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The lies the haters believe about Trump and MAGAs
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With this Gaza cease fire, Trump's presidency is already more consequential than the Former Trucker's
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President selectors, pages, etc.
Biden Impeachment 101. Intro to Biden impeachment. Jim Jordan
By HatetheSwamp
August 5, 2023 4:16 am
Category: President

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So, gang, Jack Smith swiped the news cycles for the Dems in the aftermath of the Devon Archer testimony. Good for him. Good for them.

Still, the GOPs got what they needed and wanted out of Archer, i.e., eyewitness testimony to the truth that the Doddering Old Fool's been lying about knowing nuthin about Hunter’s foreign business partners.

(If you watched Tucker's interview, you know that Tucker showed the camera that there's also documentary evidence that Joe lied.)

Here's a brief interview of Jim Jordan, who's on the Judiciary and Oversight Committees, about where the HouseGOPs are on the road to impeachment.

My sense continues to be that the GOPs are moving much more slowly than they need to. Why? I can only guess they want to be crossing the finish line in the first half of 024. Imagine the Trump trials and Biden Impeachment proceedings in the House and Senate going on contemporaneously.

Yeeeeeeeeeeee Ha!

Anyway, Maria Bartiromo is a good interviewer. If you want a brief summary of where the Biden stuff is going...

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Comments on "Biden Impeachment 101. Intro to Biden impeachment. Jim Jordan ":

  1. by Curt_Anderson on August 5, 2023 7:55 am
    I’ve told you repeatedly that you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. The Republicans have over-promised people like you and woefully under delivered. Read the transcript of the highly touted Republican House committee hearings at the link below. Here is the key portion of Devon Archer’s testimony. I challenge you find and quote anything in the transcript of his testimony that even hints at in impeachable offense by Joe Biden.

    Q: Are you aware of any wrongdoing by Vice President Biden?

    A: No, I’m not aware of any.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on August 5, 2023 8:10 am

    What have the GOPs real life...that has gone undelivered so far.

    As far as I can tell, they've hit the bullseye 🎯 with every arrow they've fired.

    Your Good German sensibilities must be truly offended as they amble along at this snail's pace. Eh!!!!!?

    Planning to cross the finish line, when Super Tuesday? During the Dem nominating convention?

  3. by Curt_Anderson on August 5, 2023 9:18 am
    In the past month, it was the highly hyped whistleblowers, followed by Devon Archer. Nothing burgers.

    The Republicans are trying to make a big deal that Joe Biden had said he didn’t know anything about Hunter Biden’s business. They are claiming Joe Biden “lied”. Knowing that somebody has a business or works for a business, doesn’t mean, they know anything about the deals and finances of that business. I know that my son is a police officer. We have met many of his police colleagues and had them at our house for dinners and barbecues. But I cannot give you a single name of a person who he has arrested or for what crimes.

    Archer in the transcript that I linked to debunked an anonymous, unverified allegation that Republicans have trumpeted for months that Joe Biden, while vice president, and Hunter Biden each accepted a $5 million bribe from an official with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

    Archer, who sat on the Burisma board along with Hunter Biden and handled his payments from the company, told lawmakers that he had never heard of any such transaction, and said the claims were most likely false boasting.

    Archer also undercut another Republican argument that the elder Joe Biden had pressured Ukrainian officials in 2016 to fire Viktor Shokin, the former prosecutor general of Ukraine, because he was investigating the company.

    On the contrary, Archer said, he heard from associates in D.C., that Burisma had Shokin “under control” and that his replacement could be more damaging to the company.

    Even if the worst about Joe Biden could be proven, I doubt it would be in impeachable offense. None of this stuff with Burisma happened while Joe Biden was president. No American office holder has been impeached for a high crime or misdemeanor committed prior to their being in office.

  4. by Ponderer on August 5, 2023 9:23 am

    But.... But Curt...! They've just gotta impeach him for something!


  5. by HatetheSwamp on August 5, 2023 9:29 am

    Archer in the transcript that I linked to debunked an anonymous, unverified allegation that Republicans have trumpeted for months that Joe Biden, while vice president, and Hunter Biden each accepted a $5 million bribe from an official with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.


    How could he possibly do that!!!!?


    Back in the days of The ONE...before your Biden Good Germaning, pb described you are credulous regarding O. You're being credulous again.

    It's so cuuuuuuuute!

  6. by Donna on August 5, 2023 9:31 am

    Their "case" against President Biden was orchestrated primarily as a distraction from their party leader's legal problems and for fundraising.

  7. by Curt_Anderson on August 5, 2023 10:15 am
    The funny thing is that Republicans think Trump’s indictments are orchestrated primarily as a distraction from their mudslinging at Joe Biden and his son Hunter

  8. by Curt_Anderson on August 5, 2023 10:29 am
    Archer was the Republicans’ much ballyhooed “star” witness. Read the transcript. He didn’t support any of the claims that the Republicans have promoted. If the witness you put on the stand doesn’t confirm the allegations you’re making and says the opposite that is debunking. He dismissed the unsubstantiated 1023 form report. Archer called the alleged $5 million false bragging which he said is common by Ukrainian business people. He refuted the GOP claim that Burisma was afraid or bothered by Viktor Shokin and wanted him gone.

