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GOP vote in Ohio fails. Another terrible Republican idea.
By Curt_Anderson
August 8, 2023 6:45 pm
Category: Politics

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CNN—Ohio voters rejected Tuesday an effort to raise the threshold to amend the state’s constitution ahead of a November referendum on whether to constitutionally guarantee abortion rights there, handing abortion rights advocates a critical victory.

Known as Issue 1, the measure would have changed Ohio’s referendum law – lifting the threshold to amend the state’s constitution from a simple majority to 60% of the vote.

Its passage would have effectively raised new obstacles to direct democracy, making it harder for citizens to bypass the Ohio legislature with referendums.

The measure was a GOP-led effort targeting an upcoming November referendum in which voters will decide whether to enshrine abortion rights in the state’s constitution.

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Comments on "GOP vote in Ohio fails. Another terrible Republican idea.":

  1. by Ponderer on August 8, 2023 7:12 pm

    Bravo, Ohio!

  2. by oldedude on August 8, 2023 7:37 pm
    Okay, if that's what they want to do, Good on them.

  3. by Indy! on August 8, 2023 8:09 pm

    They tried to kill ours one time - tried to sell it as a way to avoid crazy laws being passed. It overwhelmingly lost because everybody knows the crazy shit is passed by the legislators in Tallahassee. The regular people pass common sense stuff like automatically raising the minimum wage and giving the vote back to felons that were take away by... you guessed it... the legislators in Tallahassee.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on August 9, 2023 3:08 am

    Amending an, as po'd really say, effinConstitution by a simple majority, is foolish, IMO. Still, as far as the abortion issue is concerned, this is a loss on principle for woke white electric limousine lib lovin progressives. It eases the path for abortion to be "regulated by the people and their representatives."

  5. by oldedude on August 9, 2023 5:15 am
    I find it interesting the sheep are touting this, when it was the dims in the US Senate that changed their rules from simple majority to the now 2/3 rule. And the GOP warned them about it.

  6. by Ponderer on August 9, 2023 6:43 am

    The GOP wanted this because a super majority would make it more likely for them to win propositions that they want. It will take more sane, rational voters to stop their insane plots with a super majority.

    "It eases the path for abortion to be 'regulated by the people and their representatives.'" -hate

    A super majority would ease the path for the minority of MAGA Republican voters who want to take abortion rights away from women. A clear majority of voters do not want the government declaring what a woman can do with her body. With a super majority, a clear majority won't even be enough to enact the people's will.

    Valiant effort there though Bill.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on August 9, 2023 7:05 am

    A super majority would ease the path for the minority of MAGA Republican voters...



    Not so bahahahahahahahahahaha baha baha baha.

  8. by Curt_Anderson on August 9, 2023 8:17 am
    I find it interesting the sheep are touting this, when it was the dims in the US Senate that changed their rules from simple majority to the now 2/3 rule. And the GOP warned them about it.“. —OD

    On a superficial level, the 60 vote rule in the US Senate and the 60% proposal made by the Ohio Republicans might seem to be the same.

    I am a pluralist. That means I philosophically recognize and appreciate political diversity, which permits the peaceful coexistence of different interests, convictions, and lifestyles. Therefore, I believe it’s best when Congress passes bills that are bi partisan. In Congress that means that Republicans and Democrats have their say and offer amendments and craft a bill that is a compromise which may not be anybody’s perfect bill but is acceptable to most.

    That is entirely different for voters in Ohio or any other state. Every statewide proposition or initiative is simply an up or down, yes or no vote. Citizen voters don’t have the chance to make amendments.

    Incidentally, if you want to know whether you are a pluralist like me, or perhaps a populist or even a conspiracy theorist, try the selector at the link below.

  9. by islander on August 9, 2023 2:43 pm

    “Trump won 53% of vote in Ohio but GOP controls 67% of seats in state house & 79% in state senate That’s why defeat of Issue 1 such a big deal Voters can still use direct democracy to check power of ultra gerrymandered legislature & protect fundamental rights.” -Ari Berman

    Three cheers for Democracy !!! 🍻

  10. by oldedude on August 9, 2023 7:01 pm
    The GOP wanted this because a super majority would make it more likely for them to win propositions that they want. It will take more sane, rational voters to stop their insane plots with a super majority.

