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Politics selectors, pages, etc.
Conspiracy nut RFK. Jr. explains transgenderism.
By Curt_Anderson
June 19, 2023 6:43 pm
Category: Politics

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"Have you ever heard of a thing called fluoridation - fluoridation of water?
...A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice." --General Ripper in Dr. Strangelove.

On June 5, the Democratic presidential candidate told the controversial media commentator that he thought the "sexual dysphoria" seen in children, particularly boys, was because they were "swimming through a soup of toxic chemicals."

[Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said:] "In fact, I think a lot of the problems we see in kids—and particularly boys—it's probably under-appreciated how much of that is coming from chemical exposures, including a lot of the sexual dysphoria that we're seeing."

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Comments on "Conspiracy nut RFK. Jr. explains transgenderism. ":

  1. by Indy! on June 19, 2023 7:10 pm
    If you couldn't quote him accurately, it means you either know he had a point or you're simply dishonest. Don't really care about the transgender angle or whether or not RFK is a conspiracy theorist (a term used only to discredit that only works on the weak minded - ie: the people using it). The real issue here is your fear of RFK this far out from the election - a candidate that is not viable, the Ds are doing everything they can to destroy and would probably be lucky to get 10% of the D vote in the primaries in a straight up election today's corrupt Ds couldn't provide if you paid them. What does that say about your belief in Biden? It tells me you believe in him and his abilities about as much as I do. IOW - not at all. 😘

  2. by Curt_Anderson on June 19, 2023 7:32 pm
    I quoted my cited source, Newsweek, verbatim. If I got it wrong, it's because Newsweek did. I'd like to see your evidence that Newsweek and/or I misquoted him.

    RFK Jr. would be at home at a Qanon convention. He believes vaccines cause autism and coronavirus vaccines are harmful. He called Dr. Fauci a threat to western democracy. He said Jews had it better in Nazi Germany than did Americans when vaccines were encouraged and in some cases mandated for employment.

    He blames the CIA for the assassinations of his father and uncle. He crusaded against 5G internet technology, claiming it damages human DNA and is a secret tool of mass surveillance. He has accused Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates of working to develop an “injectable chip” that would allow, once again, mass surveillance.

    He is sharply critical of the Biden administration’s record on immigration, pledging to somehow “seal the border permanently.” He has attacked U.S. support for Ukraine in its fight against Russia, calling the war “a setup by the neocons and the CIA.”

  3. by Indy! on June 19, 2023 7:49 pm
    Curt common sense tells us if you cut and pasted the text - then we know Newsweek misquoted him. If you wrote it out from memory or took dictation from the video - then you either misquoted him or lied on purpose. I don't care which of these are true or accurate because it doesn't matter to the larger point I was making - which is you don't believe in Biden either. You actually reinforced my point by going off on RFK again with all kinds of nutty stuff nobody mentioned anywhere.

    But so far as Bill Gates microchipping people? What makes you think that? Maybe this...?

  4. by Curt_Anderson on June 19, 2023 8:03 pm
    I provided a link to my source. I used brackets around his name for clarification which indicates that the rest of the paragraph was quoted.

    RFK Jr. appeals to MAGA and Qanon types and to uninformed liberals who confuse him with his father.

    As the Bill Gates reference, I included a link to my source, the Washington Post. They are not the only source to report that.

    Debunked Bill Gates Conspiracy Gets A Boost From RFK Jr., Marla Maples
    This week he posted to his Instagram account a photo of Gates with the wild words “The digitalized economy? We get rid of cash and coins. We give you a chip. We put all your money in your chip. If you refuse a vaccine, we turn off the chip and you starve!”

    Also uploaded with the photo were separate videos of Gates speaking about making vaccinations a high priority with other clips that reference identity control that appear to link a coronavirus vaccine with controlling or tracking people with microchips.

    The conspiracy theory that Gates plans to install tracking devices into humans with the coronavirus vaccine his foundation is aiding has been debunked by experts but has still continued to gain traction in some circles since the onset of the pandemic.

