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Six House Dems vote with GOP to condemn Kamala Harris for 'border czar' role
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Benjamin Netanyahu's historic and heroic speech before the US Congress
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Gay & Lesbian selectors, pages, etc.
Twitter laughs, groans as Jill Biden gives biological male Women of Courage award:
By HatetheSwamp
March 10, 2023 4:12 am
Category: Gay & Lesbian

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The stench of wokeness is oppressive. Yet,
gut-bustingly laughable.


Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted, 'It’s International Women’s Day – a good time to remember that Democrats can’t even tell you what a woman is'

Commentators across Twitter balked at the idea of a person who had been born a man being bestowed with a women’s award.

"Nice of FLOTUS to encourage the diminishment of women on ‘international women's day.’ Erasing women is abusive," Dana Loesch, host of "The Dana Show," tweeted.

"International Women's Day: Not just for women anymore," conservative Twitter personality Andrea Katherine wrote...

"Apparently men are a lot better at being women than women are. Step up your game, ladies," Townhall columnist and radio personality Derek Hunter joked.

"We are not a serious country," Common Sense Society's Christopher Bedford responded.

Claremont Institute president Ryan P. Williams tweeted, "The jokes write themselves…"

RedState columnist and author Buzz Patterson wrote, "Nothing screams ‘International Women of Courage Award’ like a dude."

The jokes write themselves, indeed. Bahahahahahahahahahaha!

Being married to an organic woman as I am, I was fascinated by her take. Outraged amusement? That's how I'd describe it. There was definitely some eye rolling.

But, check the quotes. This is how the right establishes the moral superiority of it's people. As outrageous as this is, the response is not pondy's fury.

Laughter. Quips. Fun-making!

You progressives are hilariously silly!


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Comments on "Twitter laughs, groans as Jill Biden gives biological male Women of Courage award:":

  1. by Ponderer on March 10, 2023 6:30 am

    "This is how the right establishes the moral superiority of it's people. As outrageous as this is, the response is not pondy's fury."

    No. It's not.

    You psychotic bigots respond by taking our civil rights away, destroying many of our lives, and relegating us to second class citizenship while you laugh your fucking sociopathic asses off. All for no justifiable, reality based reason whatsoever.

    And we're not supposed to be furious about it?

    Fuck you, Bill. This is exactly the gleeful cruelty of yours I was talking about. Your sadistic need to laugh at those who you differ with when you can force them to suffer. All the while believing your sadistic actions have any shred of morality in them at all. You fucking asshole monsters. Fuck you and the demonic bastardization of Christianity you rode into town on.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on March 10, 2023 6:56 am

    You psychotic bigots respond by taking our civil rights away...

    Yeah. You keep saying that. Just quickly summarize, from the Bill of Rights, what anyone wants to take from you. I guaran effin tee that I'm on your side there...

    ...but, near as I can tell, what people want to take away from transies and draggies is opportunities to groom young kids.

    And, be rational, po. All I'm doing here is highlighting the right's ability to smile when you'd be pi$$ed.

    And, FOUR EFF BOMBS!!!!!?

    You know that the only one harmed by you is Curt who graciously provides an extraordinary outlet for free expression.

    Why? What's wrong with you?

  3. by Ponderer on March 10, 2023 7:58 am

    "...but, near as I can tell, what people want to take away from transies and draggies is opportunities to groom young kids." -Hate

    Now here he is making up his own derogatory slurs to use against us while essentially accusing us of something akin to witchcraft or some other totally imaginary delusion he and the rest of his asshole brethren are suffering from.

    And he wants me to be rational.

    He can just go fuck himself.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on March 10, 2023 8:24 am

    Absolutely not, po.

    Now here he is making up his own derogatory slurs to use against us while essentially accusing us of something akin to witchcraft or some other totally imaginary delusion he and the rest of his asshole brethren are suffering from.

    From the time pt described the bills being proposed by your political adversaries as "fascistic and disgusting," I've been reporting on those bills, some of them, now, laws.

    Both pt and you suggest that the only reason people are proposing legislation to limit the activities of members of the LGBT community is to oppress you, inflict pain on you and to turn you into "second class citizens." I have no doubt that you are describing a miniscule minority of those people.

    But, I'll repeat what I've been arguing from the beginning, based on my survey of right-wing media. Almost all of those people are mommies and daddies, nannas and pappaps who, simply, want to protect children from what they know goes on in public schools, which they observed during the pandemic from viewing remote learning and which they observe almost daily from Libs of TikTok,


    I'm not slurring anyone. Period. I'm, accurately, relating current events. Nuthin more.

    And, it ain't going yesterday's brouhaha over what Jill did yesterday makes plain.

    You're big into shooting the messenger.

  5. by Ponderer on March 10, 2023 8:36 am

    You know what you can do. You sickening, obfuscating asshole.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on March 11, 2023 4:30 am

    Yeah. po. pb's reporting events that you don't want to be taking place.

    And, you demonstrate that you hate the people driving the news. pb bringing events you hate happnin into the light is a reality that causes you to lose eff bomb control.

    The only editorializing pb's done in this is to point out what's in your intellectual toolbox: Insults. Sanctimony. Hate. Derision. Belittling. And your Mt. Everest of eff bombs.

    pb's bottom line opinion:

    You're in trouble unless you drop the hate to which you think you're entitled or, in the future, you may be in literal, physical danger. And, you seem either incapable or unwilling to do that.

    Apparently, both pt and you feel that you have the right to prevail politically by pointing out that, in your opinion, certain people's ideas are "fascistic and disgusting." But, that ain't so.

    I'm reporting current events. I ain't effing myself for doing that.

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