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So is Trump too much of a pants-pissing coward to debate Harris?
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Government selectors, pages, etc.
A Critical Moment for the Swamp: CHRISTOPHER WRAY Seven unanswered questions ahead of FBI Director Wray's testimony
By HatetheSwamp
July 10, 2023 4:01 am
Category: Government

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FBI director Christopher Wray testifies before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. If Curt, our in-house Good German for the Swamp contends, all the brouhaha being cooked up by DC GOPs is only a banquet of nothing burgers, Wray will be able to make that case. If not, House GOPs seem to be close to making their case that "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap," while he still had a brain, ran a very lucrative Crime Family.

This is a good conservative SwampMedia article. I'll highlight by listing the questions:

Why did the FBI withhold the FD-1023 from Congress?

Why did the FBI’s Washington field office conduct the raid of Mar-a-Lago, in a break from standard practice?

Why did the FBI limit the number of witnesses who IRS investigators could contact during the Hunter Biden investigation?

What has the FBI done to investigate attacks on anti-abortion centers and churches?

Are agents who worked on the Russia investigation still at the FBI?

How closely has the FBI worked with social media companies to censor speech?

Has Merrick Garland ever asked you to stand down on an investigative step?

And, here's the thing, these ain't wild questions. Whistle-blowers have provided testimony in each of these areas...including DOCUMENTS. Wray will have to be on his game...or else.

Note, most of this has little do with the Doddering Old Fool but it does have to do with Swamp corruption that enables Biden corruption.

If there's nuthin there, as Curt continues to claim. Christopher Wray can make the GOPs, in effect, shut, as po'd say, the eff up.

But, let me just say this about that, and let me make this perfectly clear. Wray will have to go 7 for 7...

...or else.

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Comments on "A Critical Moment for the Swamp: CHRISTOPHER WRAY Seven unanswered questions ahead of FBI Director Wray's testimony":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on July 10, 2023 4:09 am

    Hold on to your hats, Good Germans and Swampcultists. Bahahahahahahahahahaha baha.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on July 10, 2023 9:10 am
    Wednesday we will see House Republican grandstanding and table pounding. That will be followed by GOP complaints that Chris Wray used legal and constitutional technicalities to avoid answering their questions. FBI Director Wray will return to his job unscathed. Republicans will lick their wounds and whine about “the swamp”.

  3. by oldedude on July 10, 2023 9:26 am
    A good german and swampcultist.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on July 10, 2023 9:38 am


    People with open minds are gunna find out. We'll fill you in from that side.

    One of the HouseGOPs spoke, over the weekend, in terms of the GOP making their case by gathering documents and firsthand (whistle-blower) evidence so they can force Wray to respond to what's pretty obviously established fact. My prediction? He'll be, as isle'd say, all mealy mouthed and, in the process, do nuthin to set the record straight. He'll shuck and jive. He'll float like a butterfly and not sting.

    He definitely does have the opportunity to put what's wild, unsubstantiated, GOP conspiracies to bed.

    I'm not expecting that to happen. But, I'm acknowledging that possibility.


  5. by Curt_Anderson on July 10, 2023 11:59 am
    I have already said what I expect to happen Wednesday. I stand by it.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on July 10, 2023 12:09 pm

    We shall see, bubba.

  7. by Curt_Anderson on July 12, 2023 11:10 pm
    "Wednesday we will see House Republican grandstanding and table pounding. That will be followed by GOP complaints that Chris Wray used legal and constitutional technicalities to avoid answering their questions. FBI Director Wray will return to his job unscathed. Republicans will lick their wounds and whine about "the swamp"." --Curt Anderson

    Was I right or was I right? We all saw the GOP grandstanding today. OD isn't the only conservative to insist that Wray lied and evaded answering questions.

    Read Miranda Devine's column in the NY Post. She and the commenters to her column are whining about the debacle of the House GOP's hearings. HtS, likened today's hearing to a boxing match. Miranda Devine opened her column by declaring Wray a champion: "His smirk might have dialed down a fraction, but Chris Wray’s performance on Capitol Hill Wednesday shows that he is the champion of all stonewallers."

    Republican wound licking at link.

  8. by Indy! on July 13, 2023 12:43 am

    Funny how the GOP is always acting like they’re experts on the Constitution and law yet always get their butts kicked in an honest court of law.

