"That gay Guy Curt never heard of" drops Eff Bomb in defense of trans community
By HatetheSwamp April 1, 2023 3:43 am Category: Gay & Lesbian (0.0 from 0 votes)
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What "that gay Guy" tweeted:
Drag shows are fine. Have fun. Not my personal thing, but enjoy! Keep kids out of it. Don’t blame the trans community for the Nashville massacre. The trans community isn’t the real victim in it. There were 6 victims, not 7.
Someone tweeted, "Said the groomer," in reply.
Then Benson dropped a full on, po quality, genuine, Eff Bomb. Stunning!
Anyway, I disagree with Curt's gay Guy on this one.
Blame? I don't blame. But, how can you not connect the message we see here on SS, all the time, that people who oppose the trans agenda are "fascistic and disgusting" and, specifically in the case of the Nashville slaughter, that they are "Christian theocrats!..." How can you not connect that very mainstream trans sentiment to Nashville!!!!!?
Words have meaning.
You HAVE TO cite trans community rhetoric as a contributing cause of what happened in Nashville. Blame? Maybe not. One person killed six Christians in a Christian school.
But, trans hate speech must be connected to the Nashville slaughter. Trans haters have their share in the responsibility.
Guy Benson is a voice of conservative reason. But, I disagree with him on this.
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