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CNN delivered "horrible news"
By oldedude
May 25, 2023 8:17 pm
Category: Politics

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Yeah... CNN of all places...

CNN delivered "horrible news" for President Biden as the network's latest polling offered a grim forecast ahead of his 2024 reelection bid.

The poll released Thursday show a whopping 66% of Americans view a Biden victory in the upcoming presidential election as either a "disaster" or a "setback" for the United States.

"Horrible news, horrible for Joe Biden," CNN anchor Jake Tapper reacted to the poll.

"Those are some bad numbers," he later added.

CNN political director David Challian provided analysis of the poll that showed 41% of Americans specifically called a Biden win a "disaster," a slightly better figure than the 44% who said the same about former President Trump. However, another 26% of Americans viewed a Biden win as a "setback" while just 12% said the same about a Trump win. Both front-runners were tied at 27% among those who call each of their wins a "step forward" but Trump held a ten-point lead over Biden among those who would call it a "triumph."

Things only got grimmer for Biden when polled against his Democratic primary challengers. While he himself has earned 60% support, a stunning 20% threw their support behind Robert F. Kennedy Jr. while 8% backed spiritual guru and former 2020 presidential candidate Marianne Williamson and another 8% wanted someone else.

Within the breakdown between Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents showed 67% of party loyalists backing Biden while just 40% of the leaning independents doing the same. But Chalian called RFK Jr.'s support a "potential warning sign" as a solid 32% of those leaning Americans back him while having only 15% of the party loyalists.

A Fox News poll released last month showed a similar landscape of the Democratic field with Biden earning 62% of support among primary voters while RFK Jr. received 19% and Williamson reaching 9%.

Polls continue to show low enthusiasm for the president with a high percentage of Americans concerned about his age, even among Democrats.

I'm not that impressed with trumpster, but in lieu of pedojoe, I'll take it. That

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Comments on "CNN delivered "horrible news"":

  1. by oldedude on May 25, 2023 8:20 pm
    Sorry. I missed something.

    🤣 🤪 😁

  2. by Curt_Anderson on May 25, 2023 8:56 pm
    "But Chalian called RFK Jr.'s support a "potential warning sign" as a solid 32% of those leaning Americans back him while having only 15% of the party loyalists." OD quoting MSN site.

    I said in an earlier post that the only reason RFK jr. gets any support is that most people don't know anything about him and imagine he might have something in common with his father. He doesn't. He's a crackpot. RFK jr. recently said Anne Frank and the Jews in the Holocaust had it better than Americans who were encouraged and on occasion required to be vaccinated against COVID.

    (CNN)Among those who would consider Kennedy, 20% cite his connections to the Kennedy family as the main reason. One said, “I liked his dad (RFK) and his uncle (JFK) a lot. I would hope he has a similar mindset.” Many suggested they are merely open to learning more: 17% say they just don’t know enough about him to rule him out and 10% that they are open-minded and would consider any candidate. One respondent explained they would consider him, “Because a reasonable person considers things before making choices. It has nothing to do with RFK himself, just that I wouldn’t automatically say ‘no’ without consideration first.”

    That Biden faces some "headwinds" (CNN's term) is an indication the Democrats are not like Republican cultists.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on May 26, 2023 4:02 am

    "...the only reason RFK jr. gets any support is that most people don't know anything about him and imagine he might have something in common with his father. He doesn't. He's a crackpot." Curt

    Be sure to watch the video of the guy speaking a eulogy at the funeral of Strom Thurmond. It's the same guy who claims to have attended black churches and Jewish synagogues as a youth and who was active in the civil rights movement during the time of the Selma march. And wad sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community...

    ...AND, who used to drive a truck.

    So, RFK is a crackpot!!!!!? Baha bah baha.

    As you know, pb was a registered Dem for 45 years. He voted for effin HHH. He voted against Reagan TWICE.

    Interestingly, he vaguely recalled voting for Biden in 88 in the Pennsylvania Dem Primary.

    If pb hadn't left the Dems in disgust during the 010s, he'd be planning to vote for RFK Jr in the 024 Primary seriously and without qualm because, by comparison President Clouseau is the f'real crackpot.

    RFK Jr is enuff of the sort of lib pb was when he registered Dem when he was 18 years old. No doubt!
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  4. by oldedude on May 26, 2023 1:14 pm
    That Biden faces some "headwinds" (CNN's term) is an indication the Democrats are not like Republican cultists.

    That's pretty fresh coming from someone that draws strong likenesses to the Sturmabteilung. And when a fresh face comes in, he automatically rejects them as "unsuitable." This is the epitome of the sheeple cult. This cult demands the typical dim. An old white guy swamp addict that can't think for himself anymore.

    Let's see what the GOP looks like.... Of the SIX people running, 3 are minorities, the age range is 37- 76. How "locked in" is the GOP? I started out liking Nikki. Right now, I'm not sure she's running for President or trumpster's VP. Either way, I'm shifting to Tim or Ron.

    Tim is a breath of fresh air. He actually has a platform that includes doing substantial for minorities that is not just giving them handouts. The dims believe in making the minorities victims and keeping thim darkies in their place, just like their forefather slave owners in the south. He's talked about keeping minority areas safer for the minorities since black on black crime has the worst gun crime that's been completely disregarded by the sheeple in lieu of blaming an inanimate object and making the inner cities so bad no one wants to live there.

    Ron is different, but not bad either. His stated objectives include actually believing that the US is a sovereign nation (which the sheeple hate), replacing unelected bureaucrats with elected representatives. This makes the government beholden to the people, which is what is supposed to happen. Reestablishing integrity to our institutions by returning the government to its rightful owners: we the people. No social or economic transformation without representation. That can be a double-edged sword. IF you can get the votes, you can put through something the executive branch doesn't like. If it's a great idea the President like, you can still put it though. That's the law. He uses FL as his example, which all governors should be able to. We have the 2nd highest amount of minority owned businesses in the US, and that's growing. He reduced the road taxes by 50%. He demanded that if the roads were paid for then why are taxpayers paying for a shush fund for the state to spend? If the money should be spent, that money should go through channels of asking the people if that money should be spent. This is another example of pissing off the sheeple. The idea of the people having the power to do that goes against all the socialist and marxist sheep on the left.

  5. by Curt_Anderson on May 26, 2023 1:58 pm
    “Sturmabteilung”. —-OD

    Sehr interessant! Interesting that you are so well versed in Nazi hierarchy and Nazi lingo.

  6. by oldedude on May 26, 2023 8:21 pm
    Know your enemy. Sun Tzu.

  7. by oldedude on May 26, 2023 8:21 pm
    Know your enemy. Sun Tzu.

  8. by oldedude on May 26, 2023 8:21 pm
    Know your enemy. Sun Tzu.

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