  9. by Ponderer on July 13, 2023 7:00 am

    Why did the FBI withhold the FD-1023 from Congress?

    Why did the FBI’s Washington field office conduct the raid of Mar-a-Lago, in a break from standard practice?

    Why did the FBI limit the number of witnesses who IRS investigators could contact during the Hunter Biden investigation?

    What has the FBI done to investigate attacks on anti-abortion centers and churches?

    Are agents who worked on the Russia investigation still at the FBI?

    How closely has the FBI worked with social media companies to censor speech?

    Has Merrick Garland ever asked you to stand down on an investigative step?

    I didn't get to watch the whole thing, but what was Wray's answers to these important questions when he was asked them by MAGA Republicans? And did one MAGA Republican ask these questions, or did they split them up between other MAGA Republicans?

  10. by HatetheSwamp on July 13, 2023 7:06 am



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  11. by HatetheSwamp on July 13, 2023 7:33 am

    Clearly, pb's right all along.

    He speculated that the House GOPs'd gather data through summer then hold hearings in the fall then,...

    ...then, in early 024, start with the impeachments...

    ...of Mayorkas and of Garland and, ultimately "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap."

    That seems to be what's happening.

    Wray came across yesterday, to me, at best, as a weak leader of a corrupt Swamp institution. A few GOPs landed haymakers on him...

    ...but, here's the thing: the serious threat to the Biden Crime Family will come from the investigations being held by the Oversight Committee and the Ways and Means Committee.

    As soon as the Judiciary Committee dust settled yesterday, Comer was on Newsmax, as you saw in that video, announcing Oversight Committee hearings for next Wednesday featuring the two IRS whistle-blowers, including Mr. X, the gay Democrat.

    They, according to Comer, can testify to one-effin-third of what the Committee has documented evidence of. Two-effin-thirds'll come at other hearings!

    Then, there's Ways and Means.


    ...what, I'm guessing, politically speaking, will be the pièce de résistance, the Weaponization of Government Committee.

    I've been saying that, for me, this Biden Crime Family thing ain't a GOP/Dem thing. It's a Swamp thing. Joe's been in DC since effin Nixon was President!

    Do you honestly believe he ain't tainted.!!!!!? Nearly all of them are. Joe's problem is that he involved his crackhead son in his corruption...then got too old to control the affairs of the Family.

    po, tell me that you honestly think that "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" is the second coming of Gandhi.

    I'm afraid that Joe's been caught and that it's all over but the shoutin!

  12. by Donna on July 13, 2023 8:04 am

    You should submit that to the Babylon Bee.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on July 13, 2023 8:15 am


    Why do you doubt me?

    You do understand that the GOP controls everything in the House. Kevin McCarthy ain't saying much but track what he is saying...and, doing.

    I can't see how, from a big picture perspective, I'm even a little wrong.

    It's all been decided. I knew that for certain when purple GOP Nancy Mace appeared on Fox Business and said that all that remains is to connect the dots. Done, effin, deal!

    If you think that what I wrote is BEE material, I don't think you realize how powerless House Dems and the metaphorical Rachel is.

    There's very little for all of you to do but watch and wait...

    Also, I do think that part of this is payback to Dems for the two flimsy Trump impeachments. Dems had to know that, one day, they'd pay the proverbial piper.

  14. by Donna on July 13, 2023 8:50 am

    LOL! See? You made me laugh.

    I guess when ya got nuthin, there's always a conspiracy theory to bring it all together... at least in your own mind.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on July 13, 2023 9:08 am


    Please splain to us how you see the GOP failing to accomplish its goal in the House.

    I can't see what's stopping them.

    So, please...

  16. by Donna on July 13, 2023 9:20 am

    1) I don't understand your question.

    2) I've got better things to do.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on July 13, 2023 9:57 am

    Right. When you are losing, you're always, suddenly, busy. Baha baha.

  18. by Curt_Anderson on July 13, 2023 10:04 am
    "Please splain to us how you see the GOP failing to accomplish its goal in the House." --HtS

    Is this the "question" you wanted Donna to answer? I don't get it either.

    What were the GOP goals and which of those goals have they accomplished?

  19. by Donna on July 13, 2023 10:05 am

    Well you can interpret that wrongly as you often do.

    Believe it or not I have a life outside of SelectSmart and social media. But go ahead - spend countless hours of whatever time remains in your life accomplishing exactly zero. Seems kinda tragic to me.

