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The GOP rabble is getting antsy to take down the Flatulent Fool
By HatetheSwamp
August 20, 2023 4:40 am
Category: Politics

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This thread is educational at its core.

This guy is a part of the right-wing alternative media. He's the kind of source that feeds the conservative/ libertarian/ antiSwamp Gen Z crowd...

...and, he's no slouch. He has more YouTube subscribers than Megyn Kelly.

po, Curt, I hope you have the openness of mind to watch the video. It gives a brief summary of a bit of the evidence GOPs have already made public that justifies, at the very least, an Impeachment Inquiry. It's powerful. And, I'm sure the progressive SwampMedia is burying it.

But, what it really does is indicate how lathered up many on our side are for the Doddering Old Fool to be taken down.

Kevin McCarthy's name is taken in vain because he's so slow to pull the trigger.

But, note to all pb's progressive correspondents:

Remember pb's theory. McCarthy will slow-walk this so that it reaches a crescendo during election season. Imagine how rabid our side will be by then. And, by then, much more evidence will be made known.

Heck. We haven't even gotten to Rob Walker and Tony Bobulinski and the FBI whistle-blowers...and who knows what else!!!!!?


One complimentary note to OD. The name of this YouTube account is, "Liberal Hivemind," which is a Gen Z way of saying what OD's been pointing out all along, i.e.,

All woke, white electric limousine lib lovin progressives walk in lockstep.


Baha baha bahahahahahahahaha heehee ha!

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Comments on "The GOP rabble is getting antsy to take down the Flatulent Fool ":

  1. by Ponderer on August 20, 2023 8:34 am

    Bill, one absolutely prime aspect of the MAGA Republican party is that its members need no help from us whatsoever in rousing themselves into a tizzy about some utterly fictitious nonsense that they pulled out of their asses about some Democrat or other.

    And I gave the "video" a shot. I got a couple minutes into it. I couldn't take that guy's voice or pomposity any longer.

    Bill, your party's leader is facing ninety one felony charges (so far) for crimes that he committed. Of course the MAGA Republican party's natural reflex would be to go apeshit and start wildly flailing around for something to "Git them Democrats" with. My guess is that we haven't seen anything yet from you clowns. You're only going to keep getting more and more ludicrously ridiculous as November of 2024 gets closer and closer.

    You wanna impeach Biden? Then go ahead and fuckingimpeach him already! For fucksake! GO FOR IT! KNOCK YOURSELVES OUT!!! We are getting bored to fuckinghell with you constantly waving the threat of impeachment in our faces all the time. We're calling your bluff. Skip the whole inquiry nonsense and IMPEACH BIDEN ALREADY, you chickenshit, bullshitting cowards!

  2. by HatetheSwamp on August 20, 2023 10:12 am

    And I gave the "video" a shot. I got a couple minutes into it. I couldn't take that guy's voice or pomposity any longer.

    Since the Tucker fiasco, I have boycotted Fox AND become a devotée of alternative media. This guy's success surprises me but, po, don't kid yourself. This is what Gen Z people groove on. Rachel is for aged lesbos.

    Bill, your party's leader is facing ninety one felony charges (so far) for crimes that he committed. Of course the MAGA Republican party's natural reflex would be to go apeshit and start wildly flailing around for something to "Git them Democrats" with.

    Translation, in part:

    I have TDS!
    I have TDS!
    I have TDS!
    I have TDS!
    I have TDS!

    Also, po. If it was 991. If they're all lies, who cares!!!!!?

    Trust me on this because I have been bang on from Day One: By the time Kevin McCarthy sanctions an Impeachment Inquiry, and, ultimately, Impeachment Hearings, the GOP base will be breathing fire. And, the Impeachment stuff will definitely be on TV...and, loaded for bear with a mountain of evidence.

    Keeheeheeheeheeheeheehee hoohoo ha baha baha bahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh.

  3. by Ponderer on August 20, 2023 12:09 pm

    "Also, po. If it was 991. If they're all lies, who cares!!!!!?" -Hate

    I would simply like to point out
    that what I just quoted above
    is a flagrant example of you

    Are you suggesting that his strategy for a legal defense in court before a judge should be that the accusations against him are all lies?

    Or is that just your defense of him here in this forum, Bill?

  4. by HatetheSwamp on August 20, 2023 12:48 pm


    Not the point.

    The fact that Stalin might have accused a political rival of a thousand crimes doesn't make any of them true.

