Greenblatt was speaking for OD and pb here and the political right in general...

...and, from then on, Donna and po, quieted down. They stopped the Israeli War Crimes rants. Donna, at least admitted that she opposes mass rape and the beheading of babies. These days. They're silent. Embarrassed maybe?

Wall Street organized a backlash against Harvard students who signed on to its students' formal statement blaming Israel for every atrocity. Many of the once vociferous Harvard Israel blamers have backtracked...even apologized.

Joe Biden's string pullers have him standing with Israel, though not confronting Iran.

Conventional Wisdom has shifted. Were po to try po's former Israeli War Crime argument today, even po, I think, would be ashamed.

Amazing, actually.

The narrative has changed.

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Comments on "Amazing. The Hamas/Palestine war with Israel narrative has changed ":

  1. by Ponderer on October 16, 2023 8:42 am

    What I'm ashamed of is that I have wasted so much of my life arguing with racist, sociopathic, pig-ignorant morons in here is what I'm ashamed of.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on October 16, 2023 11:40 am

    So, po. How does it feel that even your "feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" agrees 80% with pb? And, not at all with you?

    Did you watch that video?

  3. by oldedude on October 16, 2023 8:22 pm
    So I will tell you that pedojoe and Lead are closer than pedojoe and I on this. We do agree most of the time, but I think we clarify when we don't. And Lead may agree.

    Pedojoe is weak enough to not be a major player in this. He has no guts. No stake in the game. He could. He has stake in every other country we're talking about.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on October 17, 2023 4:09 am


    I think that you and I agree more than I've made clear and it has to do with my expectations.

    I feared...all but expected...that the string-pullers would have put Donna's and po's words in Joe's mouth and that, as they did, at the beginning, he'd'a been noting the turning off of the fresh water and, as po did, started shouting, "WAR CRIME! WAR CRIME!" but he hasn't. He's denounced Hamas...which as far as I know, neither Donna nor po have done, though they are against rape and baby-murder on a theoretical level.

    That's exactly what I thought we'd get.

    So, he's been unequivocal. Hamas is evil. We stand with Israel.

    I said that the Doddering Old Fool agrees 80% with pb. It's that last 20% that’s most important but, from po's perspective, I'm guessing that that first 80% is a killer.

  5. by oldedude on October 17, 2023 7:33 am
    Okay, got it. Thanks.

    And you know where I stand.
    Just as a "reminder" to those standing with Gaza and not Hamas. In 2009, they elected Hamas to make their decisions about government for them. They had their choice.

    Permission to make a metaphor.

    In college I did a report on the Vodun in Haiti. What was said by a Haitian was that Haiti was 95% Catholic, and 100% Vodun. This is much like Gaza and Hamas.


    You haven't see the Gazaians raise a hand against Hamas. And they know what is coming. Hamas refuses to allow them to leave. Their desire is to murder their own people to attempt to score a political point.

    There are concentric rings of support for terrorist groups. po (especially) is far closer to the aiding and abetting the terrorists than anyone else. Isle is further out. You and I are not on the scale.

    Two days ago, UNESCO sent medical supplies and some other things to Gaza. The goods were immediately secured by Hamas, and never seen again. It is not in the hospitals, and presumably in the terrorists tunnel network. So why the government refused to allow medical supplies go to the people is beyond me. And evil.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on October 17, 2023 8:02 am

    Permission granted after the fact. I don't watch THE FIVE these days...unless YouTube sends me a segment that interests me but I'm always happy to encourage a metaphor.

    The Vodun metaphor is perfect.

    And, yeah, po's position early on garden-variety Western progressive, well, woke antisemitism...just like what Jonathan Greenblatt decried on MORNING JOE. To me, it's disgusting.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on October 17, 2023 8:29 am

    That final 20%...where the Doddering Old Fool disagrees with pb on the Hamas atrocities.