  20. by HatetheSwamp on July 13, 2023 10:12 am


    Rachel ain't reporting it, but they've passed some legislation which, of course, Chuck You Schumer is ignoring.

    Here's the thing. HouseGOPs can hold impeachment hearings out the wazoo and Chuck You Schumer can't do a derned thing about it.

    So,,...Please splain to us how you see the GOP failing to accomplish its goal in the House.

  21. by Curt_Anderson on July 13, 2023 10:16 am
    Rachel is only once a week. I don't watch her show anyway. So enlighten me: what are these Republicans goals and what did they accomplish?

    BONUS QUESTION: Are any of these goals in any way related to benefitting the American people?

  22. by Curt_Anderson on July 13, 2023 10:27 am
    Please allow me another moment of Schadenfreude and "I told you so" regarding the Republicans' frustration and disappointment with their hearing fiasco yesterday. This is from the conservative Washington Times:

    "FBI Director Christopher A. Wray frustrated House Republicans on Wednesday as he dodged questions about bureau activities that lawmakers said unfairly targeted conservatives and were too lenient on liberals, including President Biden and his family."

  23. by Ponderer on July 13, 2023 10:33 am

    The "something something" Hunter Biden defense

    As the Donald Trump train heads for its inevitable train wreck, the Republican need for whataboutisms increases. It’s practically a law of physics, like the inverse square law or Newton’s laws of motion. For every Donald Trump indictment there’s an equal and opposite hint that Joe Biden did something just as bad. It’s what you might call the “something something Hunter Biden” defense.

    Just as baffling are the people who remain ambivalent. For as long as I can remember there’s been a tendency among certain kinds of people to employ dismissive formulas to political situations. They meet a bill of crimes recited against any politician with a knowing sigh and a comment like, “they all do it,” or “they’re all equally corrupt.”

    I don’t know which is more exasperating. I suppose it depends on the situation. But both are examples of a blinding political bias, ignorance borne of laziness or both.

    The good news is there is still a place in America where such nonsense isn’t so easy to get away with, and that’s a court of law. Many Republicans are learning that the hard way. For example, despite his drunkenly numerous and hysteria-fraught claims of flagrant voter fraud in public, Rudy Giuliani was forced to admit in more than one court of law that he had no evidence that the 2020 election was stolen.

    Rudy further learned that persisting in the face of such lack of evidence, to file lawsuit after lawsuit and make false claim after false claim in public, has serious consequences. Rudy’s licence to practise law is probably going to be taken away from him. He may even wind up in prison one day.

    Such is the clarifying effect of American jurisprudence. It marches forward inexorably. And unlike the court of public opinion, it doesn’t ordinarily put up with bullshit for very long.

    Very soon now MAGA Republicans and fence-sitters are going to see how the truth is handled by grownups. They are going to discover for themselves that wild speculation and accusations without merit have no home in a court of law. In a courtroom, long standing precedent and practice disallows hearsay and speculation. Arguments of wrongdoing must stand on their own two feet and they must be backed with witness testimony, public statements and recordings by defendants, and forensic evidence.

    This is what they will come to understand when Donald Trump is put on trial. They are going to learn that the burden of proof not only rests with the claimant — in this case the prosecution — but that the burden will be met with lacerating effect.

    There is no place in a courtroom for the “something something Hunter Biden” defense. Donald Trump’s crimes will be laid out one by one, explicitly stated by statute and devastatingly proven by witness testimony, photographic evidence and the damning contradictions and self-admissions made by the defendant himself. That is what a real prosecution looks like, and MAGA Republicans and fence-sitters alike will be forced to watch, like Alex strapped to a chair with his eyes propped open in “A Clockwork Orange.” Under the coruscating glare of the light of truth there will be nowhere to hide.

    Very soon now MAGA Republicans are going to be taught a stearn lesson. The consequences of committing crimes of the kind committed by Donald Trump are not easy to escape when placed under the clarifying lamp of justice. They have spent the last several years calling us snowflakes and LOLing in our faces. They are about to learn that he who LOLs last, LOLs best.

