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Good news for Kamala and the Ds
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Religion selectors, pages, etc.
Update: More dead and wounded. Hamas taking sex slaves
By oldedude
October 7, 2023 9:07 pm
Category: Religion

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Like Po said, situation is changing by the minute. this was originally sent 39 minutes prior to me writing this (so 10:50ish EST).
FYSA: Tel Aviv is 3 hours ahead of GMT (+3), EST is 5 hours ahead of GMT (-5)
that puts EST 8 hours ahead of Tel Aviv. So Friday at about 10:30pm (2230) is when the coordinated attack happened.

I told jjpo about thousands dying in the first week. We're well on our way. The Chinese are going to take Taiwan next. Then Russia will take Ukraine (with a lot of a bloodbath). Back to Israel. The Israelis will start to win. Iran will nuke it.

And remember that pedojoe paid them to do it.

Israel live updates: High-ranking IDF commander among those killed

At least 300 people have died and over 2,000 have been injured in Gaza and Israel after rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel by Hamas militants, Israeli authorities said.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said 232 are dead and 1,790 others are injured in Gaza. According to the Israeli Health Ministry over 100 people are dead and over 900 others are injured.

This is the first day. My guess is that Israel will actually turn the Gaza into rubble. They knew this before they attacked. They are asking for sympathy from the sheeple in western nations that don't understand what they do. They are now collecting "war trophy's," or Israeli women to be used a prostitutes or "married" as young as 13 to leaders of Hamas (et al).
Israel declared a 'state of war' after the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a surprise massive attack on Saturday. They fired approximately 5,000 rockets from the Gaza Strip and infiltrated militants into the country. In Israel, over 300 people were killed, while Gaza authorities reported a death toll of 232 in the bloodiest escalation of the conflict in years. Thousands were wounded on both sides. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to reduce the group's Gaza hideouts to 'rubble' and urged residents to leave immediately, as the Israeli army plans to 'operate forcefully everywhere.'
They had a video but it was all in Hindi, so of no use.

'I Saw A Sea Of Bodies': Israeli Man Recounts Hamas Attack On His Town
"At six in the morning I was sleeping, it's Saturday, a day of holiday, the whole country is resting. Suddenly at six I heard a siren, explosions. I checked on the internet and I saw there is a terrorist infiltration. You can see in the background their bodies. I went out, I saw loads of bodies of terrorists, civilians, cars shot up, sea of bodies, inside Sderot along the road, other places, loads of bodies. It is sad, it is tragic. We are at war. I don't know when it will all end," said Shlomi from Sderot.

A Reuters journalist saw a dog walking between dead bodies on the road. The dog then returned to a car and sat in the footwell.

The sudden assault by gunmen who crossed into Israeli villages, killed dozens of people and brought hostages back into the Gaza Strip.

The bodies of Israeli civilians lay strewn across a highway in Sderot, surrounded by broken glass. A woman and a man lay dead dead across the front seats of a car.

Sderot is just 4 km from the Gaza Strip and has been bearing the brunt of previous Palestinian shelling attacks.

Israel responded with massive air strikes deep inside the coastal enclave, killing scores and wounding hundreds of people and vowing unprecedented retaliation.
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said the assault that had begun in Gaza would spread to the West Bank and Jerusalem.

'Please Don't Kill Me': Israeli Girl Noa Argamani Pleads After Being Kidnapped By Hamas Terrorists; Heart-Breaking Video Surfaces
Out of the many devastating and heart-breaking visuals emerging after Hamas terrorists who stormed into Israel, attacking and holding people in Southern Israel captive, a video of a young girl and Israeli national named Noa Argamani kidnapped by Hamas terrorists while she is pleading for help asking not to be killed went viral on social media, highlighting the plight of Israelis attacked by Hamas on Saturday (October 7) morning. 'Please don't kill me,' she is seen pleading with the Hamas terrorists in the video.

According to social media posts and news portals, Noa was partying in the south of Israel in a peace music festival when Hamas terrorists kidnapped her and dragged her from Israel into Gaza. Noa is seen crying for help and even extends her hands for help to her boyfriend who is also seen held captive by Hamas terrorists. Noa is held hostage by Hamas. The irony of the music festival dedicated to peace getting attacked by Hamas and Noa getting abducted from the festival along with others probably is not lost.