    Mitch McConnell describes Biden's Iran policy 'morally and practically bankrupt.' pb agrees wholeheartedly.

    Beyond pb, though. Clearly, Joe's already in trouble politically. If Mitch McConnell is saying this...and already,...Joe's going to have to do lots of putting up, not shutting up.

    Mitch ain't Ted Cruz. He ain't Lindsey Graham.

    And, this is where the string-pullers I think, hoped that they could get away with being as lump-wristed as they are with Ukraine.

    View Video

  8. by oldedude on October 17, 2023 2:35 pm
    And, yeah, po's position early on garden-variety Western progressive, well, woke antisemitism...just like what Jonathan Greenblatt decried on MORNING JOE. To me, it's disgusting.

    Which still doesn't make sense to me. The Jewish community is more than welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community. On the other hand, the Shi'ites stone women to death just in case they're gay (to say nothing of trans, which is an affront to God and must be wiped from the face of the earth).

    The Muslim nations are known (with the exception of Oman, kinda) for murdering journalists, free thinkers, those who might consider speaking against the Quoron, or the government. Even though this is all a known quantity. The sheep believe the BS the Iranians, Lebanese, and others lie about hook, line, and sinker.

    At the height of the war in 1941-1942, when German troops entered Muslim-populated territories in the Balkans, North Africa, Crimea, and the Caucasus, and approached the Middle East and Central Asia, Berlin began to see Islam as politically significant. Nazi Germany made significant attempts to promote an alliance with the "Muslim world" against their alleged common enemies — the British Empire, the Soviet Union, America and Jews.

    The Mufti of Jerusalem (a Palestine hardline "twelver") met with Hitler in 1941 and offered to help him get rid of Jews. This was best for both of them.

    The twelvers believe in the end days much in the same storyline as Christians, except they are on the side of the Anti-Christ. And their job is to murder all non-believers of that sect of Islam. So what we saw in the Hamas Terrorism, was an exercise for the end days. This is something they look forward to. Anyone who is martyred in the battles is freed and in heaven. Those who live? they will enjoy peace for the rest of eternity.

    Some will say this is extremely far-fetched, except all those in power in Iran are Twelvers. So when they say they want to kill all Jews, take heed of that. It's one of their core values. As well as Death to America chants.

  9. by HatetheSwamp on October 17, 2023 2:58 pm

    Which still doesn't make sense to me. The Jewish community is more than welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community. On the other hand, the Shi'ites stone women to death just in case they're gay (to say nothing of trans, which is an affront to God and must be wiped from the face of the earth).

    This connects to what I say about all of us bringing our preferences and prejudices to every moment of our lives.

    There's something in both po and Donna that, clearly, is illogical in both of them objecting to Israel's interests and in their sympathy toward Palestinians.

    In the first moments of the "From the river to the sea" Pro-Palestine demonstrations last week, I saw a picture of a protester holding a "QUEERS FOR PALESTINE" sign. Don't LGBTQ people know that the form of Islam that Palestinians embrace is absolutely medieval and that, in our case, Donna and po would be executed by those people, as a matter of course, because of what Islam is...

    ...and, that much of Judaism is as progressive and inclusive on issues of sexuality and gender as any group in the world.

    Still, there's something in po's and Donna's hearts... After all these years, I can't believe that it's affinity for the homophobic Palestinians. It must be their hate of the Judeo Christian religious tradition. That's all I can figure.

    Whatever, it ain't logical nor rational. And, Donna and po never discuss it.

  10. by Ponderer on October 17, 2023 4:49 pm

    "[An asinine assortment of absurd lies about us just to goad us into servicing his social media addiction by arguing with him about it]." -Hate

    Yeah, no. Pass.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on October 17, 2023 5:13 pm

    I already did, po. Goes without saying.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on October 18, 2023 4:50 am

    Oh, and, po. I reread my post.

    Show me even one EFFINlie. It's okay. Everyone knows I stated inconvenient truths...but, there's no lie. Absolutely.

  13. by Ponderer on October 18, 2023 6:18 am

    What part of the word pass are you having difficulty in this context comprehending, Bill?

  14. by HatetheSwamp on October 18, 2023 6:25 am

    That's your way, po. You lie about others here to justify yourself then pretend to be above it all. You've been busted. Everything pb posted is either true, sincerely stated, or both.

    Go-ahead. Pass. You're indefensibly guilty. No skin off my teeth...

    But. I'd love to know what you're thinking about the Doddering Old Fool these days.

  15. by Ponderer on October 18, 2023 2:15 pm

    JesusFuckingChrist, Bill. Fine. Will a couple of your most recent huge fuckinglies about me do as examples? They're perfectly representative of the type and intensity of fuckinglying I have always been talking about anyways....

    "You lie about others here to justify yourself then pretend to be above it all." -Hate

    "Everything pb posted is either true, sincerely stated, or both." -Hate

    Bill, this is why I don't like going back to rehash what you've fuckinglied about in the past. I never have to wait long at all for you to present me with a nice fresh crop-a-whoppers to present as testament to your chronic fuckingmendacity.


  16. by HatetheSwamp on October 19, 2023 2:19 am


    Fine. Good. Just quote one lie I posted about you.

    Fact? Everything I posted is true. Why not just own up to it? Your statements in the wake of the Hamas atrocities are as reprehensible as what the Squad came up with. Either defend them...or, repent.

  17. by Ponderer on October 19, 2023 8:52 am

    And the lies just keep pouring in...!

    "Everything I posted is true." -Hate

    Topped with this blithering nonsense...

    "Your statements in the wake of the Hamas atrocities are as reprehensible as what the Squad came up with. Either defend them...or, repent." -Hate

    I'd ask you which statements of mine you are talking about, but you're just making up flaming bullshit and couldn't present anything defending that statement with a gun to your head.

    Maybe you were talking about this comment...?:


    I thoroughly and without exception completely and totally condemn every inhuman rape, murder, beheading, emulation, pillaging, etc., including any other war crime that Hamas has already and is yet to commit against any and all of the people and the nation of Israel in these most terribly historic few days of Hamas's inexcusable and most inconceivably evil terrorism towards Israel and its people.


    (Now you know... what you have to do, Bill... Best get to it.)

  18. by Ponderer on October 19, 2023 8:55 am

    Hate here believes that my concern for innocent Palestinian victims in all this is "reprehensible".

    He of course is perfectly welcome to gofuckhimself.

  19. by HatetheSwamp on October 20, 2023 4:48 am

    No, po.

    I'll always be flabbergasted that, as news of the Hamas atrocities against EFFINinfants and children and mothers of babies and of the elderly to weak to be forced into becoming hostages...


    It was in the first moments that all of us revealed the truth about the preferences and prejudices that we bring with us to these moments. You revealed that you don't really give a d@ng about "every inhuman rape, etc.."

    You revealed that you hate Israel and Israelis.

    Unless Curt takes those posts off of SS, we'll always see your truth.

    I do give you credit for your cover-up. It suggests some degree of shame. Many of your ilk have none.

  20. by Ponderer on October 20, 2023 8:16 am

    I am sincerely fed up with your constant lying about and misrepresenting anything I or Donna ever post, you fuckingasshole liar.

    "I'll always be flabbergasted that, as news of the Hamas atrocities against EFFINinfants and children and mothers of babies and of the elderly to weak to be forced into becoming hostages...


    Bill, just because you are entirely willing to completely and totally ignore any and all atrocities and war crimes that Israel commits in this war or in the past, it doesn't mean that everyone has to excuse and ignore their crimes against Palestinian humanity, you sociopathic, willfully-pig ignorant, MAGA Republican twat.

