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President selectors, pages, etc.
House Republicans line up behind McCarthy on the Biden impeachment seesaw
By HatetheSwamp
July 27, 2023 3:43 am
Category: President

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I googled that headline to see who's saying what about the increasing likelihood of Biden impeachment hearings.

What I found interests ol pb more than what the DC SwampMedia is reporting about the impeachment of the Doddering Old Fool. I found about a half dozen similar headlines...effin all of them from leftie sources.

The slant of this POLITICO article is typical:

McCarthy must placate his hard-right critics — whose support he’ll need in this week’s high-stakes spending votes — without alienating his most skittish members who face reelection on turf that Biden won. Some House Republicans are left to privately wonder how long the speaker can keep up that balancing act, though he seems to have mollified both sides for now.

...Republicans have not yet found a smoking gun linking the president to his son’s business arrangements or that Joe Biden accepted a bribe, while both Attorney General Merrick Garland and U.S. Attorney David Weiss have denied the whistleblower allegations.

The intra-GOP tension comes as Democrats vow to hammer Republicans for being overzealous in targeting Biden as the 2024 campaign ramps up. At the heart of Democrats’ pushback is a charge that impeaching Biden on thin grounds would amount to political retribution after the two impeachments of former President Donald Trump — which many Republicans view as unfair.



Biden administration corruption may very well hurt GOPs in the next election.

Keeheeheeheeheehee hoohoohoohoohoohoohoo heeheeheeheeheeheehee hahahahahahahahaha baha baha, ahhhhhhhhhhh!

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Comments on "House Republicans line up behind McCarthy on the Biden impeachment seesaw":

  1. by Ponderer on July 27, 2023 6:25 am

    I'm curious, Bill. What part of the article that you posted do you think is so laughable? Where is the "slant" supposed to be?

    It quite accurately nailed the situation McCarthy finds himself in. The Republicans haven't found any smoking guns to go after Biden for. And the Democrats probably will hammer the GOP for over their zealously flailing around as they try to impeach Biden for whatever they thought they could find.

    Is it that you feel that the article overstates the truth...? Is that the "slant" you are talking about?

    You MAGA Republicans are such whining crybabies. Your orange guy committed so many impeachable offenses that it was difficult for the Democrats to triage which ones to actually impeach him for. So out of an autonomic reflex, you whining crybabies are frantically and haphazardly going about trying to impeach Biden... even before you've come up with anything to legitimately impeach him for!

    Such pathetic, slobbering, whining cry babies you are.

    You know how when a little child, maybe three years old, is crying their head off about something and they're trying to talk at the same time, and you can't even make out any words they are trying to say? And all you hear is "Wa WAAHHH Wa WAAAAHHHH wa wa WAAAHHHHH WAH WAH Wa wa wawa WAH wawa WAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" as they gesticulate wildly and stomp their feet?

    That's all you MAGA Republicans right now. And you've been at it non-stop for a couple years already. It's not very becoming of supposed adults you know. No wonder we can never find a baby sitter.

    I totally predicted that the GOP would pull this infantile tit-for-tat bullshit. It was as predictable as dawn tomorrow. Because you are such whining, infantile, butt-hurt crybabies and your schoolyard immaturity knows no bounds.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on July 27, 2023 7:49 am

    I'm curious, Bill. What part of the article that you posted do you think is so laughable? Where is the "slant" supposed to be?

    pb's a big fan of irony. Irony busts pb's gut.

    I can't help but laugh at the powerlessness of you woke, white, limousine liberal progressives as the duly elected members of the House investigate the corruption of the Biden Crime Family and make preparations to hold impeachment hearings.

    In the Trump days, we watched the way you Dems, so earnestly, plotted impeachment. Our take was that, well, Trump is despicable, but that phone call ain't a justifiable basis for impeachment...

    ...then we'd, sincerely, baha baha baha.

    I'm looking back, seeing the irony. Laughing... AT Y'ALL.

    It quite accurately nailed the situation McCarthy finds himself in. The Republicans haven't found any smoking guns to go after Biden for.

    They already have more than Dems had with the phone call. Baha baha.

    And, if they pull the trigger, there ain't nuthin you can do.