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Comments on "Update: More dead and wounded. Hamas taking sex slaves ":

  1. by oldedude on October 8, 2023 4:57 am
    Israeli mother was on phone with her kids when they were kidnapped by Hamas

    An Israeli woman, who is not being identified for her own safety, tells CNN's Jake Tapper that she was talking with her kids on the phone when they were kidnapped by Hamas militants.

  2. by Donna on October 8, 2023 5:12 am

    I've been following the situation closely. The ones who will pay the most will be Palestinians living existing in Gaza. Israel will probably massacre thousands of them.

  3. by oldedude on October 8, 2023 7:12 am
    To me, they wouldn't have done anything without outside help, which they've been getting for years. Now that the Chinese are in and arming them, life is much better for them. They're taking hostages. Those are the ones I'm worried about. The middle east is known for "taking wives" which is allowed if they're not Muslims (and therefore not human). And those who die? They're martyrs. And the families of the "martyrs?" They can live will for the rest of their lives. I don't have much sympathy.

    An attack on this level is a known quantity to the entire world. If you do "this" they will do "that." It's one of the simplest equations on the globe.

    Again: As I always say,
    don't poke the bear
    don't bring a knife to a gunfight
    don't shoot a large calibre man with a small calibre gun.
    It's like going to a biker bar in your vespa and pick a fight

  4. by Donna on October 8, 2023 7:29 am

    And those who die? They're martyrs. And the families of the "martyrs?" They can live will for the rest of their lives. I don't have much sympathy. - od

    I have empathy for the people you mentioned and also for the thousands of men, women, and children who will die at the hands of the IDF when they retaliate against Hamas. In fact that has already begun.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on October 8, 2023 8:14 am

    Amazing, ain't. Joe shoots $6,000,000,000 to Iran. Suddenly, this! Within days. Who didn't know sumpthin like this was likely!!!!!?

  6. by HatetheSwamp on October 8, 2023 8:31 am

    I've been following the situation closely. The ones who will pay the most will be Palestinians living existing in Gaza. Israel will probably massacre thousands of them.

    Just an FYI, for you, Donna, because I'm sure you don't realize this...

    Tens of millions of Americans, including pb himself, consider that statement to be virulently and hatefully antisemitic.

  7. by Donna on October 8, 2023 8:42 am

    Gaza is essentially an open-air prison camp. Gazans are the most densely packed population on the planet. 50% unemplyment. Btw, they get two-thirds of their fresh water from Israel, which just cut that off.

  8. by oldedude on October 8, 2023 10:54 am
    The water and electricity. So what you'll have is a place that has a lot of dysentery and other conditions.

    I'm going to go back to what I've been saying. If Hamas put this much thought on murdering (lets just say 1,000 by the end of next week) Israelis, these are things they should have thought about. If they can't take care of their people, it's not the fault of the Israelis. Hamas needs to accept all the blame. They chose to poke the bear, You don't tug on Superman's cape, You don't spit into the wind, You don't pull the mask off that old lone ranger, and you don't attack Israel without expecting to get your arse beat down.

    I am going to make a correction to the title and the title post. I don't think Hamas is using the prisoners for slavery. It appears they're going to put them around the military targets and use them for (sub)human shields. This is the cowardly thing to do and I don't put it past them. They'll put them around the missile launchers and communication centers, that sort of thing.

  9. by Indy! on October 8, 2023 1:18 pm

    I generally don't get into the Israel nonsense because they're just a bunch of religious nutjobs who will never stop fighting imho, but reality dictates if any other country was doing what Israel is doing to the Palestinians - we would be honestly calling them an apartheid state. That doesn't make it right for Hamas to bomb innocent civilians - but what does the world expect them to do when the world stands by and allows them to be treated this way?

    Some people might ask themselves how this applies to the Ukraine situation as well. Are we really protecting the "underdogs" of the world and "building democracies" or just picking and choosing who to support based on personal feelings and monetary reasons? 🙄

  10. by Curt_Anderson on October 8, 2023 1:46 pm
    Like you I am no fan of governments with distinct religiosity which includes Israel, a Jewish state with parliamentary democracy.

