by HatetheSwamp on August 6, 2023 1:27 pm
I think, practically speaking, that's how it's going to work out. The GOP majority is so slim that McCarthy will need the whole GOP conference even to hold an impeachment inquiry.
Still, IMO, the GOPs already have more on Biden than the Dems had on Trump in either impeachment. And?, tit for tat? Many of us said that if the Dems went ahead with the Trump impeachments that they'd change our government forever.
You can't unring an, as po'd say, effin bell.
My US Representative is a GOP. If, based on what's already known, he votes for an impeachment inquiry, I'd feel as if he was representing his district faithfully.
Again, IMO only. I have no doubt that, next time there's a GOP president and a Dem House, the Dems will be as irresponsible as they were with Trump. The bell's been rung...even if this House GOP majority chooses to be responsible.