by islander on August 6, 2021 2:24 pm
”We are still an effin [Friday] free people. isle's comparison is effin absurd. Vaccines are not yet effin fully approved and their effectiveness can't possibly be known this soon after they have become available.
I admire people able to take an effin leap of blind faith and, as of this moment, all this trust in the short and long term effectiveness of COVID vaccines can possibly be is blind.
There's, perhaps, nothing so dangerous as a person living in blind subjectivity who's convinced that they are the epitome of careful reason”
Try and explain why you think the drunk driver analogy is absurd instead of just asserting that it is…
We don’t take a leap of blind faith. We look at the empirical evidence and base our decisions on that, not on blind faith or fears for which we have no empirical evidence. We also know that virtually none of our conclusions can be made with absolute certainty (we’d have to be omniscient). In medical emergencies like this pandemic, which is killing millions of people per year (4.27 million so far), waiting for years to see any unknown adverse effects from a vaccine that works, and is saving lives as we speak, is insane. My wife was an RN working in the OR in a three state trauma center. Someone with thinking like yours could never work there. Life and death decisions must be made on the spot. We don’t always have the luxury of waiting in emergencies.
Right now our government is NOT mandating that you be vaccinated if you don’t want to be. That's your choice. Private companies and hospitals, however, CAN legally require employees to be vaccinated if they want to work there, which is exactly as it should be.