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Government selectors, pages, etc.
School Sports Cannot ‘Categorically’ Ban Transgender Athletes, Under Biden Proposal
By Curt_Anderson
April 6, 2023 3:34 pm
Category: Government

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This Biden proposal makes sense. Young boys in the early primary grades don't have a major physiological advantage over girls. Around fourth grade girls are bigger on average. But with puberty the male physical advantage grows significantly.

We are good friends with the reigning women's US cyclocross champion. Cyclocross is bike riding on an obstacle course. There is a trans rider who competes against her. The trans athlete is about 25 and transitioned at age 18. That means that rider has the stature and musculature of an 18 year-old male. In fact, the trans rider previously competed professionally as a male before transitioning.

In the recent US championship the trans rider bolted out to a quick start (thanks to testosterone-built muscles). The trans athlete does not have the technical riding skills of our friend and was forced to walk a narrow banked curve blocking all the other riders including our friend.

Women generally don't have the overall raw power of men, so women athletes tend to rely more on finesse than speed or strength. Cyclocross requires a lot of skill.

Our friend repeated as US champion and the trans rider placed which denied a biological woman her place on the podium and prize money and sponsorships that go with it.

It's not about some view of transgender equality, it's about fairness and sometimes safety. There are after all scholarships and other rewards on the line as kids get into their teenage years. The Biden proposal gets it right.

(NY Times)The Biden administration proposed a rule change on Thursday that would forbid schools from enacting outright bans on transgender athletes from teams that are consistent with their gender identities, but offered flexibility for “fairness” and other exceptions that are likely to apply at the highest levels of competition.

Weighing in on the highly charged debate about transgender athletes and school sports, the Biden administration’s proposal would make “categorically” banning all transgender students from teams that are consistent with their gender identities a violation of Title IX, which prohibits sex discrimination at educational institutions that receive federal funding.

But it would also allow K-12 schools and universities to limit the participation of transgender students when including them could undermine “fairness in competition” or potentially lead to sports-related injuries.

Under the proposed rules, elementary school students would generally be able to participate on school teams consistent with their gender identities. But for older students, questions of fairness and physicality could come into play.

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Comments on "School Sports Cannot ‘Categorically’ Ban Transgender Athletes, Under Biden Proposal":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on April 6, 2023 7:11 pm

    I think that, in secondary schools, athletics are governed by the states.

    I'd imagine that, if Congress passed a law, there may be some way that the feds can usurp state authority but an executive order? Doubtful.

    I think that it's inevitable that the trans laws that currently are all the rage in red states will be judged by the Supreme Court. Who knows how that will go, but so far, this Court seems to honor decisions made by "the people and their representatives."

  2. by oldedude on April 6, 2023 8:32 pm
    It sounds like pedojoe signed (yet) another Executive Order. So it holds ZERO legal weight other than a "suggestion" that isn't a "law" and is easy to overturn in any circuit court. He needs to figure out how to "frigging" govern. Period. If he can't get it through congress, it's not good.

    The truth is that girls of that age have more finesse in their game, boys have more braun and single focus. It's a hardwiring in the brain. Because you're woke, I know this doesn't make sense. Any state is going to look at this and call it "frigging" overreach. The federal government is overstepping on what the local governments have constitutional control over.

  3. by oldedude on April 6, 2023 8:43 pm
    AND there's that "thing" that I adamantly disagree with. Transitioning those under 18 with drugs and surgery. You will always get a fight with me about this. I have two 8 year old granddaughters. It's a weekly thing about what they're interested in.

  4. by Curt_Anderson on April 6, 2023 8:56 pm
    You don't think that makes sense to me?! I said practically the same thing in my post. Obviously you didn't read it. I even used the same word, "finesse", that you did in regards to female athletes.

    Executive Orders have the force of law. Some of the better known executive orders include:
    The Emancipation Proclamation (1863)
    Works Progress Administration (WPA) and New Deal programs (1930's)
    Funding for the Manhattan Project (1941)
    Mass Incarceration of Japanese Americans (1942)
    Desegregation of the U.S. Military (1948)
    National Guard Deployed to Desegregate Public Schools (1957)
    Creation of the Peace Corps (1961)
    Establishing the Warren Commission (1964)
    Affirmative Action in Government Contracting (1965)
    Pardon of Richard Nixon (1974)
    The Creation of FEMA (1979)
    Creation of the Department of Homeland Security (2001)

  5. by HatetheSwamp on April 7, 2023 4:00 am


    Appropriate Executive Orders have the force of law. Remember some of Trump's being challenged in court. I think that the challenges were upheld in a few cases.