    The exact same reasoning the dims had when they did it.... read 'em and weep.

  11. by Ponderer on August 9, 2023 8:25 pm

    "The exact same reasoning the dims had when they did it...." -olde dude

    Well no. Not really.

    I can't think of any examples of the Democrats trying to push for a super majority to enact something that the majority of the people in each particular state didn't want.

    You see the big part of this is Republicans use this sort of "minority rule" stuff in the states because they and their policies are only approved of by a minority of Americans, making them the minority.

    Since actually altering their policies in any way to more closely align with what the majority of Americans need and want and not so much with the billionaire and industry class is a blasphemous thing to even suggest, their only option is to rig things so that they can win with their minority of voters by whatever means necessary.

  12. by Indy! on August 10, 2023 12:55 am

    Especially true of abortion. The numbers have barely moved at all since Roe. A clear majority believes in access to abortion.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on August 10, 2023 3:47 am

    Especially true of abortion. The numbers have barely moved at all since Roe. A clear majority believes in access to abortion.

    The number of GOPs who want to ban abortion is miniscule.

    What po and isle, especially, here, hated when the Dobbs decision was announced is that abortion will be "regulated by the people and their representatives."

    You weren't here when that all happened, but, at the time, it became obvious that many of our woke progressives wanted Big Brother to foist their ways on the nation. The notion that the US'd regulate abortion through the will of the people offended our woke gang.

    "Of the people, by the people and for the people," baby!

    Interestingly, even now that that's true, even the most rad GOP states have attempted to ban abortion.

  14. by islander on August 10, 2023 6:25 am

    Hate wrote: "What po and isle, especially, here, hated when the Dobbs decision was announced is that abortion will be "regulated by the people and their representatives."

    But that's not what the Dobbs decision did...Abortion will now be regulated by a small minority of the people...The Majority of the American people support RVW and are quite angry at the Dobbs decision. The reds were hoping to be able to use abortion as a political tool but now they are seeing what a horrific error they made.

    RVW let the decisions regarding abortion be made 'by the people'. Now a minority of the people can use the government to force their will on the majority.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on August 10, 2023 7:06 am

    But that's not what the Dobbs decision did...Abortion will now be regulated by a small minority of the people...The Majority of the American people support RVW and are quite angry at the Dobbs decision. The reds were hoping to be able to use abortion as a political tool but now they are seeing what a horrific error they made.


    I quoted, almost verbatim from the Dobbs decision. Literally, it said "...regulated by the people and their ELECTED representatives."

    Speaking for myself...and, I imagine, nearly all libertarian leaning people, the offensive part of Roe is that the federal government, i.e., Big Brother, through the Supreme Court, foisted a basic abortion regulation on the nation, taking away from "the people and their elected representatives" the right and obligation under the, as po'd really say, effinTenth Amendment, to do so.

    You are creating a false dichotomy on Dobbs versus Roe.

    I, among many on our side, would happily codify Roe...under the Dobbs's "the people and their elected representatives."

    Incidentally, that's not far from what we have here in Pennsylvania and it works well enough.

    Now, understand. I don't claim to be able to understand Court decisions as well as po does, but my sense of Dobbs is that a federal codification of Roe would be found unconstitutional by today’s Court.

    These days, the Tenth Amendment matters.

  16. by Ponderer on August 10, 2023 7:38 am

    "What po and isle, especially, here, hated when the Dobbs decision was announced is that abortion will be "regulated by the people and their representatives." -Hate

    Well, it'll certainly be regulated by people's representatives, but not necessarily how the people they are representing want it to be. In the vast majority of states, the majority of people believe that abortion should be legal in all or most states.

    Your statement, "regulated by the people and their representatives" sounded so noble and democratic, Bill. But that's not how the MAGA Republican party rolls by a long shot.

