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Education selectors, pages, etc.
DeSantis defends rejection of African American studies class
By HatetheSwamp
January 24, 2023 5:04 am
Category: Education

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Ron DeSantis has tapped the spirit of our times. Parents woke up...note the the abuses of the teachers unions turning effin PUBLIC EDUCATION into woke, progressive indoctrination that offends parents living in liberal communities.

Ron DeSantis is the defender of common sense. He baited Clouseau's gang. And, Karinge Jean-Pierre fell for it. He has you who are woke around his little finger.

“In the state of Florida, our education standards not only don’t prevent but they require teaching Black history, all the important things.

“This was a separate course on top of that for Advanced Placement credit and the issue is we have guidelines and standards in Florida,” he continued. “We want education, not indoctrination. If you fall on the side of indoctrination, we’re going to decline. If it’s education, then we will do.”

“What’s one of the lessons about? Queer theory,” said DeSantis. “Now, who would say that an important part of Black history is queer theory? That is somebody pushing an agenda on our kids. And so when you look to see they have stuff about intersectionality, abolishing prisons, that’s a political agenda. And so we’re on — that’s the wrong side of the line for Florida standards. We believe in teaching kids facts and how to think, but we don’t believe they should have an agenda imposed on them. When you try to use Black history to shoehorn in queer theory, you are clearly trying to use that for political purposes.”

In a statement to The Hill last week, DeSantis’s office identified the Department of Education’s key concerns with the course included the topics of intersectionality, Black Queer Studies, the Black Lives Matter movement, Black Feminist Literary Thought, the reparations movement and the Black Study and Black Struggle in the 21st Century.

Key readings by Kimberlé Crenshaw, the “founder” of intersectionality, Angela Davis, a “self-avowed Communist and Marxist,” Roderick Ferguson, Leslie Kay Jones, bell hooks and Robin D.G. Kelly also were reportedly cause for concern.

“If you think about the study of Black Americans, that is what he wants to block,” Jean-Pierre said. “These types of actions aren’t new. They are not new from what we’re seeing, especially from Florida. Sadly, Florida currently bans teachers from talking about who they are and who they love.”

“They didn’t block AP European history. They didn’t block our music history. They didn’t block our art history. But the state chooses to block a course that is meant for high achieving high school students to learn about their history of arts and culture. It is incomprehensible,” she continued.

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Comments on "DeSantis defends rejection of African American studies class":

  1. by Donna on January 24, 2023 7:27 am

    Bravo Ron! ** slow clap ** For your comical attempt at rationalizing authoritarianism.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on January 24, 2023 8:09 am

    I think you're wrong Donna. The Founders called the second branch of government the Executive Branch because the President executes Congress' laws. It's the same in Florida. Florida's legislature made laws. Ol Ron is merely executing.

    Man! We libertarian fans of the Constitutional Republic looooooooove the Constitution!

    If DeSantis is wrongly executing the law, the third branch of government will sort that out.

  3. by Donna on January 24, 2023 1:48 pm

    Florida's legislature didn't kill the course; Florida's department of education did.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on January 24, 2023 1:50 pm


    If the Department of Education is misapplying the law, there will be legal challenges and the injustice will be repaired. I have no doubt.

  5. by Ponderer on January 26, 2023 7:11 am

    "If the Department of Education is misapplying the law, there will be legal challenges and the injustice will be repaired. I have no doubt." -Hate

    But he will have achieved his mission, Bill:

    Letting all you saps know that he's wants to and is trying to create the racist, authoritarian government that so many of you all want, so that you'll support and vote for him.

    It's already worked on you like a charm!

  6. by Donna on January 26, 2023 7:44 am

    What DeSantis and the FL Dept of Education are doing reminds me of when the Trump Admin removed all references to transgender people from government websites.

  7. by Ponderer on January 26, 2023 7:58 am

    It reminds me of the treatment that the children of indigenous peoples of this land were subjected to when they were being conquered. Their children were taken away from their families, shipped all over the country and put into re-education classes, forced to speak English and forbidden to ever speak their native language on pain of corporal punishment, told that their culture was evil and is a danger to society.

    DeSantis isn't at that level yet, but the basic, racist motivations for doing what he is doing are pretty much identical.

  8. by Ponderer on January 26, 2023 8:55 am

    What DeSantis's racism is born out of is essentially fear.

    People like him are existentially paranoid and terrified that if young black students become knowledgeable about the scope and breadth of all the heinous treatment their people have received at the hands of the institutionally racist establishment, they would surely all take up arms and begin killing every white person they see.

    This is what DeSantis and those like him truly fear. Asinine and baselessly paranoid a fear though it is.

