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Military selectors, pages, etc.
Biden visits Ukraine ahead of war anniversary: ‘Kyiv stands’
By HatetheSwamp
February 20, 2023 3:21 am
Category: Military

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Rules of the Post

The Ukraine visit comes at a crucial moment in the war as Biden looks to keep allies unified in their support for Ukraine as the war is expected to intensify with both sides preparing for spring offensives. Zelenskyy is pressing allies to speed up delivery of pledged weapon systems and is calling on the West to deliver fighter jets to Ukraine — something that Biden to date has declined to do.

In Kyiv, Biden announced an additional half-billion dollars in U.S. assistance, including shells for howitzers, anti-tank missiles, air surveillance radars and other aid but no new advanced weaponry.

Everyone here knows that pb is highly critical of President Biden. However, in this case, he declares this, as a purely symbolic act, is one of the greatest moments in US presidential history.

What Biden does from now on is what will matter, of course, but, today, the president has achieved a truly great moment.

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Comments on "Biden visits Ukraine ahead of war anniversary: ‘Kyiv stands’":

  1. by oldedude on February 20, 2023 5:12 am
    This is, in historical terms, one of the most interesting wars in US history. The traditionally pacifist sheep, are now the hawks, and reacting to those on the right that do not want to be involved with well, pretty much hatred and disdain.

    So we're at a crux of role reversals. The right is playing the lefts role in every military move since WWII. So should the right become the weathermen of this era? Should they bomb universities that support or take money from the government?

    The left has already started their John Birch style approach of using government agencies to violate the US Constitution to subvert the subversion. To insert the agencies in to issues that "may" be counter to their policies. OR the right could take the left's European style of resistance of Rota Brigada, Bader Meinhof, RAF, and the IRA to take our country back. This includes assassinations, bombing left wing bars and other places leftists gather.

    My view? Have fun sheeple! You reap what you sow!

  2. by HatetheSwamp on February 20, 2023 5:21 am

    Well said, OD.

    How amazingly have progressive/conservative roles have flip-flopped!

    Progressives are practicing censorship and becoming warmongers. They operate, essentially, on the 1970s Moral Majority model. And, why?

    It seems that they run on emotion, not intellect.

  3. by islander on February 20, 2023 5:58 am

    ”The traditionally pacifist sheep, are now the hawks, and reacting to those on the right that do not want to be involved with well, pretty much hatred and disdain.” ~ od

    That’s where you’re dead wrong with your childish “pacifist sheeple” attempts at insulting us. 

I come from what would probably be described as a military family going all the way back to WW11 and beyond. It has always been made up of both conservatives and progressives.

    My mother’s brother died in the Bataan Death March in the Philippines, her other brother was with the first American soldiers to reach and witness the horrors of the concentration camps in Germany. My own father was a navigator in a bomber at that time, he left for duty 2 months before I was born and never saw me until he came back when I was 9 months old...Since then, our country has been in wars that we had no business starting or getting involved in, like Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan...We know the difference between those and “Just Wars”, and this battle for their own survival taking place in Ukraine is one that we pacifist sheeple support whether you like it or not.

  4. by oldedude on February 20, 2023 6:48 am
    I truly honor your mother’s brothers, and your father.

    I had one uncle that did the island hop, and one that flew B25s. You are not one of them. I don't sit on the laurels of anyone in my family. Just like I don't judge anyone by the color of anyone by their skin, sexual preference, religion, or language.

    I have worked endlessly honoring veterans, including those in Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf in both wars, 9/11 folks that were either incinerated in the towers, or died afterwards slowly and painfully, and those that fill in their ranks when the OFGs are dead or gone.

    I started out as a pig gunner and got offered a job in Rescue and Recovery, where I spend my next 36 years. My eldest son is a Marine (1/7 Ridgerunner) that was blown up twice, is deaf in one ear, has TBI, and can't get VA help. My other son was a Forward Air Controller in the 82nd Abn and recruited into the 3rd Special Forces Group. He's been shot twice and blown up a few times. One time had a chlorine chaser on it which is slowly blinding him.

