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Politics selectors, pages, etc.
How the GOP cynically manipulates Republican voters.
By Curt_Anderson
April 16, 2023 12:29 pm
Category: Politics

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This is the first few sentences of the front page story in today's New York Times. What is striking is how the Republican Party doesn't try to address voters' concerns with good policy, but instead looks for an issue to rile voters up--usually at the expense of a minority. --CA

How a Campaign Against Transgender Rights Mobilized Conservatives

When the Supreme Court declared a constitutional right to same-sex marriage nearly eight years ago, social conservatives were set adrift.

The ruling stripped them of an issue they had used to galvanize rank-and-file supporters and big donors. And it left them searching for a cause that — like opposing gay marriage — would rally the base and raise the movement’s profile on the national stage.

“We knew we needed to find an issue that the candidates were comfortable talking about,” said Terry Schilling, the president of American Principles Project, a social conservative advocacy group. “And we threw everything at the wall.”

What has stuck, somewhat unexpectedly, is the issue of transgender identity, particularly among young people. Today, the effort to restrict transgender rights has supplanted same-sex marriage as an animating issue for social conservatives at a pace that has stunned political leaders across the spectrum. It has reinvigorated a network of conservative groups, increased fund-raising and set the agenda in school boards and state legislatures.

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Comments on "How the GOP cynically manipulates Republican voters.":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on April 16, 2023 12:38 pm

    What you've shown us is the NYT lying about GOPs in a FRONT PAGE editorial.

  2. by Hunter28 on April 16, 2023 12:44 pm


    Speaking of lying, you seem to know quite a lot about "Gays Against Grooming."

    Could you name one verifiable, well-known gay person who belongs to this organization.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on April 16, 2023 4:00 pm
    One world class dyke:

    Meg Martinez:

    Why I Joined Gays Against Groomers

    What I had seen was GAG was about saving kids from being indoctrinated into medically transitioning and keeping pedos out of our LGB&T community. I didn't know that it ran so much deeper for me.

    Reflecting on my life shortly after joining GAG, it hit me: If I would've grown up nowadays, I would have been trans'd. I cried by myself for a while after realizing. Then thinking about all the little girls like me who’d just grow up to be lesbians, GONE. It devastated me. But that was just the first realization I had of those emotions I couldn't place.

    When time came to speak at my first school board meeting (LAUSD) and deep diving into what the schools are normalizing, it sent me for a whole other slew of emotions that I wasn't prepared for. I kept reading the types of sexual education that kids are being taught as early as kindergarten. The books they're given to read, the discussions, pronoun nonsense, and it broke me. That was when I realized exactly why I joined Gays Against Groomers. It's to save kids from suffering the childhood I had, stop the PREDATORS, fight to “let the kids be kids," and to preserve their innocence – the kind of innocence I wish I could’ve had.

    I have a clear-cut reason as to why I joined this organization. It’s not about me, although it’s been therapeutic to share my past, it's about the next generation. Going viral, likes, follows, clicks, and views mean absolutely nothing to me, except that it could help save one more child. That one child would mean that my life, what I've been through, and this fight have all been worth something.


    One truth about progressives these days is that they are so sanctimonious, snobbish, Holier-than-thou that they close their minds. You seem typical in that way. You just couldn't believe that GAG is for real, could you? You ooze sanctimony.

    Meg is far from a top tier leader of GAG. But, she's a leader and she's genuine. I chose her as an example of your "one verifiable, well-known gay person who belongs to this organization" by her photo. Check her out. She's obviously a great person, but she's a dyke.

    Well known? Not in your woke world, perhaps, but ol Meg is an on fire lesbian, anti-groomer activist.

    THERE IS A VICIOUSLY ANTI-WOKE LGB MOVEMENT!!!!! It's organized. It's growing.

    Get used to it.

  4. by Hunter28 on April 16, 2023 6:47 pm

    There's a reason I asked (emphasis added): "Could you name one verifiable, WELL-KNOWN gay person who belongs to this organization."

    Meg Martinez? She's an unemployed manicurist in Long Beach. Go through the list of people on their staff page and it's just a bunch of right-wing kooks and Q-Anon supporters.

    Media Matters did a deep dive on their origin story. You can read about the grifters behind this organization at the link below.

  5. by oldedude on April 16, 2023 8:30 pm
    So hunter, you're an elitist prig, right? She's "only" this or that, which indicates you're a member of the proletariat. So you're above everyone else. (which means and elitist pri[g])

  6. by oldedude on April 16, 2023 8:34 pm
    So my question is:( because I honestly don't know). are you a member of the LGBGQ+ community? If not, then you are speaking (with authority) for the LGBGQ+ community? At least you are passing judgement on them. So there it is.

  7. by Hunter28 on April 16, 2023 9:10 pm


    The GAG staff page suggests she's an associate director of communications. Nothing on her (purported) Linked In page suggests she has any experience in communications. Doesn't add up.

  8. by islander on April 17, 2023 7:31 am

    If anybody wants to know the position of LGBGQ+ community on these issues we have two members of that community who can speak with authority...Donna and Ponderer.

  9. by Ponderer on April 17, 2023 8:38 am

    Look. There are tremendously stupid people in any assortment of human beings you might care to organize them into. There's even a Republican organization called the Log Cabin Republicans. An organization of gay Republicans. This is stupidity akin to chickens belonging to "Colonel Sanders Fan Club". Stupid, uninformed people are in all parts of society. No group is immune from having some. And certainly not even the LGBTQ community.

    The blithering pig-ignorant stupidity of Hate's supposedly best example he could dredge up for his last post is a great example. A MAGA-hatted gay person too stupid to understand that she's based all her transphobia on flaming bullshit lies that she swallowed whole...