    They like to obfuscate their fear by saying that black studies are intended to make white people feel guilty. What a superbly acted subterfuge. White people are of course free to react however stupidly and idiotically as they want to to blacks becoming educated about the true history of their place in our country over the centuries. But how white people react to these classes is certainly of absolutely no concern to blacks who want to take them.

    And it is Constitutionally insupportable to force black students to forego learning about their true history in this country just to appease the dainty, fragile, ignorance-based self image white people have built out of lies for themselves.

    In short, DeSantis doesn't want blacks to have access to such knowledge because he fears it will make them uppity.

    Tell you what, Bill. I'll let you explain how it isn't racist for Trump 2.0 to only focus such denials of education only to black studies and not to any of the other racially focused AP courses............

  9. by Ponderer on January 26, 2023 11:00 am

    Still working up a response there Bill...?

  10. by oldedude on January 26, 2023 7:15 pm
    po. "Their children were taken away from their families, shipped all over the country and put into re-education classes, forced to speak English and forbidden to ever speak their native language on pain of corporal punishment, told that their culture was evil and is a danger to society."

    First, I also read what you said below this, so I'm not arguing that at all.

    This was also done in Canada and ended at about the same time (early 1900's). The Ngā Kura Māori schools were in effect until almost 1970 (New Zealand). And the same sort of compulsory education was in effect for the same period in Australia.

    I'm not saying that any of it was acceptable, or good. And it gets worse...

    "Although no official estimate exists, India’s tribal residential schools number at least 7,000. Their social and psychological impacts are little understood, but cultural racism is institutionalized and abuse frequent, with girls facing sexual exploitation that is regularly masked by corrupt power structures. The deaths of 882 tribal children were reported for state-run schools across the country from 2010 to 2015, from varied and often poorly documented causes; over 1,000 deaths were recorded in the state of Maharashtra alone over a 15-year period. Cases of adults in charge of hostels and schools being found guilty of rape or sexual abuse of children have been reported from Telangana, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Odisha among other states. The atrocities exposed in the media are, however, the tip of an iceberg, and few perpetrators have been properly punished. Sexual abuse is far more widespread than is generally acknowledged."

    The article goes into some other facts. First, these schools are still happening. They are not "mandatory" but the families' land is disposed of for mining (generally now). So if the families want their children to get an "education" this is the place the families can send them.

    My thought is that some of these kids are claimed as "dead" and used in the brothels in large cities. The parents are only notified of the death because Hindi customs of cremating the body about 24 hours after "death."

  11. by HatetheSwamp on January 27, 2023 3:40 am

    What DeSantis and the FL Dept of Education are doing reminds me of when the Trump Admin removed all references to transgender people from government websites. ~Donna

    Not me.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on January 27, 2023 4:02 am

    People like him are existentially paranoid and terrified that if young black students become knowledgeable about the scope and breadth of all the heinous treatment their people have received at the hands of the institutionally racist establishment, they would surely all take up arms and begin killing every white person they see. ~po

    And, this is precisely what pb means about the importance of understanding that subjectivity is truth. po thinks she's informed and being perfectly reasonable and logical.

    Uh uh.

    That gay Guy Curt never heard of devoted a half hour of his FOX program breaking down the syllabus for the course. Unless Benson is lying, the first three quarters of the course is quality instruction perfectly appropriate for public schools. But, the last quarter is not instruction but woke and progressive indoctrination.

    Now, since you regard yourself as an ace practitioner of logic and reason, I'd be happy for you to, from the depth of your knowledge of the content of the syllabus, splain where Guy Benson is in error.

    This is what DeSantis and those like him truly fear. Asinine and baselessly paranoid a fear though it is.

    They like to obfuscate their fear by saying that black studies are intended to make white people feel guilty.

    My guess is that you're functioning out of the depth of your subjectivity but I'm willing to be proved wrong. So, using logic, reason and fact, feel free to enlighten me.

    it is Constitutionally insupportable to force black students to forego learning about their true history in this country just to appease the dainty, fragile, ignorance-based self image white people have built out of lies for themselves.

    As I noted with Donna, Florida has a law to cover this passed by the legislature. If there's anything "constitutionally insupportable" in what DeSantis is doing, it will be challenged in court...probably Federal Court.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on January 30, 2023 4:34 am

    Author of FL African American Studies course admits she wants to ‘abolish the police’ amid school curriculum battle with DeSantis

    Taylor sees capitalism as synonymous with racism,' accused a National Review op-ed

    "The battle over Florida school curriculum is heating up after a professor who was one of the key authors behind the College Board recommended AP African-American Studies (APAAS) course called to "abolish the police" and was accused of being a "socialist."

