Interesting coming just days after isle linked to that CNN article that all but implies that every evangelical is a white supremacist who wants to legalize Christianity as the state religion of the US.
Tensions between Donald Trump and evangelical leaders have spilled into public view, posing a potential threat to the former president’s election chances in 2024.
Trump said evangelical leaders are showing “signs of disloyalty” because they have yet to endorse his third presidential bid.
“It’s going to make these next few months uncomfortable for evangelical leaders because they’re going to have to, in essence, answer that question: Are you for Trump or are you not?” said David Brody, the chief political analyst at the Christian Broadcasting Network, who conducted the interview with Trump.
While notable group leaders are choosing to wait to endorse the former president — despite him delivering on those promises — many are now wondering if it’s a signal that Trump’s support is softening among evangelicals ahead of the 2024 Republican primary.
pb's not an evangelical but he used to be one. Still, he's well-connected to that world and, as he noted to isle, only a miniscule portion of the conservative community is guilty of evangaphobes imagine...and fewer than ever groove on Trump.
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