    I have made it more than entirely clear how much I detest and condemn the heinous, inhuman, and cruel what Hamas has done and is doing to the people of Israel. I have given them no slack, excuse, or justification whatsoever for doing what they have done and are doing. I have totally condemned their actions in no uncertain terms.

    But according to you, I along with everyone else are supposed to just ignore or gloss over whatever war crimes Israel ALSO commits.

    Look, Bill. I know that your dimwitted, bone-filled skull isn't capable of absorbing the reality of it, but it is entirely possible for both sides in a war to commit war crimes. We're actually watching that happen right now in real time. Not that you should believe the evidence of your eyes or anything though.

    And as a matter fact, Bill... "As news of the Hamas atrocities against EFFINinfants and children and mothers of babies and of the elderly too weak to be forced into becoming hostages" was initially coming in, Donna and I were both condemning their actions as it was happening, in agreement with you and others here. And it wasn't for another couple few days before Israel shut off the water tap to Gaza, which we then justifiably and in accordance with legal definition described as an actual "war crime". So right there, you're a demonstrably deranged fuckingliar desperately in need of fuckingyourself. Or you could explain how we could have condemned something as a war crime that hadn't happened yet.

    You are always whining about me giving you examples of your fuckinglies? Well there's a whopper for you right there.

    I don't know how much clearer it is possible for me to keep being:


    I thoroughly and without exception completely and totally condemn every inhuman rape, murder, beheading, emulation, pillaging, etc., including any other war crime that Hamas has already and is yet to commit against any and all of the people and the nation of Israel in these most terribly historic few days of Hamas's inexcusable and most inconceivably evil terrorism towards Israel and its people.


  21. by HatetheSwamp on October 20, 2023 8:38 am


    The bedrock truth is that, in the beginning, while the rest of us here were struggling to know what was happening and to understand its import, you were already condemning Israel and, at a time that it was already obvious that Hamas was murdering children and the elderly and raping.

    All of us bring our preferences and prejudices to every moment of our lives and, in that moment, you revealed yourself to us.

    I hope that you'll come to grips with the truth about yourself that you revealed to us.

    Having noted that core reality, I'm happy to observe that you, in time, were able to condemn the atrocities of Hamas. Many still don't.

  22. by oldedude on October 20, 2023 9:10 am
    Donna and I were both condemning their actions as it was happening, in agreement with you and others here. And it wasn't for another couple few days before Israel shut off the water tap to Gaza, which we then justifiably and in accordance with legal definition described as an actual "war crime".

    A war crime is a violation of the laws of war that gives rise to individual criminal responsibility for actions by combatants in action, such as
    War crimes are defined in the statute that established the International Criminal Court, which includes:

    Grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, such as:
    Willful killing, or causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health
    Torture or inhumane treatment
    Unlawful wanton destruction or appropriation of property
    Forcing a prisoner of war to serve in the forces of a hostile power
    Depriving a prisoner of war of a fair trial
    Unlawful deportation, confinement or transfer
    Taking hostages
    Directing attacks against civilians
    Directing attacks against humanitarian workers or UN peacekeepers
    Killing a surrendered combatant
    Misusing a flag of truce, a flag or uniform of the enemy
    Settlement of occupied territory
    Deportation of inhabitants of occupied territory
    Using poison weapons
    Using civilians as shields
    Using child soldiers
    Firing upon a Combat Medic with clear insignia.

    I'm not convinced anything you or Donna have said rises to the level of any of this. Especially when the Soviets were not charged when they threw Cyanide grenades down the wells in the rural towns of Afghanistan.

    1. Cassese, Antonio (2013). Cassese's International Criminal Law (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. pp. 63–66. ISBN 978-0-19-969492-1. Archived from the original on April 29, 2016.

  23. by HatetheSwamp on October 20, 2023 9:34 am


    From the moment po declared that Israel had committed a war crime, I wondered. Nuthin I know about po informs me that po is a graduate of a military academy or of a war college. How could po have been shouting, "War Crime," so shortly after these events began to take place.