    African American Studies professor at Northwestern University, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, laughed off a recent op-ed from the National Review that identified her as one of the leading voices in an AP course that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently rejected and pointed to her left-wing political views. "

    Not in public schools. Uh uh! No way, Jose!

  14. by Ponderer on January 31, 2023 6:32 am

    Bill, why is it that my subjectivity can be in complete compliance with objective reality, while yours never is or even has to be, and yet according to you, apparently neither of us is ever correct because of subjectivity?

  15. by Ponderer on January 31, 2023 6:35 am

    How about instead of throwing up all this subjectivity nonsense when you are asked a question with an uncomfortable answer for you, this one time you answer the direct question I posed for once?:

    Tell you what, Bill. I'll let you explain how it isn't racist for Trump 2.0 to only focus such denials of education only to black studies and not to any of the other racially focused AP courses............

  16. by Ponderer on January 31, 2023 6:40 am

    If there are certain things in an important and greatly desired course of study that are deemed to not be appropriate, you delete those certain things from the course.

    You don't cancel the entire course you racist automaton.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on January 31, 2023 7:04 am

    Bill, why is it that my subjectivity can be in complete compliance with objective reality,...

    Obviously, you're eschewing reality to ask a philosophical question. Good for you. Bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh.

    And, let me say that yours is, perhaps, the perfect question, though it's not Kierkegaard's point. The answer?, when people live with the understanding that they experience reality as subjects, not objects, they are, then, able to ask themselves how does the fact that they engage reality as a person impact their experience of reality?

    Here on SS, that's been pb's point all along. One can't be human, and achieve objectivity, and genuinely employ reason and logic, until they achieve self-awareness and are honest with themselves about themselves.

    I've never known you to connect to objective reality. You deny your true self...

    ...but, with self-awareness...and honesty, objectivity is a possibility, even for you.

  18. by oldedude on January 31, 2023 7:25 am
    Again, we hit the basic tenets of the course.
    1. Whites are inherently racist.
    2. Blacks, as a group, are still slaves of the whites, because of the inherent racism built within all western culture.
    3. The only way to end racism of the whites is to become racist to the whites.

    What DeSantis is advocating fall far more in line with MLK jr. Teach American History truthfully. This includes the mistakes the people and the government have done throughout our history. From burning witches, to and through the 1960's racial issues, and the LBGTQ+ issues of today. Are we perfect? No. Have we tried to work on issues? I believe we have. Have those answers been perfect? No. Like you (po) brought up with the "native american schools." These were horrible. There is no doubt.

    He is saying that any class that includes putting one race above another is racism. Therefore will not be taught.

  19. by HatetheSwamp on January 31, 2023 7:38 am

    Tell you what, Bill. I'll let you explain how it isn't racist for Trump 2.0 to only focus such denials of education only to black studies and not to any of the other racially focused AP courses............

    Had he done what you describe, he'd absolutely be a racist.

    What he did do, though, was reject one curriculum from one provider of educational materials on one subject AND he invited that provider to come back to Florida with a proposed curriculum that is consistent with Florida law. Not his whim...EFFIN LAW.

    Let pb give you a heads-up on DeSantis, because this is his greatest point of poliital genius: He picks issues at which progressives are ridiculously over the top and beats his drum as loudly as he can right into your ear...because he knows what moderates will care about and what will cause you lot to be insane because you just can't help yourselves.

    Did you notice that CRT has barely come up from him? Two words: Queer THEORY!

    To everyone apart the most insane, Rachel Maddow left, DeSantis is right. Why should public high school tax payers spend their money on indoctrinating teens in black queer theory? For, what?, 90% of the voting public?, there's no reason for it at all. Do they see this as a matter of race?

    Not hardly.

  20. by Ponderer on January 31, 2023 8:43 am

    "Obviously, you're eschewing reality to ask a philosophical question. Good for you." -Hate

    So I'm the one here eschewing reality?!?!?

    YOU'RE the one eschewing reality whenever it doesn't comport to what you want it to for fukk sake, Bill. YOU are the one here who never presents any facts or evidence to support contentions you pulled out of your ass when they go totally against all observable and objective facts. You are the one who seems to think that throwing the word subjectivity around grants you the special power to declare reality to be whatever you want it to be, facts and observable, demonstrable reality be damned.

    You're such a pompous asshole, Bill.

    And that is merely a statement of observable fact.

    "I've never known you to connect to objective reality." -Hate

    No great shock. As you have proven over and over and over again in here, you've never known a lot of things that are true and have happened. You simply refuse to let them into your head. It's no one else's fault you are willfully ignorant.