    - Robert Harrington

  24. by Donna on July 13, 2023 10:33 am

    Mine ^

  25. by Indy! on July 13, 2023 10:45 am

    Pondy: "Just as baffling are the people who remain ambivalent. For as long as I can remember there’s been a tendency among certain kinds of people to employ dismissive formulas to political situations. They meet a bill of crimes recited against any politician with a knowing sigh and a comment like, “they all do it,” or “they’re all equally corrupt.”"

    What's baffling for me is the folks who still haven't figured out our government is nothing more than Kabuki theater at this point. Ds get elected - they indict Rs. Rs get elected - they indict Ds. Then the people who still believe in this crap spend all day discussing the finer points of some inconsequential courtroom discussion that never leads anywhere.

    Ds impeach Nixon. Ford pardons him.
    Rs impeach Clinton - then Rs refuse to convict
    Rs investigate Hillary for a decade - she gets off scot free
    Ds investigate Trump - he'll... (Fill in the blank)

    A. Get off scot free
    B. Get off on a technicality
    C. Get elected and pardon himself
    D. Get convicted and pardoned by Biden

    Rinse, recycle, repeat.

    You folks are smarter than this (or at least I used to think you were). 🙄

  26. by Donna on July 13, 2023 11:28 am

    What a piss poor analysis.

  27. by Curt_Anderson on July 13, 2023 11:31 am
    Did anybody else notice that when I asked HtS "What were the GOP goals and which of those goals have they accomplished?", he is suddenly busy and scampers off?

  28. by Indy! on July 13, 2023 11:47 am

    I would say a "piss poor analysis" is one where you had nothing to add. 🙂

  29. by Indy! on July 13, 2023 11:51 am

    Did anybody else notice that when I asked HtS "What were the GOP goals and which of those goals have they accomplished?", he is suddenly busy and scampers off?

    First off, I'd point out the Rs just accomplished one of their long term goals - overturning Roe. But short term stuff? I can name plenty... tax cuts for the wealthy, all those gifts to the wealthy in the covid bill and the "infrastructure" bill, stopping the student debt relief (wink, wink at Biden), etc...

    Now - what are the Ds goals (guaranteed 🦗🦗 on that one) and "accomplishments"?

  30. by HatetheSwamp on July 13, 2023 11:55 am


    Rachel is a metaphor all that is perfect and pure about the progressive SwampMedia.

    And, I'll love to play 20 questions with you but, for now, let's take things in order.

    Please splain to us how you see the GOP failing to accomplish its goal in the House.

    I don't see how it ain't happnin so I'd be interested in your insights.

    At any rate, my guess is that the HouseGOPs are going to be holding some very intense hearings. That is going to happen.

  31. by HatetheSwamp on July 13, 2023 11:59 am

    "FBI Director Christopher A. Wray frustrated House Republicans on Wednesday as he dodged questions about bureau activities that lawmakers said unfairly targeted conservatives and were too lenient on liberals, including President Biden and his family."

    Exactly what I said. He floated like a butterfly but didn't sting.

    Apparently, you think what Wray did won the day. I'm pretty sure he'll be facing more questions...probably from all four Committees...lots of questions.

  32. by Curt_Anderson on July 13, 2023 12:06 pm
    HtS was speaking specifically about the goals of GOP-controlled House. He still won't tell us what those supposed goals are, much less if they were accomplished. If the House Republicans have a goal other than impeaching Joe Biden and imprisoning Hunter Biden, it's news to me.

    As for the Democrats, give Joe Biden and the Democrats their props.

    Candidate Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump, the greatest threat to U.S. democracy since Benedict Arnold. He simultaneously helped the Democrats control the Senate and the House. With help from those Democrats, Biden also:

    1. Passed the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package to increase investment in the national network of bridges and roads, airports, public transport and national broadband internet, as well as waterways and energy systems.

    2. Helped get more than 500 million life-saving COVID-19 vaccinations in the arms of Americans through the American Rescue Plan.

    3. Stopped a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence by signing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that created enhanced background checks, closed the “boyfriend” loophole and provided funds for youth mental health.

    4. Made a $369 billion investment in climate change, the largest in American history, through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

    5. Ended the longest war in American history by pulling the troops out of Afghanistan.

    6. Provided $10,000 to $20,000 in college debt relief to Americans with loans who make under $125,000 a year.

    7. Cut child poverty in half through the American Rescue Plan.

    8. Capped prescription drug prices at $2,000 per year for seniors on Medicare through the Inflation Reduction Act.

    9. Passed the COVID-19 relief deal that provided payments of up to $1,400 to many struggling U.S. citizens while supporting renters and increasing unemployment benefits.

