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Gay & Lesbian selectors, pages, etc.
Hershey Faces Boycott Calls Over Trans Woman in International Women’s Day Campaign
By HatetheSwamp
March 3, 2023 4:43 am
Category: Gay & Lesbian

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Online critics are making calls to boycott Hershey after a trans woman was included on the chocolate bar’s wrappers for its International Women’s Day campaign in Canada.

The backlash is the most recent attack by conservative social media users against brands who they say are “too woke,” or in this case, “erasing women.”

#BoycottHersheys was the top trending topic on Twitter once users saw Fae Johnstone, a transgender woman and 2SLGBTQIA+ advocate, was one of five women who are being honored as part of the confectioner’s “Her for She” campaign.

"2SLGBTQIA+" What the hey!!!!!? Bahahahahahahahahahaha.

...hundreds of right-wing users stormed to Twitter...

Ahhhhhhhh, the editorializing! And, gang! This is the most objective reporting pb could find. This belittling and name-calling of people who embrace becoming dangerous. It's adding to the backlash.


The US now has a Supreme Court Justice who doesn't even know what a woman is. Well, gang, tens of millions...even in the allegedly woke West do. They're "mad as hell and (they’re) not gonna take it anymore!" Follow the freakin science. This ain't what a woman is.

pb called this during pride month 022. He nailed it. He saw into the future. Trust him on this.

Here's a word of warning to you woke transaphiles: Calculate how the cultural and political winds have shifted in just the last nine months, since last Pride Month just last year. Now, think ahead.

A year.

Five effin years!

The woke LGBT mafia has pushed too hard...gone too far. pb's been warning for almost a year. pb hopes not. But, it could get ugly...violent, even. It's time for rational minds to stand up on both sides but, for the moment, pb thinks it is going to have to start on the LGBT side.

pt (AKA Donna) has been calling for the protection of trans people. And, pt's bang on. This is getting breakneck speed.

I'll say it again.

If you want to foist biological males into celebrations of biological females, you just go ahead. Do that. Nowhere in the world are you more empowered to do that than here in the US. Go for it. It's your absolute right.

But, for the time being, if you do that, you're going to have to fight for it.

No more foisting. There won't be for a looooooooong time.

This is about Big Brother foisting the LGBT agenda on an innocent world.

Understand this: What's happened is that the LGBT Industrial Complex is being called to account. The battle is spreading...and becoming increasingly vicious.

pb called this!

It's time for the LGBT woke world to retreat...before it's too late. It's time for rational minds to prevail.

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Comments on "Hershey Faces Boycott Calls Over Trans Woman in International Women’s Day Campaign":

  1. by Ponderer on March 5, 2023 7:55 am

    Ah... the inclusivity!!!

    Let's all just take this moment to bask in the embracing warmth and angelic glow that is Republican conservative acceptance and diversity...........

  2. by HatetheSwamp on March 5, 2023 7:58 am

    Let's do, po.

  3. by Ponderer on March 5, 2023 8:08 am

    Please explain how this bigoted, pig-ignorant paranoia against trans women is an example of the great diversity and inclusivity you keep trying to convince us that your political party is so overflowing with.......

  4. by HatetheSwamp on March 5, 2023 8:10 am

    It has to do with shielding innocent boys and girls from abuse.

  5. by Ponderer on March 5, 2023 8:12 am

    "The woke LGBT mafia has pushed too hard...gone too far." -Hate

    Oh my god YES! The inclusion of a trans woman's image on a candy bar wrapper?!?!? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ALMIGHTY!!!

    There needs to be congressional hearings about this outrageous overstepping of the organized trans crime community!!! IMMEDIATELY!!!

  6. by Ponderer on March 5, 2023 8:14 am

    I can imagine the sadistic abuse that such a candy bar wrapper would inflict on an unsuspecting child.

    You're a flaming pig-ignorant, bigoted asshole, Bill.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on March 5, 2023 8:32 am


    We're discussing why social media explored over that Hershey's thing...because it did. pb's splaining why. There's a mountain of frustration over here regarding the truth that nearly all that, especially, the trans part of the LGBT community gained through Big Brother foisting and against the will of an overwhelming majority of the "of the people, by the people and through the people," people.