    And while,...

    ...we can bahahahahahahahahahaha baha.

    You, as you'd say, EFFIN can't. It's not within you.

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha baha baha baha, ahhhhhhhhhhh.

  3. by Ponderer on July 27, 2023 8:12 am

    "Our take was that, well, Trump is despicable, but that phone call ain't a justifiable basis for impeachment..." -Hate

    It's not our fault that that recording of Trump caught red-handed in the act of breaking a very specific law was not enough for you to admit that he was caught red-handed breaking that very specific law. On that call he blatantly and unashamedly solicited a thing of value from a foreign national in regards to an upcoming U.S. election. That was Trump breaking the law. You heard him do it on the phone with Zelenskii.

    So what you are lameley trying to assert is that breaking that law wasn't an impeachable offense.

    It's pretty much like the "perfect" calls he made to Georgia, where he was also recorded breaking a very specific law. Only this time, he's not going to get impeached for it. He's going to get an orange jump suit with a number on it.

    Trump totally tipped his hand when he declared that the calls were "perfect". Perfect how Donny? Perfect, in that you erroneously believed that you didn't say anything in them that you could get indicted for...? Yeah well the legal advice you got was forshit.

    This is a great example of you supporting Trump, Bill. Your Golden God blatantly and unarguably broke the law, and here you are flat-out defending him for doing it.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on July 27, 2023 8:45 am

    It's not our fault that that recording of Trump caught red-handed in the act of breaking a very specific law was not enough for you to admit that he was caught red-handed breaking that very specific law.

    When will you ever learn, po, that all of us bring our preferences and prejudices to every moment of our lives, but that you are in the top one percentile of those who it without self-awareness or shame.

    This is a great example of you supporting Trump, Bill. Your Golden God blatantly and unarguably broke the law, and here you are flat-out defending him for doing it.

    What it is is an example of how my SS moniker, HatetheSwamp, fits better than OJ's glove. Bahahahahahahahahahaha baha baha, ahhhhhhhhhhh

  5. by Ponderer on July 27, 2023 9:35 am

    "When will you ever learn, po, that all of us bring our preferences and prejudices to every moment of our lives," -Hate

    And THAT is why we have laws, you imbecile. So that people whose preferences and prejudices that make them think they are above the law are not free to commit crimes because they think they aren't crimes.

    ZELENSKY: I would also like to thank you for your great support in the area of defense. We. are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. Specifically, we are almost. ready to buy more Javelins from the United· States for defense purposes.

    TRUMP: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike ... I guess you have one of your weal thy people. ... The server, they say Ukraine has it.

    He was blatantly soliciting... a thing of value to him... from a foreign national... regarding an upcoming U.S. election... AND THAT IS A VIOLATION OF THE LAW.

    Don't believe me? Here's what the law condemning Trump's action says.... (I highlighted the relevant portions for you)

    52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

    (a) Prohibition
    It shall be unlawful for—
    (1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—
    (A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;
    (B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or
    (C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
    (2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

    You may notice that all this time I have been using the actual words from the actual law that condemns your Golden God.

    And he not only solicited a thing of value from a foreign national in connection with a federal election, he essentially threatened Zelenskyy by tying him getting the military aid he was promised to him doing this "favor" for Trump. That's a different law that he broke.

    But hey Bill. You just go on ahead and keep defending Trump for this crime that he committed, like the mindless cult follower that you are, by laughably denying he broke this law that he so blatantly broke.

    It's tremendously plain that your defense of Trump is eternal and unerring.

    It's really quite puzzling to the rest of us why you defend him like you do and then deny doing what we just watched you do.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on July 27, 2023 9:47 am

    52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

    (a) Prohibition
    It shall be unlawful for—
    (1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—
    (A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;
    (B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or
    (C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
    (2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.


    If even one tenth of what's in that FD-1023 is true, Joe's not only impeached?, he's in solitary. Eh?

  7. by HatetheSwamp on July 27, 2023 10:54 am

    Sorry to assume, po. Has "Rachel" even reported on the FD-1023!!!!!?