    10. Achieved historically low unemployment rates after the pandemic caused them to skyrocket.

    11. Imposed a 15% minimum corporate tax on some of the largest corporations in the country, ensuring that they pay their fair share, as part of the historic Inflation Reduction Act.

    12. Recommitted America to the global fight against climate change by rejoining the Paris Agreement.

    13. Strengthened the NATO alliance in support of Ukraine after the Russian invasion by endorsing the inclusion of world military powers Sweden and Finland.

    14. Authorized the assassination of the Al Qaeda terrorist Ayman al-Zawahiri, who became head of the organization after the death of Osama bin Laden.

    15. Gave Medicare the power to negotiate prescription drug prices through the Inflation Reduction Act while also reducing government health spending.

    16. Held Vladimir Putin accountable for his invasion of Ukraine by imposing stiff economic sanctions.

    17. Boosted the budget of the Internal Revenue Service by nearly $80 billion to reduce tax evasion and increase revenue.

    18. Created more jobs in one year (6.6 million) than any other president in U.S. history.

    19. Reduced healthcare premiums under the Affordable Care Act by $800 a year as part of the American Rescue Plan.

    20. Signed the PACT Act to address service members’ exposure to burn pits and other toxins.

    21. Signed the CHIPS and Science Act to strengthen American manufacturing and innovation.

    22. Reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act through 2027.

    23. Halted all federal executions after the previous administration reinstated them after a 17-year freeze.

  33. by Curt_Anderson on July 13, 2023 12:19 pm
    Add to that list above.

    24. Inflation drops sharply to 3 percent, lowest point in more than 2 years

    25. Biden thwarted Putin's expectations by building a stronger and bigger NATO.

  34. by oldedude on July 13, 2023 1:47 pm

    1. Passed the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package to increase investment in the national network of bridges and roads, airports, public transport and national broadband internet, as well as waterways and energy systems.
    Which is now being taken apart because of the fraud, waste, and abuse in it (read wokeness).

    3. Stopped a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence by signing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that created enhanced background checks, closed the “boyfriend” loophole and provided funds for youth mental health.
    Except many of the key features of this have been shot down by the circuit courts as overreach on the 2nd Amendment. We talked about this earlier. So "now"? you want youth mental health, because last time, you said that just taking out guns is enough. Can't ride two horses with with one ass, chickiebabe.

    4. Made a $369 billion investment in climate change, the largest in American history, through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
    Which costs Americans jobs and increased inflation for the average middle/ lower class person.

    5. Ended the longest war in American history by pulling the troops out of Afghanistan.
    That like trumpster, didn't listen to anyone at the pentagon or in the IC. He broke every promise to the Afghans that HE PROMISED TO BRING OUT. He just shit on these people so several non-profits had to rescue who they could before their rotary's were dropped out of the sky with our own weapons. For this alone, he's a POS. And by your own admission, even with the NGOs working 24/7, they couldn't get 250,000 of the people he promised out.

    6. Provided $10,000 to $20,000 in college debt relief to Americans with loans who make under $125,000 a year.
    Which was rudely rebuked by SCOTUS because even if you are the emperor, you don't have the right to spend money without congressional oversight.

    10. Achieved historically low unemployment rates after the pandemic caused them to skyrocket.
    First, I'm shocked😲 you didn't blame this on trumpster, which is your usual M.O. If you ask people what they were making, vs what they are making now, whole different story. I will give you that children coming out of college "expect" the $100,000 job the day they graduate. So there's that. I see ever increasing middle age folks working menial jobs to make ends meet for their families. I know it means zero to you.

    11. Imposed a 15% minimum corporate tax on some of the largest corporations in the country, ensuring that they pay their fair share, as part of the historic Inflation Reduction Act.
    So everyone moves their manufacturing to China, Mexico, etcetcetc. fukkingthanksforthanpedojoe.

    12. Recommitted America to the global fight against climate change by rejoining the Paris Agreement.
    When china and india actually do something, I'll support it. If not fuk them and paris.

    13. Strengthened the NATO alliance in support of Ukraine after the Russian invasion by endorsing the inclusion of world military powers Sweden and Finland.