    You can hate that, but it's the truth. pt's intimidated that this is only the beginning...and pt's nailed it.

    I've said that my libertarian self ain't comfortable with the extreme part of the backlash.

    And, and I mean this. pb can see this progressing to anti-Trans violence like in the old gay bashing days.

    Last year, during Pride Month pb picked up on a growing anti-woke movement among LGBT people. That gay Guy Curt never heard of is, politically, much more conservative than is pb. He's as openly gay as anyone pb's ever encountered. The whole Fox News gang looooooooooves him. Last June, he had a small size mountain of gay men on his radio show, all of whom oppose your woke LGBT political agenda.

    Your side is beginning to lose ground, on the politics, among yourselves.

    I don't think that your outrage and sanctimony is your best response going forward.

  8. by Ponderer on March 5, 2023 8:58 am

    My outrage and sanctimony? Mine???

    I see what you are trying to say. You are saying that conservatives are really the most inclusive and diverse people there are. It's just that some people wanting to be included in our diverse population pushes your inclusivity and diversity just too damned far. Right? Even saintly folk like you can be pushed over the edge of acceptance. Right? Some people are just too diverse to be included in your book. Right?

    Like we had to listen to you assholes bitch and moan for decades about gay people beinjg too different. Right? THAT was a bridge too far for you Angels of Diversity back then. Right? And just as you feared, look at all the horror and destruction that was foisted on society by including them!!! Right?

    You just stay safely blind and contentedly ignorant. You just keep saying whatever you need to say and doing whatever mental gymnastics you need to do to keep yourself from blowing your own brains out over the cognitive dissonance any realization of actual reality would force you commit from any moment you mighty ever experience of mental clarity, Bill.

  9. by HatetheSwamp on March 6, 2023 3:24 am

    My outrage and sanctimony? Mine???

    I see what you are trying to say. You are saying that conservatives are really the most inclusive and diverse people there are.

    You're saying that this makes you happy?

    And, no. I'm not saying that CONSERVATIVES are inclusive and diverse. I'm saying that the Republican Party is the home of openness and inclusion, acceptance, diversity, tolerance and, most of all...FREETHINKING.

    This anti-woke movement I mentioned?, is vigorously GOP. That gay Guy Curt never heard of, though young, is becoming a huuuuuuuuuge star on the Fox News Channel. He's been the main man on Fox News Radio. Caitlin Jenner is a Fox News contributor and a regular on the highest rated late night TV show, GUTFELD!.

    Yeah, po. Inclusion, diversity, acceptance, openness, tolerance and, sumpthin you'll never achieve...FREETHINKING!

    Totally GOP!

  10. by Ponderer on March 6, 2023 11:13 am

    "I'm not saying that CONSERVATIVES are inclusive and diverse. I'm saying that the Republican Party is the home of openness and inclusion, acceptance, diversity, tolerance and, most of all...FREETHINKING." -Hate

    Thanks for the correction, Bill.

    That's even more hysterically asinine and preposterous.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on March 6, 2023 12:37 pm

    Take that up with that gay Guy Curt never heard of and Fox News contributor Caitlyn Jenner. Bahahahahahahahahahaha.

  12. by Ponderer on March 6, 2023 1:04 pm

    "Take that up with that gay Guy Curt never heard of and Fox News contributor Caitlyn Jenner." -Hate

    No need. I'm not you. I don't rush to Fox to see what "truth" I am supposed to think and regurgitate it back in here.

    You aren't a FREETHINKER, Bill. You are a NON-THINKER. You are an automated dictating machine. You record what you hear and mindlessly play it back on command. There is no actual thought involved with you. It's nothing but reflexive response with no rational, basic human thinking at all.

    The funny thing is, you must believe yourself to be "free thinking" simply because you are willing to believe anything Trump or Fox feeds you. You see yourself as free to think whatever Fox and Trump want you to, and if they tell you to ignore the flagrant and indisputable evidence of your own eyes, or that totally hallucinogenic accusations against your perceived enemies are reality, then that is the "truth" you unquestioningly and knee-jerkingly choose to believe.

