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No surprise: Ralph Yarl porch shooter is an indoctrinated by FOX News Trumper
By Curt_Anderson
April 20, 2023 9:32 am
Category: Crime

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Klint Ludwig, the grandson of Andrew Lester, CNN's told Don Lemon:
"I feel like a lot of people of that generation are caught up in this a 24-hour news cycle of fear and paranoia perpetuated by some other news stations. He was fully into that, he'd watch Fox News all day, every day, blaring in his living room. And I think that stuff really kind of reinforces this negative view of minority groups and... it doesn't necessarily lead people to be racist, but it reinforces and galvanizes racist people and their beliefs."

"I would push back on some of this stuff and he couldn't handle being pushed back on. At a certain point, we kind of lost touch and I think that it was more his choice than mine."

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Comments on "No surprise: Ralph Yarl porch shooter is an indoctrinated by FOX News Trumper":

  1. by islander on April 20, 2023 2:31 pm

    You're correct Curt !! No surprise there !!

    This is a good example of the Stand Your Ground law in action !!

    The shooter (Andrew Lester) said he was scared to death someone was trying to break in !!

    Unfortunately, Lester has to give up his first amendment rights and surrender any guns he has. 😉

  2. by islander on April 20, 2023 4:14 pm
    It's actually quite sad all the way around. This is his grandson speaking about his grandfather...

    "Ludwig said he and his grandfather, who goes by the first name Dan, used to be very close.

    “But in the last five or six years or so, I feel like we’ve lost touch,” he said. “I’ve gotten older and gained my own political views, and he’s become staunchly right-wing, further down the right-wing rabbit hole as far as doing the election-denying conspiracy stuff and COVID conspiracies and disinformation, fully buying into the Fox News, OAN kind of line. I feel like it’s really further radicalized him in a lot of ways.”

    Ludwig said his grandfather had been immersed in “a 24-hour news cycle of fear and paranoia.”

    “And then the NRA pushing the ‘stand your ground’ stuff and that you have to defend your home,” he said. “When I heard what happened, I was appalled and shocked that it transpired, but I didn’t disbelieve that it was true. The second I heard it, I was like, ‘Yeah, I could see him doing that.’”

    Does he consider his grandfather a racist?

    “I believe that there have been some positions that he’s held that have been bigoted or sort of disparaging,” Ludwig said. “But it’s stock Fox News, conservative American stuff. It’s ‘anybody who gets an abortion is a murderer.’ And ‘fatherless Black families are the reason why crime exists in this country.’ It’s stuff everybody’s heard at the Thanksgiving table every year.”

    Ludwig said his grandfather’s paranoia had accelerated in the past couple of years.

  3. by oldedude on April 21, 2023 6:06 am
    “And then the NRA pushing the ‘stand your ground’ stuff and that you have to defend your home,” he said. “When I heard what happened, I was appalled and shocked that it transpired, but I didn’t disbelieve that it was true. The second I heard it, I was like, ‘Yeah, I could see him doing that.’”

    As usual, the left wingnuts are claiming these are "stand your ground" issues, but neither are. I bring this up because the grandson could be wrong (no big deal), but the left wingnuts are also calling this "Stand your ground." It's actually part of "Castle Doctrine." The two laws are separate and distinct.

    Stand your ground means involves pulling a knife or gun if threatened with death or extreme bodily injury. In some states you are obligated to flee. In other states you have no legal obligation to flee and you can meet perceived force with force.

    Castle doctrine involves being in your domicile and using force. This again differs by state. Colorado they must actually break the plane of the house (some part of their body needs to be inside) for you to use it. Others, like FL and (I think) MO, you don't. That said, I'm not convinced that either the Black kid or the White woman were good shoots.

    The other thing that I think is interesting is the white woman is merely erase from the debate. Nothing is said about her. Why? the sheeple can't scream RASISM and blame FoxNEWS. That in itself is a sad commentary of the left. If either of them was outside the MO law, it would be that one.

