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Government selectors, pages, etc.
3:00 EDT--Arizona Trump Rally Live
By HatetheSwamp
July 24, 2021 12:17 pm
Category: Government

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The crowd is rockin!

I usually check these out. This the same source our old friend tuk used. By the end, this YouTube version of the rally will certainly receive more than a million views. Last one got more than 2 million.

It's raw. Unprofessional. Real. What you see is truth. If you have a vigorous mind, take a look.

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Comments on "3:00 EDT--Arizona Trump Rally Live":

  1. by Curt Anderson on July 24, 2021 6:06 pm
    RSBN announcer Brian Glenn said Trump didn't fill the arena. There were open seats on the main floor and the balcony was empty, Glenn said. Glenn estimated that there were 4000 people in attendance. The capacity of the The Arizona Federal Theatre where the event was held is 5000.

  2. by Curt Anderson on July 24, 2021 6:25 pm
    TODAY, 19:25
    "I lost by about 10,000," Trump slipped at his rally.
    "We didn't lose, we won by a lot, but they say we lost," he caught himself right after.

    TODAY, 19:51
    "You’re going to have Republicans that aren’t going to want to vote," Trump warned.
    "They’re gonna say, 'We’re not gonna let it happen again.’"
    "They’re not gonna work for you, and you’ve gotta get going," Trump warned Republican officials. "We don't have the luxury to sit back and wait until the next election."

  3. by Donna on July 24, 2021 7:04 pm
    So what is he suggesting?

  4. by Curt Anderson on July 24, 2021 8:42 pm
    IMHO Trump is suggesting an unholy alliance with his preferred candidates, some of whom were in attendance at today's rally.

    His pitch, though not said aloud in public, is that he alone can save these motley candidates. In exchange for his campaigning for them he is collecting endorsements for 2024 and probably donations to his PAC.

    Trump’s PAC collected $75 million this year, but so far the group has not put money into pushing for the 2020 ballot reviews he touts
    The tactic allows Trump to build up a war chest to use in the 2022 midterms on behalf of candidates he favors — and to stockpile cash for another potential White House run, an unprecedented maneuver for a former president.

  5. by Donna on July 24, 2021 11:17 pm
    I read the entire U.S. Sun article. I heard: The election was stolen, the Democrats are every bad thing you can think of, many Republican voters have lost faith in the election process and won't vote, but somehow we're going to take back the government.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on July 25, 2021 6:11 am
    Watching one Trump speech after another is tedious work and I didn't watch this whole thing.

    But, in the context of his other very similar speeches, he's preaching the Gospel of the outsider. How does a man who was President make the case that he is from the outside?

    This is how.

    The election was stolen from US, not only by the Dems, but also by the establishment of OUR own party.

    I'll say, again, that your TDS is showing. Trump's crazy indeed. But, he's crazy like a fox.

    My take on this is that, between now and 022, he'll fight to win Congress for the GOPs with as many Trumpster GOPs in DC as possible. He'll also fight to win the odd Governorship to insure the signing of as many election integrity laws as possible.

    Then, he'll shift message and take aim at the White House.

  7. by Curt Anderson on July 25, 2021 6:26 am
    Maybe we are overcomplicating this. Trump is a grifter and this is simply his latest grift: make a PAC, make speeches, make money.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on July 25, 2021 7:07 am

    How'd that work out for y'all in 016?

    Get those new laws in place...and, rule the world!

  9. by Donna on July 25, 2021 10:19 am
    Curt: You described his entire presidency. Trump was raised by his father to see everything as a money making opportunity. I remember Trump himself talking about that in an interview before he was president. Every fiber of his being is focused on amassing as much wealth as possible for himself. He as much as admitted that in the interview.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on July 25, 2021 10:22 am

    You may be for four more years of it, eh?