    This is about our constitutional republic being, uh, transitioned into a banana republic.

    Trump is despicable. The Swamp is a looooooooong chalk.

  5. by Ponderer on August 20, 2023 2:10 pm

    "The fact that Stalin might have accused a political rival of a thousand crimes doesn't make any of them true." -Hate

    Right. I know. Because your defense of Trump is all based on the felonies charged against him being lies. It's all fake.

    "This is about our constitutional republic being, uh, transitioned into a banana republic." -Hate

    Right. I know. Because your defense of Trump is all based on the felonies charged against him being lies. It's all fake.

    "Trump is despicable. The Swamp is a looooooooong chalk." -Hate

    Right. I know. Because your defense of Trump is all based on the felonies charged against him being lies. It's all fake.

    I know already. You don't have to drive your defense of Trump into the ground fer pete's sake.

  6. by oldedude on August 20, 2023 8:33 pm
    So you don't really have an answer. Got it. Like we talked about, that's all YOUR OPINION. Nothing more.

  7. by oldedude on August 21, 2023 5:40 am
    Back to the thread.

    I don't want this "slow walked." I want it looked at. In depth. Don't do the same BS the dims did. The "we'll start the process and will find something to charge him with." They need definitive LEGAL predicates before starting the actual impeachment. Something the dims must vote for to keep getting elected. They don't have to prove criminality at that time, but if they could, that would be great. If all they have is the same BS they did before, drop it. No political points, no gotcha's. NO "irrefutable evidence" that's BS and based on lies and illegal activity by DOJ. Stick to facts and not a kangaroo court. If they can prove it show it to the American public.

  8. by Ponderer on August 21, 2023 6:41 am

    "Don't do the same BS the dims did. The "we'll start the process and will find something to charge him with."" -olde dude

    Are we in Opposite Land or something? You are confusing the Democrats with Republicans quite entirely, od.

    Don't you remember me and others going on and on and on and on about how Donald Trump solicited a thing of value regarding and American election from a foreign national? We all read the transcript of that "Perfect" call with Zelensky. Many of us here were screaming bloody murder about how illegal a thing that was for him to do. And in fact it went on to be one of the main impeachable acts that he was impeached for.

    His crime was well established well before anything about impeachment even started. We were throwing the specific code he violated in your reality-ignoring faces before any impeachment investigations had even begun. It was 52 U.S. Code § 30121. The Democrats had all their ducks in a row about his impeachable crimes before they even started the proceedings.

    And then, on the other hand, we have the MAGA Republicans. They are the ones who are launching impeachment inquiries before they even know of any specific impeachable acts Biden may have committed! But they are sure that "There just has to be SOMETHING illegal that we can find he did that we can impeach him for!" And so far, alls they got is plenty o' nuthin.

    The difference between the two situations couldn't be more starkly antithetical in terms of their efficiency and lameness. It's been quite amusing watching the MAGA Republicans wallow in their current lameness. I tell ya, they have wallowing down to an art form.

    Starting out the day with your projection turned up to 11, eh?

  9. by oldedude on August 21, 2023 7:58 am
    jjpo- above... "Don't do the same BS the dims did. The "we'll start the process and will find something to charge him with."" -olde dude

    Are we in Opposite Land or something? You are confusing the Democrats with Republicans quite entirely, od.

    I would think so. I live in the real world. You're out in your limousine with your windows closed and your air conditioning on, saying "(I HATE TRUMP) oh, look at the little darkies! (I HATE TRUMP) Turn up the air conditioning (I HATE TRUMP)......"

    Don't you remember me and others going on and on and on and on about how Donald Trump solicited a thing of value regarding and American election from a foreign national? We all read the transcript of that "Perfect" call with Zelensky. Many of us here were screaming bloody murder about how illegal a thing that was for him to do. And in fact it went on to be one of the main impeachable acts that he was impeached for.

    I absolutely do. I also remember a couple of videos that pedojoe ADMITTED to threatening a foreign country with a thing of value in a blatant quid pro quo of using money that was guaranteed to Ukraine, and threatened them with it (illegal). So other than you "solicitation," what did you have?

    And then, on the other hand, we have the MAGA Republicans. They are the ones who are launching impeachment inquiries before they even know of any specific impeachable acts Biden may have committed! But they are sure that "There just has to be SOMETHING illegal that we can find he did that we can impeach him for!" And so far, alls they got is plenty o' nuthin.

