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Wray: Accusations of FBI anti-conservative bias is ‘insane’
By Curt_Anderson
July 12, 2023 11:38 am
Category: Government

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So far today's hearing is living up to my expectations. Unhinged GOP lunacy on display. Christopher Wray is the grownup in the room.

(The Hill)"The American people fully understand that there is a two-tier justice system that has been weaponized to persecute people based on their political beliefs, and that you have personally worked to weaponize the FBI against conservatives," [Rep. Harriet Hageman, R-Wyo.] said.

Wray, who is a Republican and was appointed FBI director by former President Trump, hit back that Hageman’s allegations are "insane" given his personal beliefs.

"I would disagree with your characterization of the FBI and certainly your description of my own approach," Wray said. "The idea that I'm biased against conservatives seems somewhat insane to me, given my own personal background."

"And that means following the facts wherever they lead, no matter who likes it," Wray said.

Earlier Rep Matt Gaetz said the FBI approval rating is lower now than it was during the time J. Edgar Hoover was in charge. Why is Gaetz surprised? Trump and his GOP cronies have been complaining and campaigning against the FBI and DOJ for years. Eventually some people will believe there is an unfair two-tiered justice system in which conservatives are the victims.

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Comments on "Wray: Accusations of FBI anti-conservative bias is ‘insane’":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on July 12, 2023 11:59 am

    So far today's hearing is living up to my expectations. Unhinged GOP lunacy on display. Christopher Wray is the grownup in the room.

    Interesting. Baha baha.

    We all bring our preferences and prejudices to every moment of our lives.

    All of us.

    Both of us.

    Wray is being skinned alive!

  2. by Curt_Anderson on July 12, 2023 12:27 pm
    I am watching the hearing right now, it doesn't look like Wray is being skinned alive.

  3. by Curt_Anderson on July 12, 2023 1:09 pm
    Admittedly, I didn't watch all the testimony. What points did the House Republicans score? I didn't notice any. Wray didn't seem to have a problems answering their questions. As I predicted Wray will return to his job unscathed.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on July 12, 2023 1:12 pm

    I've seen bits and pieces.

    I feel bad for the guy. There's a part of me that wants to give Wray the benefit of the doubt and conclude that he, personally, is a good man but that the FBI itself is cesspool but that the corruption is beyond his control.

  5. by Curt_Anderson on July 12, 2023 1:27 pm
    Of what you saw or read, did the GOP ask Wray any of the seven questions you posted resulting in a gotcha! moment? I didn't see any either. The GOP underwhelmed today. You must be disappointed. 😢

    By the way, the Mar-a-Lago case was mentioned and alluded to. Wray was careful to restrain his comments about it knowing that no matter what he said Trump and his lawyers would claim the FBI director was making prejudicial comments thus harming their defense.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on July 12, 2023 1:40 pm

    What I saw was a lot of the float like a butterfly with no sting.

    So far, Wray had the opportunity to prove that the whistle-blowers were unreliable and that the mountain of documents that suggest Biden...and Swamp corruption...didn't mean what the GOPs think they mean and he's utterly failed.

    I see this as an instance in which Wray was in the role of a challenger whose only hope, before a GOP House in which even moderates want blood, was to knock out the champ. He ain't winnin a decision.

    Buster Douglas did that? Wray? Not even close.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on July 12, 2023 1:49 pm

    The Hunter Biden shakedown question. I'm not a Gaetz fan, but the Swamp took one to the balls on this one.

    Wray got bested.

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  8. by HatetheSwamp on July 12, 2023 2:05 pm

    Wray definitely lost the Mark Houck round. Call it 10-7.
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  9. by Curt_Anderson on July 12, 2023 2:50 pm
    Although treated like a defendant, Wray was a witness called to testify before Congress. He was not a Buster Douglas looking to take the title from a champion boxer.

    The more realistic analogy is that House GOP were the prosecutors close to making the case that Joe Biden ran a "lucrative crime family" as you claimed. Suffice to say, the GOP looked more like Hamilton Burger at the end of the day.

    As to what you think were GOP points scored, they were whiffs.

    Gaetz's comment to Wray "they deserve better than you" was snippy but no haymaker. When asked if the FBI was protecting Biden or his family, Wray told Gaetz "absolutely not!"

    Chris Wray told Chip Roy the FBI career agents of Philadelphia decided to how to have Houck arrested. The FBI knocked on Houck's door. He came out and was arrested. No drawn guns, although the FBI agents were armed as they always are.

