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A New Book that Curt Really Ought to Read
By oldedude
February 2, 2023 7:19 pm
Category: Books

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New book out by by Chad Robichaux. I'm pretty sure no one has actually heard of this guy. He's NOT a delicate man. In soft cover now, will be out hardbound 2023 January 17. Now a Wall Street Journal Bestseller

It was the right thing to do. And someone had to do it.

Aziz was more than an interpreter for Force Recon Marine Chad Robichaux during Chad's eight deployments to Afghanistan. He was a teammate, brother, and friend. More than once, Aziz saved Chad's life. And then he needed Chad to save his.

When President Joe Biden announced in April 2021 that the United States would be making a hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan, Robichaux knew he had to get Aziz and his family out before Taliban forces took over the country. As the rescue team he'd pulled together began to go to work, they became aware of thousands more--US citizens, Afghan allies, women, and children--facing persecution or death if they were not saved from the Taliban's terrorist regime. Chad began leading the charge that would go on to rescue 17,000 evacuees within a few short weeks--12,000 of them within the first ten days.

This gripping account of two heroes and a daring mission puts human hearts and names alongside the headlines of one of the most harrowing moments in our history, giving you a closer look at:

The resilience of Afghanistan and its people
Chad's direct interactions with the Taliban
The twenty-year war that took place under four presidents
Saving Aziz is a story of war and rescue. It is a story of a mission accomplished and work still to be done. It is a story of how looking into a stranger's eyes breaks down prejudice and apathy--and why risking it all is worth it when it comes to loving one another.

This is a great story about the little brown people curt hates. By one guy that worked with them. It's Chad's sixth book. All on issues with veterans ranging from the 22+ suicides per day to PTS, and how to stay married.

Also, to answer the first question. EVERYONE these guys got back were taken to an agreed upon base to have them vetted by the US State Department. NO ONE came in unvetted, including US citizens. They kept getting people out until the State Department told them to quit. So now Chad and others are working in Ukraine.

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Comments on "A New Book that Curt Really Ought to Read":

  1. by Curt_Anderson on February 2, 2023 7:56 pm
    "When President Joe Biden announced in April 2021 that the United States would be making a hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan, Robichaux knew he had to get Aziz and his family out before Taliban forces took over the country." --OD

    So why didn't he believe Trump a year earlier?

    The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on February 3, 2023 3:48 am


    Your Biden Good German-ism is amusing, as we used to say when I was a kid, to the max!

    Thing is. I'm pretty sure that pttp shares the same Afghanistan delusion.

  3. by oldedude on February 3, 2023 5:13 am
    I have covered this time and time again. It wasn't the "timing," it was the total goatfuk pedojoe produced by not listening to the military. He took the military out of the evac (one thing they do well, and are the POC's on), and gave it to the State Dept, who doesn't know anything about it (because the military are the POC's). I know you don't care about the little brown people and think they deserve what they get. pedojoe also said they would get "every American" out of country. Which they didn't.

    Other than not having any other reason to like it, I have no clue why you ONLY stick to this one "justification" of the pedojoe goatfuk. To be honest, I don't like Trump's decision to also give a date either. The difference is that Trump had conditions to the Taliban. pedojoe did not. He used our enemy to secure the base. So we're not sure how many Americans were taken and murdered prior to them reaching the evacuation area. And also, the Afghans that had made it to the cordon, recognized by our enemy, taken away and murdered. Entire families. But again. Your racist attitude towards them is unbelievable.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on February 3, 2023 6:09 am


    pb's been very clear. He's among the small minority who disagreed with even Trump on Afghanistan. I think that we should have maintained a long term presence similar to our small force on the Korean peninsula...which has worked well. Having said that, I don't see how any person with a working brain can connect Clouseau's handling of the ultimate withdrawal from Afghanistan with Trump's decision. Heck! On the day "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" was immaculated, he directly reversed about two dozen of Trump's policies.


    I'm still half convinced that Curt's joshin. He's not serious at all. He's playin with us.

    In fact, for his sake, pb hopes he is.

  5. by oldedude on February 3, 2023 7:22 am
    So curt was told to argue the only point no one cares about, and has no response to anything else, except that he's a racist and doesn't care about brown people being murdered when we created the events that made it possible.

