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Crime selectors, pages, etc.
ABC News: Trump allegedly discussed US nuclear sub secrets with foreign national after leaving White House
By Curt_Anderson
October 5, 2023 4:45 pm
Category: Crime

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I have no difficulty at all in believing this story; it's so in character for Trump. --CA

Months after leaving the White House, former President Donald Trump allegedly discussed potentially sensitive information about U.S. nuclear submarines with a member of his Mar-a-Lago Club -- an Australian billionaire who then allegedly shared the information with scores of others, including more than a dozen foreign officials, several of his own employees, and a handful of journalists, according to sources familiar with the matter.

The potential disclosure was reported to special counsel Jack Smith's team as they investigated Trump's alleged hoarding of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, the sources told ABC News. The information could shed further light on Trump's handling of sensitive government secrets.

Prosecutors and FBI agents have at least twice this year interviewed the Mar-a-Lago member, Anthony Pratt, who runs U.S.-based Pratt Industries, one of the world's largest packaging companies.

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Comments on "ABC News: Trump allegedly discussed US nuclear sub secrets with foreign national after leaving White House":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on October 6, 2023 4:22 am


    Thanks for straying, even so short a distance, from your Holy Trinity...all the way to ABC News, oy!

    Thing is, for me? I have been burned by SwampMedia lies about Trump too many times even to consider believing this. If you can find confirmation from a SwampRedMedia source, or, better yet, a source that's not either shade of Swamp...if you even know what one is...I'd appreciate it.

  2. by Ponderer on October 6, 2023 6:29 am

    "I have been burned by SwampMedia lies about Trump too many times even to consider believing this." -Hate

    Oh please oh please oh PLEASE give us an example!!!!! Because I am calling absolute and total bullshit on that statement.

  3. by Curt_Anderson on October 6, 2023 8:44 am
    In a story like this we do get a confirmation. Not by the sources verifying it, but by silence. Trump has not denied it. More credibly Mr. Pratt who was reportedly interviewed twice by Jack Smith’s team has not denied it. Do you think a billionaire is going to quietly accept be accused of blabbing nuclear secrets to scores of people if he didn’t? Nobody from the prosecution team is denying this, even off the record.

    This is one of those cases were silence speaks volumes.

  4. by Ponderer on October 6, 2023 8:55 am

    The prosecution has something like eighty (80) witnesses lined up just on this issue with the Australian guy.

    Everything is meant to show for a jury just how unthinking and careless Trump was with state secrets and documents thereof. Feeding his galactic-sized ego was more important to him than protecting state secrets.

    This is a man who has no business ever being allowed to have any contact with any classified information. Ever.

  5. by Indy! on October 7, 2023 8:24 am

    And yet...

  6. by Ponderer on October 7, 2023 8:34 am

    Indy!, if there are enough people in this country willing to elect a treasonous, convicted multiple felon to be the president and they actually pull it off, then perhaps this country is ready to stop being America after all.

    But we had a good run, eh? Lasted way longer than most democratic countries ever do. We set a standard for the rest of the world that it turns out we ourselves couldn't even pull off.

    But at least for a couple centuries we were an example for the rest of the world to imagine just what is possible if people in your country just want it badly enough.

    If Trump is reelected, it will just mean that too many of us just don't want to be America any more.

  7. by Indy! on October 7, 2023 6:39 pm

    That's one of the reason I don't care who wins the White House or Congress anynmore. Nobody is voting for the right things anyway - the things that (allegedly) make America the "land of the free and home of the brave" - things like democracy and a fair vote. Biden and the other slimeballs in DC throw those words around all the time, but have absolutely no idea what they mean. And if I'm wrong about that? Then my vote is not going to help anyway. This is what you guys want? You can have it - I don't have kids or grandkids to worry about.

  8. by Ponderer on October 8, 2023 6:02 am

    "America the "land of the free and home of the brave" - things like democracy and a fair vote. Biden and the other slimeballs in DC throw those words around all the time, but have absolutely no idea what they mean" -Indy!

    Yes. Only Indy! knows what those words mean. If only every administration in the last thirty years had put Indy! in their cabinet so as to set them all straight on what everything is all about, we wouldn't have any of the problems we are all now laboring under.


  9. by Donna on October 8, 2023 6:27 am

    There are burn it all down people on the left as well as the right. On the right they're the MAGAs. On the left they're people who refuse to vote for D's or R's. Both are just making things worse.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on October 8, 2023 6:51 am


    Clearly, you don't understand the right nearly as well as you imagine. In fact, your remark about burn it all down people on the right are the MAGAs.

    Absolutely, MAGA people are part of that group but pb's one among very many rightsters who are serious antiSwamp who ain't MAGA and seriously don't support Trump.