    Unless you've been there, it's a moot point of what I think of you.

  5. by Ponderer on February 20, 2023 7:01 am

    "The traditionally pacifist sheep, are now the hawks, and reacting to those on the right that do not want to be involved with well, pretty much hatred and disdain.

    So we're at a crux of role reversals. The right is playing the lefts role in every military move since WWII."
    -olde dude

    Well oh my goodness, od. please forgive us for not jubilantly cheering on every single asinine "military move" this country has ever foisted itself into since WW2.

    Did it ever even occur to you that we haven't supported much of anything that our military has done since WW2 because it simply wasn't worthy of our support? And that we now support this war because it is the moral equivalent of our participation in WW2 in a way that nothing else that we've ever done since then was? If it hasn't occurred to you, it really should. Because you are bullshitting yourself into idiocy.

    So you're saying that the right was "hawkish" over all those other "military moves" as being worthy of your support, but the situation in Ukraine only deserves inaction an sheepish avoidance...?

    Are you basing that on some sort of moral grounds? Because that would be funny.

  6. by oldedude on February 20, 2023 7:30 am
    The only moral ground is to serve the greater good. It's about learning to work with people you don't like or that are very, very different from you. It's about working as a team, and finding strengths in others. It's also about seeing places that are strange and different than you're used to. Learning their culture and how THEY think.

    You're putting sooooo much crap into this. It's that simple. I give the same honor to someone that complete their enlistment as a cook or admin, as I do a 20 year SEAL.

    I don't put any politics into that decision at all.
    So you can get off your rant now, I'm not engaging.

  7. by Ponderer on February 20, 2023 7:42 am

    I'm sorry, od. But was that a response that you meant to make to some other thread? Because it had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with my comment that I thought you were responding to.

    Lemme try again...

    "The traditionally pacifist sheep, are now the hawks, and reacting to those on the right that do not want to be involved with well, pretty much hatred and disdain.

    So we're at a crux of role reversals. The right is playing the lefts role in every military move since WWII."
    -olde dude

    To which I replied:

    So you're saying that the right was "hawkish" over all those other "military moves" as being worthy of support, but the situation in Ukraine only deserves inaction an sheepish avoidance...?

    (I'll try to make my posts shorter from here on so that you don't have to do so much reading and get confused.)

  8. by islander on February 20, 2023 8:08 am

    What od is doing is making the age old mistake of thinking that if our leaders send our troops into, or start a war in which we should not be involved morally or otherwise, and we protest our government's action, we must not support our sons and daughters who lives are needlessly being sacrificed.

    He is dead wrong once again. It is our leaders who choose whether or not to send our soldiers into battle...Not our soldiers themselves.

  9. by oldedude on February 20, 2023 8:58 am
    "He is dead wrong once again. It is our leaders who choose whether or not to send our soldiers into battle...Not our soldiers themselves."

    I have no clue how you got that at all. This is exactly what I had to tell indy when he was on. Please re-read the post. Are you thinking that after 40 years, I don't know it's the politicians that do this? Are you for real? Again, please re-read the post.

    I AM proud of what my family has done in service of their country. I am also proud of your family. I'm also proud of all of those who served with honor. That could be in the military, Firefighters, police, emts, other 9 liners.

    I don't make that mistake. All I said is that you were appropriating their accolades. Yes, be proud of them by all means. They EARNED every ounce of everyone's appreciation. But you can't claim that you are anything beyond that. YOU didn't EARN the right to claim "I'm a patriot because my family did such and such." (or the reverse) That's bullsht. YOU per se, did nothing to claim anything.