  10. by oldedude on July 12, 2023 2:57 pm
    Curt- I still find it funny that you believe that everything on your side is truthful and honest. Everything you disagree with can't be used as evidence even if it's in black and white.

    You also don't believe politics isn't political. The guy that hires and fires every director is pedojoe. That's a fact of our laws. I'm not sure why or how you don't understand that since you're one of the resident "lawyers."

    If I would be fired had I said I was easy on pedojoe and the rest of the pedofamily, WTF do you think would happen?

  11. by HatetheSwamp on July 12, 2023 3:19 pm

    The more realistic analogy is that House GOP were the prosecutors close to making the case that Joe Biden ran a "lucrative crime family" as you claimed.

    I didn't see every minute, however, what I saw mostly was the accusation that the FBI is politically corrupt and biased.

    As far as Gaetz is concerned, he's a classless bozo but he did nail Wray on the shakedown. Wray handled that very poorly.

    I think Chip Roy gave Wray an opportunity to prove that he's an effective leader who won't stop until the FBI is reformed. Roy showed Wray to be weak and inept, not equal to the task.

  12. by Curt_Anderson on July 12, 2023 3:22 pm
    I am not sure if you know that Christopher Wray is a registered Republican and a member of the Federalist Society who was appointed to his job by Donald Trump. He was confirmed by a Republican majority Senate.

    Even though Republicans control the House and all the committees, and they have supposed black and white evidence, it's funny how they have been frustrated in making their case against Joe Biden. Donald Trump has been indicted, not Joe Biden.

    Wray is correct. Accusations of FBI having an anti-conservative bias is "insane".

  13. by oldedude on July 12, 2023 6:16 pm
    So lets look at this again... He started out by saying he didn't know much about most of the subjects that were asked about today. Very little knowledge. This is interesting because the committee gave him the subjects they were going to talk about. There were only a couple of questions that he could actually speak to and was definitive about. That's pretty interesting because he said definitively he didn't know much at all about that case (therefore he could lie and say he'd get back to them). That was one.

    Lets recap what you said. "Even though Republicans control the House and all the committees, and they have supposed black and white evidence, it's funny how they have been frustrated in making their case against Joe Biden. Donald Trump has been indicted, not Joe Biden."

    Again, if they have the evidence, it's great to have him lie to the congress, isn't it? And if he lies about that, #1. WHY did he lie about this? and #2. What else did he lie about? He basically said ZERO, with the exception of a couple of "opinions."

    FBI/DOJ has been no more than a third world shthole gestapo. Even Nads, someone I don't respect much at all, was not just stunned at the lying to the courts, but actually penned a release on it, saying, "Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz released a report in December that lambasted the DOJ and the FBI for 17 “significant errors and omissions” related to its targeting of onetime Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, stretching from October 2016 to summer 2017, and critiqued the broader counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign, dubbed Crossfire Hurricane.

    Then-presiding FISA court Judge Rosemary Collyer issued a scathing order later that month, calling the FBI's handling of the Page applications "antithetical to the heightened duty of candor described above" and demanding the bureau explain "what it has done, and plans to do, to ensure that the statement of facts in each FBI application accurately and completely reflects information possessed by the FBI that is material to any issue presented by the application."

    In a Jan. 10 response to the court, FBI Director Christopher Wray said he "deeply regrets" the FBI's failures in the Page FISA process and offered a timetable of reforms and training the bureau is undertaking.

    After reviewing all these submissions, the judiciary panel "shares the FISC’s concerns and is troubled by the findings contained in the Inspector General’s report," Nadler wrote to Attorney General William Barr and Wray.

    In addition to documents referenced in the Justice Department's Jan. 10 filing and Wray's accompanying declaration, Nadler asked for documents from 2015 to 2019 about the types of alleged criminal offenses that are used to predicate applications for orders from the FISA court concerning U.S. persons. The congressman said access to these records will "facilitate the Committee’s consideration of potential reforms to underlying authorities" and gave a deadline of Jan. 28.

    “We must prevent the intelligence community from improperly spying on another American citizen. The documents the chairman requested represent a great starting point for crafting legislation to prevent future FISA abuses. I appreciate the chairman finally recognizing that FISA abuse has occurred and Congress must act," Collins told the Washington Examiner.

  14. by Curt_Anderson on July 12, 2023 6:54 pm
    “Again, if they have the evidence, it's great to have him lie to the congress, isn't it?” —-OD

    Our friend HtS said this week that House Republicans were close to making a case against Joe Biden, and the “Biden crime family”. The Republicans have sure been acting like they have evidence. They are constantly touting evidence, or a new witness, which always will be “coming soon”. I’m starting to think that these Republicans are big fat liars!

