President Biden met with at least 14 of Hunter Biden’s business associates while he was vice president in the Obama White House, casting further doubt on the president’s repeated claims that he had no knowledge of his son’s foreign business dealings.
"I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings," Biden said in 2019.
But the president met with at least 14 of Hunter’s business associates from the U.S., Mexico, Ukraine, China and Kazakhstan over the course of his vice presidency, a Fox News Digital review found. -Fox
Check out Hunter's po-esque F bomb in the brief CNN video.
Bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh.
Just why CNN is, suddenly, on the laptop bandwagon, pb doesn't know. pb's guessing that there's a progressive SwampMedia conspiracy to trash "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" for 024.
How's that for a conspiracy theory, there, SwampLovers!!!!!?
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