    Throw in the fact that you're a fukking asshole and you're are one sorry excuse for a thinking human being at all there, Bill.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on March 7, 2023 4:02 am

    Not even 7 am.

    Fresh hate from wacked out conspiracy theory aficionado and trans-phile Frankie S:

    "Harassment, intimidation and violence against LGBTQ Americans is rising, fueled, by a rise in online hate speech and GOP anti-LGBT legislation. Hundreds of transgender people have been killed over the past decade in targeted shootings with Black trans at especially high risk."

    "So far this year, anti-trans legislation has been proposed in 39 states. There will be killing of trans next. Violent talk results in violent actions. MAGA is evil."

    "Until recently, most legislation banning transgender health care was aimed at minors, but Republicans are increasingly pushing proposals that would limit treatment for adults. Then what? Open violence and killing of trans by MAGA fanatics is next."

    "Toxic rhetoric and political actions can have profound consequences for LGBTQ Americans, especially transgender youth for whom suicide rates are high. That is only the start. There will be killings by MAGA purists of trans. MAGA is terrorism."


    Here's what's going on. Moms and dads and nannas and pappaps simply want their right to teach toddlers and young children their values.

    How effin awful!

    Oh, and this'ne just came in. Frankie's doing an isle:

    At evangelical CPAC the speech that I found the most chilling came from Michael Knowles a rightwing political commentator for the Daily Wire, who declared that “for the good of society… transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely”. This is a call for mass murder.

    Ain't, isle? Evangelical Christians are the root of aaaaaaaaall evil!


    Whada way to start the day!

  14. by oldedude on March 7, 2023 6:38 am
    So the hate continues... Dangit! (I was going to use a much stronger term, as it really warrants it). I look to MLK Jr and are just heartbroken. WTFO? I know he (and other haters on both sides) have a "right" to speak. But dang! seriously? We took from the 1960's until a few years ago to osmose what King jr was talking about, and now, the hatred on both sides is destroying us.

    I reference back to the Senior Sergeant in Saudi. We will destroy ourselves. We (meaning us) will do all the work for the jihaad.

  15. by Ponderer on March 7, 2023 8:59 am

    "Here's what's going on. Moms and dads and nannas and pappaps simply want their right to teach toddlers and young children their values." -Hate

    And nobody is fukking stopping them you moronic asshole.

    If some parent is a card carrying Creationist who absolutely believes that the world was created in six days a few thousand years ago, and wants their children to learn and share such "values", there is nothing whatsoever stopping them from teaching their kids that the biology they are being taught in school is total bullshit and Genesis is complete and total fact. This is what many such parents have already been doing for many decades now. You never hear about any such parents calling for laws to make teaching biology illegal. Not in this century anyways.

    So what is stopping any parent from instilling in their children that certain groups and "lifestyles" they are learning about in school are in actuality abominable in the sight of their "God"? That they should actually be hated? That being accepting and understanding of others different from themselves is not a value they should have? That what the child believes themselves to be is a sinful, demonic lie and they should never speak of it again in this house or they will be kicked the fukk out of it?

    Why are these parents actually abdicating their parental responsibilities and expecting the schools to be entirely responsible for teaching their kids what the parent wants them to know?

  16. by HatetheSwamp on March 7, 2023 9:48 am

    If some parent is a card carrying Creationist who absolutely believes that the world was created in six days...

    Face it, po. They ain't enuff fundies in America to create what's going on now.

    Your side has lost two of your weapons:

    1. Foisters in the federal courts and in many states' bureaucracies.
    2. The political center.

    Mum and dad, nanna and pappap in the suburbs really didn't like what they discovered during Covid. Lots of CRT. Lots of, according to the dictionary definition, LGBT, uh, grooming.

    Grooming: the practice of preparing or training someone for a particular purpose or activity.

    I think that it's time you dropped the sanctimonious insults and the belittling of people's deeply felt values to struggle to win people's hearts.

    But, as I say, it's your life.

  17. by Ponderer on March 7, 2023 10:14 am

    And as I say, you're a demented fukking asshole.

  18. by HatetheSwamp on March 7, 2023 10:50 am

    A clever retort.