    If a state where a majority wants to keep abortion legal has a MAGA Republican representative, they have no guarantee whatsoever that their MAGA Republican representative won't just wipe their ass with what the majority of their constituents want and vote against their wishes in an effort to fulfill the MAGA Republican Agenda of doing away with abortion altogether.

    In American politics today, the only thing that Republicans apparently find useful about democracy is as a costume to wear, like a disguise, while they unconstitutionally fuckover their constituents.

  17. by Ponderer on August 10, 2023 7:40 am

    "'Of the people, by the people and for the people,' baby!" -Hate

    ...As long as the people want the same thing that their MAGA Republican representatives want.

    You wear the costume well, Bill. But... your zipper is down.

  18. by oldedude on August 10, 2023 7:44 am
    If a state where a majority wants to keep abortion legal has a MAGA Republican representative, they have no guarantee whatsoever that their MAGA Republican representative won't just wipe their ass with what the majority of their constituents want and vote against their wishes in an effort to fulfill the MAGA Republican Agenda of doing away with abortion altogether.

    True statement, and there is always recourse. Vote them out. In a Republic, politicians are doing surveys all the time, or listening to others. They do this to be re-elected. It's when they're a lame duck they'll do anything they want.

  19. by HatetheSwamp on August 10, 2023 8:03 am

    But that's not how the MAGA Republican party rolls by a long shot.

    If a state where a majority wants to keep abortion legal has a MAGA Republican representative, they have no guarantee whatsoever that their MAGA Republican representative won't just wipe their ass with what the majority of their constituents want and vote against their wishes in an effort to fulfill the MAGA Republican Agenda of doing away with abortion altogether.



  20. by Ponderer on August 10, 2023 8:08 am


    I HAVE TDS!"


    "Well you got me there. I am left with no intelligent way of refuting what you say."

  21. by HatetheSwamp on August 10, 2023 8:10 am

    ...there is always recourse. Vote them out. In a Republic, politicians are doing surveys all the time, or listening to others. They do this to be re-elected. It's when they're a lame duck they'll do anything they want.

    Bang on.

    This is a Swamp issue...and most of our woke, white electric limousine lib lovin progressives here are integral to the continuation of the problem.

    Progressives of the Swamp use the abortion issue to raise money. po loves that...based on that last post. SwampGOPs do it too.

    I HatetheSwamp!

  22. by Ponderer on August 10, 2023 8:15 am

    "True statement, and there is always recourse. Vote them out." -olde dude

    Thanks for acknowledging the reality that Hate won't touch with a ten foot pole.

    Yes, in many cases it's possible to vote out MAGA Republicans. But in some it isn't an option, given the way they control the voting in their states. What with all the voter disenfranchisement and gerrymandering and poll manipulation and such.

    Again, the real threat to American democracy is that the more of a minority that the MAGA Republicans become, the dirtier they will fight to maintain control. Even at the very cost of American democracy itself.

  23. by Ponderer on August 10, 2023 8:17 am

    "...there is always recourse. Vote them out. In a Republic, politicians are doing surveys all the time, or listening to others. They do this to be re-elected. It's when they're a lame duck they'll do anything they want." -Hate, quoting olde dude

    "True statement, and there is always recourse. Vote them out. In a Republic, politicians are doing surveys all the time, or listening to others. They do this to be re-elected. It's when they're a lame duck they'll do anything they want." -what olde dude actually said.

    You missed a little part of that quote, Bill. I fixed it for you. You're welcome.

  24. by Curt_Anderson on August 10, 2023 9:54 am
    "Speaking for myself...and, I imagine, nearly all libertarian leaning people, the offensive part of Roe is that the federal government, i.e., Big Brother, through the Supreme Court, foisted a basic abortion regulation on the nation, taking away from "the people and their elected representatives" the right and obligation under the, as po'd really say, effinTenth Amendment, to do so." ---HtS

    You are 180 degrees wrong. The Roe v. Wade decision reduced government abortion regulations and permitted individual choice with some limitations. Dodd is the decision that foisted increased government regulation onto women and their doctors. That is why real libertarians oppose federal, state and local laws that would take away a women's right to choose.

