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Does anybody know how rightwing media is covering the Dominion/Fox News libel case?
By Curt_Anderson
February 28, 2023 11:19 am
Category: Media

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I know how the normal media (NY Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, et cetera plus late night comedians) are covering the Dominion/Fox News libel case. It doesn't look good for Fox. Hannity, Carlson, Bartoromo, Ingraham, the crazy judge, et al were intentionally bamboozling their audience.

Does anybody know how rightwing media is covering this story? Is there an alternative narrative in which Fox somehow looks good and/or the victim of mean ol' Dominion?

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Comments on "Does anybody know how rightwing media is covering the Dominion/Fox News libel case?":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on February 28, 2023 11:38 am

    What I love about TDS is how hopeful it is. Clearly, it now extends to FNC.

    The coverage I've found consists of partially leaked Court filings from t'other side.

    As far as I know, they call it "Fox News" because Fox reports, and comments on what's in the news. In the last year, the "crazy judge" was added to the panel on The Five. Since then, I'm not aware that she's ever spoken the name Trump, nor spoken about the 020 election.

    Based on the frequency that Curt and po quote Tucker, they are our authorities on him. I don't watch Hannity nor Ingraham so pb knows nuthin there.

    What I do know is that every television news outlet is, justifiedly, crazy jealous of Fox's ratings and profits. My sense is that, if you're groovin on progressive SwampMedia reports of the claims against Fox, you're going to get as much satisfaction as you got from the J6 Stalin Show.

  2. by Donna on February 28, 2023 12:08 pm

    I don't understand how the Republican media would go about explaining away or excusing Rupert Murdoch's recent admission that Fox News deliberately promoted the Big Lie in order to bolster its ratings - IOW they lied because it was profitable.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on February 28, 2023 12:15 pm


    When I saw that you posted in this thread, I was bang on sure that you weren't going to contribute knowledge of the right-wing media. Bahahahahahahahahahaha.

    I'd be blessed if you linked to the source of the information that you shared.

  4. by Donna on February 28, 2023 12:27 pm

    I have to keep reminding myself that since partisan news sources regularly censor news that reflects negatively on themselves and the party they're representing, it's a mistake to assume that someone who only gets their news from sources like that is going to have knowledge about what I learned.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on February 28, 2023 12:35 pm

    Thing is, pt, I read an article this morning containing, essentially, the information you detailed. Buried within it was the acknowledgement that it was based on a partial...

    ...partial account of a court filing.

    How reliable could that possibly be?


  6. by islander on February 28, 2023 12:36 pm

    Curt, from what I can gather, Fox has forbidden Fox News Channel host Howard Kurtz from discussing the Dominion suit. Kurtz disagrees with fox but will abide by their orders. Apparently since Fox itself is being sued they don’t feel they should be discussing it. I guess that sorta makes sense (?) when you think about it.

    However, for anyone who wants to know, the information is readily available from any number of reliable news sources.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on February 28, 2023 12:40 pm

    Good, isle.


  8. by Donna on February 28, 2023 12:44 pm

    Rupert Murdoch acknowledged that Fox News hosts endorsed false stolen election claims

    New York(CNN)Rupert Murdoch, the chairman of Fox Corporation, acknowledged in a deposition taken by Dominion Voting Systems that some Fox News hosts endorsed false claims that the 2020 election was stolen.

    Murdoch's remarks were made public in a legal filing as part of Dominion's $1.6 billion lawsuit against Fox News.

    In his deposition, Murdoch rejected that the right-wing talk network as an entity endorsed former President Donald Trump's election lies. But Murdoch conceded that Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Maria Bartiromo, and former host Lou Dobbs promoted the falsehood about the presidential contest being stolen.

    "Some of our commentators were endorsing it," Murdoch said, according to the filing, when asked about the talk hosts' on-air positions about the election. "I would have liked us to be stronger in denouncing it, in hindsight," he added.

    The filing also revealed that Murdoch referred to some of Trump's 2020 election lies as "bulls**t and damaging." [...]

    In his deposition, Murdoch also said that it was "wrong" for Fox's Tucker Carlson to have hosted election conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell on his program following the presidential election.

    Murdoch testified it was "wrong for Tucker to host Mike Lindell to repeat those allegations against Dominion on January 26th, 2021," the documents said.

    When asked why he continued to allow Lindell, the MyPillow CEO, to make election fraud claims on Fox News, Murdoch said it was a business decision. [IOW, profits were at stake. - Donna]

    "It is not red or blue, it is green," Murdoch replied, according to the court documents.

    "The man is on every night. Pays us a lot of money..." Murdoch said. "At first you think it's comic, and then you get bored and irritated."