    I very much doubt that Christopher Wray lied at any point during the hearing. He was under oath so any lies would be perjury which is a crime. If the Republicans are competent at all, they should be able to go over the testimony and expose any lies the Christopher Wray told. They have been chomping at the bit to have him removed from office. I’m sure they would love to hang a perjury charge on him…if they can.

    Yes, the FBI Director was very circumspect in his answers. He didn’t hazard a guess, unless he authoritatively knew the answer. He did not, for example, comment on ongoing cases.

  15. by oldedude on July 12, 2023 8:51 pm
    Yes, the FBI Director was very circumspect in his answers. He didn’t hazard a guess, unless he authoritatively knew the answer. He did not, for example, comment on ongoing cases.

    His boss makes policy. He's the guy that makes that policy happen. The operations guy. HIS JOB is to know and understand these investigations to keep his agency and agents out of jail. His lie was in saying he didn't know. If you do that with Law Enforcement, it's called lied by omission.

    These are investigations he should have been prepared to talk about at length. These were major investigations he's briefed continually on. The committee gave him guidance and information about what they were going to ask.

    You don't think he knew every bolt of the trumpster invasion? Vetting every agent, analyst, or CSI on-scene and what their job was going to be?

    Or hand-picking the agents that were briefed and guided through the pedojoe investigation? And in both of those, you don't think he briefs pedojoe or his staff?

    The FBI put agents in to houses of worship. You don't think he was briefed on that weekly? Something that could be called a violation of the bill of rights? and the constitution? And he doesn't know about this? Are you kidding me?

    Or the possibility that his agents (under his orders) are threatening social media companies in to lying to the American public for political purposes? He's not aware?

    If what you say is true, he needs to be fired for stupidity. Or he was lying when he said he didn't know anything about the investigations.

    *Does he know every case? Absolutely not. That's why he has SSAs and SACs. If an agent in say, the Billings office gets into trouble, he's told. But that's it. The cases that were questioned are very, very different cases. After all the FISA BS, if he doesn't turn in to a micromanager, he should be terminated.

  16. by Curt_Anderson on July 12, 2023 9:46 pm
    "His lie was in saying he didn't know. If you do that with Law Enforcement, it's called lied by omission." --OD

    If anybody says they don't know or don't recall (but they really know) under oath, it's called perjury. Wray was under oath. As a lawyer he knows better than to perjure himself.

    If Wray committed perjury he did so not only in front of Congress but also before everybody who watched the televised provided. If he lied, somebody will uncover it.

    If Wray isn't credibly accused of perjury by Republican members of Congress, there are two possibilities: 1. He didn't lie. or 2. The Republicans are too incompetent to catch his lie.

  17. by oldedude on July 13, 2023 3:53 am
    If anybody says they don't know or don't recall (but they really know) under oath, it's called perjury. Wray was under oath. As a lawyer he knows better than to perjure himself.

    Ahhhhhh, to be so young and naive! You have to prove perjury, right? since it's a crime. This is just the first step. Do you really think he'll be tried for that? He'll be censured, fired, given a pat on the back for being such a good german, and work for MSN.

  18. by HatetheSwamp on July 13, 2023 5:01 am

    Ahhhhhh, to be so young and naive! You have to prove perjury, right? since it's a crime. This is just the first step.

    Bang on, OD.

    Poor, poor Curt. Good German-ing the Biden
    Administration is gunna be tough.

    James Comer announced yesterday evening on Newsmax that his effin Oversight Committee will receive testimony from the two IRS whistle-blowers NEXT WEDNESDAY, so mark your calendar, there Curt. The anonymous whistle-blower is, reportedly, a gay effin Democrat!

    It appears that pb was essentially correct. The GOP will be firing the heavy artillery in the fall, with, possibly, multiple Impeachment hearings early in 024...think Garland, Mayorkas, then "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap."

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha baha baha baha!

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  19. by HatetheSwamp on July 13, 2023 5:57 am


    On Wray being GOP and conservative, here's the crucially important thing Indy! gets that you don't. Wray is a SwampGOP and, it's becoming obvious, more Swamp than GOP. He's supporting and defending the FBI as a Swamp institution.

    He may be a GOP. But, he ain't about a government "of the people, by the people and for the people."

    What several of the members of the Judiciary Committee made plain yesterday is that, for Wray, the people serve the FBI. The FBI absolutely doesn't serve the people.