    I heard an interview with Chad. He was livid with both presidents for giving a date. I'm with you though. We should at least held on to the Kabul airport. It's a necessary center for both the Russians and Chinese to link their military and "diplomatic"/ intel communications. The Chinese moved in the day after we left. And took over our intel centers. This gave the Chinese (and Russians. and Iranians. and North Koreans) our methods and means, which is a large chunk of intel gathering now days.

    So yes, you and I are on the same page. WE could have held that air, ground, and electronic (communications) space, which is a treasure trove of information for all the time we are there. Everyone except for pedojoe (apparently) knows that.

  6. by oldedude on February 3, 2023 7:24 am
    Click on this link, then press start at the bottom. You should be good.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on February 3, 2023 7:43 am

    Nuts. I couldn't open it.

  8. by Donna on February 3, 2023 7:46 am

    Do you think that maybe Aziz didn't take the pullout date Trump negotiated seriously? I ask that because I, too, am puzzled why he waited until Biden was president to make arrangements to leave.

  9. by Donna on February 3, 2023 7:59 am

    I meant Rubichaux, since he made the arrangements to get Aziz out.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on February 3, 2023 8:00 am

    The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban...

    Do you think that maybe Aziz didn't take the pullout date Trump negotiated seriously? I ask that because I, too, am puzzled why he waited until Biden was president to make arrangements to leave.


    pb's certain that, in February 020, it never occurred to Trump that Clouseau's handlers would successfully swipe the election.

  11. by Donna on February 3, 2023 8:07 am

    Iow, you don't know.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on February 3, 2023 8:09 am


  13. by Ponderer on February 3, 2023 8:24 am

    "pb's certain that, in February 020, it never occurred to Trump that Clouseau's handlers would successfully swipe the election." -Hate

    Proof yet again: Once a HAGA Hat, always a MAGA Hat.

    I only wish Trump knew how valiantly you are still carrying his water for him, Bill. Supporting and defending him... Flogging his asinine fantasies... Denying, no matter how absurdly, any demonstrable reality that is not favorable to him...

    Your Mango Messiah would be so proud of you, Bill. You gullible, demented, brain-dead sucker.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on February 3, 2023 8:49 am


    I'd just finished noting that I opposed Trump on Afghanistan from the beginning. What are you imaging that I'm defending?

  15. by Curt_Anderson on February 3, 2023 9:14 am
    Wow, a lot of angry fulminating, but nobody seems to be able to answer my simple question as to why Robichaux did not believe Trump a year earlier. Apparently. Robichaux does not answer the question in his book either. Trump announced in February 2020 that we’d be leaving Afghanistan on a date certain of May 1. If I were Aziz, I’d be packing my bags as soon as Trump announced withdrawal. I’m pretty sure it’s not a book I need to read.

  16. by Ponderer on February 3, 2023 9:21 am

    "What are you imaging that I'm defending?" -Hate

    Trump's absolutely and totally baseless delusion that he was somehow cheated out of the presidency in '20...

    ""pb's certain that, in February 020, it never occurred to Trump that Clouseau's handlers would successfully swipe the election."" -Hate

    But wait...

    I'm sorry... Were you only noting that he believes such asinine idiocy while not agreeing with it and believing it yourself?

    I would certainly welcome hearing that you finally accept that Trump legitimately lost the election with a great deal of relief about your mental health. I have always hoped that you would someday abandon that pig-ignorantly deluded and moronic notion.

    PLEASE tell me my hope has finally been realized...!

  17. by HatetheSwamp on February 3, 2023 9:32 am

    Trump's absolutely and totally baseless delusion that he was somehow cheated out of the presidency in '20...

    Baseless? Don't be silly. How many times has pb presented evidence of Dem fraud in 020?

    Nevertheless, pb has been clear. He does not believe that the manipulators of the guy who remembers fondly his days as a trucker stole the election. We've been through that dozens of times.

  18. by Ponderer on February 3, 2023 9:43 am

    "Baseless? Don't be silly. How many times has pb presented evidence of Dem fraud in 020?" -Hate

    Actually? Zero. Nothing you have ever posted constitutes anything even vaguely resembling evidence that Trump was cheated out of the presidency.

    Only truly demented and reality-averse members of Trump's MAGA cult are still lashing themselves to the masts of such blithering nonsense as the ship that is their entire party slowly sinks below the waves.........

    Don't worry, Bill. Your membership is still firmly planted in good standing.

  19. by HatetheSwamp on February 3, 2023 9:52 am

    Nothing you have ever posted constitutes anything even vaguely resembling evidence that Trump was cheated out of the presidency.