    I think that "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap's" string pullers are playing politics at the expense of trans people. Shame on them.

    Having said that, I agree. What was your word?, finesse? Thing is that, until there was pushback, the trans gang effin demanded everything. To use po's and pt's take, even minor restrictions on the trans agenda is Christian theism and "fascistic and disgusting."

    No, Curt, the trans community asked for it and, now, as the commercial says, "they got it." If there's going to be nuance, it will be court enforced.

  6. by Curt_Anderson on April 7, 2023 9:30 am
    I don’t believe that you are characterizing the opinions of po and pt correctly. I distinctly recall Donna writing that she didn’t believe that trans athletes who transitioned later in life with male musculature should be competing against biological females. She said that she was at odds on that issue with her transgendered friends. Donna and I had the same views on the issue.

    The Biden proposal makes sense. It’s stating the obvious: trans athletes should be allowed to compete but not in an activity where they have an unfair advantage. I suspect that there are some sports in which males don’t have an advantage. Maybe some of the gymnastic events or maybe some sport like horseshoes.

    In a lot of places, parochial schools don’t compete against the larger public schools. They have their own parochial school state championships. Would you favor parochial schools being forced to compete against the bigger public schools?

  7. by Ponderer on April 7, 2023 9:39 am

    Thanks, Curt. I share Donna's thoughts on the subject and it doesn't go down very well with the seeming majority of our community.

    But it's not like we are Republicans. We aren't going to change our beliefs just to fall in line with a group we belong to.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on April 7, 2023 9:46 am

    I'll simply quote pt's recent declarations. She's describing the legislation being proposed to address trans issues as "fascistic and disgusting." All of it. Not some of it. Much of that legislation is designed to preserve women's athletics for organic women and organic women only.

    We only have pt's words.

  9. by Curt_Anderson on April 7, 2023 10:01 am
    I forgot, Republicans don’t understand nuance or subtle distinctions. Or even not so subtle distinctions. Your reasons for athletic competition classifications are ideological; our reasons are anatomical.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on April 7, 2023 10:10 am

    Your reasons for athletic competition classifications are ideological...


    What are my reasons for athletic competition classifications?

  11. by Ponderer on April 7, 2023 10:12 am
    FYI, pt's words in context:

    "Republicans have already passed laws that criminalize parents and physicians for treating transgender youth, which IMO is a disgusting and fascistic overreach.".

  12. by Ponderer on April 7, 2023 10:16 am

    Btw, I, Donna, wrote that ^.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on April 7, 2023 10:30 am


    Welcome back, if only briefly.

    What I've noticed in you SEEMS TO BE the death of nuance. You're doing what demagogues and bigots do. Defining everything by the extreme.

    I, certainly, think that some of the laws already passed are excessive. You're suggesting each and every piece of legislation is "a disgusting and fascistic overreach." If not, declare yourself. What laws passed don't you condemn.

  14. by Ponderer on April 7, 2023 11:33 am

    And what you are SEEMINGLY doing, Bill, is called "projection". You are reflexively and erroneously seeing your own faults in others because you are loathe to see and deal with them in yourself. And because you don't mind lying.

    And don't get your hopes up about Donna coming back.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on April 7, 2023 11:43 am


    My sense is that pt, who has some sense of humility, is embarrassed for having been busted for suggesting that ALL of those hundreds of pieces of legislation are "fascistic and disgusting."

    pt went overboard. That's out of character. And, I'm guessing that posting. "I overstated the case. I apologize," is beyond pt.

    In any case, I'm saddened.

  16. by oldedude on April 7, 2023 12:24 pm
    Curt- my bad.

  17. by Ponderer on April 7, 2023 1:46 pm

    Bill, this is why Donna is going to have nothing more to do with you. Far from "busting" her on anything, you blatantly misrepresent and lie about what she said, even when she presents the very quote you are misrepresenting and lying about contradicting you. She finds you to be a totally dishonest debater. And I wholeheartedly concur.

    But aside from you claiming that Donna said it when she didn't, the fact that there are hundreds of pieces of legislation, as you say, in red states allowing the government to cruelly and repressively inject itself into constitutionally protected decisions between a doctor, their patient, and that patient's parents where it has no business being whatsoever... actually is undeniably pretty "fascistic and disgusting". Among other deplorable things. Again, this is me saying that. And I don't mind if you care to repeat it.

  18. by Curt_Anderson on April 7, 2023 1:49 pm
    "Curt- my bad." ---OD

    It's all good! We tend to focus on our differences of opinions here, but I bet there is a lot of common ground between us and others that we don't talk about.

