by Curt_Anderson on October 9, 2023 8:47 pm
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Geraldo Rivera Gives CNN An Unfiltered Response To Trump's Latest 'Vile' Comment
“To sink to that level, it’s for me a personal embarrassment that we were friends for so long,” he continued. “This language is racist, it is really disgusting, and, you know, some things cannot abide. We cannot abide certain things and he has crossed the line. I beseech his followers to listen to what he said about poison blood.”
“I hate to use Nazi or Hitler references, but it is impossible to miss the obvious parallels,” he said. “Poison blood, it was a direct reference. He made a direct reference that the migrants, the immigrants, mostly Latinos now, may I say, are poisoning, polluting the blood of real Americans. It is intolerable. I mean it’s absolutely beyond the pale.”
Rivera also slammed a Trump spokesperson’s claim that the phrase is “used in everyday life” as “absolute bulls**t.”
by Indy! on October 10, 2023 9:48 am
Geraldo can't clean up his own mess at this stage of the game.