    You think? Mention only one item of evidence of Dem election fraud that you that's actually not evidence.

  20. by Curt_Anderson on February 3, 2023 10:00 am
    “ Mention only one item of evidence of Dem election fraud that you that's actually not evidence.” —HtS

    Ok, any example you’ve ever provided of an individual cheater that does not add up to anywhere near the 6000,000 votes did Biden defeated Trump by.

  21. by Ponderer on February 3, 2023 10:22 am

    "Mention only one item of evidence of Dem election fraud that you that's actually not evidence." -Hate


    Several dozen courts already beat me to it.


  22. by HatetheSwamp on February 3, 2023 10:23 am

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha, thought so.

  23. by Ponderer on February 3, 2023 11:13 am

    Forgive me for not categorizing and archiving over the years a compilation of your various and sundry psychotic delusions to have available at the wave of my hand, Bill.

    Nothing you ever posted as "evidence" that there was any Democratic tampering with the election ever even made it into any of the dozens of courts they were filed in before being soundly laughed out of them.

    My simply recounting one example of your MAGA Hat idiocy isn't going to lessen the fact of how wrong you are about it.

  24. by HatetheSwamp on February 3, 2023 11:20 am

    The other day the Flatulent Fool called Peter Doocy "a one horse pony."

    So, as "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap'd" say, you, po, are a one horse pony.

    All you got is to call OD and pb MAGAs. You got nuthin

  25. by Ponderer on February 3, 2023 11:27 am

    I don't need nothin'.

    You two deluded morons are the ones trying to flog idiotic, baseless, MAGA Hat conspiracy theories that don't stand up to examination or have a shred of fact to back them up with when all observable evidence is to the exact opposite.

    (Sorry, olde dude. But Hate dragged you into this one.)

  26. by Curt_Anderson on February 3, 2023 11:37 am
    To be fair OD started it. Neither of these two guys can explain why they didn’t believe Trump when he announced 14 months earlier that we were to be leaving Afghanistan on May 1 of 2021.

  27. by oldedude on February 3, 2023 11:53 am
    That is VERY easy. It's because although I absolutely hated Trump giving a date, there were directives and a plan for getting people OUT OF THE COUNTRY BEFORE WE LEFT. pedojoe "promised" the same thing. HE LIED, and you're too stupid to understand that. I also stated that pedojoe did not use the military to evac anyone. They aren't the one's that have any knowledge of evacuation plans. At all. The military does. But he refused to use them. So he left those people in place to DIE. You don't get that.

    You fukking racist morons are the one's that are deluded into a fictional account.

  28. by Curt_Anderson on February 3, 2023 12:15 pm
    That explains nothing. Trump said we'd be gone by May 1st, 2021. Even if Aziz, Robichaux or anybody else thought the evacuation might not go as planned or that the Taliban would be benevolent rulers they should have left Afghanistan when they had the chance. Trump was president for almost another year after that. He had time to give pardons to all his criminal friends. Why not a blanket invitation to people like Aziz?

    Or are you suggesting they didn't have a chance because all the promises by our military to Afghanis who helped us were nothing but empty promises?

  29. by oldedude on February 3, 2023 1:01 pm
    OMFG. The idea is that TRUMP had made plans to evac the Americans out. That was to start in January. your hero pedojoe scrapped those plans and made new ones with DOS in charge (which they shouldn't have been because it's not their lane). When that was found out, that's when Chad et al KNEW anyone in Afghanistan was totally f***. DOS ONLY takes out their assets, and only got some of those.

    This is why I said you needed to read the book. Instead of inane arguments with me, you could argue with someone on the ground there and explain things to you. IN doesn't care about the orphanages there and had no interest in getting them out. The military assets knew of these folks and actually care about human life.

    You would have made a great CIA agent. Do exactly what you're told, kill the innocent, don't care about anyone but yourself, skim money from the government and retire rich. That's a GOOD little german! (Thanks lead. I never thought I'd ever say it)

  30. by HatetheSwamp on February 3, 2023 1:15 pm


    You have more patience than I, my good man. Just remember the chorus of, YOU DON'T MESS AROUND WITH JIM." I'm afraid that, with Curt, "you don't spit into the wind." Curt's a big bag o wind.


