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Horror selectors, pages, etc.
Trump's nightmare is about to happen in Georgia next week.
By Curt_Anderson
August 12, 2023 3:48 pm
Category: Horror

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Federal pardons issued by the president apply only to federal offenses; they do not apply to state offenses. So there is no obvious get out of jail cards for Trump, Giuliani and other gang members for these state level charges. Making matter worse, Trump's voice is on tape making another "perfect phone call".

First on CNN: Fulton County DA to present Trump election subversion case to grand jury early next week
Washington CNN--An Atlanta-area prosecutor has notified at least two witnesses to appear before a grand jury early next week, the most significant indication of her intention to seek indictments in the investigation of how Donald Trump and others tried to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia.

Former Georgia Lt. Gov Geoff Duncan, a Republican, said Saturday on CNN that he has been told to appear Tuesday before a Fulton County grand jury to testify about the efforts by Trump and his allies. Independent journalist George Chidi posted on social media later Saturday that he'd been told to appear before the grand jury on Tuesday, too.

The upcoming appearances signal that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is moving forward with a grand jury presentation where she’s expected to seek charges against more than a dozen people stemming from her investigation into the efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

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Comments on "Trump's nightmare is about to happen in Georgia next week.":

  1. by Curt_Anderson on August 12, 2023 4:22 pm
    In case anybody was wondering about Georgia law:

    Chapter 2 - Elections and Primaries Generally
    Article 15 - Miscellaneous Offenses
    § 21-2-604. Criminal solicitation to commit election fraud; penalties
    Universal Citation: GA Code § 21-2-604 (2016)
    (a) (1) A person commits the offense of criminal solicitation to commit election fraud in the first degree when, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a felony under this article, he or she solicits, requests, commands, importunes, or otherwise attempts to cause the other person to engage in such conduct.

    It matters how the subject/target perceived election fraud "request". Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger wrote in his book, "Integrity Counts", that Donald Trump was threatening him when he asked him to help "find" enough votes to overturn his loss in Georgia to Joe Biden. During the call, Trump falsely suggested that Raffensperger could have committed a criminal offense by refusing to overturn the state's election results.

    In his own social media platform, Trump is now trying to explain away his coercing of Raffensperger to "find" 11,780 votes as actually his effort to "challenge election fraud".

  2. by HatetheSwamp on August 13, 2023 4:02 am

    Trump is despicable...

    ...but, gang!

    Trump made that phone call on January 2, 021.

    It appears that this, as po'd really say, effinIndictment will come down around the the date of the first GOP Presidential debate in the 024 campaign.

    Can you woke, white, electric limousine lib lovin progressives understand that people are just a little suspicious about the weaponization of Dem Party controlled prosecutions?

    No one currently on SS disputes: Trump is despicable.

    But, gang, the Swamp is despicable-r.


    Just sayin.

    Baha baha bahahahahahahahahahaha baha baha!

  3. by islander on August 13, 2023 5:59 am

    In my opinion this is one of Teri Kanefield’s best !! For anyone who is confused or feels overwhelmed by all the nonstop so called ‘news‘ that seems so contradictory, complex, and difficult to tell what’s real news from what poses as news but in reality is just entertainment...News pundits telling people what they want to hear and /or stoking people's emotions 24 hours a day are what we call news and are overwhelmed today. I highly recommend sitting down when you have a few minutes, relax, and read what Teri has to say about all this, you’ll be glad you did and you’ll have a much better understanding of what is truly the most complex and the most important court case in our nation’s history...and it is about to start taking place now.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on August 13, 2023 6:05 am


    Do you, as po'd really say, effinEVER, use your brain to do anything but feed the preferences and prejudices you take with you every moment of your life?

    No bahahahahahahahahahaha.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on August 13, 2023 6:09 am

    Can anyone think of a similar instance of a single person indicted across multiple jurisdictions (New York, GA, South Florida, DC)? -Teri


    "The Swamp is despicable-r." ol pb

  6. by Curt_Anderson on August 13, 2023 7:04 am
    “Can anyone think of a similar instance of a single person indicted across multiple jurisdictions (New York, GA, South Florida, DC)? -Teri”. —-HtS

    Ted Bundy.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on August 13, 2023 7:17 am


    That puts OrangeMan in very rare company? Eh!!!!!?

    And, you claim TDS ain't real. Baha baha!

  8. by Curt_Anderson on August 13, 2023 7:25 am
    You seem to imply that there’s something nefarious about the time it took Fani Willis to get to the point of indicting. Maybe she was being overly cautious and took too much time. But this is a conspiracy case, and they are inherently complicated. Consider just one part of Donald Trump‘s attempted election fraud: the fake electors from Georgia. Were they willing participants in the election fraud scheme or were they duped? Willis need to decide who are witnesses and who are defendants.

  9. by HatetheSwamp on August 13, 2023 7:35 am

    Y'know, Curt. Back in the days when the ONE was bedazzling all the woke, white electric limousine lib lovin progressives, from time to time, I'd call you credulous. That was me being gracious.

  10. by Curt_Anderson on August 13, 2023 7:50 am
    If you think the timing in Georgia is suspicious, you must really be suspicious about the case is being built against Joe Biden. Donald Trump has been talking about the alleged crimes of Hunter Biden and Joe Biden regarding Burisma since the first “perfect phone call” that he made to President Zelenskyy. I he had Bill Barr appoint a special counsel to investigate. You probably agree that they’re dragging this out just to muddy the water during the time that Joe Biden is running for president.

    Or maybe it is that building a prosecution case takes a long time. And sometimes prosecution cases never get to the point of fruition, and are simply dropped for lack of evidence.