    Libertarians: Abortion is a matter for individual conscience, not public decree
    “The Libertarian Party calls for an end to government persecution and prosecution of the women who choose abortions and of the medical personnel who assist them,” said Libertarian National Committee Chair Nicholas Sarwark.

    Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) A person may choose to have an abortion until a fetus becomes viable, based on the right to privacy contained in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Viability means the ability to live outside the womb, which usually happens between 24 and 28 weeks after conception.

  25. by Indy! on August 10, 2023 5:52 pm

    Doesn't really matter either way because the Democrats are going to reinstate Roe. It's on their agenda directly after hell freezes over.
    BWAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA oh lordy... lordy GOOD LORD haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA teehee woo-hoo laaaawdy... HAHA ha-haa bwaaah-ha-ha gracious haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA! hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA help me Jesus! Gracious my ha-ha-ha BWAAAH-haha HAAAAAA hah-ha oh-ho help me, help me haha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! No please not again... WAHHH-hahaha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo haha-HAHA! Bwaaaha HAHAHA bwaa-ha-ha haha HAhahaHAHA hahaha woo-hoo HA HAHA hahahaaaah! GOOD LORD Jesus, help me haha HAHAHAHAHA woo-hoo laaaawdy... Oh that's rich... tell me another one...

  26. by oldedude on August 10, 2023 8:03 pm
    You missed a little part of that quote, Bill. I fixed it for you. You're welcome.

    That is the exception, not the rule. Lead and I agreed on this. Many local governments don't have term limitations.

  27. by Ponderer on August 11, 2023 6:32 am

    "That is the exception, not the rule. Lead and I agreed on this." -olde dude

    So when you said "true statement", you meant that it was sorta true and sorta not true...? Depending on who you are talking to...?

  28. by Donna on August 11, 2023 8:36 am

    Confession: I was even duped by the WMD claim, not regarding Iraq's alleged nuclear program; I had read enough to know that it was scrapped in the early 90s - but by the claim about Iraq's chemical weapons. I had read that they were Saddam's favorite weapons, which he used extensively in the Iraq-Iran War, and I feared that he would use them our soldiers.

    But inexplicably, he didn't use them. Later I read the probable reason why, which was the info Ponderer posted.

  29. by Donna on August 11, 2023 8:37 am

    Oops, wrong topic.

  30. by oldedude on August 11, 2023 7:13 pm
    The rumour was that he knew that if he hit iran, the chinese would kill him. If he used them against the US, they would hang him (ok, so they did). my point is they were left for a "hold." They could change the canisters for others in other systems. That was easy. Sarin is easy to make, which is VERY unfortunate. It's a horrible chemical. Generally, you break your back (and feel it) while your dying). Nothing like trichothecene, but still horrible.

    Oh. Donna. Thanks. It's been a pleasure just talking to you.

    Oh. This is another part of the puzzle. "That ‘Baby Formula’ Factory--U.S. Calls It Chemical Arms Site: Television: Peter Arnett describes visit to destroyed facility. Military authorities dispute his account."

    “Apparently this facility, by what we’ve just learned, has military guards around it, a barbed-wire fence,” Lt. Col. Mike Gallagher said. “It has a military garrison outside, and numerous sources have indicated that the facility is associated with biological warfare production.”

    Not many remember the picture, but in handwritten (Arabic to "english"), said "baby food factory. Yet another lie. A couple of thousand sheep just "died" according to people that weren't in the "cone." (the cone is where the dispersal of a chemical agent will go depending on winds at the time). it was supposed to be biological, but if it was, it didn't spread, which is weird for biologicals. I did kill a bunch of sheep, but we never heard if any humans were affected. I'll leave that up to you. I dunno.

  31. by Indy! on August 12, 2023 12:58 am

    Donna, no offense - but you really need to apply that same lesson you learned during the Iraq war to Ukraine. Every war is a lie.

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