    "If I would've grown up nowadays, I would have been trans'd. I cried by myself for a while after realizing. Then thinking about all the little girls like me who’d just grow up to be lesbians, GONE."

    What an astoundingly huge pile of absolute, pig-ignorant delusion. To hear her and the rabidly right wing organization (Thanks, Hunter!) she belongs to tell it, children are being whisked away to gender re-assignment camps at the first sign of any homosexual tendencies. Jesus Fukking Christ. No one is "transing" kids. What an absolutely asinine verb for something that doesn't even exist.

    It doesn't matter a fukking damn how many paranoid, gullible chumps buy the Right's sadistic bullshit about us you care to quote here, Bill. You got Nothing.

    I've explained this to you before, Bill: It doesn't matter how many people you can find who believe a wrong thing. That wrong thing they believe is still wrong. Even a majority of people believing a lie doesn't make it true. It's a testament to your boundless stupidity that you can't ever get this through your thick, bone filled skull.

    Unfortunately, the Republican party has stoked up so much baseless, reactionary hatred towards and fomented so much asinine misinformation about my community that their brain-dead followers will believe any fukking lie they care to tell them about us at this point. And all literally for no other reason than to get their votes to save their dying political party.

    And a great big giant fukk you for helping them, Bill.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on April 17, 2023 9:12 am

    If anybody wants to know the position of LGBGQ+ community on these issues we have two members of that community who can speak with authority...Donna and Ponderer.


    Using that reasoning, let's put Pat Robertson and Pope Francis together and trust them as joint authorities on what it means to be a Christian.

    That'd work. Eh?

    In some ways, po and pt'd be the least reliable authorities.

  11. by oldedude on April 17, 2023 9:22 am
    po- So anyone that may, by chance, disagree with you is " astoundingly huge pile of absolute, pig-ignorant delusion." and is "stoked up so much baseless, reactionary hatred towards and fomented so much asinine misinformation about my community that their brain-dead followers will believe any fukking lie they care to tell them about us at this point."

    I've asked this before, and I'll just ask again. Do you have FACTS that your "feelings" are factual and NOT based in your "feelings?"

  12. by HatetheSwamp on April 17, 2023 9:40 am

    OD: po- So anyone that may, by chance, disagree with you is " astoundingly huge pile of absolute, pig-ignorant delusion." and is "stoked up so much baseless, reactionary hatred towards and fomented so much asinine misinformation about my community that their brain-dead followers will believe any fukking lie they care to tell them about us at this point."

    po centers the universe.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on April 17, 2023 10:47 am

    It doesn't matter a fukking damn how many paranoid, gullible chumps buy the Right's sadistic bullshit about us you care to quote here, Bill. You got Nothing.

    Yathink? Try multiplying times ten.

    pb began to notice the backlash against woke LGBT orthodoxy last year during Pride Month. He mentioned it here.

    I listened faithfully and carefully that gay Guy Curt never heard of...

    ...the outrageously openly gay effin star of Fox News Radio...who is waaaaaaaaaay more conservative than pb...probably, Utah Senator Mike Lee conservative. Very, very conservative. More conservative than OD and pb... notice how he, uh, celebrated.

    The way he ran his show that month fascinated me. Never, when I listened, did he mention Pride Month. But, he didn't ignore it. Benson booked waaaaaaaaaay more than the usual number of guests who were, like him, gay male conservative Republicans.

    It'll probably surprise the woke among you how many gay conservative Republicans there are. I was surprised. Actually, it was through the gay Guy's show that I began to realize that pt and po ain't at all representative of the LGBT community in the a looooooooong chalk.

    It's from the show that I began to realize that there is a cleavage between the trans and drag communities and, especially, many gay males.

    po screams, as loud as possible, that trans people don't groom. What I know for certain is that the gay men with whom Benson speaks disagree.

    Is the Benson crowd as active in opposing groomers as the GAG gang? By no means.

    But, I know the Benson gang within the LGBT community isn’t on board with the gospel po and pt preach.

    My sense is that, as I've said, the LGBT coalition is dissolving. And, that many LGBs, increasingly, want some distance between themselves and the trans and drag communities...over the issue of grooming.

    Just my opinion. But, it's an informed opinion. Clearly, I know about stuff po and pt know nuthin about.

  14. by islander on April 17, 2023 12:43 pm

    Why I don’t bother paying much attention to your posts od... 

    I don’t know (or really care) if you’ll get the point of this but this is why:

    od to Hunter: 

    ”So my question is:( because I honestly don't know). are you a member of the LGBGQ+ community? If not, then you are speaking (with authority) for the LGBGQ+ community? At least you are passing judgement on them. So there it is.”,

    I responded: 

    ”If anybody wants to know the position of LGBGQ+ community on these issues we have two members of that community who can speak with authority...Donna and Ponderer.”

    od’s response:

    Using that reasoning, let's put Pat Robertson and Pope Francis together and trust them as joint authorities on what it means to be a Christian.

    That'd work. Eh?

    In some ways, po and pt'd be the least reliable authorities.”

  15. by HatetheSwamp on April 17, 2023 12:56 pm

    Bullfernerner was from pb.

  16. by islander on April 17, 2023 1:17 pm

    Hate wrote: "Bullfernerner was from pb"

    You are correct. My mistake. You, not od wrote that, but what I said most assuredly applies to you too.

  17. by oldedude on April 17, 2023 1:45 pm
    Although I'd agree with po putting two sentences together without cursing is an issue and declines any credibility she may have. Donna is the better choice for a logical, thoughtful conversation.

  18. by oldedude on April 17, 2023 1:46 pm
    Hunter- GAG is a startup non-profit. You're not going to get professional marketing folks to quit their job and "work" for a non-profit.

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