  19. by Ponderer on March 7, 2023 10:53 am

    Thanks, but there was no attempt to be clever there. I was just stating a fact.

  20. by HatetheSwamp on March 8, 2023 3:42 am


    I have noted, over the many years of our cyber acquaintance, when you have been bested on an issue, you slide into sanctimony or outright insults. I know you know that you've lost this one.

    My point remains. The momentum of the political move against the LGBT agenda...especially trans overreach to building.

    I don't hate you but I don't need to want to pt and you to be lynched by an angry mob of mommies, daddies, nannas and pappaps who only want the freedom to teach their own values...

    ...without woke and Big Brother oppression... see the political reality.

    As Gutfeld says, if you want to foist the trans agenda on toddlers and children, through public schools...against their parents' wishes...and behind their parents all means, go for it. This is America. It is your right.

    But, these days, you're going to have to fight for it.

    No more foisting.

    "Of the people, by the people and for the people."

  21. by Ponderer on March 8, 2023 8:45 am

    "I have noted, over the many years of our cyber acquaintance, when you have been bested on an issue, [...]" -Both Ways Bill

    Okay. Imma stop you right there. No reason to read further.

    • Just because you will psychotically never admit that you lost an argument doesn't mean that you won it.

    • Just because you refuse to ever look at or acknowledge blatant evidence proving that you are wrong doesn't mean that you are right.

    • Just because your late stage dementia automatically constructs an hallucinatory reality founded on your heart's deepest desires for you to live in doesn't mean that it has any relevancy to the real world.

    Look, I realize just how stiff the very idea of trans people being relegated to second class citizenship in this country must make you. It's obvious that nothing could tickle you more than contemplating how much harm is going to be done to the lives of trans people and trans youth by you and the all the other bigoted religious assholes in this country if this insanity you tout spreads to the more sane states of the union. The idea of Donna and I eventually being made to sit in the back of the bus (if we're even still allowed on the bus at all) and disenfranchised from our Constitutional rights must be giving you and other paranoid bigots wet dreams galore.

    All you ever bring to the table regarding this subject is your disgusting, despicable schadenfreude.

    Therefore, given that the only reason that you even talk about trans issues in here is to "stick it" to us and rub your disgusting, unchristian hate and sociopathy in our faces, I seriously don't care to even discuss this subject with you any longer. You are incapable of understanding the first thing about the issue. You have refused to learn anything real that Donna and I, who are in a fukking place to know, have tried over the years to teach you about it. And you refuse to know anything about it other than what your bigoted handlers pour down your ravenously willful gullet.

    So as far as this entire subject goes, you can go fukk yourself, you disgusting, despicable asshole.

    And hey, if you want to chalk this up to your "win" column and laugh your fukking ass off about my loss and the future loss of every other trans person in the country, you just go right on ahead and knock yourself out. Feel free to treat it however your demented, Swiss cheese of a mind makes you react. I couldn't give a flying fukk.

  22. by Curt_Anderson on March 8, 2023 10:14 am
    Rest assured you have never lost an argument to our fact-adverse friend, HtS...except maybe in the bizarro world where Tucker Carlson makes a better case than the January 6th committee and election deniers have a good point.

  23. by HatetheSwamp on March 8, 2023 11:02 am

    ...the only reason that you even talk about trans issues in here is to "stick it" to us and rub your disgusting, unchristian hate and sociopathy in our faces...


    I'm a politics junkie.

    The reason I'm posting about the trans and drag issues is because it's where the action is. It's political tectonic plates colliding.

    I grew up in the age of violent oppression of LGBT people. I can't imagine what it was like for Donna and you back in the day.

    Still, suddenly. And, almost exclusively through court-based and bureaucratic foisting, you were pretty dern close to the top of the world. So much so that, up to a few months ago, public school teachers were being lionized for promoting trans views among very young children, no matter what the values of their parents might have been...and, it was working for you.

    Now, incredibly suddenly, bills are being proposed and passed into law by the very moms and dads, nannas and pappaps trans issue advocates were being praised for subverting.

    What pb's doing, simply, is tracking the earthquakes being generated by the tectonic meeting.