  31. by Curt_Anderson on February 3, 2023 1:26 pm
    OD’s thesis only makes sense if they didn’t believe Trump’s May 1 deadline or if they were true believers in Trump like the last of the Nazis holdouts who killed themselves. If they believed Trump had a foolproof plan that only Trump could implement, they should known to leave after the election.. Unless they thought the January 6 coup would work.

  32. by oldedude on February 3, 2023 2:01 pm
    I'm not saying "Trump's" plan was perfect, but I trust DoD with those plans infinitely more than the DOS. Secondly, there is no such thing as a "foolproof" plan.

    pedojoe made his own decisions. They are two separate issues. Trump thought he was going to get re-elected. When that didn't happen, he waited but didn't forward the plan to the oncoming shift, although the Pentegon would have a great outline (changing some for the new president's opinions) IF pedojoe chose to use them. He did not.

    Another thing is that you're extremely naive if you think DOD would offer toilet paper after DOS took over. They were told to show up with "X" and that's what they did. My guess is that DoD wanted to make fools out of the state dept. I don't blame them.

    You keep saying "they had ample time to leave. Leave to where? Kabul airport where you and your family will be listed on the Taliban kill list? You have to go through them in order to leave. The other thing you can't understand is how people get from one place to another. The Afghans have maybe three cars per village. Otherwise, they walk. In getting a family out, they would have been shot on the road going out. Some kid would have made some money and bought creds with giving the Taliban that information. AND they were told by the US, that we would extract them if/when the time happened. You also can't keep your word and it means nothing to you.

    You have this naivety with this whole thing. You can't believe the killing fields that have gone on. It's not in your reality, and therefore it doesn't exist. A genuine "delicate" "man." I know true evil exists. I (and thousands of others including Chad, Ted Kennedy, my kids, the vet I saw today that had to excuse himself because of his brain injuries, and many, many others) have seen the results. I understand you've kept yourself safe and secure all your life. A wife, sister, two kids, a dog and a white picket fence around your WASP home.

    And this is far less about the political crapshoot both president's had. Something you refuse to understand, it's about promising to get people out, and reneging on that promise, and costing people's lives. I know you don't care about any of them. You've made that abundantly clear. I do.

  33. by Curt_Anderson on February 3, 2023 4:31 pm
    "Another thing is that you're extremely naive if you think DOD would offer toilet paper after DOS took over. They were told to show up with "X" and that's what they did. My guess is that DoD wanted to make fools out of the state dept. I don't blame them." --OD

    You are saying that basically the military wasn't happy that after 20 years of running the show, they were no longer calling all the shots. So because of their hurt feelings the military did the bare minimum and maybe did their best to undermine the DOS during the withdrawal. And you don't blame them. Evidently the DOD didn't mind victimizing the little brown people* you frequently lament.

    You also explained why the promises the military made to Afghanistan translators, drivers and other helpers were worthless. According the NY Times 250,000 Afghanis were eligible for evacuation. That's a lot of empty promise making.

    " Not to be confused with the little brown people who are refugees from violence and dysfunctional governments on our southern border.

  34. by oldedude on February 3, 2023 10:35 pm
    You are saying that basically the military wasn't happy that after 20 years of running the show, they were no longer calling all the shots.
    No, yet again you are nothing but an elitist prick that "thinks" he "knows" about how the system works. Which is honestly the exact projection that pedojoe had. He "trusted" "people" he had control of. And they turned it in to a complete goat fuck. It's not their forte. I know you don't get that. You're to naive about the splits in the government that you pretend to understand that you believe that all agencies can do the same thing. Like Treasury is a secret squirrel branch. Or that the CIA is a schoolboy of ethics. Or maybe the CIA can run operations in the US looking for US citizens. That all makes no sense at all.

    So because of their hurt feelings the military did the bare minimum and maybe did their best to undermine the DOS during the withdrawal.
    You're completely lying about what I said. Again, you're a rich white "delicate" "boy" (if you're that). They didn't do the bare minimum. They did what they were asked, and expected to do on their mission. Which is much more than you've ever done for any other human being in your life.

    You also explained why the promises the military made to Afghanistan translators, drivers and other helpers were worthless. According the NY Times 250,000 Afghanis were eligible for evacuation.
    The promises were made by the US GOVERNMENT you stupid prick. NO ONE MAKES PROMISES EXCEPT THROUGH GOVERNMENT CHANNELS. That means that obomber LIED to them. Trump tried to keep a promise and wasn't voted in again (welcome to a Republic). and pedojoe (YOUR HERO) lied to them again. You obviously know nothing how your government works. If anyone LIED to them, it was the DOS, who lies to everyone without a care. Which is why you would make a great CIA prick.