  5. by Indy! on June 19, 2023 8:39 pm
    Okay, so it’s a misquote by omission. You (or Newsweek - that part is still unclear) left out parts of the statement so it misrepresented what he actually said.

    I don’t care about RFK or your opinion of him. You’re obviously not keeping up with your own board because I already told Donna I had no intention of voting for him. He is running as a Democrat which automatically eliminates him from any consideration for me.

    Bill Gates - you didn’t look at my source. That had nothing to do with the vaccine or a chip being installed via the vaccine. It was the patent to an implantable chip that would track crypto transactions. The “applicant” is clearly noted as Microsoft on the patent application.

  6. by Curt_Anderson on June 19, 2023 10:07 pm
    "The digitalized economy? We get rid of cash and coins. We give you a chip. We put all your money in your chip. If you refuse a vaccine, we turn off the chip and you starve!" --Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I am giving you a Google link because RFK Jr. was quoted saying that in more than one place.

    The concept of inserted credit card chip is apparently already here. I saw a news story about some guy in Chicago had it done who claims it's convenient because he can buy stuff with a wave of his hand.

    What is crazy about RFK Jr's claim is his assertion that vaccine refusal would result in their Big Brother imposed starvation. That's just paranoid.

  7. by Indy! on June 20, 2023 12:31 am
    I think he was just being hyperbolic, but if you don’t think that could happen you’re not paying attention. Look at what happened to Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, the two Americans Obama had assassinated, JFK, RFK… I’ve had the government take money directly out of my bank account with no warning whatsoever simply because they THOUGHT I had underpaid my taxes. Turns out it was basically a clerical error. I certainly do not want them to be able to have control of ALL my cash.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on June 20, 2023 4:32 am

    However, some academics have said using studies such as the one on atrazine's effects on frogs paints LGBTQ+ individuals as contrary to natural norms and "as deviant, impure or contaminated."

    That argument is pure woke...and, perfectly and tragically anti-science.

    Just curious, Curt, what does cause gender dysphoria...since you seem to know what doesn't.

  9. by oldedude on June 20, 2023 5:36 am
    I’ve had the government take money directly out of my bank account with no warning whatsoever simply because they THOUGHT I had underpaid my taxes. Turns out it was basically a clerical error. I certainly do not want them to be able to have control of ALL my cash.

    So if you're a political opponent on a grassroots level, all of a sudden, your account "doesn't exist." All this for donating to the wrong cause. What this will do is to turn our markets into a gray market much like the old Soviet bloc, and other Marxist "governments," where cash still holds value, but barter is worth much more.

    Side note; for years, the US has been talking about a National ID card/ Voting Card, much like Mexico has. This has had across the board hatred. Common e-currency owned by the government is far worse.

  10. by Donna on June 20, 2023 8:36 am
    Yes, that must be how I became TG. LOL!

    It doesn't surprise me at all that RFKJR said that. He's a total cuckoo bird.

    I feel sorry for his wife, actress Cheryl Hines who played Larry David's wife and later, ex-wife, on Curb Your Enthusiasm.

  11. by Ponderer on June 20, 2023 8:59 am

    I heard that he's already got someone in mind to appoint as secretary of defense to protect all our precious bodily fluids...

  12. by HatetheSwamp on June 20, 2023 9:21 am

    po, Donna,

    Did you drink fluoridated water as kids?

  13. by Donna on June 20, 2023 10:12 am

    Yes, along with everyone in my family and nearly every American.

    The flouridated water scare was debunked thoroughly decades ago. Indy could probably do a good job schooling you on that (if you need it - IDK). I remember him commenting on it years ago.

  14. by Indy! on June 20, 2023 1:57 pm
    Your memory was leaving you before I left this board, Donna. It's obviously completely gone now. 🙄

  15. by Indy! on June 20, 2023 2:01 pm
    So if you're a political opponent on a grassroots level, all of a sudden, your account "doesn't exist." All this for donating to the wrong cause. What this will do is to turn our markets into a gray market much like the old Soviet bloc, and other Marxist "governments," where cash still holds value, but barter is worth much more.