  9. by Donna on August 5, 2023 10:35 am

    Thanks for the update Curt. That explains the virtual silence here.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on August 5, 2023 10:37 am

    Archer was the Republicans’ much ballyhooed “star” witness. Read the transcript. He didn’t support any of the claims that the Republicans have promoted.


    The GOPs called Archer to provide eyewitness testimony to the fact that "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" lied about not knowing Hunter's business associates...

    ...which he did.

  11. by Ponderer on August 5, 2023 11:04 am

    It's too bad that you refuse to read transcripts, Bill. You could confirm for yourself how wrong you are.

  12. by Indy! on August 5, 2023 11:31 am

    Just out of curiosity, I asked one of my clients about the Biden impeachment effort. A little background - he's a dyed-in-the-wool D, he's been the D precinct captain in the past and is very involved in volunteering for the party to work polls, knock on doors, get out the vote, sign up new voters, yada... yada... for 40+ years. He got us VIP passes to an Obama speech back in 2008 when he was packing arenas just by picking up the phone. I make fun of him all the time for being such a believer in the party. Okay - got all that? So I asked him what he thought of the impeachment and his answer was "Huh? The Trump impeachment?" And I said "No, the effort by the Rs to impeach Joe Biden." Him: "The Rs are trying to impeach Biden?"

    So there you go, peebs. In the real world? The people who are tuned into politics on an everyday basis - have no idea the Rs are even trying to impeach Biden. This whole thing is a false construct of Fox and the wingnuts in CONgress who don't want to do any real work.

  13. by Curt_Anderson on August 5, 2023 11:32 am
    HtS is afraid to read the transcript because it does not support any of his Republican fed misconceptions. I already challenged him to find anything in the transcript that even hints at an impeachable offense. Each page is numbered in the upper right hand corner. Every line is numbered. If there was anything in there that incriminates Joe Biden HtS would certainly quote and cite it if he could, but we all know, including him, that he can’t.

    Instead, he cites Fox News pundits and Joe Rogan.

  14. by Ponderer on August 5, 2023 1:40 pm

    Curt, I think what it all boils down to is people like Hate and olde dude already know how guilty Trump is. At the very least subconsciously. But like the rest of the MAGA Republican party, they have to totally ignore and never look at any of the facts of the cases, because they already know what was actually said and done in those hearings, indictments and arraignments does nothing to support any of their claims about any of it at all. Reading the transcripts would only make it harder for them to deny it all. They are more willing to wait until they hear someone on one of their accepted propaganda sites tell them what they want to hear so that it adds weight to what they want to believe.

    It's like if pb took a test that he knows full well he did prettyshitty on, and rather than look at the score he got, he's just going to ignore the grade written on it and assert to everyone that he aced it. A 100% perfect grade is what he tells everyone he got. And even if someone else looks at the corrected test itself and tells him he got a failing grade on it and tries to show it to him, he'll squirm out of it by declaring that that person is totally lying... that they hold a forged test... the teacher hates him and altered it... or any manner of blithering nonsense to avoid confronting the truth. Even when that person has the proof in their hands that he refuses to look at.

    As long as he doesn't see and accept any evidence that he will accept proving that he failed, he feels free to believe he got the perfect grade he wanted.

  15. by Ponderer on August 5, 2023 2:06 pm

    I love when the perfect quote comes up in my FB newsfeed at just the right time...

  16. by HatetheSwamp on August 6, 2023 2:55 am

    So, gang, are you unaware that nearly everyone in the GOP House effin MAJORITY is already in favor of beginning an impeachment, as po'd say, effin INQUIRY?

    That's just, very simply, fact. It's also true that Fox and Newsmax and conservative podcasts...

    ...oh, and, surprisingly, freaking CBS occasionally, is reporting it.

    But, and this has been pb's case all along,...


    It doesn't matter how convinced woke, white limousine lib progressives are convinced that there's evidence.

    If GOPs in the House think that there's reason to hold an impeachment inquiry, there'll be one. Baha baha baha.

    Devon Archer gave eyewitness testimony, under oath, that "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" lied repeatedly about his knowledge of Hunter’s business dealings.

    My sense, from monitoring right-wing media, is that most of the HouseGOPs who were on the fence about an impeachment inquiry were convinced by Archer's testimony.

    Joe lied...about the very issue that is at the core of rumors about his corruption. That's now established. Reasonable people are asking why he lied.

  17. by Curt_Anderson on August 6, 2023 4:53 am
    Do you realize how ridiculous, not to mention hypocritical, Republicans will look if they try to impeach Joe Biden for allegedly lying? These same Republicans are supporting Donald Trump, the great prevaricator, who will be using as his defense that lying is constitutionally protected.