    " Not to be confused with the little brown people who are refugees from violence and dysfunctional governments on our southern border.
    But you don't care about those "little brown whores and children" either. You don't care about them. You would rather they die on the border and their mothers and small sons were raped to death getting across. I have mentioned this multiple times, and you absolute REFUSE to answer. Ergo, you are complicit with the crime. You SUPPORT human trafficking. Of kidnapping children to use in human sex trafficking. You don't give a fuck about them. Your prior answers have given me all the answers I want. You can't redeem from this. I've actually seen the bodies of four and five year olds (estimated) tied to trees fucked to almost dead and left for the four legged coyotes to eat. This is after your butties, the two legged coyotes take their thigh meat and eat them because they're sweeter than the older women, or they eat other organs of their dead. You are so fukking lily-white WASP it sickens me.

  35. by Curt_Anderson on February 4, 2023 8:14 am
    Thanks for confirming my long held suspicions and assessment of our presence and withdrawal from Afghanistan. If not for your unhinged ad hominem attacks on me, I might’ve second-guess myself.

  36. by islander on February 4, 2023 8:33 am

    Why is it when I read od’s posts I see this image of an old drunk sitting alone at the end of the bar cursing and swearing as he argues politics with himself !! LoL !!

    I sometimes want to say to him, “Here you are pal, have another beer and enjoy yourself but don’t try to drive home” !! 🍻

  37. by Curt_Anderson on February 4, 2023 9:34 am
    Lol, Islander. 😁

    I often suspect OD of drunk-posting.

  38. by oldedude on February 4, 2023 7:37 pm
    You can either keep cheep shooting me, or come through with facts. And please, you're the most inhumane person I've ever met. Himmler and Pol Pot hated people. I understand that. It's a motive. And a "feeling." You don't have that. You dismiss them as non-human. You don't care enough to have a feeling for another human being. That, to me, is disgusting. And evil.

    I've never found you to not support the rape and dehumanization of another human being. It makes me sick. You have the "right" to say it, but so does someone that rapes 3 year olds. That's what I think of you.

    You need to read my prior post. I'm not drunk, nor have I had a drink in the past fortnight. And I don't imbibe on cannabis or any other non Rx drug.

  39. by oldedude on February 4, 2023 7:55 pm
    "I meant Rubichaux, since he made the arrangements to get Aziz out."

    Got it. And sorry for the long wait.

    His explanation was that although he didn't like the setting of a date (which no one that has done this would do), he did trust Trump about getting out at least the terps. He felt okay with that. AND he was waiting to see what the election did. When it didn't work, is the book.

    What would I have done? Waited for the election. That way you knew if you were being supported or not. And if your support was a continuation or a remake of the old idea.

    Every mission is a decision of the "President." we had to watch during obombers "administration" as coalition forces died before we could call support. In a 30 second gunfight, 5 minutes is waaaaay to late. It was sad to pick up bodies that could have been saved. Tell that to their mother's. Some of them I had to visit because they were my people. But of course, you give them the best part of their husband's/ son's/ brother's life. You don't tell them their family member was murdered because the US government refused to support them.

  40. by islander on February 5, 2023 5:15 am

    "I've never found you to not support the rape and dehumanization of another human being. It makes me sick. You have the "right" to say it, but so does someone that rapes 3 year olds. That's what I think of you."

    Lol! Hey od !!

    😀Smiley says, "No more beer for you, od" !!! 👎

  41. by HatetheSwamp on February 5, 2023 5:36 am

    Wow, OD! You've hit the big time. Smiley's talk to you, too!

  42. by oldedude on February 5, 2023 7:10 am
    I feel honored. Being talked to by an alternate ego of a bipolar kid. And yeah, I still stand by what I said. I've been trying to talk around it and give him (curt, not the inanimate object) an out to explain that he actually cared for another human being. I got to the point that even the inanimate object would have been okay, but he never would. So it just had to be said.

  43. by HatetheSwamp on February 5, 2023 7:20 am

    I feel honored. Being talked to by an alternate ego of a bipolar kid.

    Geezer. isle's a geezer.

  44. by oldedude on February 6, 2023 6:14 am
    It was an off the cuff remark on Berne's personality model. But both are accurate.

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