    Look at a map of Gaza. Gaza borders Israel and Egypt. I can understand why Israel isn't keen to open the doors to the Palestinians who have sworn to destroy Israel. But what about Egypt? Gaza borders Egypt too. Why is Egypt making it difficult and/or impossible to allow Gazans to leave Gaza?

    Gaza residents rely on the Rafah Crossing with Egypt for travel abroad. To leave Gaza via Egypt, Palestinians must:
    1. Register with the local Palestinian authorities two to four weeks in advance
    2. Apply directly to the Egyptian authorities, using the services of a private company.

    What about other Muslim countries? Why aren't they welcoming Palestinians? It's because they cynically keep the Palestinians locked in their over-crowded situation knowing that it's pressure cooker that will explode on Israel.

  11. by oldedude on October 8, 2023 2:49 pm
    Look at a map of Gaza. Gaza borders Israel and Egypt. I can understand why Israel isn't keen to open the doors to the Palestinians who have sworn to destroy Israel. But what about Egypt? Gaza borders Egypt too. Why is Egypt making it difficult and/or impossible to allow Gazans to leave Gaza?

    Gaza residents rely on the Rafah Crossing with Egypt for travel abroad. To leave Gaza via Egypt, Palestinians must:
    1. Register with the local Palestinian authorities two to four weeks in advance
    2. Apply directly to the Egyptian authorities, using the services of a private company.

    What about other Muslim countries? Why aren't they welcoming Palestinians? It's because they cynically keep the Palestinians locked in their over-crowded situation knowing that it's pressure cooker that will explode on Israel.

    Curt, The biggest deal with Egypt is that they are run by the hardline Sunni's. Hamas is hardline Shi'ites and supported by Iran (who none of the Sunni countries like at all). This is like saying Mormons and Catholics are the same.

    The only country required to let Shi'ites into their country (being a Sunni country) is Saudi Arabia for the Hajj. The rest honestly hate them and have since Mohammad died and have been killing each other ever since. The only country that could successfully manage the two was Saddam.

    You can tell by the requirements of them coming into Egypt. Egypt has generally lost all of the last wars because of Hamas. And these are folks that have a very deep feelings about the sins of the father are also the sons. And maybe grandsons. So maybe it's more like the English inviting the Irish Catholics into their country to live.

  12. by oldedude on October 8, 2023 3:05 pm
    Shani Louk, whose naked body was paraded by Hamas fighters, was also possibly robbed. Her credit card was used in Gaza, report says.Bold

    The mother of Shani Louk, the woman whose body was seen on video in the back of a pick-up truck driven by Palestinian terrorists to Gaza, released a statement earlier today.

    She confirmed she had seen her daughter on the video & asked the public for help with more information

    This is a very ISIS thing to do. My guess, they've been training together for a few years. Notice the angle of the lower legs distortion. ISIS did the same thing to Shoshana Johnson, good friend of Jessica Lynch.

    In a disturbing turn of events amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict that began last Saturday, October 7th, the world was left in shock by a video featuring the tragic fate of Shani Louk, a 30-year-old German woman who had come to Israel to attend a music festival. Shani Luk was captured and brutally killed by Hamas militants who mistakenly believed her to be an Israeli soldier.

    The video, which quickly went viral online, depicts the horrifying incident in which the lifeless, naked body of a young woman is paraded through the streets by members of Hamas. The woman was subjected to ridicule and scorn during this macabre procession.

    This is pretty much equal to piking heads at a castle gate to remind the lowlifes not to mess with the crown.

  13. by Curt_Anderson on October 8, 2023 3:18 pm
    Thanks for explanation and additional details.

  14. by oldedude on October 8, 2023 7:14 pm
    Easy. and thanks also.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on October 9, 2023 4:27 am

    Btw, they get two-thirds of their fresh water from Israel, which just cut that off.


    That statement is evil.

    To equate, even remotely,...even to compare...these historic acts of terror against women and children and the elderly with turning off the water.

    To quote Hillary, you're despicable. I'll never think of you same way again!