    I invite you ( to read the attached article (see below for a short paragraph from the article). It will explain (again) what I'm talking about. It's much shorter than his books, so if you disagree, you're not wasting much time. Dave Grossman is an excellent resource, as are his associate writers. I've talked with Loren Christensen who's worked with Grossman on a couple of his books. Very intriguing. She and Dave signed a book we auctioned at a veteran's event.

    A short paragraph from Grossman.
    The sheep generally do not like the sheepdog. He looks a lot like the wolf. He has fangs and the capacity for violence. The difference, though, is that the sheepdog must not, cannot and will not ever harm the sheep. Any sheep dog who intentionally harms the lowliest little lamb will be punished and removed. The world cannot work any other way, at least not in a representative democracy or a republic such as ours.

    Still, the sheepdog disturbs the sheep. He is a constant reminder that there are wolves in the land. They would prefer that he didn’t tell them where to go, or give them traffic tickets, or stand at the ready in our airports in camouflage fatigues holding an M-16. The sheep would much rather have the sheepdog cash in his fangs, spray paint himself white, and go, “Baa.”

  10. by Curt_Anderson on February 20, 2023 9:27 am
    This is a very important and historic event full of great symbolism. It is nothing short of courageous. Of course I’m talking about the fact that HTS finally posted something complementary about President Biden. Much kudos to you HTS!

  11. by islander on February 20, 2023 9:43 am

    ”I AM proud of what my family has done in service of their country from WWII right up to the present. I am also proud of your family. I'm also proud of all of those who served with honor. That could be in the military, Firefighters, police, emts, other 9 liners.” ~ od

    As am I !!! Even though I have never been a firefighter, a police officer, emt, etc. I have had and still haveevery one of those in my family, and when I tell you that, it’s because I am proud of them, I am not appropriating their accolades, if you think I’ve appropriated anybodies accolades link me to it or copy and past where I have done so.

    You have bizarrely tried to equate those of us on the left who support the Ukrainians in their efforts to defend their country with your childish insults as being pacifist sheep. I showed you where you were dead wrong.

  12. by oldedude on February 20, 2023 1:27 pm
    You don't read anything at all, do you?

    You're still a sheep. Read the article.

    Had you been a part of any discussion on this site regarding Ukraine, you would know that both Lead and I are supporters of what pedojoe has been doing in the country. Donna, Lead, and I have been steadfast on supporting the country.

    Oh, you're using your ancestry as your crutch to per se.
    "I come from what would probably be described as a military family going all the way back to WW11 and beyond. It has always been made up of both conservatives and progressives."

  13. by islander on February 20, 2023 1:53 pm

    Over there od. WAY OVER THERE with that bullsh!t!

  14. by oldedude on February 20, 2023 2:41 pm
    You can't have a decent conversation, can you? I suppose you were an admin clerk in the Canadian military also. but you went to "intel." And you know everything there is about the modern military, although you served during Korea, and never went overseas. Am I right so far?

    I'm not saying it. Grossman is saying it. The shoe fits.

    I've only had two requests. 1. You re-read my posts and see that you weren't even discussing the same thing I was. 2. You read Grossman's article.

    You did neither and "assumed" what I said, which was entirely, as you say "Way over there with that bullsht"

    It really is that simple. If you want to have a conversation, then do that. If not, don't waste my time.

  15. by oldedude on February 20, 2023 2:48 pm
    I'm going to put a paragraph out in the open so you don't have to think much. The crime stats have changed, but basis for this are still intact.

    "Most of the people in our society are sheep. They are kind, gentle, productive creatures who can only hurt one another by accident.” This is true. Remember, the murder rate is six per 100,000 per year, and the aggravated assault rate is four per 1,000 per year. What this means is that the vast majority of Americans are not inclined to hurt one another. Some estimates say that two million Americans are victims of violent crimes every year, a tragic, staggering number, perhaps an all-time record rate of violent crime. But there are almost 300 million Americans, which means that the odds of being a victim of violent crime is considerably less than one in a hundred on any given year. Furthermore, since many violent crimes are committed by repeat offenders, the actual number of violent citizens is considerably less than two million."