    Except only 7 of the 30 countries now pay their "required" 2% of their GDP to support NATO. WTF? Why don't you make them pay, and leave our manufacturing jobs alone? Are you really that dense joe?

    16. Held Vladimir Putin accountable for his invasion of Ukraine by imposing stiff economic sanctions.
    That his son openly defied and helped the Russians. A real estate company with ties to first son Hunter Biden received more than $100 million from a Russian billionaire for property investments across the US that date back a decade, sources have told The Post.

    The hefty cash injections into Rosemont Realty came from Elena Baturina — one of Russia’s wealthiest women, the widow of the former mayor of Moscow, and a close ally of Moscow tyrant Vladimir Putin, the sources said.

    17. Boosted the budget of the Internal Revenue Service by nearly $80 billion to reduce tax evasion and increase revenue.

    Which is being cut by the Congress.

    18. Created more jobs in one year (6.6 million) than any other president in U.S. history.
    See #10 above.

    21. Signed the CHIPS and Science Act to strengthen American manufacturing and innovation.
    And making them pay more in taxes, so it's not profitable to manufacture here.

    23. Halted all federal executions after the previous administration reinstated them after a 17-year freeze.
    This is not like the others. You and I disagree on this. My view is that a POS that raped and murdered a dozen people has no right to exist on this earth. Unlike a child in the womb (who has done nothing wrong), this person had choices. And they deserve to die. Again, I know you don't agree. I'm good with that (honestly). I've heard both sides, and actually seen what horrible pos's do to others. Our life experiences are different, ergo, we believe differently.

  35. by Indy! on July 13, 2023 2:36 pm

    Good job covering that from the right side, OD. I could do the same thing from the left as well, but I've already done it on twitter in the past and it doesn't change the minds of the brunch crowd so I'm not going to bother here. But - needless to say - I've already covered the climate change fraud in another post here. That one is a lot of flowery talk back up with gifts to oil companies and fossil fuels in general that will ACCELERATE climate change. That's why Joe and Curt say things like it's "the biggest climate change bill in history" - because 1) there's never been much done on climate change and 2) they ARE spending a lot of money - just in all the wrong places if the point is to REDUCE climate change.

    Basically everything Biden has done boils down to...

    "Nothing will fundamentally change" (the ONE promise he HAS kept)

    ...which is the worst possible thing that could happen at this point in history. It would actually be better to let Trump have a second term so the Blue MAGAs would realize how bad things ALREADY ARE and how we need REAL CHANGE - not more Clinton/Obama/Hillary talking points.

  36. by Donna on July 13, 2023 2:46 pm

    I'll just address one:

    4. Made a $369 billion investment in climate change, the largest in American history, through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

    Which costs Americans jobs and increased inflation for the average middle/ lower class person.


    That investment in climate change did neither.

  37. by Donna on July 13, 2023 2:53 pm

    13. Strengthened the NATO alliance in support of Ukraine after the Russian invasion by endorsing the inclusion of world military powers Sweden and Finland.

    Except only 7 of the 30 countries now pay their "required" 2% of their GDP to support NATO. WTF? Why don't you make them pay, and leave our manufacturing jobs alone? Are you really that dense joe?


    That's changing because of the war in Ukraine.

    The number of NATO allies spending at least 2% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on military spending is expected to jump this year, according to the alliance.

    Estimates released on Friday by NATO show that at least 11 allies should reach the target set by the transatlantic military alliance. Only seven are believed to have reached the target in 2022.

    Joining the three Baltic countries, Greece, Poland, the UK and the US in reaching the target this year are Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and new ally Finland.

  38. by Donna on July 13, 2023 2:59 pm

    The bottom line is that Biden and the Dems accomplished much more than most Americans and even most people who voted for him (including myself) realize, which was a great accomplishment considering the slim majority the Dems had the first 2 years.

  39. by Curt_Anderson on July 13, 2023 2:59 pm
    How do you figure that? Inflation annualized is at a 3% rate and unemployment is 3.6%.

    (CNBC FEB 7 2023)Since President Joe Biden signed the historic Inflation Reduction Act into law last August, companies have announced more than 100,000 clean energy jobs across the country, according to a report by the nonprofit Climate Power.

    As of the end of January, companies have announced more than 90 new clean energy projects in small towns and larger cities in the U.S., totaling $89.5 billion in new investments, the report found. The wind, solar and EV manufacturing sectors are creating the new positions, which include electricians, mechanics, construction workers and technicians.