    I wondered about a very curious misogyny in you when you were so cold-heartedly callous toward what women and girls would suffer in Afghanistan after "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" turned it over to the Taliban...

    ...and, I've never forgotten that. Now this!

    Donna. You are a sick puppy!

  16. by Donna on October 9, 2023 7:56 am

    I'm not "equating" anything you idiot.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on October 9, 2023 8:06 am


    Equating might actually be a weak description of what you did. The world... most of it... is denouncing Hamas for its unbelievably heinous, barbaric acts of terror intentionally targeting the most innocent of people. You?, denounce Israel for cutting off the fresh water that, under normal circumstances, it supplies to its enemy... as a humanitarian act.

    Your insensitivity and false equivalency is staggering and shameful.

  18. by Donna on October 9, 2023 8:25 am

    IMO Hamas should be dissolved. I've been a critic of Hamas for decades. Gazans deserve better leadership.

    With that said, collective punishment -- which turning off a population's access to drinking water certainly qualifies as -- is a war crime.

    Why are you supporting war crimes against Palestinian mommies and daddies and their kids? What kind of bigoted evil muther fucker are you?

  19. by Ponderer on October 9, 2023 8:28 am

    ^^^ That ^^^

    wasn't me.

  20. by HatetheSwamp on October 9, 2023 9:28 am


    How is it a war crime for any to manage its natural resources to its own advantage? C'mon man. Gimme a break.

    It's Israel's water.

    If Palestine launches an outright war against Hamas within its own borders, I have no doubt that Israel will resume its humanitarian activity toward it.

    Why are you supporting war crimes against Palestinian mommies and daddies and their kids? What kind of bigoted evil muther fucker are you?

    Seems like pb touched a nerve.

    What war crimes against Palestinian mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps is pb supporting?

    Also, ain't MF one word?

  21. by Ponderer on October 9, 2023 9:45 am

    "How is it a war crime for any to manage its natural resources to its own advantage? C'mon man. Gimme a break." -Hate

    Yeah, hon! After all, that's all Nazi Germany was doing by imprisoning all those Jews and using them as forced labor.


  22. by oldedude on October 9, 2023 6:32 pm
    Po- so honestly. List the war crimes.

    Keep in mind, the Palestinians have refused to work with or even negotiate with Israel. Ever in any sincere manner. How are things supposed to go? Palestine is it's own entity but didn't accept the borders. That's what started all the wars. And BTW, Palestinians are only the victims in this war, but the PLO (owners of Palestine) worked with Hamas (longtime lovers in a love/hate relationship) The PLO is Sunni, Hamas is Shi'ite. Hamas beat the PLO in Lebanon(ish) so the PLO under Arafat went slightly north. So for Donna/Curt, there's your equation.

  23. by Donna on October 9, 2023 6:56 pm

    I disagree with your first sentence. Israeli hardliners have never been interested in a two-state solution. They've always wanted all of Palestine.

  24. by oldedude on October 10, 2023 4:24 am
    Ish. PLO is demanding the dismantling of Israel as a nation. and Israel is demanding to keep the Golan Heights (which they usually get rockets from), and west bank of the Jordon River. Arafat was staunch in his refusal to even talk to Israel as long as it was a country according to the UN Resolution 181. The Israelis have given the Heights back twice. And been attacked from there after that (twice).

  25. by Ponderer on October 10, 2023 7:00 am

    "Israeli hardliners have never been interested in a two-state solution." -Donna

    "PLO is demanding the dismantling of Israel as a nation." -olde dude

    And that, friends and acquaintances, is where we are and have been for decades.

  26. by Ponderer on October 10, 2023 7:17 am

    Here you go, olde dude. The UN and the rest of the world have not taken kindly to Israel over its treatment of people in the Occupied Territories...

    • 2021 - U.N. General Assembly ratifies several resolutions against Israel

    • Israel most condemned by UN in 2020 – three times other nations

    • UN condemned Israel more than all other countries combined in 2022

    • In 2018, Israel became the most condemned nation at the UN

    And this has been the case going back decades. They aren't all involving "war crimes", but the fact that the UN has condemned Israel so regularly and more than any other country, and in some years more than all other countries combined, should tell you something about the sociopathic and genocidal treatment that Palestinians have been dealing with for a few generations now.