    Murdoch also said he could have stopped Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, former lawyers for President Trump and his campaign who alleged election fraud, from appearing on the network's programs, the filing said.

    "I could have. But I didn't," Murdoch said.

  9. by HatetheSwamp on February 28, 2023 12:53 pm

    Some of our commentators were endorsing it,” Murdoch said while being questioned under oath in a $1.6 billion suit by Dominion Voting Systems Inc., which included excerpts of the deposition in a court filing Monday.




    I think you'd better get set to remember how your side kicked butt on Trump in that J6 Stalin Show. Because if you're hopin based on this, you'd better have a huuuuuuuuuge box of Xtra Soft Kleenex to hand.

  10. by islander on February 28, 2023 12:56 pm

    "I don't understand how the Republican media would go about explaining away or excusing Rupert Murdoch's recent admission that Fox News deliberately promoted the Big Lie in order to bolster its ratings - IOW they lied because it was profitable." ~ Donna

    Good question, Donna. If anybody knows of any right leaning news media reporting on it I'd really like to hear what they have to say.

  11. by Donna on February 28, 2023 1:11 pm

    Hts - Your sources are allowed to post excerpts of the same deposition.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on February 28, 2023 1:15 pm

    Yeah but I used mine to show how foolhardy this is.

    Curt asked how the right-wing is reporting it. CNN ain't that. Bloomberg is only slightly leftie.

  13. by islander on February 28, 2023 1:35 pm

    Like I said...If anybody knows of any right leaning news media reporting on it (Dominion suit) I'd really like to hear what they have to say.

    So far, the silence is deafening...

    If anyone knows of any right wing news sites reporting on this...I'm more than happy to go the sites myself and read what they are saying...Just give me the name of the media organization doing the reporting or a link to any of them.

  14. by islander on February 28, 2023 1:58 pm
    I tried googling one of the rightwing media sites,

    the american conservative reports on murdock's admission that fox lied

    But found nothing...

  15. by HatetheSwamp on February 28, 2023 1:59 pm

    Of course, Fox ain't reporting on it.

    I watch some FNC and listen to that gay Guy Curt never heard of. But. He's on Fox News Radio.

    It's never come up on any non-Fox talk radio I follow.

    Just a word of realism.

    I get that Fox haters are into this but, beyond the wacked world of the deranged, I don't think this matters. THIS IS A REPORT BASED ON SLANTED EXCERPTS FROM AN effin DEPOSITION! When was the last time anyone even cared about a deposition? C'mon man, I'm not joking. Gimme a break.

  16. by Donna on February 28, 2023 2:01 pm

    And they won't. Because they were caught red-handed.

  17. by Donna on February 28, 2023 2:07 pm

    I bet if you researched it, you'd be able to find examples where pro-Republican news and commentary sources published excerpts of depositions. I'm guessing that what's stopping them from doing that in this case is that there is in all likelihood nothing in the deposition that makes Fox News look good.

  18. by HatetheSwamp on February 28, 2023 2:07 pm

    Red-handed doing what?, other than reporting and commenting on news...which is what Fox News does. From where I am, this is waaaaaaaaaay more ridiculous than the J6 a looooooooong shot.

  19. by Donna on February 28, 2023 2:11 pm

    Btw, MSNBC does that too.

  20. by HatetheSwamp on February 28, 2023 2:20 pm

    What?, report and comment on news?


  21. by islander on February 28, 2023 2:50 pm

    "I don't understand how the Republican media would go about explaining away or excusing Rupert Murdoch's recent admission that Fox News deliberately promoted the Big Lie in order to bolster its ratings" ~Donna

    The silence from the "conservatives" here is still deafening !!! 🤣

  22. by HatetheSwamp on March 1, 2023 2:54 am

    Y'know. My sense is that hate-based derangement is becoming endemic in the progressive SwampLovers' universe. Y'nes attitude toward Fox is what it is toward Trump. And, it's insane.

    Pause for a moment. Think...if that's still possible.

    Here's what's going on. There's a civil suit that's been filed. Dominion Voting Systems is suing Fox News...

    ...and, no trial has been held.

    However, as sometimes happens, one side in a civil suit is releasing pre-trial stuff. In this case, depositions.

    No. Not depositions.

    EXCERPTS from SOME depositions.

    And, you progressive SwampLovers are going crazy... as if the Supreme Court has strung up Tucker Carlson from the Statue of Liberty by his scrotum.

    To quote what the Flatulent Fool often says in the midst of a dementia-laden rant: "True story. I'm not joking." Bahahahahahahahahahaha.

