About five years ago they were in a tizzy when Hillary Clinton alluded to them with the term "deplorables". Personally I thought that was an apt way of describing people who wouldn't vote for a woman largely for misogynistic reasons and for people who responded to racist and nativist dog whistles.
Yes, I know Trump voters will say that Hillary mishandled her emails as a reason they couldn't vote for her. It's hard to believe that anybody who was aghast about how Hillary handled her emails wouldn't be more upset with the countless lawsuits involving Trump's crooked business deals, Trump's admiration for autocrats, Trump's corrupt cronies and the dozen or so allegations and lawsuits by women against the self-admitted sexual assaulter.
For the last four years we have been told repeatedly not to call Trump voters dumb. We need to respect people's right to support and vote for a man who set records for falsehoods on fact-checking sites.
Please don't call the January 6th insurrectionist riot anything but a loving, peaceful gathering. Otherwise we might hurt the feelings of the people who invaded the Capitol and those who stayed home but supported their efforts to overturn the election. Don't ask a Trump supporter to explain how Hillary Clinton was responsible for Benghazi but how Trump bears no responsibility for January 6th.
Now Covid vaccination has become a political issue. The Trumpiest counties, districts and states are the least vaccinated. Just three states are now driving the pandemic in the United States. Florida, Missouri and Texas now account for 40% of new coronavirus cases in U.S. As Missouri state Rep. Bill Kidd (R) tweeted "And no, we didn't get the vaccine. We're Republicans." Kidd contracted Coronavirus.
We are told that we mustn't question the unvaccinated about their decision, or indicate we think they are stupid or that their reasons for not being vaccinated are stupid. In reality the unvaccinated are worse than stupid; they are a public health menace. They allow the virus to mutate and potentially spawn more transmissible and increasingly deadly variants. It's not complicated: no transmission = no mutation.
Also, these people are a sensitive lot. They get upset if they are questioned about their vaccination status or in any way are limited in their ability to intermingle with others while contagious with Coronavirus.
Trump lost the election eight months ago. His ardent supporters still don't believe it. They can't provide any evidence to support their belief nor can they accept the fact that about 60 judges and about dozen recounts have confirmed Biden's win. Despite all that, we are still expected to treat them as rational adults who merely have a difference of opinion. Because if we don't, they will say it's not they who are logically and factually challenged. It's people like me who are sanctimonious and have TDS.
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