  27. by Ponderer on October 10, 2023 7:23 am

    Don't get me wrong. I am no fan of the PLO or Hamas. I do not approve of their actions either. But the Palestinians' side of the situation is never presented fairly in our media. We always hear about attacks by Hamas against Israel like they came out of the blue with nothing having instigated it. But there was and is always something that instigated it. The frustration these people feel and the torturous treatment they have had to live under for generations is bout to boil over at some point.

    It is possible to understand what has motivated certain people's actions without supporting them.

  28. by HatetheSwamp on October 10, 2023 7:25 am

    So, po, is there any part of the raping and pillaging and torturing you don't enthusiastically support?

  29. by Ponderer on October 10, 2023 7:30 am

    Wow. So you're gonna start the day off by being as big of a fuckingassole as you can possibly be, eh Bill?

    If you haven't had your coffee yet, go ahead and finish a cup before you go fuckyourself.

  30. by HatetheSwamp on October 10, 2023 7:57 am

    We always hear about attacks by Hamas against Israel like they came out of the blue with nothing having instigated it.

    So you ARE justifying the attack!!!!?

    Do tell, po. What could possibly have instigated this behavior?

    BTW, I think that you're full of it in suggesting that the Palestinians are treated unfair by our media.

    Did you catch this on MSNBC?

    View Video

  31. by Ponderer on October 10, 2023 10:30 am

    'So you ARE justifying the attack!!!!?" -Hate

    I am not justifying anything they are doing. What kind of a moron are you? I already said I don't approve of what they are doing. I don't justify it either.

    "It is possible to understand what has motivated certain people's actions without supporting them. -me

    ...or believing their actions are justified.

    (JesusFuckingChrist I gotta explain every freaking word to this blithering idiot...)

  32. by HatetheSwamp on October 10, 2023 10:59 am

    So you ARE justifying the attack!!!!? -pb

    That was a question. You are the one claiming that no one is reporting what instigated it. If it was instigated, then, logic demands, it was justified.


  33. by Ponderer on October 10, 2023 11:56 am

    No. It ain't.

    I'm not just talking about this weekend, Bill. I'm talking about the whole history of this situation.

    My point is that few in this country hear about the casualties and destruction that happens on the innocent Palestinian populations in the occupied territories during these conflicts. For example...

    I just watched Biden's live address to the nation about this situation. And I made a point to listen through all his heartfelt thoughts and prayers that he expressed regarding the horrors that all the Israeli people are facing, to hear if he would give any mention of the innocent mammas and daddas and babies and children who are dying in comparable numbers from Israeli retaliations in Gaza in the last few days.

    Nothing. Not a single word. No mention at all.

    As far as Biden seemed concerned in his speech, such human beings either don't exist, or are not worthy of anyone's thoughts and prayers.

    I do acknowledge, however, that he was probably forced to withhold mention of any innocent Gazans being blown up by the Israeli military for fear of what the right wing propaganda machine would make of him saying anything positive about any Palestinians right now.

    And it's been the same in our media for decades. Few mainstream media sources cover that side of the story much. MSNBC has. A tad. Amy Goodman is always all over it of course.

  34. by oldedude on October 10, 2023 12:02 pm
    But the Palestinians' side of the situation is never presented fairly in our media.
    I agree they're not presented fairly. From my point of view, it's just the opposite. This is a country proud of being part of Black September and murdering Israeli Athletics at the Munich Olympics, and the Abu Nidal group (Pan Am Flight 73 at Karachi Airport on its way from Mumbai to New York).
    The PLO is always the downtrodden victims of everyone in the world. They've got a victim complex that keeps them begging for scraps instead of building their own country.

    If they were so bad off, they wouldn't refuse to come to any negotiations without Israel giving up their country. They got part of Jerusalem only because the naive bought off the Mosque that was built on top of a Jewish Temple was there first (HTF does that happen?).

    If they were that bad off, they wouldn't go into Jerusalem at all, yet many of them work in the city (on the Israeli side).

    They demanded land of their own. The Israelis didn't like it, and it shits on them all the time, but they sucked it up and pressed on to make a country worth living in. That's their fault?