  20. by oldedude on July 13, 2023 7:08 am
    I think you hit on something the antiswampers "assume" but isn't articulated much.

    Regardless what party someone has been affiliated with, once they get to the political level SES and assigned directors, you're required to become amoral and switch your religion to the swamp. And like several groups throughout history (Knights Templar, Masons, Knights who say ni, among several) are all organizations that consider themselves above the law and do anything to protect themselves.

  21. by Donna on July 13, 2023 7:27 am

    You guys don't identify or support the MAGA wing of the GOP, which is the majority of GOPpers, nor the "Swamp" wing which seems to be the rest or at least most of the rest of the GOP.

    So why are you two still members of the GOP?

  22. by HatetheSwamp on July 13, 2023 8:01 am


    I think you're waaaaaaaaaay overestimating how many GOPs are MAGA. Not all of the support for Trump these days is MAGA. Much of it is defiance of the Banana Republic. In fact, as much as I think that Trump is despicable, I'm tempted because I despise the Banana Republic so much. Let not your heart be troubled, though, while tempted, I ain't givin in.

    I'm a GOP, just barely, because the GOP is the home of openness and inclusion and tolerance, acceptance, diversity and, most of all, FREETHINKING...and it gives a welcoming voice to people who HatetheSwamp. The Dems don't.

  23. by Donna on July 13, 2023 8:07 am

    "I'm a GOP, just barely, because the GOP is the home of openness and inclusion and tolerance, acceptance, diversity and, most of all, FREETHINKING..."

    LOL! Is that a sort of mantra you keep chanting to yourself?

  24. by Curt_Anderson on July 13, 2023 9:58 am
    “ James Comer announced yesterday evening on Newsmax that his effin Oversight Committee will receive testimony from the two IRS whistle-blowers NEXT WEDNESDAY, so mark your calendar, there Curt.” —HtS

    Oh, I have marked my calendar! I’ll have the barbecue fired up and I’ll be ready for another batch of GOP nothing burgers. Let’s revisit this thread in about a week.

  25. by HatetheSwamp on July 13, 2023 10:01 am

    Yeah, Curt. I wanna watch the gay Dem whistle-blower.

  26. by Donna on July 13, 2023 10:09 am

    ...said by SelectSmart's resident gay swamp whistleblower.

  27. by Indy! on July 13, 2023 10:14 am

    There's only one thing (ever so slightly) worse than the Ds, peebs - and that's the GOP.

  28. by oldedude on July 13, 2023 8:04 pm
    So why are you two still members of the GOP?

    Because the options are far worse. That was very, very easy. AND one that I've answered before. Sorry, I've lived in the shithole countries you want to make us. They suck. No food on the shelves. It isn't that prescription drugs are expensive, they're all black market. So most of them are counterfeit. And people die from them because no one has any idea what's in them because they're filled in backroom drug labs.

  29. by Donna on July 14, 2023 9:32 am

    Well you're wasting your time arguing ad infinitum with Dems and lefties here. You might accomplish more by talking some sense into the MAGA freaks who've taken over your party. Do you ever do that?

  30. by HatetheSwamp on July 14, 2023 9:55 am


    From C-effin-NBC:

    These 10 states are running America's best economies for residents

    Top 2? Florida and Texas

    All of the top 9? RED!!!!!

    Still, I'm GOP because it's the home of yada yada yada and, most of all...


  31. by oldedude on July 15, 2023 3:48 pm
    Well you're wasting your time arguing ad infinitum with Dems and lefties here. You might accomplish more by talking some sense into the MAGA freaks who've taken over your party.

    Translation: Regardless of the facts, you're talking to a brick wall.

  32. by Indy! on July 15, 2023 4:36 pm

    Affordability is a huge issue here in Florida for homes and rentals. Everything is way overpriced. Doesn't affect me because I own my place - but our HOA has jumped about 30% in the last two years which is not sustainable for a lot of residents.

  33. by Donna on July 15, 2023 5:15 pm

    Then continue arguing with us, od. I'm perfectly fine with the MAGAs destroying your party.

  34. by oldedude on July 15, 2023 7:01 pm
    Why waste my time?

  35. by Donna on July 16, 2023 2:05 pm

    All of us are wasting our time whenever we try to persuade others to change their minds about something in social media. If you're at the point where you believe in something so strongly that you spend a good part of your day everyday on social media trying to convince others that you're right, then you're probably pretty closed off to opposing viewpoints.

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