  18. by HatetheSwamp on August 6, 2023 5:13 am

    Oy, Curt. If, after the impeachment inquiry, all they have is that one lie, of course they won't impeach...

    But, bruh, we already know that they have more than that...much more. Tony Bobulinski, baby!

    The GOPs are building their case. They haven't even gotten to that whole Bobulinski thing.

    Rob Walker.

    FBI whistle-blowers.

    It must be killing you that the GOPs are moving forward so slowly...especially when you are getting all your info from the left-wing SwampMedia.

    Far as I can tell, GOPs know this Congress ends in December 024 and Kevin McCarthy may be finishing this up very close to the last last day. And, all you can do is watch. Baha baha.

  19. by Curt_Anderson on August 6, 2023 5:32 am
    This Hill article spells out the prospects and risks of impeaching Biden.

  20. by HatetheSwamp on August 6, 2023 6:11 am

    Good'nuff, Curt.

    From the article:

    "Douglas E. Schoen is a political consultant who served as an adviser to former President Clinton and to the 2020 presidential campaign of Michael Bloomberg. His new book is: “The End of Democracy? Russia and China on the Rise and America in Retreat.”"

    So, yeah. Trump, whom you claim lost in 020, got a bump in the polls as a result of the first impeachment.

    So, are you now saying that it's likely that "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" can be impeached...but you're holding on to hope that impeachment will be a political loser for the GOPs?

  21. by Curt_Anderson on August 6, 2023 7:42 am
    I have no doubt that it will be a political loser for the GOP.

    The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 38% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Congress should begin impeachment proceedings against Biden. That’s slightly down from 42% in May. Forty-seven percent (47%) now oppose impeachment, while another 14% are undecided.

  22. by Ponderer on August 6, 2023 8:03 am

    Curt, it sounds like people are getting wise to the MAGA Republicans act. It's sinking in just how totally the whole Hunter's Laptop nonsense wallows in lameness.

  23. by HatetheSwamp on August 6, 2023 8:13 am

    The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 38% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Congress should begin impeachment proceedings against Biden.

    "A new CNN poll revealed that the majority of Americans say they trust Republicans in Congress (54%) over President Biden (only 45%) to deal with the major issues facing the country today."

  24. by HatetheSwamp on August 6, 2023 8:15 am

    Curt, it sounds like people are getting wise to the MAGA Republicans act. It's sinking in just how totally the whole Hunter's Laptop nonsense wallows in lameness.

    As pb cited:

    "A new CNN poll revealed that the majority of Americans say they trust Republicans in Congress (54%) over President Biden (only 45%) to deal with the major issues facing the country today."


  25. by Curt_Anderson on August 6, 2023 8:21 am
    Good! It sounds as if the Republican are eager to squander the slight polling edge they currently hold on major issues, which are economic issues. Suffice to say pursuing impeachment is not a high priority issue with the American public.

  26. by Ponderer on August 6, 2023 8:30 am

    "Baha!" -Hate

    I was speaking specifically about the MAGA Republican "Impeach Joe Biden" bullshit.

    But don't worry. There's lots of innings left before the bottom of the ninth. And given the MAGA Republicans' penchant for making astoundingly bad errors, the game may not turn out the way you hope it will.

  27. by HatetheSwamp on August 6, 2023 9:21 am

    I think the GOPs are doing this...if they do it...because it's the right thing, not because it's politically expedient.

  28. by Ponderer on August 6, 2023 10:40 am

    "I think the GOPs are doing this...if they do it...because it's the right thing, not because it's politically expedient." -Hate

    Oh yes. They are so well known for doing that. They are all defending and excusing a soon to be multiple count convicted felon because it's "the right thing" and has nothing at all to do with how effortlessly as well as politically expedient it is. Oh my yes.

  29. by oldedude on August 6, 2023 11:45 am
    Lead, My view is they MUST have evidence they can give to a grand jury, or an AUSA somewhere. If it's short of that, it's just another tit for tat. Then the saga would just continue to the next round.

  30. by HatetheSwamp on August 6, 2023 1:27 pm


    I think, practically speaking, that's how it's going to work out. The GOP majority is so slim that McCarthy will need the whole GOP conference even to hold an impeachment inquiry.

    Still, IMO, the GOPs already have more on Biden than the Dems had on Trump in either impeachment. And?, tit for tat? Many of us said that if the Dems went ahead with the Trump impeachments that they'd change our government forever.

    You can't unring an, as po'd say, effin bell.

    My US Representative is a GOP. If, based on what's already known, he votes for an impeachment inquiry, I'd feel as if he was representing his district faithfully.

    Again, IMO only. I have no doubt that, next time there's a GOP president and a Dem House, the Dems will be as irresponsible as they were with Trump. The bell's been rung...even if this House GOP majority chooses to be responsible.

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