    Take a chill pill, gang. Two truths.

    1. This is only the sort of thing that happens, from time to time, in civil suits. The side suing...often represented by ambulance applying pressure in the hope of not having to make its case in a court room. This is...probably...a sign that Dominion is realizing that it's case is weak and its becoming scared $hitless of what might happen in court.


    2. The First Amendment to the US Constitution effin GUARANTEES freedom of the press. (Right, Curt. I know. "But pb. But pb. Rights aren't absolute!) Nevertheless, what Fox is being sued for is reporting and commenting. These are activities heavily protected in America. The case Dominion must make is a hard the land of freedom.

    So, just a cautionary note, gang.

    You're all pushing po's reputation as the first here to join a lynch mob.

    Effin EXCERPTS from a deposition. Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh.

    Take a few slow, deep breaths.

    There's nuthin happnin here. This is all as everyday as everyday can be.

    And, as far as pb can tell, this isn't registering a single blip in the right-wing media. Nuthin at all.

  23. by islander on March 1, 2023 6:42 am


"I don't understand how the Republican media would go about explaining away or excusing Rupert Murdoch's recent admission that Fox News deliberately promoted the Big Lie in order to bolster its ratings" ~Donna

    I think we’re all old enough to remember learning to read From the Dick & Jane books in first grade, You know, “Look Jane, Look ! See spot run !!’ LoL

    It’s hilarious now to read "Hate and the MAGAS"...“Look folks, look! See Hate squirm" !!! LoL

    Still deafening silence from Hate and his MAGA media idols on Murdock's admission that fox lied! 🤣

    We’re long past Fox’s non reporting on the Dominion Case! Remember from a few posts earlier? “Fox has forbidden Fox News Channel host Howard Kurtz from discussing the Dominion suit. Kurtz disagrees with fox but will abide by their orders. Apparently since Fox itself is being sued they don’t feel they should be discussing it. I guess that sorta makes sense (?) when you think about it.”

  24. by HatetheSwamp on March 1, 2023 7:01 am

    I'm sure you know how the left-wing/right-wing media dance goes. They get much to most of their material by responding to each other. The normal thing'd be for the progressive SwampMedia to make a big deal out of something like the Murdock "deposition" and, the next day, all of right-wing talk radio and, in case, non-Fox right-wing TV news'd jump all over the the left for extremism and biased reporting. Remember right-wing media is jealous of Fox's domination, too.

    This thread asks how right-wing media is handling the story and I've checked.


    As the song says, "Absolutely nuthin. Say it again, y'all!"

    This is a non story.

  25. by Donna on March 1, 2023 7:12 am

    I would have thought that you'd be proud that some Fox News personalities endorsed the stolen election narrative.

  26. by HatetheSwamp on March 1, 2023 7:37 am

    First, Donna. I've stopped believing any report from the progressive SwampMedia regarding Trump. And, my sense of the envy of Fox's success makes the whole SwampMedia even more dastardly in reporting in about Fox.

    Back, at the end of 020, while the dust was settling, I scanned all media coverage of the election. I guess you did that, too, though I doubt you strayed far from left-wing propaganda. It was chaotic everywhere. Rush. The rest of talk radio. Fox. ONN. Newsmax. And,...CNN. MSNBC. Broadcast networks. The print SwampMedia, NYT, WaPo. My local media. I was everywhere.

    None of them knew what to do about these unprecedented, bizarre, events. That's true of Fox, certainly, but, on the right, it actually seemed to me that Fox was more judicious than anyone else on the right.

    And, on the left,? Oy! Nearly all of CNN's prime time gang has been fired since then
    Shepard Smith is gone at CNBC. MSNBC and CNN now have ratings that have seriously tanked!

    I know Fox is making money BIG TIME, and is killing in the ratings. I get ambulance chasers and Deep Pockets. But, there's still a First Amendment.

    My honest take on the story is that Dominion's lawyers see disaster in the court room looming and are hoping to get Fox to toss them some change in order to avoid a trial.

    I could be wrong. But, I seriously doubt it.

    For now, you can look for that lynch mob to form. But, I don't see it.

  27. by Donna on March 1, 2023 8:08 am

    Fox News personalities who didn't believe the Big Lie promoted it anyhow at a time when Fox News' ratings were taking a beating. That came out in the deposition.

  28. by HatetheSwamp on March 1, 2023 8:18 am

    Give links.

  29. by Donna on March 1, 2023 8:30 am

    I downloaded the entire deposition. From it:

    Q: You are aware now that Fox did more than simply host these guests and give them a platform; correct?

    RUPERT MURDOCH: I think you've shown me material in support of that.

