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Crime selectors, pages, etc.
National Archives finds more than 5,000 emails including Biden's secret email addresses
By HatetheSwamp
August 29, 2023 6:08 am
Category: Crime

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From the National Archives, baby!

The question to Curt in particular...but to all SS SwampLovers, i.e., po and isle and Donna:

My sense is that you would all but sell your soul for Trump not to win in 024,... that you'll vote for Joe, if he's the Dem nominee, no matter what. Is pb right about that?

DO YOU BELIEVE THAT MANY...MANY... moderates and independents will refuse to vote for the Doddering Old Fool based on what's being reported?

Note: I can't see that MSNBC nor CNN nor the NYT nor the WaPo nor the HuffPo are reporting this. Typical. I assume pseudonym thing this is news to you.

But, NEWSWEEK is...already on the story.

The election is more than 14 months away and people are already disgusted with the Swamp in large numbers.

So, whadya think?

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Comments on "National Archives finds more than 5,000 emails including Biden's secret email addresses":

  1. by Ponderer on August 29, 2023 6:59 am

    Wow. Geez, Bill. Ya got us.

    If he used pseudonyms in emails to Hunter, then it's absolutely impossible that he didn't commit whatever crime you want him to have committed. He obviously said whatever you want him to have said in those emails. There's no two ways about it.

    Because of these pseudonyms he used, that means that everything you have ever accused Biden of, he must have done. No matter what you say he did, he did it. Because of those pseudonyms he used in those emails. We never even need know what he actually said in those emails. All because he used those pseudonyms, whatever he said in them was criminal.

    "The conservative law firm is now asking the court to order NARA to release all nearly 5,400 emails and documents, which SLF claims might show that Joe Biden forwarded government information and discussed government business with his son." -Newsweek link

    Oh they don't even need to see those emails. It's a forgone conclusion what's in them. A rock hard solid case is what you got yourself there, Bill. "Felonious Use of a Pseudonym". Several counts it sounds like even. That's gotta be good for fifty years at least.

    Republicans investigating the Bidens...

  2. by HatetheSwamp on August 29, 2023 7:12 am

    Here's what amuses ol pb: When a county DA writes up an indictment of Trump, you, especially, assume it's all true.

    At moments like this with Joe, OTOH, you're not even the slightest bit suspicious. In fact, you seem indignant that people'd even notice.

    As pb says, all of us bring our preferences and prejudices to every moment of our lives...

    ...but, you, po, do that with unabashed alacrity.

    So, po, how do you think moderates and independents and Swamphaters of Indy and OD and ol pb ilk will handle this if there's a reasonably attractive third-party option in 024!!!!!?

  3. by Ponderer on August 29, 2023 7:45 am

    "When a county DA writes up an indictment of Trump, you, especially, assume it's all true." -Hate

    Mainly because I have already seen and heard the vast majority of the actual evidence against him. A lot of it was provided by Trump himself.

    "At moments like this with Joe, OTOH, you're not even the slightest bit suspicious." -Hate

    Mainly because after all the hoo-hah and fuss you clowns have been making for years about it, you have yet to present ANY ACTUAL EVIDENCE against him at all. Alls you got is maybe this and perhaps that and what if maybe he perhaps sorta kinda in a way more or less he mighta.....". This whole thing is concerning to me, sure. But that's as far as I go without some actual evidence that he committed crimes.

    As I have stated before many times, present some actual evidence and I can be swayed. As yet you have provided what can legitimately be considered what is called "Propaganda". Highly spun tidbits with nothing to back up the spin.

    I don't think that Biden is the Immaculate Doer of No Wrong that you believe Trump to be. Biden is human. And if he committed a crime, I want to see him stand to account for it.

    It's just that so far, alls ya got is nothing. Don't blame me for that.

    "So, po, how do you think moderates and independents and Swamphaters of Indy and OD and ol pb ilk will handle this if there's a reasonably attractive third-party option in 024!!!!!?" -Hate

    Well, I suppose they will will have to weigh the total lack of any substantial evidence against Biden for the crimes you all have been whining about for so long against the several criminal indictments, trials, and by that time perhaps convictions for the major felonies committed by Trump and decide which will make the best leader for our country.

    There will be no "reasonably attractive third-party option in 2024".

    but hey...

  4. by HatetheSwamp on August 29, 2023 8:30 am

    Well, I suppose they will will have to weigh the total lack of any substantial evidence...


    Again, why you refuse to accept the "substantial" likelihood that Joe Biden is merely a typically corrupt Swamp politician profoundly amuses me.

    But, I say, live your fantastical dream!

  5. by oldedude on August 29, 2023 8:43 am
    Mainly because I have already seen and heard the vast majority of the actual evidence against him. A lot of it was provided by Trump himself.

    No, what you've "seen" is what the MSM wants you to see so they can draw you in to be one of their good little germans. Too assume less, is stupid. Unless you can tell us that you watch OAN (and see the comparisons with the leftists), along with reading "rolling stone." Otherwise, you're a sheep.