  40. by Curt_Anderson on July 13, 2023 3:06 pm
    CORRECTION: I see now that Donna was quoting Olde Dude, she was not complaining about the Inflation Reduction Act or the clean energy initiative.

  41. by oldedude on July 13, 2023 7:56 pm
    That's changing because of the war in Ukraine.

    That was less than one month ago. There is no change from the other 23 countries. There may be 9 of the 32, but the rest are living off welfare. Just like every other marxist country.

  42. by HatetheSwamp on July 14, 2023 3:43 am

    HtS was speaking specifically about the goals of GOP-controlled House.

    This thread is about the House exposing the corruption of Joe Biden and, ultimately, impeaching him.

    The HouseGOPs are, in a slow steady, tortoise-like way, making the achievement of their ultimate goal virtually inevitable.

    Thing is, Curt, pb's convinced that you know what he means but you find it impossible to discuss, as AL Gore would call it, that inconvenient truth.

    So, Curt, how can you imagine the GOP not achieving its goal!?

  43. by HatetheSwamp on July 14, 2023 4:28 am

    How do you figure that? Inflation annualized is at a 3% rate and unemployment is 3.6%.

    When "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" placed his hand on the Bible, inflation was 1.4%.

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha baha baha baha, ahhhhhhhhhhh.

  44. by Curt_Anderson on July 14, 2023 7:25 am
    Yes, and the unemployment rate was 6.3% when Joe Biden took office.

  45. by HatetheSwamp on July 14, 2023 7:36 am


    You ain't gunna justify Bidenomics. Interest rates have DOUBLED so that the rate of inflation is now down only to double Trump's.

    Gas prices have increased by 50% since Joe placed his hand on the Bible.

    You are a great Good German but you're wasting your keystrokes on Bidenomics. Baha!

  46. by Curt_Anderson on July 14, 2023 7:45 am
    Explain Bidenomics?! There are many people, including yourself, who cannot seem to grasp the concept of regular economics. Gas prices were low as Donald Trump left office because demand was low due to Covid. People were not taking vacation trips by car or plain and people were working from home. People are now making up for lost time and are now again traveling again.

    The term for this phenomenon is called “supply and demand”.

  47. by Donna on July 14, 2023 8:28 am

    Many posts on this forum are of the "gotcha" type, designed solely to lure the unsuspecting into an argument. The writers of those posts are rarely interested in objective analysis, I assume because that's no fun for them.

  48. by oldedude on July 14, 2023 8:57 am
    Unfortunately, your wife is the queen of asking those questions.

  49. by HatetheSwamp on July 14, 2023 8:59 am


    My sense is that an opinion expressed in a spirited manner is considered to be of the "gotcha" type by you...

    ...but only if it is at odds with your own opinion.

    I carried Economics as a minor for much of my college career...and, I did very well in those courses.

    This piece of wisdom purportedly originated with George Bernard Shaw. It's undeniable: "If all the economists were laid end to end, they'd never reach a conclusion."

    Nevertheless, the data is that the rate of inflation is waaaaaaaaaay down from its peak during the Biden years...

    ...and, still, in order to get inflation down to only twice its level at the end of Trump’s term, interest rates had to double.

    Food prices rose more than 11% during Joe's first year and 9.9% during his second.

    Gas prices are 50% higher since Joe placed his hand on the Bible.

    Rent has increased about 25% since Joe.

    Splain that away as you wish...

    ...but we both know that getting by is harder since Joe was given stewardship of the US economy for people in our income brackets.

    If that's gotcha, live it. The numbers are what they are.

  50. by Donna on July 14, 2023 9:25 am

    Most maybe all of that had to do with COVID, including high employment figures during Trump. We were in uncharted waters, so of course there was a lot of disagreement on the response. In the next pandemic, IMO it's likely the same thing will happen.

  51. by Ponderer on July 14, 2023 9:32 am

    (About your comment #9)

    Bill, you apparently linked to the wrong video. There was nothing in it of Wray answering any questions. It was just a couple of guys exchanging bullshit propaganda points on a bullshit far right wing propaganda network.

  52. by Indy! on July 14, 2023 9:51 am

    All of you need to raise your standards as to what we should expect from our government. You're all satisfied with crumbs from spoiled rotten food.




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