  35. by HatetheSwamp on October 10, 2023 12:04 pm

    As far as Biden seemed concerned in his speech, such human beings either don't exist, or are not worthy of anyone's thoughts and prayers.

    It may be time, po, for you to acknowledge you are so steeped in woke, white electric limousine lovin Swampcult progressive propaganda that you've reached the point that you now have no connection to the real world.

    My guess is that the people to whom you refer don't really exist.

  36. by Donna on October 10, 2023 12:20 pm

    olde dude - Unless you've personally endured what Gazans and West Bankers have for 75 years, IMO you have no moral right to judge and make blanket generalizations about Palestinians who are stuck living there.

  37. by Ponderer on October 10, 2023 12:30 pm

    I see. I see. Okay. Fine. I get the picture.

    I'm an idiot for giving the half million or so currently living innocent Palestinian victims of this decades long conflict any thought whatsoever. They are sub-human beasts. Terrorists. To every last man, woman, and child. Without exception.

    What am I doing wasting a moment's thought on such worthless human refuse. Right?

    I see.

    I should allow you fuckingsociopathic assholes to be my moral compass more often!

  38. by Ponderer on October 10, 2023 12:33 pm

    "My guess is that the people to whom you refer don't really exist." -Hate

    "Unless you've personally endured what Gazans and West Bankers have for 75 years, IMO you have no moral right to judge and make blanket generalizations about Palestinians who are stuck living there." -olde dude

    You know, I was originally joking about you fuckingassholes not having a shred of basic human empathy. But for real... no joke!

    You fuckingassholes don't have a shred of basic human empathy!

  39. by oldedude on October 10, 2023 12:39 pm
    "Unless you've personally endured what Gazans and West Bankers have for 75 years, IMO you have no moral right to judge and make blanket generalizations about Palestinians who are stuck living there." -olde dude

    Can you cite that? I looked here and it wasn't me. Or anyone else.

  40. by Ponderer on October 10, 2023 12:42 pm

    My bad, olde dude. I mistakenly thought Donna had quoted you. My bad.

  41. by Ponderer on October 10, 2023 12:42 pm

    It's just Hate who's the fuckingasshole.

  42. by oldedude on October 10, 2023 12:43 pm
    po- okay, easy.

  43. by Ponderer on October 10, 2023 12:44 pm

    But then you know..... Looking back on the things that you did say.....

    Yeah. Not much basic human empathy there either, od.

  44. by oldedude on October 10, 2023 1:11 pm
    I did talk about my thought against Hamas (the PLO isn't far from that) ISIS, the Taliban and the other animals that exist on this earth. I don't hate them, I have no feeling if they live or die, like I do all evil. If they die, all the better. If they die in the same way they murder others, even better.

    It's very obvious to me these assholes have been in Iraq and Syria "practicing" for good money. Their modus operandi shows it. They went into the towns. Tied everyone up. Either shot or decapitated the children first, then murdered the parents. Families that were in their safe rooms, these assholes just burned the house down with the family in it to save time. Admittingly, fire is my least favorite way to die, but still... it's horrible. Thusly, being burned at the stake is worse than being hung or beheaded (in western swordsmanship). These folks do it very differently and it takes several minutes to die from it.

    The Palestinians. Everyone knows where all the missiles came from. They need to leave those areas. They all know where the barracks and command centers are. They need to leave. This is a terrorist/ Guerrilla war. Everyone is suspect. Hell, you two would be suspect. The Israelis will take their pound of flesh, and more. They will not rape though. or drag a woman down the street to be beaten and eventually die from the wounds of animals.

    I've been saying this all along...
    don't poke the bear
    don't bring a knife to a gunfight
    don't shoot a large calibre man with a small calibre gun.
    don't go to a biker bar in your vespa and pick a fight
    You don't take off superman's cape,
    And you don't take the mask of the old lone ranger.

    There's just stuff you don't do...

  45. by HatetheSwamp on October 10, 2023 1:55 pm

    Interestingly, I just caught Condoleezza Rice on the gay Guy Curt never heard of's radio show. When she did mention the Palestinian mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps...and she did mention them...she spoke of them as being victims of Hamas more not of Israel. (And, I do note Donna's accidental point that, under normal circumstances, the people of Gaza are GIVEN two-thirds of their fresh water from Israel.)