  16. by islander on February 20, 2023 2:50 pm
    Oh od,od,od !!! Are you talking to someone or just yourself !! 🤣

  17. by oldedude on February 20, 2023 2:52 pm
    I was talking to you, but you're too dense to understand that. sorry I interrupted your hit in the pipe.

  18. by islander on February 20, 2023 3:06 pm

    od, did you somehow forget that this thread is about Joe Biden's trip to kyiv? 😉

  19. by oldedude on February 20, 2023 4:30 pm
    Not at all. It's a reversal of the Vietnam War, et al, which I find interesting. Read Post #1.

  20. by islander on February 20, 2023 6:28 pm
    You're a riot od if you thought you could really turn this thread into and into something like that!

    Good try though !! You'll probably never quite understand why it didn't work ! 😁

  21. by oldedude on February 20, 2023 6:57 pm
    Interesting. No one chose to remark on the thread until I viewed the war as a reversal in the traditional party lines. My guess is the sheeple supporting pedojoe. I don't, nor does Lead, but no one was saying anything so I chose to make a remark to Lead. That was all. It was you who got your panties in a wad over it. Get over it. You'll always be a sheep and delicate. One of those isn't a slam. One isn't. You still ought to read the article. If you don't like it, you wasted about 10 minutes.

  22. by islander on February 21, 2023 5:08 am

    LoL!! You’re truly pathetic od with your childish schoolyard name calling and cluelessness. I know I shouldn’t be laughing at you but it’s as if you beg for it.

    Of course I read the article, and Hate was correct when he said regarding that article, ”What Biden does from now on is what will matter, of course, but, today, the president has achieved a truly great moment.”

    I suspect what’s behind the anger and frustration that you display here on this board is your shame at having voted for a con-man and carnival huckster who disrespected, in front of the whole country, a Gold Star family who sacrificed their son for our country and said of another genuine war hero that he was no hero, the real heroes are the ones who didn’t get captured.

  23. by oldedude on February 21, 2023 5:28 am
    And you still refuse to read one article. I notice that you are always telling people they need to read muffy, or starlet, or whomever. This is actually a chance for you to learn the definition of what I am saying about you. Like Grossman said. it's an archetype of humans. Those reaping the benefits of what others have done, which isn't a horrible thing. I chose a different path.

    What is most interesting though, is your complete lack of truth when responding to me. You need to read the posts. I've watched you with Lead. It's the same. You create something we say to use as a lie. It's a perfect muffy ploy. Tell a lie, tell a big lie, say it often. the sheep will believe you.

    It's "interesting" that you chose to be "insulted" over something that is true. I guess if you can't hide from it and someone called you on your crap, you got mad. Oh well.

  24. by islander on February 21, 2023 5:43 am

    LoL!!! I'm sorry but you have me laughing at you again! As far as me choosing to be insulted by your childish name calling.

    Try to remember what I said, especially the part in bold print;

    "That’s where you’re dead wrong with your childish “pacifist sheeple” attempts at insulting us." 🤣

    😀 Smiley said you'll never get it! Is he right? (I suspect 😀 smiley is right)

  25. by oldedude on February 21, 2023 5:46 am
    Well, YOU responded with anger. So there's that.

  26. by HatetheSwamp on February 21, 2023 6:15 am


    Look up Passive-Aggressive in your dictionary. I'm pretty sure that's a sketch of isle. Bahahahahahahahahahaha!

  27. by oldedude on February 21, 2023 8:38 am
    I'd agree. And no need to look it up. When you saw it in the dictionary, my first wife's picture was there.

  28. by HatetheSwamp on February 21, 2023 8:42 am

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha, OD. And, my mom. She wrote the book. I loved her and I miss her but she put me through the wringer!

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