    Read my posts. Other than my opinion that this is happening, one of the few opinions I have expressed is that your side should put the sanctimony and belittling on hold and attempt to win friends and influence people.

    I don't hate you. Nor do I want pt nor you to suffer. But, I also understand the frustrations of parents. And, tending toward libertarianism as I do. I feel for the people who are being oppressed by Big Brother, not the people hoping to use Big Brother to their own ends.

    I'll repeat.

    Find a strategy other than calling others effin idiots, despicable idiots and effin assholes. It's not working for you.

  24. by Ponderer on March 8, 2023 12:29 pm

    "Find a strategy other than calling others effin idiots, despicable idiots and effin assholes. It's not working for you." -Hate


    And I suppose you and all the other baselessly paranoid, transphobic, MAGA-hatted zealots think you're winning friends and influencing people by being the sociopathically despicable assholes you're currently being about this issue? Fukk you! Fukk you all, Bill. I am absolutely serious about that.

    You have been exuding absolute glee in here over the prospect of trans people like Donna and I being forced to suffer more and subjugated and having our Constitutional rights taken away throughout this country, instead of treating this particular current Republican decent into fascism like the disgustingly theocratic, unconstitutional, un-American, asshole authoritarian bullshit that it blatantly is. Oh but my goodness, you are only tracking seismic political activity and being a dispassionate political junky. In a pig's fukking eye!

    So once again, I cordially invite you to go thoroughly fukk yourself with your paranoid, dogmatic sociopathy, you smug fucking asshole. It literally sickens me to think that you consider yourself a Christian. You are the kind that give the entire religion a bad name.

  25. by Ponderer on March 8, 2023 12:51 pm

    Rest assured you have never lost an argument to our fact-adverse friend, HtS..."

    Thanks, Curt. I know any sane person having followed any of my debates with him would come to the same conclusion, but I appreciate your corroboration.


  26. by HatetheSwamp on March 8, 2023 12:51 pm

    Not guilty, po.

    And I suppose you and all the other baselessly paranoid, transphobic, MAGA-hatted zealots think you're winning friends and influencing people by being the sociopathically despicable assholes you're currently being about this issue? Fukk you! Fukk you all, Bill. I am absolutely serious about that.

    I'm neither transphobic nor a MAGA.

    We both know that the people in the political center settle these things in America. What social conservatives have done in the last year is make common sense to parents. And, grandparents. I've pointed out that there aren't enough Christian theocrats in America to win any minor political victory. But, nearly all of us a members of a family.

    You have been exuding absolute glee in here over the prospect of trans people like Donna and I being forced to suffer more and subjugated and having our Constitutional rights taken away throughout this country, instead of treating this particular current Republican decent into fascism like the disgustingly theocratic, unconstitutional, un-American, asshole authoritarian bullshit that it blatantly is. Oh but my goodness, you are only tracking seismic political activity and being a dispassionate political junky. In a pig's fukking eye!

    No, po. I'm gleeful that the constitutional republic is fully functioning. I'm absolutely opposed to your "Constitutional rights" being taken away. I'm not sure that anything actually guaranteed by the Constitution nor the Bill of Rights is at stake for you at the moment. But, I'm happy to be educated by you.

    Actually, though, the truth is that I am the one who's been warning that, if this backlash gains momentum, anti-trans...anti-LGBT...violence is a distinct possibility.

    I, absolutely, am not guilty.

  27. by HatetheSwamp on March 8, 2023 12:55 pm

    Thanks, Curt. I know any sane person having followed any of my debates with him would come to the same conclusion, but I appreciate your corroboration.

    Fine, po.

    Just continue admonishing people who think differently than you to go eff themselves. No doubt, on your word, they will.

  28. by Ponderer on March 8, 2023 1:39 pm

    "Just continue admonishing people who think differently than you to go eff themselves." -Hate

    Oh my, Bill...! Were you laboring under the misapprehension that I always act and talk to people this way...? I certainly never do!

    Only to you in here.

  29. by oldedude on March 8, 2023 7:29 pm
    What's really funny is that the term is in the "Declaration of Independence." People I know would get that. Those are those disgusting subhuman miscreants.