  11. by Curt Anderson on July 25, 2021 10:35 pm
    Here is one of the GOP contenders being booed of the stage (see video link). Notice that on main floor there are empty seats. The RSBN host/reporter said the balcony seating area was empty. He estimated the crowd to be about 4000 in the 5000 capacity theatre.
    View Video

  12. by HatetheSwamp on July 26, 2021 3:51 am
    "Before Arizona State Senator Michelle Ugenti-Rita even started speaking, the booing began. The audience seems familiar with the fact that she opposed election changes that other Trump-supporting Republicans sought. The jeers were so loud she could barely begin her remarks and quickly abandoned the podium. “Fine, ok,” she said. “I’m running to be your next secretary of state. I’m going to win the primary, thank you very much,” before leaving the stage. Shortly afterward, she tweeted that although she initially supported the Trump audit, she now is against it." --THEBULWARK

    No doubt, this was all about Trump. Perhaps it surprises you that the crowd was so informed that it knew to boo a candidate for Secretary of State.

    The question about empty seats is how close to Trump's appearance that was true.

    FYI, I watched RSBN early in the broadcast. The RSBN reporters were interviewing who seemed to be a part of a substantial crowd hanging around outside who seemed to be convinced that there was no chance that they could get in the building.

    One thing I've learned about TDS reporting is that many TDSers in the press are happy to pass on, as po would say, "blatant," as po would say, "prevarications" to cast Trump in a negative light. Effin.

  13. by Curt Anderson on July 26, 2021 8:31 am
    Perhaps it surprises you that the crowd was so informed that it knew to boo a candidate for Secretary of State. HtS

    Why are you assuming that they are informed? There were probably a few people who knew she did not support the audit and began booing. The rest of the audience followed like sheep.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on July 26, 2021 9:19 am

    I get your message.

    We're all morons. Truth be known, I even have to use spellcheck for the word "I."

  15. by Curt Anderson on July 26, 2021 11:05 am
    When you hear a crowd at a stadium or arena lustily booing the referee do you think to yourself, "boy what an informed group of people! They must be really knowledgeable about the intricacies and rules of the game."?

  16. by HatetheSwamp on July 26, 2021 12:46 pm
    When you hear a crowd at a stadium or arena lustily booing the referee do you think to yourself, "boy what an informed group of people! They must be really knowledgeable about the intricacies and rules of the game."?

    Assuming were not talking about a Philadelphia crowd...

    When I hear that from a crowd, I assume that, at that moment, the crowd has a heightened level of awareness because the crowd is not in that state in every moment.

    As far as the Arizona event, I watched about an hour of the speeches and the audience was annoying me because it was insanely enthusiastic, wildly applauding everything said by every speaker. I felt like I was watching a high school pep rally.

    That that crowd booed ANYONE someone for any reason suggests that there was a level of awareness there that I didn't think the crowd was capable. And, it shows me that those people know who to hate and they have no shame in demonstrating it.

  17. by Curt Anderson on July 26, 2021 2:18 pm
    What you call "a heightened level of awareness" is not the same thing as being informed. That's herd mentality. A herd of antelope or a flock of sheep might take off running when a predator is nearby, but the individuals in the herd or flock don't necessarily know why they are running.

    The only person who was informed in that video is the candidate Ugenti who is informed enough to know the Arizona fraudit is a sham which won't change the results of the 2020 election.

  18. by HatetheSwamp on July 26, 2021 4:01 pm
    The crowd had some sense of who to cheer for and who to jeer at.

    There are times that your hate of Trump supporters is positively irrational.

  19. by Donna on July 26, 2021 4:19 pm
    I don't hate stupid people. I doubt that Curt does either.

  20. by HatetheSwamp on July 26, 2021 5:23 pm
    Stupid people.

    How many Trump supporters do you actually know, Donna?

    As far as Curt is concerned, I only know that he makes hateful remarks about them.

  21. by Curt Anderson on July 26, 2021 6:01 pm
    I didn't make any hateful remarks about these Trump supporters. I merely questioned your assumption that "the crowd was so informed that it knew to boo a candidate". What you see as a crowd being "so informed" with a "heightened level of awareness" I see as herd mentality.

    Those supporters were not worthy of your praise because they booed somebody. It was rude and she was perhaps the one person there grounded in reality enough to realize the Arizona audit was a fool's errand and a scam.

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