    It's comical how the "left" is now 100% in favor of government having full control over our lives in every facet imaginable. The CIA are now their heroes.

    Side note; for years, the US has been talking about a National ID card/ Voting Card, much like Mexico has. This has had across the board hatred. Common e-currency owned by the government is far worse.

    The Biden government is already looking into ways to control cryptocurrency before it replaces the dying dollar.

  16. by Hunter28 on June 20, 2023 3:08 pm

    Indy! wrote: "the Ds are doing everything they can to destroy (RFK Jr.)"

    ... while Steve Bannon and other far-right extremists are doing everything to promote him.

    The Rs know that Trump will lose to Biden (again) in a head-to-head race, so they're trying to throw speedbumps in front of him, like RFK and No Labels. To borrow a phrase, RFK is fake news.

    Meanwhile, Biden has an 84 percent approval rating from Democrats.

  17. by Indy! on June 20, 2023 3:13 pm
    Biden is toast. He's going to lose no matter who the GOP puts up.

    And again - for everybody this time - I couldn't care less about RFK.

  18. by Hunter28 on June 20, 2023 3:36 pm

    In the same way the Democrats were supposed to be toast in November 2022?

    It's not so much that Biden will win. But the Republicans sure seem determined to shoot a bunch of holes in the bottom of their boat. Didn't 2022 teach them that abortion was a third rail? Instead, they're rushing to ban abortion and lock up women seeking them. Instead of running away from a three-time loser, they're determined to nominate Trump again.

    And what happens if someone actually manages to take the nomination away from Trump? If he didn't accept losing the 2020 election, how is he going to respond when he loses the 2024 nomination. Think he's gonna graciously accept loss and endorse the candidate who got the most delegates? Or maybe Trump will tell all of his supporters to stay home so he can win the nomination in 2028?

  19. by Indy! on June 20, 2023 4:20 pm
    I did not say the Ds were toast in 2022. I predicted they would lose the House and barely hold onto the Senate - exactly what happened. And if we're being real? They lost the Senate because of Manchin and Sinema. But that has nothing to do with Biden. He got a free ride in 2020 on the promise he was going to do something and all he's done is make excuses.

  20. by Hunter28 on June 20, 2023 4:50 pm

    Indy! wrote: "(Biden) got a free ride in 2020 on the promise he was going to do something and all he's done is make excuses."

    You couldn't be more wrong. Biden has been the most consequential president in the last 50 years, and he has accomplished more than any president since LBJ. Maybe even since FDR.

    You can find a summary of his accomplishments at the link below.

  21. by Ponderer on June 20, 2023 6:03 pm

    100% agree with you, Hunter.

  22. by Indy! on June 21, 2023 12:59 am
    Biden hasn’t done jack for the left. That list is a bunch of pr fluff I could blow out of the water point by point if it were actually worth my time. And saying Biden is the most “consequential president of the last 50 years is - first off wrong - and secondly more of an indictment of the shit presidents we’ve had than anything Biden has done.

    Meanwhile RFK is now at 20%. If Biden is so great and “consequential” - why is he only at 60%? And not to point out the obvious, but we are WAY FAR OUT still - most people are not even paying attention yet. Trust Indy - the guy who called Hillary as far back as 2006 - Biden is the walking dead. He got his freebie - time to step aside.

  23. by HatetheSwamp on June 21, 2023 9:19 am

    I know Biden's been good for Anglo-American relations, now that he's praying blessings on the Queen. His term has been hard on lyin pony-soldiers, though. It's not been good for everyone.

    Just curious. Biden's approval is a point and a half below Trump at this point. How stupid is America, eh!!!!

  24. by Indy! on June 21, 2023 9:24 am
    There is a real anger on the left that is not visible to anyone who doesn't look beyond the surface... and by that I mean the traditional media outlets - cable, legacy media and the major websites. They are not reporting on it, but the protests of the past... Occupy Wall Street, BLM, January 6, etc... did not happen in a vacuum. There is a LOT of unrest boiling out of the view of the sleeping.

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