    My guess...and, that it's only a guess... is that po was watching coverage that po selected because it would fan the flames of po's preferences and prejudices. MSNBC?????, and that a practitioner of woke antisemitism spewed the war crime hate-speech.

    Somehow po came up with it at breakneck speed.

  24. by oldedude on October 20, 2023 10:20 am
    Oh, jjpo/ Donna. The water was off from 10/12- 10/15. It has been on for five days. Just to let you know.

    jjpo- But according to you, I along with everyone else are supposed to just ignore or gloss over whatever war crimes Israel ALSO commits.

    You never could convince me that it's an Israeli nearly the issue you make it out to be. Everything you brought up was an issue with Hamas (the standing government the people support). Hamas is also guilty of keeping medical supplies for its military and not releasing it to the hospitals. The government of the Gaza is at best and autocracy, and at worse a despot dictatorship. Israel had nothing to do with setting that up, and definitely would want someone else that doesn't want to see them erased from the earth.

    Lead- I'm taking a look at different stuff. The issue about the water hit the dogwhistles within minutes of doing it. It started on alJazeera and went downhill from there. My guess is the Israelis let it out quietly. Waited a couple of hours and had the politicians make announcements. I'm thinking this is in their Order of Battle as one of the first steps.

    Citi fires banker over ‘revolting’ Israel remark: ‘No wonder why Hitler wanted to get rid of all of them’
    Citibank has fired one of its staffers after she posted “revolting” commentary on Instagram that endorsed the mass murder of Jewish people during the Holocaust.

    “No wonder why Hitler wanted to get rid of all of them,” Nozima Husainova wrote with a smiley-face emoji in an Instagram Story, which has since been deleted along with the 25-year-old’s Instagram and other social media accounts.

    The post was a screenshot shared to X, formerly Twitter, late Wednesday by nonprofit watchdog StopAntisemitism, which also posted a photo of her Instagram profile, which boasted over 4,500 followers.

    I just saw this today, but there's usually one or two that pop up. Along with Greta Thunberg, who just posts stupid 'stuff.'

    My thought is this adamant antisemitism is extremely widespread. So when the Summer of love, or the Winter "wonderland" comes around, you never know who's taking the shots at you, and cutting you grandkids throats.

    And then, to understand the one's slitting throats were in meth rage. Which explains some, but it's still pretty sad.

    Were Hamas militants high on Captagon during Israel attack?
    An Israeli report claims that Captagon pills were found on the bodies of Hamas militants killed on Israeli soil during their 7 October attack on the nation. This amphetamine-type stimulant is mass-produced in Syria and smuggled across West Asia.

    An Israeli report claims that Captagon pills were found on the bodies of Hamas militants killed on Israeli soil during their 7 October attack on the nation. This amphetamine-type stimulant is mass-produced in Syria and smuggled across West Asia

  25. by Ponderer on October 20, 2023 11:27 am

    Old dude, there are tons of published articles out there explaining why shutting off water to a region in war time is a war crime violating international laws. But then I am sure that you came across many of them them while you were frantically searching for some obscure article you could reference that didn't mention it. So I am certainly not telling you anything that you didn't already know.

    You should go back and read a few of the cavalcade of articles explaining why it is a war crime that you so mendaciously ignored because they didn't support what you wanted to assert was reality. They will show you why you are wrong. Which is of course what you were afraid of in the first place I know. But just give it a try.

    "The water was off from 10/12- 10/15. It has been on for five days. Just to let you know." -olde dude

    This is good to know! Thanks, od! So Israel was only committing that particular war crime for only a few days then. Thank God.

    Bill, you are simply a fuckingasshole of a twat. There is simply no hope for you.

  26. by oldedude on October 20, 2023 12:43 pm
    the citation was listed inside the post. Had you actually read the post. It's pretty much the goto for this sort of thing.

