According to the latest report from the CDC, a little over 7,074 Americans between the ages of 30-39 have died from COVID. According to the US Census Bureau, 43 million Americans are between ages 30-39. So the odds of someone in that age bracket dying from COVID is 7,074 / 43,000,000 million or 1 in 6,243 which is .016%.
Those odds decline sharply after that.
According to the CDC, 2,807 Americans under the age of 30 have died from COVID-19. According to the US Census Bureau, 126,760,000 Americans are under the age of 30. That means the odds of anyone in that age bracket dying from COVID is 1 in 45,159 which is .0022%.
According to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), more than 346 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020 through August 2, 2021, and that during that period, VAERS received 6,490 reports of death (.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. (Keep in mind, though, VAERS accepts reports of any adverse event following any vaccination, and reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem.)
So the data show that .016% of Americans between the ages of 30 and 39 have died from COVID-19, and an unverified (.0019%) of Americans of who have received a vaccine are reported to have died after receiving a COVID shot.
To repeat:
.016% chance of a 30-39 year old dying from a COVID-19 infection
.0019% chance of dying from a COVID-19 vaccine. (at MOST, because VAERS goes by reports only; there is never a follow-up investigation)
.016 / .0019 = 8.4
The numbers show that for every person who reportedly died after a COVID vax, a little over 8 people aged 30-39 died from a COVID-19 infection.
Unfortunately, the way the CDC and US Census group the age brackets below 30 doesn't match up, so I had to treat everyone from age 1 to 29 as one group.
If you're under 30, your chance of dying from a COVID-19 infection is .0022%. So given that the chance of dying from a COVID-19 vaccine is .0019%, you have a slightly higher risk (1.16 to 1.00) of dying from a COVID infection than dying from a vaccination, and the older you are within that age bracket, the higher the risk there is of dying from a COVID infection.
If you based your decision to refuse the vax on the grounds that it could kill you, then you did the opposite of what the data and the Math say you should have done.
The Math says Get Vaxed.