    In fact, when pb says that the GOP is the home of openness and inclusion, acceptance tolerance, diversity and, most of all...FREETHINKING, a huge GOP reality is that HatetheSwamp is broadly accepted and tolerated.

    pb couldn't disagree more that people on both sides who HatetheSwamp are just making things worse.

    Seriously: What is it that you love about the Swamp?

    On a lovetheswamp scale of 1-10, you...and po, isle and Curt...strike me as, at the least, solid 9s.

    In fact, a striking reality to me is how often Indy and pb agree, even though, ideologically, we have nuthin in common. HatetheSwamp!

  11. by Donna on October 9, 2023 8:38 am

    Indy and you are both burn it down people, which I think is a dumb and ultimately self-defeating approach to solving any problem. You bristle at being called a MAGA,though, so I guess I should have also included MAGA denialists.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on October 9, 2023 9:32 am

    pb does HatetheSwamp but he despises Trump. I think, MAGA, by definition, demands support for Trump.

    It's a point that you should accept. One the right, opposition to the Swamp is larger than MAGA.

  13. by Ponderer on October 9, 2023 9:42 am

    Bill, if Trump really stole state secrets and even shared them with un-cleared guests at his residence, should he face prison time if he's found guilty for such felonies?

  14. by HatetheSwamp on October 9, 2023 10:11 am


    He should be found guilty and be held accountable.


    pb'd allow the judge to set the punishment.

  15. by Indy! on October 9, 2023 10:23 am

    The height of political idiocy - courtesy of...

    by Donna on October 8, 2023 6:27 am

    There are burn it all down people on the left as well as the right. On the right they're the MAGAs. On the left they're people who refuse to vote for D's or R's. Both are just making things worse.

    So let me see if I have this straight... the people who refuse to vote for either corrupt party - the two parties that make ALL the decisions in this country (good, bad, otherwise) - are the ones making things worse? The people with absolutely NO POWER AT ALL - who are saying YOU GUYS DO WHATEVER YOU WANT WHILE WE STEP ASIDE - are the ones "just making things worse"? How so, Donna? Do we have the power to influence the decisions being made? Do we mind control you folks into doing the wrong thing? Do we wave our magic wands and force you into making the country worse? By not doing anything at all - does it confuse those in control causing them to make bad decisions? Please explain how we're fucking your thing up by sitting on the sidelines - I'm truly interested. 🤔

  16. by Indy! on October 9, 2023 10:25 am

    Oh forgot - then please show me the post where I suggested we "burn it all down".

  17. by HatetheSwamp on October 9, 2023 12:17 pm

    So let me see if I have this straight... the people who refuse to vote for either corrupt party - the two parties that make ALL the decisions in this country (good, bad, otherwise) - are the ones making things worse? The people with absolutely NO POWER AT ALL - who are saying YOU GUYS DO WHATEVER YOU WANT WHILE WE STEP ASIDE - are the ones "just making things worse"?

    Bang on, bud. Their "reasoning" boggles a sane mind, ain't?

  18. by Ponderer on October 9, 2023 12:26 pm

    Indy!, rather than saying that you people are making things worse, perhaps it would be more accurate to say that you aren't helping anyone or anything at all...?

  19. by HatetheSwamp on October 9, 2023 12:41 pm

    Yeah, po.

    Enabling dysfunction and corruption, as you do, with passion, is always best.

  20. by Curt_Anderson on October 9, 2023 1:04 pm
    Why do you hate America? Do you seriously believe that America has been governed by dysfunctional and corrupt politicians? Or do you believe that only the current crop of elected officials are dysfunctional and corrupt? Was there ever a time that we've had wise and excellent elected officials who sprang from minor parties or were politicly unaffiliated?

    Maybe you saying that America has not made incremental improvement to the lives of citizens. If not, what year was the halcyon era that we should return to---you know, how far should we go back in time to Make America Great Again?

  21. by HatetheSwamp on October 9, 2023 1:22 pm

    I believe that the system is dysfunctional and corrupt.

    Virtually every presidential election many candidates promise to reform the system. No one does. Heck. Even The ONE did that, or, gave lip service to it.

    Do you honestly believe that a system that's gunna have Trump and "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" as its two mainstream candidates for President ain't broke!!!!!?

  22. by Curt_Anderson on October 9, 2023 1:53 pm
    I couldn't help but notice that you cannot answer my questions. Only fools don't recognize and admit that America has made steady progress to a more perfect union.

    Other than fringe candidates and lunatics no presidential candidates promised to "reform the system". Other than maybe the confederates, politician promise to work within the system.