  19. by Ponderer on April 7, 2023 1:51 pm

    "She's describing the legislation being proposed to address trans issues as "fascistic and disgusting." All of it. Not some of it." -Hate

    A gross and total dishonest misrepresentation of what Donna said.

  20. by HatetheSwamp on April 7, 2023 3:20 pm

    I quoted pt. Exactly. Splain how I took it out of context. Seems clear to me. But, set me straight.

  21. by Curt_Anderson on April 7, 2023 3:44 pm
    "I quoted pt. Exactly. Splain how I took it out of context. Seems clear to me. But, set me straight." ---HtS

    "I'll simply quote pt's recent declarations. She's describing the legislation being proposed to address trans issues as "fascistic and disgusting." All of it. Not some of it." ---HtS

    Donna (pt) actually said, "Republicans have already passed laws that criminalize parents and physicians for treating transgender youth, which IMO is a disgusting and fascistic overreach." See link.

    "Overreach" means excessive. Having a slice of pie after dinner is OK. Eating two pies is excessive. Do you see the distinction? Donna didn't say "all of it" was bad. Those are your words. Donna has said, for example, that late transitioning females have an unfair advantage over biological females in sports.

    The state criminalizing the decisions of parents and doctors is also in my opinion a disgusting and fascistic overreach. I personally wouldn't make that choice with my kids, but I wouldn't want the state telling me not to and putting me in jail.

  22. by Ponderer on April 7, 2023 3:46 pm

    How does what she said totally encompass All of, not some of the "legislation being proposed to address trans issues" in this country?

    "Republicans have already passed laws that criminalize parents and physicians for treating transgender youth, which IMO is a disgusting and fascistic overreach." -Donna

    She was talking about a specific group of laws passed by Republicans being fascistic and disgusting. Not "All of it. Not some of it."

  23. by HatetheSwamp on April 7, 2023 3:48 pm


    I've been quoting pt's "fascistic and disgusting" rant against legislation being proposed by mommies and daddies to protect their rights to be involved in their children's education for about SIX WEEKS.

  24. by Ponderer on April 7, 2023 3:48 pm

    Bill, you took three consecutive words of what Donna said out of context and gave that "exact quote" a totally different meaning from what Donna intended. That makes you an asshole.

  25. by HatetheSwamp on April 8, 2023 4:11 am

    Fine, po. Correct me with actual, real SS words from pt.

    I quoted pt's words for effin WEEKS and no one objected...until the slaughter of Christian children by a trans person in Nashville. That seems very curious to me.

    But, please. Show me...with actual words...that I'm misquoting pt. I promise, on a stack of IPHones. I'll apologize.

  26. by HatetheSwamp on April 8, 2023 5:36 am


    "Denying the biological differences between men and women not only threaten women's rights, it threatens our safety. Not only are we shutting women out of competitive sports, we are also shaming girls into silence in the face of abuse and harassment."

    Organic women suffer most from woke ideology.

  27. by HatetheSwamp on April 8, 2023 8:41 am

    Kristi Noem Threatens Legal Action Against Biden Over Title IX Changes That Would Harm Female Sports

    The U.S. Department of Education proposes a rule allowing biological males to compete on female sports teams. The law would not allow a school or college to receive federal funding if they impose a "one-size-fits-all" policy that bans transgender students from playing on sports teams consistent with their gender identity.

    "South Dakota will not allow this to stand. We will lead. We will defend our laws. Only girls will play girls’ sports,” Noem tweeted. “President Biden, we’ll see you in Court.”

    Last year, Noem signed one of the most arduous bills in the country vowing to protect women’s sports, along with a letter co-signed by 15 Republican governors urging the Biden Administration not to go forward with changes to Title IX.

    “This bill's about fairness,” Noem said while signing the legislation. "It's about allowing biological females to compete fairly on a level playing field that gives them opportunities for success."
    The Biden Administration claimed that banning transgender students from playing on sports teams that correlate to the gender they identify with that day would be denying “equal athletic opportunity.”
    The Biden Administration claimed that banning transgender students from playing on sports teams that correlate to the gender they identify with that day would be denying “equal athletic opportunity.”

    The Biden Administration claimed that banning transgender students from playing on sports teams that correlate to the gender they identify with that day would be denying “equal athletic opportunity.”

    Noem has long supported protecting kids from the Left’s radical agenda. Earlier this year, she signed the “Help Not Harm" bill, which bans specific medical and surgical interventions for transgender minors, saying that she “will always stand up for the next generation of South Dakotans."

    One of you progressive SwampLovers best better hightail it on over to the Supreme Court to educate Ketanji Brown Jackson on the LGBT definition of a woman, eh!!!!!?


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