    1. Cassese, Antonio (2013). Cassese's International Criminal Law (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. pp. 63–66. ISBN 978-0-19-969492-1. Archived from the original on April 29, 2016.

    I'll make it easier for you. Would you consider Cornell law good enough for your highness?
    A war crime is a violation of the laws of war. The legal understanding of war crimes has been codified in several multilateral treaties, most notably the Geneva Conventions. More recently, the most comprehensive legal statement on war crimes was the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

    To be liable for a war crime, the victim must be protected under the Geneva Conventions. GC I, II, and III apply to soldiers, while GC IV applies to civilians and "unlawful combatants."

    The following acts are war crimes under Rome Statute Article 8:

    wilful killing;
    biological experiments;
    unjustified destruction and appropriation of property;
    conscripting POWs;
    denying POWs a fair trial;
    unlawful deportation and transfer;
    unlawful confinement;
    taking of hostages;
    intentional attacks against civilians;
    intentional attacks against non-military targets;
    intentional attacks against peacekeepers or humanitarian aid groups;
    killing or wounding combatants who have surrendered;
    employing poisoned weapons;
    sexual slavery;
    enforced sterilization;
    forced pregnancy;
    conscripting children under the age of 15.
    Prosecution for war crimes requires the existence of an armed conflict and that the perpetrator was aware of the conflict (ICC, Elements of Crimes, § 8).

    Old dude, there are tons of published articles out there explaining why shutting off water to a region in war time is a war crime violating international laws.
    And yet, here you are. ZERO CITATIONS. Ergo, I stand by what I said. I'm not taking your word that "somewhere" it's listed. It sounds like BS to me. Put up or STFU.

    This is good to know! Thanks, od! So Israel was only committing that particular war crime for only a few days then. Thank God.
    I would have thought that since it was a main pillar of your argument, you would have kept up on it. It's been five days and you didn't know about it... Sounds fishy to me.

  27. by HatetheSwamp on October 20, 2023 12:53 pm


    I'm still wondering who tipped you that the water faucet off might be a war crime?

    Someone on MSNBC? Worse?

  28. by Ponderer on October 20, 2023 1:15 pm

    "I would have thought that since it was a main pillar of your argument, you would have kept up on it. It's been five days and you didn't know about it... Sounds fishy to me." -olde dude

    Truth is, I don't watch much of the coverage of this. I can't. Donna and I can take maybe a half hour's exposure a day to the horror of it all before we can't take anymore. It's an empathy thing. You wouldn't understand. We are not outrage junkies such as yourselves. We are not into the whole "disaster porn" angle of it as you two despicable sociopaths so ravenously are.

  29. by HatetheSwamp on October 20, 2023 1:24 pm

    So. You did graduate from the War College, after all?

  30. by Ponderer on October 20, 2023 1:49 pm

    Yeah. I graduated Summa Go Fuckyourself.

  31. by oldedude on October 20, 2023 2:18 pm
    Truth is, I don't watch much of the coverage of this. I can't. Donna and I can take maybe a half hour's exposure a day to the horror of it all before we can't take anymore. It's an empathy thing. You wouldn't understand. We are not outrage junkies such as yourselves. We are not into the whole "disaster porn" angle of it as you two despicable sociopaths so ravenously are.

    Well, the truth is that I think this is all coming to a neighborhood near you. Like I've said, you, Antifada, BLM, Radical Islam, and all the others from the island of Misfit Toys are going to finally have their wish. A true Revolution and civil war.

    They're setting the stage right now. And I'm not looking the same places you are. I have my own goto's that I look stuff up. My mind has been made up since the first day. All I'm doing is looking at their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP). I already know what they do. I've lived in it. You can only imagine it (which is a good thing for you). I've always prayed to God I never saw that again. Apparently, that's not going to happen.

  32. by HatetheSwamp on October 20, 2023 2:18 pm


    That EFFjoke's getting old.

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