  11. by Ponderer on August 13, 2023 7:56 am

    "Can you woke, white, electric limousine lib lovin progressives understand that people are just a little suspicious about the weaponization of Dem Party controlled prosecutions?" -Hate

    Look Bill. Just because your cult leader chose to weaponize the justice department with the likes of Bill Barr and others who would do his unconstitutional bidding, that doesn't mean that all presidents do it. The last one who acted like Trump was Nixon. And he didn't get away with it either.

    Trump eventually uses people to do his dirty work. Up to a point. Until he wants them to do something that is too illegal and they either back down and invite his wrath, or do it to keep from having him as an enemy and even go to jail for him. How many years now have we been explaining to you what a manipulating career criminal he is? Why do you believe that your cult leader should get away with the laws he breaks?

    Can you brainwashed, despotic felon-lovin' sociopaths understand that people are just sick and tired of your party's propaganda spewing, undemocratic, psychotic projection of every sin they cavalierly commit onto everyone else? Bill, by defending him like you do, regardless of whatever heinous acts he perpetrates, you and your entire MAGA Republican party have become no less despicable than Trump is. And no one and no party can hold a candle to you in that.

    You have let Trump weaponize YOU! You stupid, gullible lemmings! You brain-dead sheep! He's weaponized your votes to keep him out of prison. He doesn't giveafuck about you beyond what your vote will save him from. Now it's people like you who are doing his bidding. You're defending him like millions of wilful human shields trying to keep him insulated from being held accountable for his vast cavalcade of crimes.

    You only say that the Democrats are worse because you have put yourself in the position of having to think that, no matter how asinine a thing it is to say. It keeps you from having to acknowledge just how despicable Trump and his MAGA Republican party really is if you can just blow it all off with a reflexive, robotic, "Well your side is worse!".

    Bill, could you please answer this question seriously? I know that your cult programming will not allow for you to agree that he's a criminal, but do you believe that in the face of all these indictments and hearings and trials that Trump has acted like an innocent man? Do you in all honesty see his desperate attempts to keep forestalling the inevitable justice he is facing as anything but the actions of a thoroughly guilty person?

  12. by islander on August 13, 2023 8:00 am


    Like Teri said, "Merrick Garland, through 2021 and 2022, continually said “We have to get this right.” That goes for us, too. We have to get this right. We have to help our friends, family, and neighbors understand what is happening."

    Teri's been doing a remarkable job of doing just that, helping our friends, family, and neighbors understand what is happening.

    The one thing Teri has stressed is the need for patience and she was right...

    "So about a year ago, I [Teri] wrote this:

    The “indict him right now!” chants are premised on a misunderstanding of what an indictment actually is. An indictment is a formal accusation. It is the start of a long, harrowing process. The judge will make rulings that you will disagree with. Court and juries don’t always get it right.

    You can expect Trump to use every step of the process as a platform to cast himself as the victim of a vindictive Biden administration and to use the media attention to spew lies about the election and perhaps even incite more violence. There may be moments when you find yourself cheering, but litigation is never fun and there will be grueling moments.

    Here is the thing about litigation: Both sides often end up feeling like they lost because, generally, neither side gets everything it wants.

    Now, here we are. Three criminal indictments have been filed against Trump and another is expected. We are in the pre-trial phase moving toward what is very likely the most important criminal trial in our nation’s history. Merrick Garland, through 2021 and 2022, continually said “We have to get this right.” That goes for us, too."

  13. by HatetheSwamp on August 13, 2023 8:13 am

    If you think the timing in Georgia is suspicious, you must really be suspicious about the case is being built against Joe Biden.

    Yikes, Curt!

    "Think, McFly!"

    pb's been posting repeatedly that Kevin McCarthy is slow walking the Biden Crime Family impeachment stuff so that it culminates during the 024 election. You keep claimin that the GOPs have come up with nuthin.

    And, pb's been saying that you should be patient because the GOPs have until the end of 024 and they're taking their time!

    Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh, man! Pay, as po'd really say, effinattention!

    Bingo, bubba.

    As Aretha sang, "You better think...FREEDOM!"

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  14. by HatetheSwamp on August 13, 2023 8:19 am

    Like Teri said, "Merrick Garland, through 2021 and 2022, continually said “We have to get this right.” That goes for us, too. We have to get this right. We have to help our friends, family, and neighbors understand what is happening."

    You're so cute, isle.

    Amazingly, all of these things worked out so that the trials'd be during the 024 presidential campaign. Right! All of em.

    Uh huh!

  15. by Indy! on August 14, 2023 1:08 am

    Georgia guv will pardon him. Cash is king.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on August 14, 2023 3:35 am

    All this brouhaha over another indictment? Our SS woke, white, electric limousine lib lovin progressives think that an, as po'd really say, effinIndictment by a whacked out progressive SwampDem prosecutor is a guilty verdict by a jury of Trump’s peers.

    It's unlikely that Trump will be convicted of this silliness in Georgia.

  17. by islander on August 14, 2023 6:31 am

    I think Hate hates us because we have limousines and he doesn't !!! 🤣

  18. by HatetheSwamp on August 14, 2023 6:36 am

    A Prius limo! Bahahahahahahahahahaha.

  19. by Ponderer on August 14, 2023 7:20 am

    Keep on defending him, Bill. You just pay nobody no never mind and keep on defending him...

  20. by HatetheSwamp on August 14, 2023 7:32 am

    Keeheeheeheeheeheeheehee, po, bah baha, keeheeheeheeheeheeheehee baha baha haha,ahhhhhhhhhhh.

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