    "The Democrats are a political party in the United States that has long been associated with racism. While Democrats have tried to distance themselves from this negative association by pointing out their past, it is difficult to shake off the stigma of being racist when historical records show otherwise. Racism is not an easy topic to talk about, but if we can’t even discuss our history, then how will we ever learn? We must be willing to look at both sides of the story to understand what’s really going on here.

    The Times commented on the issue of racism in relation to the Democrats and said, “Racist is the stereotypical accusation aimed at anyone who disagrees with Democrats. These radicals don’t care if such criticism is true. It’s all about stirring the racist pot for political purposes, prominence and profit.”
    (National Review, 2015...)

    Welcome to your party. You need to deal with your own racism, like with Tulsi and Nikki, a zero-gen immigrant (can anyone on this site can claim that? Or even 2nd gen?). And yet she is "attacked for being white"). Did she try to try to assimilate? Yes. I wish my grandfather would have allowed my dad and given him the right to learn the native language and understand it. I watched my (really old at the time) grandfather backhand my father (in his early 40's) because my dad answered him in Czech. Then he told him in really broken English (while holding him down on the floor), "THIS is the country you live in now! YOU WILL respect your new country and forget the old" Quite an impression for an 8?-9? year old? I wish on my dad's soul he could have learned that.

    Speaking of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, let’s review (since they don’t teach this in schools): The percentage of House Democrats who supported the legislation? 61 percent. House Republicans? 80 percent. In the Senate, 69 percent of Democrats voted yes, compared with 82 percent of Republicans. (Barry Goldwater, a supporter of the NAACP, voted no because he thought it was unconstitutional.)

  30. by HatetheSwamp on March 9, 2023 3:12 am

    Oh my, Bill...! Were you laboring under the misapprehension that I always act and talk to people this way...? I certainly never do!

    That is precisely my apprhension.

    More to the point, on this issue, it's standard fare for your whole side to "act and talk" this way.

    You may recall that all of this started here on SS when your own pt referred to these bills being proposed on behalf of mommies and daddies, nannas and pappaps:

    fascistic and disgusting.

    Of all posters here, pt got this rollin. But, you all do it.


    pb repeats. The political center settles these things. Calling suburban mommies, daddies, nannas and pappaps fascistic and, as you yourself do, Christian theocrats and admonishing them to eff themselves is, so far, your rhetorical strategy.

    Trust good ol pb. That ain't gunna to the trick for you...unless you want more of those bills proposed and passed.

    Anger. Sanctimony. Hate. Arrogance. So far, that's what's in your toolbox.

    Ain't gunna do the trick.

  31. by Ponderer on March 9, 2023 9:22 am

    Bill, why are we not supposed to call something that is fascistic and disgusting "fascistic and disgusting"? It's exactly what it is! It's even far worse than that! What would you prefer? What wouldn't harm your delicate little right wing authoritarian sensibilities? "somewhat forceful and slightly distasteful"? THAT would be a lie!

    It's not our fault that your side is fascistic and disgusting, Bill. If you don't like having the reality that you are fascistic and disgusting being pointed out to you, you could always just stop being fascistic and disgusting.

  32. by HatetheSwamp on March 9, 2023 10:44 am


    In our, uh, democracy, bahahahahahahahaha, one's way becomes law when the majority accepts it. I have to say that I admire the ease with which you speak the quiet LGBT hate speech out loud.

    Way to live out your hate of your fellow citizen. But, politically you're bein a moron. Still, this is all the better for the cause of all those mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps.

  33. by Ponderer on March 9, 2023 10:54 am

    So you're just going to keep being fascistic and disgusting then. I see.

  34. by HatetheSwamp on March 9, 2023 11:02 am

    In the universe of your subjectivity? I have no choice.

  35. by Ponderer on March 9, 2023 11:17 am

    I already told you, it's not my fault that you are fascistic and disgusting, Bill. Instead of trying to blame me for this uncomfortable fact, why not try to change yourself into a human being who isn't fascistic and disgusting?

    I can't make you do that. And I am certainly not keeping you from doing it. It's something that you are fully responsible for doing yourself.

    Quit trying to make me responsible for you being such a disgusting fascist, Bill.

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