  21. by Ponderer on January 31, 2023 8:52 am

    "Again, we hit the basic tenets of the course.
    1. Whites are inherently racist.
    2. Blacks, as a group, are still slaves of the whites, because of the inherent racism built within all western culture.
    3. The only way to end racism of the whites is to become racist to the whites."
    -olde dude

    Again, you totally and ridiculously lie about, misrepresent, and blow out of all factual proportion the true facts of this subject. As does Trump 2.0.

    Your desperate and racist paranoia is absolutely controlling your life, od. There can be no expectation of any rational, realistic recognition of the reality of this issue ever coming from you while you are so cemented in your bigotry driven, pants-pissing terror of black people learning any more about what was done to them in the past, and by who.

  22. by HatetheSwamp on January 31, 2023 9:04 am

    Again, you totally and ridiculously lie about, misrepresent, and blow out of all factual proportion the true facts of this subject. As does Trump 2.0.

    I'm sure that both OD and pb will gladly carefully inspect any link you can provide to support your assertions.

  23. by Ponderer on January 31, 2023 9:27 am

    How about if olde dude gives us some links to where what he says is the case is presented? I'd love to see them. I can't present every written word that exists on the subject to prove by omission that what he says it says isn't what it says.

    But he can't present any links to back up what he is declaring because no such links exist. All we have here is his babbling, racism-driven misrepresentation of what the curriculum is about.

    He took something he read somewhere and did exactly what I said he did. He ridiculously lied about, misrepresented, and blew out of all factual proportion the true facts of this subject in order to claim something that wasn't the case.

  24. by oldedude on January 31, 2023 10:51 am
    What he did do, though, was reject one curriculum from one provider of educational materials on one subject AND he invited that provider to come back to Florida with a proposed curriculum that is consistent with Florida law. Not his whim...EFFIN LAW.

    I absolutely agree.

    How about if olde dude gives us some links to where what he says is the case is presented? I'd love to see them. I can't present every written word that exists on the subject to prove by omission that what he says it says isn't what it says.
    I have. To your wife. Several times. You just spew hatred to make you feel better about yourself and lack of self esteem.

    "The Advanced Placement (AP) African American Studies course for high school students was part of a pilot scheme at 60 schools across the country, administered by the College Board, which oversees AP.

    According to its website, AP lets high school students try college-level work, with exams contributing to college credit and placement.

    However, in a letter dated January 12 from the Florida Department of Education's Office of Articulation (seen by Newsweek), the course was rejected due to what it said were issues with its content.

    "In its current form, the College Board's A.P. African American Studies course lacks educational value and is contrary to Florida law," Cassandra Palelis, press secretary for the Florida Department of Education, told Newsweek.

    "If the course comes into compliance and incorporates historically accurate content, the Department will reopen the discussion.""

  25. by HatetheSwamp on January 31, 2023 11:04 am

    So there, po.

  26. by Ponderer on January 31, 2023 11:06 am

    Perhaps I wasn't being specific enough, od. Forgive me.

    I should have directly asked for you to post a link to anyplace you can find supporting your contention that these points you make come directly from any curriculum anywhere:

    "1. Whites are inherently racist.
    2. Blacks, as a group, are still slaves of the whites, because of the inherent racism built within all western culture.
    3. The only way to end racism of the whites is to become racist to the whites."
    -olde dude, Pulling Racist Bullshit Out of His Ass

  27. by HatetheSwamp on January 31, 2023 11:10 am


    OD's merely touching on the high (low) points of CRT.

  28. by Ponderer on January 31, 2023 11:27 am


    olde dude, in all his sickening racism and bigotry, is actually propagandizing and editorializing what CRT is all about. His words are in no way an accurate description of anything in these courses.

  29. by Ponderer on January 31, 2023 11:33 am

    If he can show me where he got those as quotes from some site verbatim, I will happily admit that I am wrong and will apologize.

  30. by Ponderer on January 31, 2023 11:37 am

    I am also curious as to how you all seem to believe that teaching anything in any course should be considered "indoctrinating" a student.

  31. by HatetheSwamp on January 31, 2023 11:51 am


    Do you understand that educating and indoctrinating are two different types of communication?

  32. by Curt_Anderson on January 31, 2023 12:04 pm
    Are you denying that Ron DeSantis has a warped view of American history, and that he wants the students to Florida to share his misconceptions? If you doubt it take a look at the Twitter link with a video of him below.

    It’s hypocritical, but hardly surprising that the same people who worry the teaching about American slavery might hurt somebody’s feelings would be happy to have Christian religious instruction in public schools (or taught at taxpayers’ expense) no matter how offensive it might be to nonbelievers and non-Christians.

  33. by HatetheSwamp on January 31, 2023 12:09 pm


    What pb's doing is requesting documentation.

    "Warped," eh?

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