pb no longer trusts anything that comes from the progressive SwampMedia without oodles of collaboration. So, I don't know what to do with this. Is it emerging DeSantis Derangement Syndrome because it's already a real thing? Or, is it the right mimicking the fascist left?
Too early to know.
OD, what do you know about this as the SS correspondent on the ground in Florida?
TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Florida Sen. Jason Brodeur (R-Lake Mary) wants bloggers who write about Gov. Ron DeSantis, Attorney General Ashley Moody, and other members of the Florida executive cabinet or legislature to register with the state or face fines.
Brodeur’s proposal, Senate Bill 1316: Information Dissemination, would require any blogger writing about government officials to register with the Florida Office of Legislative Services or the Commission on Ethics.
In the bill, Brodeur wrote that those who write “an article, a story, or a series of stories,” about “the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, a Cabinet officer, or any member of the Legislature,” and receives or will receive payment for doing so, must register with state offices within five days after the publication of an article that mentions an elected state official.
The bill also requires that bloggers file notices of failure to file a timely report the same way that lobbyists file their disclosures and reports on assessed fines. Fines must be paid within 30 days of payment notice, unless an appeal is filed with the appropriate office. Fine payments must be deposited into the Legislative Lobbyist Registration Trust Fund if it concerns an elected member of the legislature.
Again. pb entirely distrusts the progressive SwampMedia but, if there's truth here, it just proves a point pb made a couple days ago about the Tennessee drag queen bill. Not all GOPs love the Bill of Rights any more than progressive SwampLovers.
If this is true, it's as much an outrage as any mandate or lockdown embraced by our progressives
But pb, but pb! Rights aren't absolute!
But, d@ng near close to it.