In all the brouhaha over the Affirmative Action decision yesterday, there was almost no mention of a Supreme Court decision in favor of a Christian employee of the USPS who refused to work on Sundays.
Today, two biggies. One in which a Christian website designer who refused to serve same sex couples. The Court sided with the Christian. The other having to do with "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap's" plan to give money to people who owe student loans.
Supreme Court decisions is something I know a little about. I don't claim to be a constitutional scholar, as po does, but I know some things about this stuff.
So. Big picture:
These decisions extend trends the Court created last year:
First?, the Court takes the liberties guaranteed by the Bill of Rights more seriously than the Court has in a looooooooong, looooooooong time. As an American who values the inability of Big Brother to thwart the rights of individuals, I'm cheering, though pb didn't think the Court would go this far in standing with the First Amendment as it did in the LGB case. But, pb also thinks that individual liberty is a reeeeeeeeeeeally, very good thing.
Second, it understands that Article 1 of the Constitution relates to the Legislature. In the student loan scam, "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap's" string pullers tried, well, to rape the Heroes Act of 03. Past Courts would, most likely, have endorsed the President's scam but, as it did last year, the Court interpreted the intent of Congress literally and shot the overreach of the Executive Branch. Niiiiiiice!
These have been two very good days if you love our Republic.