    Also, Rice, who's absolutely brilliant, is in favor of support for is pb.

  46. by Ponderer on October 10, 2023 2:25 pm

    "(And, I do note Donna's accidental point that, under normal circumstances, the people of Gaza are GIVEN two-thirds of their fresh water from Israel.)" -Hate

    Aww. How noble of Israel to provide two whole thirds of the water that their prisoners require! How magnanimous. Such charity. Such overflowing philanthropic largess.

  47. by HatetheSwamp on October 10, 2023 2:34 pm

    You are such an antisemite, po.

  48. by oldedude on October 10, 2023 3:40 pm
    FIRST: When she did mention the Palestinian mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps...and she did mention them...she spoke of them as being victims of Hamas more not of Israel.
    YES!!!! This is what I've said over and over again.
    Side note: I'm wondering why the liberals vehemently support people that hate them and would parade them (personally and because of who they are) around before the stoning (which usually takes a couple of hours to die). I don't get it. The Jewish community is far more welcoming than any Jihadi, just by definition and belief system.

    SECONDLY: At least 40 babies killed, beheaded in Israeli kibbutz outside Gaza Strip, reports say

    KFAR AZA, Israel (TND) — Dozens of babies were reportedly found dead, including some that had been beheaded, in an Israeli kibbutz Tuesday after the terrorist organization Hamas stormed the community.

    Several journalists were let in to the Kfar Aza kibbutz, located just outside the Gaza Strip, to see the aftermath of the attacks by Hamas. At least 70 residents of the kibbutz were killed by Hamas terrorists, according to Indian news website OpIndia.

    Nicole Zedeck, a correspondent for Israeli television channel i24NEWS, described the scene as "truly horrific."

    "No one could expect that it would be like this, the horrors that I'm hearing from these soldiers," Zedeck said. "As I mentioned earlier, about 40 babies, at least, were taken out on gurneys ... you continue to see just cribs overturned, strollers left behind, all of these doors left wide open."

    Several of the infants were also beheaded by Hamas terrorists, according to OpIndia.

    Zedeck went on to say that an official death count at the kibbutz is still unknown because soldiers are "still collecting dead bodies."

    A kibbutz is a small Israeli agricultural community. Kibbutz are dotted throughout Israel, primarily in the Negev Desert.

    Video shows apparent death of Israeli hostages in Hamas custody At least four Israelis taken hostage by Hamas during their unprecedented incursion into Israel on Saturday were killed soon after being taken captive, according to videos reviewed by The Washington Post. Graphic video shared on Telegram on Oct. 8, and verified by The Post, shows multiple bodies in the street in Be’eri, a kibbutz in southern Israel, just yards from where Hamas militants were filmed walking with several civilians who appear to be those same hostages.

    Initial video of the hostages, which was filmed roughly an hour and a half after the attack began, was among the first pieces of visual evidence showing Hamas militants taking Israeli civilians captive.

    In the video, the civilians appear to have their hands tied behind their backs and are being led by men in military clothing carrying AR-style weapons down a residential street. Some walk barefoot. Black smoke billows in the distance. The person filming shouts toward the group as they approach an intersection that is guarded by a gate, leading out of Be’eri toward Gaza.

    At least four bodies are visible near that gate, in a second graphic video shared on Telegram on Oct. 8, which was independently verified by The Post and first geolocated by Rollo Collins and Benjamin den Braber of the Center for Information Resilience. The Post was not able to immediately verify exactly when this video was filmed, though burned cars and smoke are visible in both videos.

    Shani Louk deserved Hamas’ brutality, according to the US left

    emember: When leftists praise “decolonization,” they are celebrating the murder of innocents like Shani Louk by bloodthirsty Hamas killers.

    Don’t believe us; take their word for it.

    A speaker at the DSA-NYC’s rally on Sunday shouted to the crowd “as you might have seen, there was some sort of rave or desert party where they were having a great time until the resistance came in electrified hang gliders and took at least several dozen hipsters.”