  23. by Ponderer on October 9, 2023 1:54 pm

    "Do you honestly believe that a system that's gunna have Trump and "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" as its two mainstream candidates for President ain't broke!!!!!?" -Hate

    Bill, could you perhaps give us examples of a Democrat and a Republican and even a third party person who should be running for president in '24 but are being kept from it? Where are these heroes of the populace who aren't being allowed to run?

    Money is no longer an issue.

    If Bernie taught this country anything, it's that a truly great candidate can gather tons of supporters and be competitive without the help of corporate donations. He stood against the Big Two just on the donations of individuals in this country who know a good thing when they see one. And the internet makes spreading the word accessible.

    And another thing that Bernie taught us is that third parties are not the answer. Had he run on a third party ticket, he would not only have been defeated a hell of a lot faster, he would not now be in anything like the position he is in and still able to do fantastic work for the American people.

    But could you imagine if he had succeeded? If he had not only won the presidency, but had become the leader of the Democratic party? That's how you reform a party. From the inside.

    So explain why it's the parties' fault that no one else is coming up with any better candidates? How are the Democrats and Republicans stopping the best people from going for the job?

    Or... are we already actually seeing the literal best the country has to offer?

  24. by HatetheSwamp on October 9, 2023 2:45 pm

    If Bernie taught this country anything, it's that a truly great candidate can gather tons of supporters and be competitive without the help of corporate donations.


    Bernie was cheated out of the Dem nomination.

    Bill, could you perhaps give us examples of a Democrat and a Republican and even a third party person who should be running for president in '24 but are being kept from it? Where are these heroes of the populace who aren't being allowed to run?

    C'mon man!

    Half the GOPs are running. GOPs don't strong-arm elections.

    If "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" can be running, why can't Bernie! Who here doesn't think Bernie would do better than the Doddering Old Fool!!!!?

  25. by Donna on October 9, 2023 3:00 pm

    When Trump was the incumbent, no Republicabs ran against him either. That's the differencd now, knucklehead.

    I doubt if any of the non-Trump Republican candidates are going to receive much if any help from the RNC, though, unless of course Trump drops out of the race.

    Same for non-Biden Democratic candidates, which is why so far only RFKjr, who's a Democrat is running as an independent.

  26. by HatetheSwamp on October 9, 2023 3:05 pm

    There were a few minor GOP challengers in 020. I voted for one.

    But, Donna. Almost every GOP supported Trump's reelection in 020. Waaaaaaay over half of Dems want someone other than the Doddering Old Fool... have to be able to see the difference.


  27. by Ponderer on October 9, 2023 3:09 pm

    "Bernie was cheated out of the Dem nomination." -Hate

    Bernie didn't get enough votes to win the Dem nomination. Too many of all the young voters he invigorated throughout his campaigns just didn't manage to make it to the polls for him when the time came. He doesn't believe that he was "cheated" out of anything.

  28. by Donna on October 9, 2023 3:11 pm

    Biden is the incumbent. That's all that matters when the leader of the party (regardless of party) is seeking a second term.

  29. by Indy! on October 10, 2023 9:54 am

    Pondy saying "reform from the inside" might be the saddest turn of the worm I've ever seen in my life. There is no reform from the inside. There is only assimilation - resistance is futile.


    by HatetheSwamp on October 9, 2023 12:41 pm

    Yeah, po.

    Enabling dysfunction and corruption, as you do, with passion, is always best.

    EXACTLY. They don't even realize how ridiculous they sound. That's the saddest part.

  30. by HatetheSwamp on October 10, 2023 10:02 am

    Bernie didn't get enough votes to win the Dem nomination.


    You SwampDems are such chumps. The deck was stacked against Bernie, and for Hillary, from the get go.

    Why do you believe so subserviently in the Party Bosses!!!!!?

  31. by Ponderer on October 10, 2023 10:31 am

    Oh! I see. So Bernie did get enough votes, but the Party Bosses negated them. Somehow.

  32. by HatetheSwamp on October 10, 2023 10:40 am

    No, po.

    Hillary got the a rigged series of elections.

  33. by Indy! on October 10, 2023 12:31 pm

    The Ds themselves admitted in court they rigged the election. Donna Brazile, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and others admitted it straight up. Bernie said it. On of the funniest memes of the times nailed it...

  34. by HatetheSwamp on October 10, 2023 12:38 pm

    I'm stunned, Indy, by our Dem Swampcultists' here, willingness to brainlessly accept the plans and schemes of their party bosses.

    I get it. American Dems have been doing that since Tammany Hall 200 years ago. But, our progressive SwampLovers here CLAIM to think for themselves. Bahahahahahahahahahaha ha!


  35. by Ponderer on October 10, 2023 12:39 pm

    So voters actually cast their vote... on their ballot... for Bernie...

    And Donna Brazile, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and others flipped those votes on those ballots for Hillary.....?

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