  4. by Ponderer on April 21, 2023 8:08 am

    olde dude, "The Left" media has been covering the tragedy of the white woman in the car. They are absolutely not ignoring it as you seem to think they are.

    So this "Castle Doctrine" you speak of allows someone to shoot anyone who rings their doorbell...?

  5. by islander on April 21, 2023 8:31 am

    Stand your ground laws and the castle doctrine are similar.

    A Stand Your Ground Law is a law that allows citizens to protect themselves if they feel their lives are in danger, regardless of whether they could have safely exited the situation. For example, Stand Your Ground law states that no one should have to leave a premises they have every right to be in. [Premises is a piece of land together with its buildings]

    The “castle doctrine” is the legal notion that your home is your castle, and you have the right to use lethal force to defend your home and not retreat. A number of states have enshrined the castle doctrine in statutory law, sometimes with slightly different guidelines for when deadly force can be used.

    Whereas “stand your ground” emphasizes that even when a person is outside of their home, they can stay where they are without retreating, even if they can avoid the danger by retreating. About three-fourths of all states take this view.

    The problem lies in the fact that the law allows a person to kill another person if he feels that person is an imminent threat to his safety, even though he can safely exit the situation. Proving how a person feels can be extremely difficult if not impossible at times.

  6. by oldedude on April 21, 2023 10:04 am
    So this "Castle Doctrine" you speak of allows someone to shoot anyone who rings their doorbell...?
    Yes in some states. In FL, and again (I think) in MO, if they're on your property and you consider them a threat. For myself, I'm not a believer in that, but in some circumstances (10 or more people on my property that have molotovs, bricks, and rocks). I would at consider it at the very least. I've said this several times. Someone that is trying to get in to my house (rattling the door knob, let's say.) They get a chance from me. 1. I call 911, get the operator and give my name and location, etc. 2. I identify myself and that I have a gun and will shoot with the SO on speaker so they can get everything on tape. 3. Tell them to stop and if they don't I will shoot them. 4. They don't stop, and are trying to enter my house. Oh well. In FL I don't have to identify myself or anything else. I want to give them the option to leave or to ask for help (or whatever).

    A Stand Your Ground Law is a law that allows citizens to protect themselves if they feel their lives are in danger, regardless of whether they could have safely exited the situation. For example, Stand Your Ground law states that no one should have to leave a premises they have every right to be in. [Premises is a piece of land together with its buildings]

    In most states, the Premises falls under Castle Doctrine. So do (usually) cars.

    Whereas “stand your ground” emphasizes that even when a person is outside of their home, they can stay where they are without retreating, even if they can avoid the danger by retreating.

    In most states, your property is held under Castle doctrine because most places (other than sheeple cities with delicate persons running them) it's felt you own property and safety is a lower standard than a bar fight.

    The problem lies in the fact that the law allows a person to kill another person if he feels that person is an imminent threat to his safety, even though he can safely exit the situation. Proving how a person feels can be extremely difficult if not impossible at times.

    Again, Castle Doctrine is different. In Make My day, many states do have a retreat clause. Some get pretty stoopid. Also, in sheeple states, if I see a woman being raped at knifepoint, and I shoot. Butthead is now the victim. Therefore, I don't even go or stop in Denver when I'm there. She gets her throat cut.

    What is taken into consideration is the number of people on both sides, ages, physical conditions, if the victim has prior encounters with the perp(s). I would be held to a higher standard in CO. What I described to po above is clearly far above the FL standard. If I were in my 80's, female, and shoot at a range or on my land every couple of years, it's easier to see the threat. If I'm in my 20's and an operator, there's a higher standard. If I'm 5' woman and my 3 kids are in the house, that's also different. The question is; "can I convince the JURY it was a good shoot." If there are three people trying to break into my house, all bets are off in FL. Unless they run from me, there's three bodies to identify.

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