    AND you, as usual are putting the cart before the horse. There are NO impeachment proceedings going on at this time to pedojoe. Please explain your irrational behind your doublespeak.

  10. by oldedude on August 21, 2023 8:25 am
    for jjpo and curt- What pedojoe did in threatening Ukrainian leaders to fire the investigator is a thing called "IMPOUNDMENT." In order to impound fundings must first get an agreement from the house to impound certain funds for up to a 45 day period. This must be done in a sequence, because Congress approves and distributes funds. If he doesn't get approval, it's illegal.

  11. by Ponderer on August 21, 2023 8:57 am

    "You're out in your limousine with your windows closed and your air conditioning on, saying "(I HATE TRUMP) oh, look at the little darkies! (I HATE TRUMP) Turn up the air conditioning (I HATE TRUMP)......"" -olde dude

    Huh. And yet I haven't been in a limousine since my high school senior prom. And what have you got against black people by calling them "darkies"? It looks like you have a few unresolved racial prejudices there od.

    "So other than you "solicitation," what did you have?" -olde dude

    You mean besides just charging him with the impeachable offense of solicitation...? Umm... how about the transcript of the call that documented his crime in all its glory? How about Trump himself declaring that the transcript documenting his crime was accurate (And "perfect")? And how about the many high ranking, irreproachable witnesses who were in on the call and testified under oath to him committing the crime he is on record having committed?

    There were actual impeachment hearings that you should have followed. It was all in there.

    "There are NO impeachment proceedings going on at this time to pedojoe. Please explain your irrational behind your doublespeak. " -olde dude


    It's real simple: I never said impeachment proceedings. I said impeachment inquiries.

    But I suppose you would have been in more agreement with me had I said that they are trying to launch impeachment inquiries. Admittedly, that would have been more accurate. So consider my statement as having been corrected. They will actually be launching impeachment hearings just as soon as they can find or cobble together from whatever they can pull out of their collective asses something impeachable that Biden did.

    You know, if you started posting some actual evidence against Biden, my whole demeanor could be swayed. I am not going to defend any illegal acts he might have committed if there is any proof of his guilt, like there is tons of in Trump's case. I've said many times that if Biden or his son have broken the law, they should be held to account for it.

    I have been so thoroughly positive that Trump committed crimes because of the mountains of blatant, undeniable evidence that he did.

    So it's just that as yet, you guys haven't presented a single thing that could even be considered circumstantial evidence of any crime that Biden might have committed. So don't blame me for that.

  12. by oldedude on August 21, 2023 10:28 am
    They're not even impeachment inquiries. We haven't gotten to that point yet.

    CNN- Speaker Kevin McCarthy has been insistent: House Republicans are still gathering evidence and have yet to decide whether to open up a formal impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden.

    “I didn’t say I was doing an impeachment inquiry,” McCarthy recently insisted to reporters.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on August 21, 2023 10:43 am

    Yeah, OD. po has become, essentially, incoherent lately. I love it when po posts...normally...but I think that, perhaps, Curt should give po a one week vacation.

    Take a few slow, deep breaths, po.

  14. by oldedude on August 21, 2023 10:55 am
    I dunno, it depends on the media source. The left has already taken the stance the investigation is winding down and the GOP has already started the process. That's not correct, but that's how some of the stations are handling it.

    Not that she (or anyone else needs it) I think there's room for a pass here just because this whole thing is confusing unless you know how it has to work and the speed the dims took, and this one is taking a long time. So to me, it wasn't a big deal. The big deal is the anger, thusly jjpo.

  15. by Ponderer on August 21, 2023 11:13 am

    Uh huh. 🙄

    You guys are adorable when you're cornered.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on August 21, 2023 11:18 am

    Try a little self-awareness, po. Juss a li'l.

  17. by Ponderer on August 21, 2023 11:30 am

    ...Absolutely adorable.

  18. by oldedude on August 21, 2023 11:34 am
    You guys are adorable when you're cornered.

    I'm not cornered. I could have gone in to a jjpodance and started with BITCHES!!! YOU'RE WRONG, JUST DEAD WRONG, FACE IT!!!!!! and gone on and on.

    Instead, I admitted that this is a really "messed" up thing to try and make sense of. So I guess I learned my lesson. Bless your heart.

  19. by Ponderer on August 21, 2023 2:47 pm

    You're welcome, olde dude. All is forgiven.

  20. by oldedude on August 21, 2023 2:56 pm
    No it isn't

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