    Q: In fact, you are now aware that Fox endorsed at times this false notion of a stolen election?

    RM: Not Fox, no. Not Fox. But maybe Lou Dobbs, maybe Maria, as commentators.

    Q: We went through Fox hosts Maria Bartiromo, yes?

    RM: Yes. C'mon.

    Q: Fox host Jeanine Pirro?

    RM: I think so.

    Q: Fox Business host Lou Dobbs?

    RM: Oh, a lot.

    Q: Fox host Sean Hannity?

    RM: A bit.

    Q: All were in that document; correct?

    RM: Yes, they were.

    Q: About Fox endorsing the narrative of a stolen election, correct?

    RM: No. Some of our commentators were endorsing it.

    Q: About their endorsement of a stolen election?

    RM: Yes. They endorsed.

  30. by HatetheSwamp on March 1, 2023 8:56 am

    Sadly, the NYT stuff is behind a pay wall.


    I've said many times over the years that, IMO, you are the most clear minded progressive here...and it ain't even close.

    Our First Amendment says, in part:

    "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press..."

    So, question. In this country, with the liberties guaranteed to us, what do you find in the Murdock deposition that violates the Freedom of the Press so abhorrently that it's worth $1,600,000,000 in damages to Dominion?

  31. by Donna on March 1, 2023 9:01 am

    "A new legal filing by Dominion Voting Systems in their ongoing defamation suit against Fox News on Monday paints a picture of nervous executives attempting to shore up ratings while fielding concerns about the false claims of election fraud being pushed by allies of then-President Donald Trump in the days and weeks leading up to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol — often on the network’s air.

    Fox Corp. CEO Lachlan Murdoch said in his sworn deposition that the decline in ratings Fox News experienced after the 2020 election made him lose sleep. A Fox Corporation senior vice president in charge of monitoring criticism of the brand, Raj Shah, warned top executives that Fox News was “underwater” with viewers and told a pollster they faced “heavy fire” from its base after the election, according to an email cited in the filing.

    News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch made clear in an email to Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott that that the network’s post-election coverage had to not “antagonize Trump” while also not buying in completely to some of false claims about what happened.

    “Everything at stake here,” he wrote."

    Go to the NBC link at the bottom to read excerpts from the deposition regarding the following points of discussion:

    Fox News executives were worried about the drop in ratings after the election

    The Fox Corp. executive charged with protecting the brand, Raj Shah, called for ‘decisive action’ when polling indicated a drop in favorability

    Fox News host Sean Hannity was ‘privately disgusted by Trump for weeks’ but scared to lose viewers, according to an email Rupert Murdoch sent Ryan in January

    Rupert Murdoch testified that he allowed MyPillow’s Mike Lindell to continue advertising on Fox News because of the money

  32. by islander on March 1, 2023 9:02 am

    "The silence from the "conservatives" here is still deafening !!!" 🤣

    Hate wants links reporting that Murdock fully acknowledged (under oath) that Fox news hosts lied about the election results in their effort to promote Trump's Big Lie (which Hate Fell for) !!

    Of course he won't believe and/or admit that Fox news hosts knowingly lied...or that Murdock swore under oath that they lied...unless we provide links from Fox news or some other right wing media site that is refusing to comment on it!

    That from the fellow who fell hook line and sinker for Trumps lies! 🤣

    He was bamboozled into voting for Trump twice !! He still believes Trump's lies and that's why he says he doesn't know who won the election, since, in his mind, Joe didn't really win the election fair and square...Which is of course Trump's lie.

    Now Hate say's he despises Trump! I can't say that I blame him since Trump has made Hate look ridiculous in front of all of us !! 👏

  33. by HatetheSwamp on March 1, 2023 9:21 am

    Just how does all of Fox News knowingly lie?

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh!

  34. by islander on March 1, 2023 11:41 am

    I don't know...You tell me.

  35. by HatetheSwamp on March 1, 2023 11:48 am


    As far as I know, isle, it doesn't. But, you lodged the charge.

  36. by islander on March 1, 2023 12:18 pm

    Nope. Try something else.

  37. by oldedude on March 1, 2023 3:39 pm
    I'm not following it. It's another Trumpster and TDS conspiracy that I don't care about.

  38. by HatetheSwamp on March 1, 2023 4:26 pm


    Are you aware that anyone on the right is even paying attention? If so, who?

  39. by Ponderer on March 1, 2023 4:34 pm

    "I'm not following it. It's another Trumpster and TDS conspiracy that I don't care about." -olde dude

    Well I am sure that Fox News and its owners and on-air personalities are a little more interested in it than you are, od.