  6. by Donna on August 29, 2023 9:24 am

    It's a cross between stunning and amusing that there are still some people who seem to believe that there's nothing to any of the myriad legal charges against DJT and his cohorts. That's some real serious denial.

  7. by Curt_Anderson on August 29, 2023 9:32 am
    "No, what you've "seen" is what the MSM wants you to see so they can draw you in to be one of their good little germans. Too assume less, is stupid.". —OD

    Wrong. Trump does not need any help from the MSM or the “liberal” media in implicating himself. Watch him incriminate himself in an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News at the link below. It’s where he says that he can declassify documents just by thinking about it.

    Trump routinely incriminate himself in his public appearances. See the second link.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on August 29, 2023 9:41 am

    It's a cross between stunning and amusing that there are still some people who seem to believe that there's nothing to any of the myriad legal charges against DJT and his cohorts. That's some real serious denial.

    Yeah. That Alan Dershowitz? Totally delusional. How did he ever teach at Harvard all those decades...and argue before the Supreme Court? Boggles the mind!

  9. by Curt_Anderson on August 29, 2023 10:16 am
    I don't believe Dershowitz said that there is no legitimate case against Trump. He just offered possible defenses. Dershowitz in his Tulmudic training is the proverbial Devil's advocate. Dershowitz proclaimed the innocence of OJ Simpson and Jeffrey Epstein.

    It wasn't simply four prosecutors' say-so that Trump committed crimes. Four grand juries looked at the evidence and agreed that crimes were committed. It was also people like Republican Brad Raffsenberger who said Trump tried to pressure him into "finding" votes---that's a crime.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on August 29, 2023 10:31 am

    Really, Curt?

    You must not be watching the Dershowitz interviews on Newsmax but that's not what he's saying there.

    Here's a sample from last evening.

    View Video

  11. by oldedude on August 29, 2023 10:55 am
    Wrong. Trump does not need any help from the MSM or the “liberal” media in implicating himself. Watch him incriminate himself in an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News at the link below. It’s where he says that he can declassify documents just by thinking about it.

    No, what you've "seen" is what the MSM wants you to see so they can draw you in to be one of their good little germans. Too assume less, is stupid. Unless you can tell us that you watch OAN (and see the comparisons with the leftists), along with reading "rolling stone." Otherwise, you're a sheep.

  12. by Curt_Anderson on August 29, 2023 11:06 am
    Yes, really, HtS,
    Nothing in that NewsMax video contradicts what I said about Dershowitz.

    In some cases, Dershowitz demeans the prosecution's case. That's not saying there isn't a legitimate case. Notice his weasel words "appears", "disclosed so far", etc. Every defense lawyer denounces the prosecution's case.

    “If this indictment is as weak as it appears to be, from what has been disclosed so far, it may be the most dangerous indictment in political history,” he told Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo.

    In other cases he has backtracked.
    Now, he’s not so sure. Since reading the 49-page indictment, which was unsealed on Friday, Dershowitz says, “at least one part of it is somewhat stronger than I had initially believed it would be.” Specifically, the indictment cites a tape recording in which the president allegedly brags to an unnamed person about classified “secret information” in a document about Iran.

    “You hear rustling in the papers and then he shows it to this unauthorized writer,” says Dershowitz. “What we don't know from the tape is whether he shows it to him to read or just shows it to him kind of to show off and say, ‘See? I have this. I'm not going to let you read it but here it is.’”

  13. by Ponderer on August 29, 2023 11:38 am

    "Yeah. That Alan Dershowitz? Totally delusional." -Hate

    Not necessarily. That's a terrible thing to say about someone you seem to respect, Bill.

    He's simply wrong. That's all. It's quite possible for anyone to just be wrong without having mental abnormalities. I mean you yourself are wrong constantly in here. That doesn't necessarily mean that you're totally delusional. There are a lot of other symptoms besides that which lead us to the conclusion that you are, but none of it depends just on you being wrong all the time.

  14. by Ponderer on August 29, 2023 11:53 am

    And hey, thanks for that video. I hadn't really listened to much of him about all this until that. It gave me a really good idea of how he can be so wrong. He was wrong in a couple places in that video even.

    So yeah, Bill. He's just wrong. No need to bring his mental state into it.

    I liked what he said about all those documents and how long it would take to read all of them. I liked it because it was funny. There is no need whatsoever for them to have to read every single last page of every document they are handed. Especially when it's all digital and searchable.

    Do you have any idea of how much documentary evidence there was in the Enron trials? If there was a need to read every single page of every document, those trials still wouldn't have taken place yet.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on August 29, 2023 11:57 am


    To my knowledge, the only person alive who's superior to Alan Dershowitz as a legal analyst and constitutional scholar is you...

    ...and you know, don't you?, it ain't even close.

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