Stand-up comedian Donald Trump, Jr. bombs at CPAC.
By Curt Anderson July 13, 2021 10:52 am Category: Entertainment (0.0 from 0 votes)
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Don junior tries out some new material that didn't go over well with the CPAC audience. The expression of Don junior's face when he realizes that he is bombing is priceless. He even nervously looks off to the side, perhaps expecting a vaudeville hook to drag him off stage.
As for his "joke", does anybody have clue as to what he's talking about? He has a lot of nerve getting up in front of an audience and rambling incoherently. Who does he think he is, his father?
To Don junior's credit, he does have the look of a sleazy nightclub entertainer.
Catch Don junior's act in the first two minutes of the video below.
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