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NH Republican flips endorsement from Trump to DeSantis, citing criticism of Kayleigh McEnany.
By Curt_Anderson
June 1, 2023 9:20 pm
Category: Politics

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New Hampshire state Rep. James Spillane confirmed in a statement to The Hill that he will be backing DeSantis for the 2024 GOP primary election, citing Trump’s treatment of McEnany, who served under the former president as his press secretary — pushed him to make the switch.

"I can no longer continue endorsing former President Trump. I am officially withdrawing my endorsement, as his most recent attack on Kayleigh McEnany is beyond comprehension and explanation," Spillane said in a statement. "Against my deepest hopes that Trump had learned some measure of control, he has attacked those who have been his staunchest supporters with no regard for their loyalty."

Trump's cabinet, staff and political appointees went from bad to worse during his four years in office. I hate to think what sort of bottom-feeders he'd bring to the White House for a second term. --Curt

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Comments on "NH Republican flips endorsement from Trump to DeSantis, citing criticism of Kayleigh McEnany.":

  1. by oldedude on June 1, 2023 11:18 pm
    This is good news! I'm hoping to see more like this that are tired of trumpster's spoiled primadona/diva mouth. I'm with Spillane, trumpster thinks this is just about him and he can do this without help. That's where Ron comes in. Ron can also hold his mouth shut regarding people, which is seen time and time again.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on June 2, 2023 3:26 am

    This is precisely why it has always been difficult for pb to vote for Trump. He's a perfect match for the progressive SwampMedia...despicable. It's gratifying to see anyone else agreeing.

    Also, pb's been saying that DeSantis’ best shot is for him to do well in the early caucuses and primaries and to establish some momentum.

  3. by Ponderer on June 2, 2023 6:44 am

    "This is precisely why it has always been difficult for pb to vote for Trump." -Hate


    Back in 2020 you made it sound like voting for him against Biden was the easiest, most simple choice you ever made in your life! You made him out to be your One True Candidate. In a world of "Swamp", he was your Golden Hero. You even named yourself after one of his prime propaganda gimmicks.

    You felt the exact same way in 2016 when he was running against Hillary. Voting for Trump was a no-brainer for you then also.

    Voting for him has never been "difficult" for you, Bill. You're such a liar. But I get it. You want to cultivate the perception that you never felt any of these ways about him because his wanton criminality, his total detachment from reality, and his mob-boss megalomania are becoming too great for anyone to ignore any longer.

    Your need to detach from him out of shame and embarrassment is currently just slightly winning over your existential need to support and defend him.

    Trump is still your Golden God. You still support and defend him at every opportunity. And it is becoming quite hilarious watching you try to pull off a switch from loving to hating him while still abjectly doing everything for him that you did before you supposedly stopped loving him.

    It's going to be funny as hell watching you flip flop back to vote for Trump again if he kicks DeSantis's ass and wins the MAGA Republican primary.

  4. by Curt_Anderson on June 2, 2023 10:38 am
    "This is good news! I'm hoping to see more like this that are tired of trumpster's spoiled primadona/diva mouth." --OD

    DeSantis Lashes Out At Reporter During New Hampshire Campaign Stop: 'Are You Blind?'

  5. by oldedude on June 2, 2023 12:26 pm
    I saw that. During an Q&A with folks off the cuff, the reporter asks if he was going to take questions from the public. Looks like your reporter was the stupid one.

  6. by Curt_Anderson on June 2, 2023 5:25 pm
    Really? You think the reporter was the stupid one. The reporter isn't running for office and looking for positive headlines. Whatever positive news story DeSantis was looking for was replaced with his "are you blind?" stories. Mark my words, reporters will be looking for and reporting DeSantis' every surly comment and cranky response.

    Now DeSantis WILL have to nicely and patiently answer voters' questions. They will be lot dumber questions than the ones reporters will ask.

  7. by oldedude on June 2, 2023 5:39 pm
    The reporter isn't running for office and looking for positive headlines.

    No, he/she/them/they/it whatthefukever, are after a headline that he/she/them/they/it whatthefukever at the editing desk will buy in the company that owns him. Really? Didn't you ever work for a company where you were actually expected to do something? Oh. Maybe not.

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