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President selectors, pages, etc.
WHISTLE-BLOWER WEDNESDAY!...IRS whistleblowers testimony to reveal 'abuse of power' that threatens US at Oversight hearing
By HatetheSwamp
July 19, 2023 3:41 am
Category: President

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I got the "Whistle-blower Wednesday" line from a brief listen to Red-eye Radio overnight. The boys were having fun with the hearing scheduled for today.

Just a word to Curt. Get you a Bud Light 12 pack and some of your favorite snacks and settle in for a wild one. Be sure to pee beforehand. No commercials, baby!

Without trying, I found a WASHINGTON EXAMINER article on Truth Social and a Fox Article on Twitter.

Testimony from IRS whistleblowers, one of whom will reveal himself for the first time on Wednesday, will detail the "corrosion of ethical standards and the abuse of power that threaten" the United States, according to written testimony obtained by the Washington Examiner.

The whistleblowers have come forward alleging politicization in the investigation into Hunter Biden and his family.

In addition to alleging political obstruction by the Justice Department in the Biden family investigation, both whistleblowers claimed they were retaliated against for raising such concerns. Comer said he does not expect new information to be uncovered on Wednesday but that he wants to "see what the IRS whistleblowers think" regarding information his committee has uncovered.

Whistleblower X said his testimony is not meant as "an attack on any specific individual or political party," but rather, he aims to "address systemic problems that have allowed misconduct to flourish."

"The American people deserve to know the truth, no matter how uncomfortable or inconvenient it may be for either political party or those in power," Whistleblower X testified.

Whistleblower X and Shapley spoke to the House Ways and Means Committee in May and testified that U.S. Attorney David Weiss of Delaware had been blocked from charging the president's son in a criminal tax investigation in two separate jurisdictions, California and Washington, D.C.


The anonymous whistleblower, according to his prepared testimony, will say that Hunter Biden "should have been charged with a tax felony, and not only the tax misdemeanor charge," and that communications and text messages reviewed by investigators "may be a contradiction to what President Biden was saying about not being involved in Hunter’s oversea business dealings."

Shapley is expected to say that his "red line" in coming forward was when U.S. attorney for Delaware David Weiss said he was "not the deciding person on whether charges are filed."

"I had seen an undeniable pattern of preferential treatment and obstruction of the normal investigative process," Shapley will say, and add that Weiss allowed the statute of limitations to expire for tax charges against Hunter Biden from 2014 and 2015 in D.C.

Their testimony comes as the committee, led by Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., investigates the Biden family's business dealings.

"Since assuming our Republican majority in January, the House Oversight and Accountability Committee has made historically fast progress in our investigation into the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes," Comer is expected to say in his opening statement, obtained by Fox News Digital.

Comer is expected to tout the "brave and credible" whistleblowers and acknowledge that they have "risked their careers to come forward and provide important testimony."

"Their testimony about the DOJ, FBI, and IRS’s investigation of Hunter Biden confirms the committee’s findings," Comer will say. "That there is nothing normal about the Biden family’s business activity."

Juicy stuff.

Still, gang, remember that Comer has said that the whistle-blowers testimony account for only one third of what the Oversight Committee has documented.

This is like mid first quarter of the Super Bowl.

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Comments on "WHISTLE-BLOWER WEDNESDAY!...IRS whistleblowers testimony to reveal 'abuse of power' that threatens US at Oversight hearing":

  1. by Ponderer on July 19, 2023 7:06 am

    Now is this the "whistle blower" who was a spy for China and took it on the lam...? Or some other "whistle blower"?

    A "whistle blower" who hasn't even qualified for the status... presented by rabid Trump acolytes... who aim to "address systemic problems that have allowed misconduct to flourish" in the IRS...?

    Uh huh.

    Are these systemic problems they talk about the ones that have allowed Trump's career criminality and misconduct to flourish for his entire life?

    Or are they gonna steer clear of those?

  2. by HatetheSwamp on July 19, 2023 7:20 am

    Now is this the "whistle blower" who was a spy for China and took it on the lam...? Or some other "whistle blower"?


    "Rachel" apparently hasn't kept you up to date on the small mountain of whistle-blowers who've come forward. Their testimony is summarized in the articles.

    Mr. X is that gay Dem who's so much a focus of fascination among members of the right-wing media...

    ...proof that this ain't purely political.

    Eh!? Baha baha bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh.

    It's fun to watch sanctimones such as yourself struggle to deal with powerlessness when they ain't got any choice to watch their notions of omnipotence crumble before their very effin eyes.

  3. by Ponderer on July 19, 2023 7:59 am

    Rachel is only on once a week, Bill. And even though I tape her show, I still don't see every episode (There's usually an Angel or Orioles game on that we watch instead right now). She doesn't seek to cover everything in that one hour. And she certainly isn't expected to parrot the blithering pig-headed lunacy and flaming propaganda of the right wing media. I certainly don't expect her too anyway. But you can feel free to idiotically expect her to.

  4. by Curt_Anderson on July 19, 2023 8:41 am
    At what time is this hearing scheduled to start? I did hear that witness X has been described as a “gay Democrat”.

    I just hope this witness was gay previously, and not groomed by the Republican House members.

  5. by oldedude on July 19, 2023 9:52 am
    His fault if he was "groomed" as an adult. Sounds like a willing participant to me....

  6. by HatetheSwamp on July 19, 2023 11:57 am


    It was scheduled for 1:00 EDT. It's on now.

    Rachel is only on once a week, Bill.

    I even typed "Rachel." In quotation marks.

    I've been saying that I refer to Rachel as a metaphor for all that is good and pure about the progressive SwampMedia.

  7. by Curt_Anderson on July 19, 2023 1:40 pm
    I am watching most of the hearing (I've been interrupted a few time). It's been just as I predicted: a banquet of nothing burgers.

    So far I have seen or heard nothing that exposes "Joe Biden as the head of a Crime Family" as promised. In fact, so far the Republicans have barely mentioned Joe Biden. If there were any accusations directed at Joe Biden, I missed them. It's been a lot of salacious talk about that bad boy, Hunter--but we already knew that.

    The witnesses are sometimes evasive even with the Republican questioners. It seems to me that this all comes down to mostly a difference of opinion between the "whistleblowers" and their superiors and the prosecutors.

    HtS, I believe we can count on you to post any headlines here that would tend to denigrate Joe Biden as result of this hearing. I suspect that Murdoch news media will ballyhoo anything that is damaging to Joe Biden.

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