  8. by oldedude on July 27, 2023 11:53 am
    Po- Are those charges that are coming up? I haven't heard of trumpster being charged with that. I would think that IF all you said was true, there would be charges already in the works. I will admit that I'm not really up on all the trumpster trials, so I just may have missed it. In which case, fair enough.

  9. by Ponderer on July 27, 2023 12:08 pm

    "If even one tenth of what's in that FD-1023 is true, Joe's not only impeached?, he's in solitary. Eh?" -Hate

    I'll admit that if whatever you want that FD-1023 to mean is what it actually means, he's in trouble.

    Fortunately, on its face, this FD-1023 doesn't mean anything like what you want it to mean.

    I read the only two pages of that FD-1023 that were apparently leaked, page 2 of 4 and page 3 of 4. I'll read the other two if you know how to get to them.

    But from everything I read, it's nothing but second hand hearsay. There are no actual facts in there that have been verified. There's certainly no smoking gun at all in there. Not even a gun. Just an anonymous recollection by someone named Confidential Human Source about him and some other sleazebag talking about a gun.

    Say, Bill... Is this "CHS" refered to in the FD-1023 the same guy as the Chinese spy, fake "whistle blower" who left the GOP at the altar holding their dicks in their hands when it came time for him to testify at the Republican "Weaponized Malarkey" Hearings...?

    Yeah. I'm pretty sure that expurgated FD-1023 doesn't even mean 1% of what you want it to mean.

  10. by Ponderer on July 27, 2023 12:12 pm

    "Po- Are those charges that are coming up? I haven't heard of trumpster being charged with that." -olde dude

    That's likely due to your nonexistent memory, od. Those charges were part of what Trump was impeached for during his first impeachment. Since you paid no attention whatsoever to those hearings at all, it's not surprising that you can't recall what they were even about.

    Don't worry. I forgive you.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on July 27, 2023 12:23 pm

    I read the only two pages of that FD-1023 that were apparently leaked...

    Oy. Rachel is letting you down, po. Watch some Newsmax...or one of the Fox networks.

    The FD-1023 was not leaked. It was released very straightforwardly and openly by Chuck Grassley.

    CHS ain't the whistle-blower who's accused of doing exactly what Hunter did. Baha baha.

  12. by Ponderer on July 27, 2023 12:24 pm

    And you know, if you MAGA Republicans actually do want to know more about the crimes Trump has committed or anything about the trials he's dealing with, You should turn into MSNBC for all the latest details and expert analysis.

    It's actually the main reason I have been watching MSNBC lately. They are the epitome of Trump Legal Problem Reporting. They are right on top of the latest indictments, trials, hearings, subpoenas, transcripts, accusations, or any of the other of Trump's legal hell that Fox willfully ignores. Seriously. You should check it out if you actually want to know what's going on regarding Trump and the reasons he's eventually going to prison.

  13. by oldedude on July 27, 2023 1:18 pm
    OOHHHHHHHH!!! That's right, that was the FIRST time he was acquitted of all charges with dims actually jumping the line to vote for acquittal. Yeah. No, I completely forgot about that acquittal.

    I thought they had something new to work on since they haven't really gotten him on anything else. And honestly, I really tried to actually ask that question. I didn't need to be attacked for asking a legitimate question.

  14. by Ponderer on July 27, 2023 2:39 pm

    "That's right, that was the FIRST time he was acquitted of all charges" -olde dude

    No, I am talking about the first time he was impeached. It wasn't a trial. He's still impeached. Just because Senate Republicans didn't think that the high crimes and misdemeanors he committed were worth their voting to oust him over, that didn't erase his impeachment. He's still reeeeeeeealy impeached.

    In fact, he still holds the all time record for Most Impeached U.S. President EVER.

    Actually, when I think back on aaaaaaaaaaall the various crimes he's committed and has been or is going to be indicted for, I don't think he's been legally "acquitted" of anything yet.

    And I kinda think it's preeeeeeeeeeety unlikely that he ever will be. They got him so dead to rights on pretty much everything.

  15. by Indy! on July 27, 2023 3:12 pm

    Nobody's getting impeached... nobody's going to jail... nobody's going to let us see the UFOs.

    Oh - excuse me - UAPs. 🙄

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