    He was greeted with whoops and laughter.

    A Cal State-Long Beach student group held a “Day of Resistance” (to celebrate Palestinian terrorism).

    Prominent on the event poster was a paraglider of the kind Hamas used to infiltrate Israel and attack a desert rave where Louk and dozens of others were either killed or taken hostage.

    Those same “decolonizers” then paraded the likely dead Louk’s body in the back of a pickup truck.

    Heartbreaking video shows Shani Louk dancing before Hamas terror attack, which mom now thinks she survived

    Millennial journo Najma Sharif cheered the attacks on X with “What did y’all think decolonization meant? vibes? papers? essays? losers.”

    Sharif garnered tens of thousands of likes and reposts for cheerleading mass murder.

    There’s a clear irony here: The victims of the rave attack like Louk almost certainly shared the lefty social politics of those cheering on their deaths to some degree.

    The kids at the rave were not Bibi voters.

    But the irony points to a deep moral depravity.
    Beneath the official rhetoric spouted by DSA-affiliated politicians like AOC that “No child and family should ever endure this kind of violence and fear,” her comrades very much believe the opposite.

    Civilian deaths should be celebrated, as long as they’re the right kind of civilians.

    Even the fact that new reports suggest Hamas atrocities included the murder of babies via decapitation has not shaken these armchair revolutionaries.

    So when the cheers go up from beardos in NYC and San Francisco, please remember what they’re cheering for.
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  49. by Ponderer on October 10, 2023 6:43 pm

    And you are such an inhuman asshole, Bill.

  50. by oldedude on October 11, 2023 5:24 am
    The one surprising piece of this whole thing is the complete lack of any humanity towards anyone that isn't "them." In most wars including Muslim paramilitary or military, there's always atrocities. That's the way they do business. This has eclipsed anything known to date. Including the crusades.

    The Israelis will respond in kind but mostly according to the ideals of western warfare. I don't think they'll carpet-bomb Gaza (but have the right to). They won't selectively and personally murder families. They won't strip Muslim women down and parade their naked bodies through the streets for the soldiers to mock, rape, and beat.

    One couple put their infant twins in the safe room and stood up to the shitheads. They killed seven of them before the couple was murdered. The kids were found by IDF safe, and without parents.

    We haven't really heard much about the IDF except they're in sporadic gunfights, and they're collecting bodies. It's hard for the military to see such atrocities without "payback." I'm sure there will be some. I'll just shrug my shoulders.

    p.s. The German mother of the Tattoo Artist that was taken, stripped, beaten, and thought was dead "may" be in hospital. Nothing is confirmed yet. With the chaos, I'm not sure if it's a mother's hope, or fact. We'll see.

  51. by HatetheSwamp on October 11, 2023 5:36 am

    The one surprising piece of this whole thing is the complete lack of any humanity towards anyone that isn't "them." In most wars including Muslim paramilitary or military, there's always atrocities. That's the way they do business. This has eclipsed anything known to date. Including the crusades.

    Whoa, buddy. As Donna pointed out, Israel turn off the fresh water spigot to Palestine. Talk about atrocities!!!!!

  52. by oldedude on October 11, 2023 8:32 am
    Yeah, well... they went to the biker bar in their vespa, and picked a fight. With Hells Angels. Not the brightest bulbs in the box. The people in Palestine, meaning whoever isn't a terrorist sympathizer, I kinda feel sorry for. But it's a terrorist war. These folks routinely support the terrorists with food, housing, and whatever else they want/need.

  53. by Donna on October 11, 2023 8:45 am

    od - Sorry about that. I think I meant for that to be directed at Hate. My bad.

  54. by Ponderer on October 11, 2023 9:01 am

    "The people in Palestine, meaning whoever isn't a terrorist sympathizer, I kinda feel sorry for." -olde dude

    Good for you, od. Maybe you can explain to Hate how this is simply basic human empathy, and not antisemitism. Maybe he'll listen to you.

    This is what Donna and I have been talking about this whole time, but he appears completely oblivious to the entire concept of basic human empathy towards innocent human beings. Maybe he'll be able to grasp some inkling as to what "empathy" means if it's coming from you.

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