I despise Trump. I think he's despicable. I identity as a Ron DeSantis supporter. Still, I'm rational about Trump my opposition to him. No TDS here.
The complementary mental illness, which ain't worth discussing on SS because no one still here has it, is Trump Obsession Syndrome, i.e., a never-ending teenybopper crush on Trump. Clearly, I don't suffer from that form of mental illness.
Based on what has happened in news media since word of the Alvin Bragg indictment of Trump broke, everyone in the US has one disease or the other, except me, and probably OD, too.
Heck. Even po, who's been on the lam from SS lately, appeared here seconds after the news broke...to taunt me about Trump. Obviously, po also suffers from pbDS. Baha.
In America, it's all about Trump. Every day. All the time.
Oy effin vey!
BTW, Curt. Perhaps you should create a separate "Trump" category.
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