    Their policy of knowingly and intentionally selling whatever lies their viewership is dead set on buying is going to cost the corporation several billions of dollars by the end of all the court cases.

    It's actually been an incredibly interesting story to follow, if you're capable of paying attention for more than eight seconds. MSNBC's coverage of all the facts and evidence piled on Fox has been quite thorough.

    You conservative media watchers don't know what you're missing.

  40. by Curt_Anderson on March 1, 2023 4:38 pm
    "Are you aware that anyone on the right is even paying attention?" --HtS

    Thanks for answering my headline question, HtS! 🍻

    Here is how the rightwing is covering (and consuming) the news about the Dominion/Fox News libel case:

  41. by Ponderer on March 1, 2023 4:46 pm

    👍, Curt.

  42. by oldedude on March 1, 2023 6:02 pm
    Their policy of knowingly and intentionally selling whatever lies their viewership is dead set on buying is going to cost the corporation several billions of dollars by the end of all the court cases.

    You mean like burying the pedojr gun case? and computer case? You mean like that? where YOUR MSM had to admit lying about?

  43. by Curt_Anderson on March 1, 2023 6:28 pm
    "You mean like burying the pedojr gun case? and computer case?" --OD

    There is a difference between "burying" (not covering) a news story and lying about a news story. The former is an editorial decision which news outlets constantly make. Intentionally lying about a person or a business in way that causes reputational damage is defamation. The First Amendment is not a protection against lawsuits in which a news organization knowingly lies in way that causes harm to an individual or organization. That's why FOX is being sued. I predict Dominion will be successful, for the record.

    If FOX wants to bury news stories about the Dominion lawsuit or Trump's likely indictment in Georgia (for example) that's their editorial prerogative.

  44. by oldedude on March 1, 2023 8:00 pm
    They knew the story was valid. They chose to lie by omission.

  45. by Curt_Anderson on March 1, 2023 8:20 pm
    OD, you know this: Lying by omission is not a crime. Every news organization chooses what to cover and not cover. Lying by commission is not in itself a crime unless it's defamation or perjury.

    By the way, speaking of Hunter Biden's laptop, I thought the GOP House and Jim Jordan would be all over that. So far it's 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗

  46. by oldedude on March 1, 2023 10:00 pm
    Yes it is.

    "EXCLUSIVE: Jim Jordan, House Intel Committee Call On Intelligence Officials Who Discredited Hunter Biden Story To Appear For Transcribed Interviews"

    House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner sent letters Wednesday to Central Intelligence officials who discredited the Hunter Biden laptop story, saying they have not yet responded to previously requested interviews.

    The Daily Caller first obtained the 29 letters to the different Central Intelligence officials in which the lawmakers reiterate their requests and ask that the officials “comply promptly.” The letters ask the officials to schedule interviews and “arrange for the production of the outstanding material.”

    Both The Washington Post and The New York Times noted the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop in March 2022, more than one year after the Daily Caller News Foundation first verified it. Recent reporting by the Daily Caller and other outlets has highlighted the Biden family’s extensive dealings with Chinese companies, including a presentation Hunter Biden gave promoting American shale and natural gas to Chinese businessmen.

  47. by oldedude on March 1, 2023 10:03 pm
    Lie By Omission Law and Legal Definition

    A lie of omission is an intentional failure to tell the truth in a situation requiring disclosure. An example could be a seller's failure to note a known defect on a real estate disclosure form.

  48. by Curt_Anderson on March 1, 2023 10:11 pm
    Good point about failure to disclose. In that case lying by omission is a crime. However, failing to disclose (or burying) a news story to an audience or readers doesn't meet that definition.

  49. by HatetheSwamp on March 2, 2023 3:37 am

    Bing bing bing bing bing bing bing!

    The DRUDGE REPORT finally acknowledged the story so, progressive SwampLovers, there's your answer.

    To be fair, Drudge stopped being right-wing during about the middle of OrangeMan's term. Apparently, Trump did something to offend Drudge and the tone of Drudge changed overnight.

    These days, Drudge is all over the place. It's anti-Trump and lib/conservative issue by issue...and its readership is about half of what it once was.

    Anyway, Drudge posted a (lib) LA Times article overnight. The article is not the angry hate your progressive SwampLovers have been so orgasmic over. It's actually decently newsy...but it highlights the case being made by Dominion.

  50. by oldedude on March 2, 2023 4:48 am
    "Good point about failure to disclose. In that case lying by omission is a crime. However, failing to disclose (or burying) a news story to an audience or readers doesn't meet that definition."

    Agreed. That said, "news" companies have a very wide birth about what they do. The bar for libel is extremely high.

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