What I love about Dershowitz is that he's pb with a brain.
Back in the day, he was as lib as ol pb and he's classic 60s lib to this day, even though the political left in 023 is about Trump hate and trans-philia.
Dersh actually says that what Garland's DOJ is doing, generally, and with the selection of Weiss, is worse than McCarthyism. Holy, as po'd really say, effinCow!
Just a quick note on pb's monitoring of right-wing media from noon on on Friday:
Garland appears to have sealed that deal.
Nearly all of the SwampRight interprets what Garland has done as a further politicization of the Biden Crime Family investigation...and, so, GOPs appear happy to follow along and make the whole thing pure politics. They are seriously pi$$ed!
IMO, Biden's lackey expected that he'd ameliorate GOP fury with this Weiss thing. If so, he's never been more wrong. As soon as Garland finished his announcement, Andy McCarthy, member of pb's Legal Advisory Council and legal goober was all over right-wing media splaining that this was a "whitewash" and a "scam." Later, see video, another of pb's legal goober, that Harvard lib moron Alan Dershowitz, went almost that far...
...in between, numerous influential CongressGOPs...INCLUDING MEMBERS OF THE, as po'd really say, effinSENATE, filled right-wing radio and TV pi$$in their paints on air!
FYI, pb is waiting to be informed here how America's leading legal scholar, Teri Kanefield, defends what "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap's" DOJ has done.
Bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh!