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Gay & Lesbian selectors, pages, etc.
GAG tweeted: Public school teachers busted for scheme to transition students behind parents' backs and against their wishes
By HatetheSwamp
June 20, 2023 6:09 am
Category: Gay & Lesbian

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Face it. In 023, LGBTQ Pride Month has become LGBTQ Exposé Month. There's lots of LGBTQ evil coming to light. The anti-TQ LGB groups and activists and the mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps who merely want to raise their kids without government intrusion heads of pb's three-headed monster that is destroying the woke trans political agenda and trans ideology is on effin fire! gained access to an online session hosted by the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP), which is funded by the Department of Education, attended by some 30 teachers from Michigan, Iowa, Ohio, Illinois and beyond.

Some teachers said they followed the rules, but others discussed being 'subversive,' how their personal 'code of ethics' trumped laws, and how to 'hide' a trans student's new name and gender from their parents.

The exposé comes amid growing tensions between traditional parents, who worry about newfangled gender ideas in schools, and some progressive teachers, who say they need to protect trans students from their own families.

We're working with our record-keeping system so that certain screens can't be seen by the parents … if there's a nickname in there we're trying to hide,' Martin told the online gathering.

Jennifer Haglund, counselor for Ames Community Schools, which serves 5,000 K-12 Iowa students, complained about Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds in March signing a law that bars biological males from competing on female sports teams.

I think that requires working subversively and quietly sometimes to make sure that trans kids have what they need.'

At no point in the session did any teacher say parents might know what's best for their own kids, nor question whether affirmation-on-demand was the only way to help a trans-identified student.

Some traditional parents worry about activist teachers influencing kids with radical gender ideas, and even encouraging them to transition.

Thanks to the most prominent anti-TQ LGB group in adding fuel to the fire of LGB anti-groomer groups and po's "fascistic and disgusting" "MAGA Republican" "Christian theocrat" groups...AKA the mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps who merely want to raise their kids without government intrusion. 🙄

White middle-class progressive limousine libs, mostly deluded idealistic trans-philes, are the worst thing to happen to America since Nathan Bedford Forrest organized the KKK.

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Comments on "GAG tweeted: Public school teachers busted for scheme to transition students behind parents' backs and against their wishes ":

  1. by Ponderer on June 20, 2023 7:09 am

    "There's lots of LGBTQ evil coming to light." -Hate

    Fuck you, you fucking fuck-faced fuck.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on June 20, 2023 7:28 am


    Tell me that you're cool with what these teachers are doing and planning and that they are depicted doing it unabashedly, heck!, proudly.

    This is where your cause is destroying it-effin-self.

    Here's the difference between us. In all this Trump indictment stuff, neither GOP leaning libertarian here has invested one word in defending Trump. We both attack the Doddering Old Fool's Banana Republic but we can see evil for what it is. But, we clear, regularly, in denouncing Trump.

    You? You drop a cluster eff bomb in defense of trans-philes who are openly attempting to subvert parents' ability to raise their children without governmental intrusion.

    You wanna know why LGBTQ Pride Month 023 has become LGBTQ Exposé Month? It's your fault. Your side won't condemn the evil of people on your side. If you don't regret your enabling of trans and trans-phile evil? I wouldn't want to be on your side in June 024! By a looooooooong shot!

  3. by oldedude on June 20, 2023 7:32 am
    I've said it before.... This is a political theory of relativity. Just because you attack, don't expect NOT to be the recipient of equal attacks. You're telling parents that the state has more of a right than you do in raising your child. Which is legally stoopid, unless the teachers take responsibility of the little heathen robbing the old lady on the street.

    With all the issues you always have around kids with lying, teachers are telling them to lie to their parents. What's the thing you teach your 4 year old? "If some adult tells you to keep "this" a secret, get away and tell us or the police (and it used to be a teacher, but they're not to be trusted anymore)."

    Fortunately, there are more parents that love their children than there are teachers teaching them to lie and cheat. Turning children into liars is Marxism 101, and something the Nazis used from 1933 on. The result? tens of thousands of the LGBT+ communities were sent to "work" and death camps.

  4. by Ponderer on June 20, 2023 7:38 am

    Sorry, Curt. Please delete that post. That one line of Hate's just hit me without having had any coffee yet and it was a helluva night with my back pain. I just wasn't really ready for Hate's assholeness yet this morning.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on June 20, 2023 7:40 am

    You're telling parents that the state has more of a right than you do in raising your child.

    Bang on, this constitutional republic, any way. Several times in the past. I've asked isle why he even wants to live in this country. I don't recall being answered.

    It's time to ask that question of po. So. po?

    Turning children into liars is Marxism 101, and something the Nazis used from 1933 on. The result? tens of thousands of the LGBT+ communities were sent to "work" and death camps.

    OD: Do you ever listen to Jesse Kelly?

  6. by HatetheSwamp on June 20, 2023 7:47 am


    On back pain: A few weeks ago I had an appointment with a spine doctor who does pain management in his practice. Have you ever done that?

    It didn't go well. He did a SPECT Scan...something I'd never heard of. It's an updated variation on a CT Scan. The doctor didn't seem responsive to anything I said. I thought that. Evie was present and she was furious at him. In the end, he prescribed a prescription NSAID. I'm seeing how it works.

  7. by oldedude on June 20, 2023 8:21 am
    OD: Do you ever listen to Jesse Kelly?

    Didn't hear of him until now. I'm not a big podcast fan. My stepson listens to them and it kind of turned me off to them. He could be one to follow though. Someone that's actually lived outside of the country. And seen true evil.

  8. by Donna on June 20, 2023 8:24 am

    "Some teachers said they followed the rules, but others discussed being 'subversive,' how their personal 'code of ethics' trumped laws, and how to 'hide' a trans student's new name and gender from their parents."

    Okay, that's not "transitioning" a child. Transitioning involves taking hormones and if you want to go all the way, surgery, and your name change is done through the courts. None of that is happening in schools. IMO this is being blown out of proportion for political purposes, and of course some people are falling for it.

  9. by HatetheSwamp on June 20, 2023 8:29 am

    Yeah, me too. Since I dumped Fox, I'm increasingly into podcasts. Many on the right are. I do monitor right-wing wing talk radio still but less and less all the time.

    Jesse Kelly is on at 6:00 ET. I've only listened once for less than a hour but he's big friends with lots of the leading figures in talk radio, and... far as I can tell, his big thing is cultural Marxism. Your previous comment evoked him.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on June 20, 2023 8:34 am


    C'mon man, gimme a break. They're preaching trans an age appropriate level. What would they have to be subversive about!!!!!? They're preaching the Trans effin Gospel! Behind the backs of the mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps who merely want to raise their kids without government intrusion.

    Wake up, Donna. GAG's big thing is woke trans grooming and this comes from GAG.

  11. by Donna on June 20, 2023 8:39 am

    LOL! You're such a sap.

  12. by Ponderer on June 20, 2023 8:46 am

    I just don't even know where to start with you two deluded, pig-ignorantly bigoted propaganda junkies.

    First off, that F-carpet bombing was aimed directly at you, Bill. It was a response to you and what you said. Not at anything in the article. It was aimed at a spot right between your willfully blind eyes. So please, take it personally. Take it extremely personally.

    So what are we talking about here? Teachers telling or not telling parents that their child is going by a different name and gender at school? This is the "LGBTQ evil" of which you speak? Please refer back to my opening post in this thread.

    So this is a capital offense in your books? Worthy of grabbing the torches and pitchforks over? Teachers should have an obligation to tell parents their child is doing this? Teachers have no obligation to protect children? They're supposed to automatically assume that the parents don't know what is going on with their child and they should be obligated in every case to contact the parents about it? They're supposed to call the parents up and go, "Say, were you aware that your son Brandon is coming to school wearing girl's clothes and going by the name Brenda?".

    You know, if that's what this is all about then fine. I suppose that's a bone we can throw you if it will get you bigoted assholes off my community's back.

    Go ahead and make it a law that any child who comes to school appearing as the other gender and going by an opposite gender name and pronouns will get automatically hauled into the principal's office to have an immediate parent teacher meeting about it. Knock yourselves out!

    It will likely end up negatively affecting only a tiny number of trans kids who will subsequently be beaten or murdered by their parents or kicked out of the house to become homeless because of their teacher telling on them. Not that you assholes give a flyingfuck about any of their lives.

    You don't really give a flying rat's ass about "protecting the children". That's just convenient subterfuge for your bigoted assholery aimed at my community. You don't giveafuck about trans kids being killed. It's not like they shouldn't be in your book I guess.

    So go ahead and implement such a law if you want to, Bill. You can call it "The Dead Trans Kids Bill".

    And I guess my community will just have to accept this small number of the resulting destroyed young lives as a sacrifice if it will get you fuckingassholes to let us to exist in this country with all the rights that the Constitution is already supposed to provide us.

    Not that this sacrifice of ours would be the end of it of course. You fuckingRepublican assholes never stop going after any minority once you've put them in your cross-hairs.

    To reiterate, please refer back to my opening post again, Bill.

  13. by Ponderer on June 20, 2023 8:55 am

    "They're preaching trans ideology..." -Hate

    Thefuck they are. Nobody is "preaching" anything, you overreacting bullshit propagandist asshole.

    Merely letting children know that transgender people even exist is "Preaching" in your book. It's "Grooming". It's "Indoctrinating". It's "Government intrusion". You have made those words meaningless by your ludicrously erroneous and overblown use of them regarding this issue.

    [Insert carpet F-bomb here]

  14. by HatetheSwamp on June 20, 2023 8:59 am


    Unlike you, I'm following old-school Title IX feminists redefine and revitalize the women's movement. I'm watching the Libs of TikTok crowd on Twitter coalesce with GAG and all the other anti-TQ LGB groups and activists.

    I'm noticing that Pride Month last year was more tense than two years ago and that this year's is a disaster...and, I know that, more than anything else, LGBTQ "subversion" binds the anti-TQ LGB crowd with the mommies and daddies far more than any issue.

    I'm guessing that, maybe all anti-TQ LGBs and parents who merely want to raise their kids without government intrusion are saps. And, just maybe, you're arrogant and sanctimonious. Either way, you're side's beginning to lose ground...big time.

  15. by oldedude on June 20, 2023 9:10 am
    1. We are not putting anyone in the cross-hairs (well, perhaps the teachers per se).

    1a. We are saying that parents have a legal and moral obligation to be told what is going on in schools. This has been proven in the US court system.

    Teachers telling or not telling parents that their child is going by a different name and gender at school?
    Yes. I have a legal right to that information. Period. It's MY child, not yours. You're teaching them to lie. Simple as that (see above).

    So this is a capital offense in your books?
    YOU pushed this. Parents didn't. They pushed back over mandatory reading and assignments that were inappropriate to be entered into legal school board meeting minutes.

    Teachers should have an obligation to tell parents their child is doing this? Teachers have no obligation to protect children?
    They do, and there are legal and ethical ways to do that (other than lying to parents/ caretakers). Prove to me (legally, not what you "feel") that teachers have more of a legal obligation to protect children than the parents.

    They're supposed to automatically assume that the parents don't know what is going on with their child and they should be obligated in every case to contact the parents about it? They're supposed to call the parents up and go, "Say, were you aware that your son Brandon is coming to school wearing girl's clothes and going by the name Brenda?"
    If that's the case, and the teacher hasn't discussed it before, shame on the teacher. So, in your case, yes. It's also the obligation to notify law enforcement if there are suspicious marks on the child that may be abuse. What if they didn't report that?

    I suppose that's a bone we can throw you if it will get you bigoted assholes off my community's back.
    The piece that your paranoia won't allow you to see, is that we aren't attacking "your community," we're trying to keep our children safe from people traditionally OUTSIDE of your community (pedos and perps). When you say that teachers can "keep secrets" from parents, that is going to include the those assholes in the equation. They have the perfect setup to sexually abuse these kids and tell them to "keep quiet" and "don't tell your parents about this." I've said it many, many times. "Your community" has a smaller number of reported cases than either the pedos, or the straights that perp on the older students. I've found a whole fukking TWO cases of the hundreds that are reported. I'm thinking "your community" is not an issue.

    Go ahead and make it a law that any child who comes to school appearing as the other gender and going by an opposite gender name and pronouns will get automatically hauled into the principal's office to have an immediate parent teacher meeting about it.
    If that happened, as a parent I'd be in the Superintendent's office the next day.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on June 20, 2023 9:45 am


    Merely letting children know that transgender people even exist is "Preaching" in your book. It's "Grooming". It's "Indoctrinating". It's "Government intrusion". You have made those words meaningless by your ludicrously erroneous and overblown use of them regarding this issue.

    Two truths.

    1. Not so long ago you were telling OD that trans grooming NEVER takes place.
    2. This whole thread comes from a tweet by, probably, the most moderate anti-TQ LGB group. But, it's LGB people behind it. You need to accept the reality that the most vehement critique of the teaching of trans issues in public schools comes from LGB people who were preached into transitioning and are detransitioning or have detransitioned...or didn't transition but felt intense pressure to transition. IT'S NOT THOSE EVIL "FASCISTIC AND DISGUSTING" "MAGA REPUBLICAN" "CHRISTIAN THEOCRATS" WHO ARE LEADING THE ANTI-TQ FIGHT. It's LGBs who are behind it all. I've posted this video link before. Doubtless you ignored it. All of your ostriching can't change this reality.

    View Video

  17. by HatetheSwamp on June 20, 2023 10:08 am

    Incidentally, the Twitter site LGB, which describes itself as, "A youth movement to separate LGB and TQ," has just posted this open-ended poll:

    Do you think 'sex change surgeries' should be legal? pb chose yes because the question includes all surgeries for people of all ages.

    Still, so far, it ain't looking good for believers in sex change surgery.

  18. by HatetheSwamp on June 20, 2023 10:11 am

    BTW, OD. Good stuff, as always.

  19. by Ponderer on June 20, 2023 10:13 am

    (You know what I want to say...)

  20. by Ponderer on June 20, 2023 10:19 am

    "Not so long ago you were telling OD that trans grooming NEVER takes place." -Hate

    It's rare enough that "never" is a barely exaggerating estimation.

    Just like when we say that voter fraud never happens. Same difference.

  21. by HatetheSwamp on June 20, 2023 10:35 am


    This'ne was just retweeted by GAG:

    "Detransitioner describes how she was rapidly pushed on hormones at the age of 15 even though she did not have a persistent record of dysphoria.

    She has detransitioned and she isn’t even a senior in high school."

    Heartbreaking, eh!!!!!?

  22. by Donna on June 20, 2023 10:58 am

    These are the typical kinds of politically exaggerated threats and scare tactics we're used to seeing from the right.

    What I'm seeing are isolated cases where parents who should be notified of what's going on with their children at school vis-a-vis gender issues are being iced out of the loop by some teachers. IMO those special cases should be dealt with individually. There is no one size fits all approach to this contentious issue.

    If I were a teacher and personally knew that there was a good chance that a TG student of mine who requested to be treated as a member of the opposite physical sex at school would be in physical danger if I outed them to their parents, I certainly wouldn't.

    It's a difficult situation with no easy answers, but it's also VERY rare and not the widespread problem that some Republican politicians are making it out to be to advance their own political aspirations.

  23. by HatetheSwamp on June 20, 2023 11:17 am


    You may be right. I have no basis in experience to judge. What I have experience in is the narrative being told by the rapidly growing and increasingly influential LGB people of the anti-TQ LGB groups and activists. Their narrative is always based in personal experience. And, based on results, it's effective.

    It was one thing when your opponents were po's white, middle-class parents of public school students, i.e., po's "fascistic and disgusting" ""MAGA Republican" "Christian theocrats." Not n'more. The "fascistic and disgusting" "MAGA Republican" "Christian theocrats" are in conversation with the anti-TQ LGBs...and, they aggressively support each other.

    I doubt your characterization of how isolated these things are and how exaggerated. What I know for certain is that, increasingly, what you're saying is at serious odds with what people think.

  24. by Donna on June 20, 2023 11:27 am

    I don't pay attention to screaming imbeciles on You Tube.

  25. by HatetheSwamp on June 21, 2023 3:04 am


    I don't pay attention to YouTube screamers either but you should watch the interview with Jaimee Michell, which I have linked to twice. Michell is attractive and articulate and very, very bright. You can pretend the LGB anti-TQ movement away if you like, but, my guess not for long.

  26. by Ponderer on June 21, 2023 6:00 am

    "I don't pay attention to YouTube screamers either but" -Both Ways Bill

    The effortlessness with which you lie your hypocritical ass off is a stunning thing to behold, Bill.

  27. by HatetheSwamp on June 21, 2023 6:06 am

    I'd be happy for you to link to evidence. LIAR!!! Baha.

  28. by Ponderer on June 21, 2023 6:49 am

    I'll simply point you to every post that you have made in which you have been championing GAG. They fit the label of "Youtube screamers" to a "T". And you have certainly been paying very close attention to them.

    So you are a hypocritical liar, Bill.

  29. by HatetheSwamp on June 21, 2023 9:33 am

    You were busted, ain't, po!!!!!?

  30. by Ponderer on June 21, 2023 10:00 am

    I ain't.

    I simply pointed you to every post that you have made in which you have been championing GAG. They fit the label of "Youtube screamers" to a "T" and you have certainly been paying very close attention to them.

    So, again, you are a hypocritical liar, Bill.

  31. by HatetheSwamp on June 21, 2023 10:52 am

    Why people oppose the trans political agenda:

    "The NCAA forced me and my female swimmers to share a locker room…with a 6’4″, 22-year-old, male equipped with and exposing male genitalia." Riley Gaines

  32. by Donna on June 21, 2023 6:44 pm

    Lying hypocrite.

  33. by Ponderer on June 21, 2023 6:52 pm

    That was me, Bill.

    But Donna agrees with me.

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