So, what should we call it? GarageGate or CAR-a-Lago? Keehee!
By HatetheSwamp January 13, 2023 3:36 am Category: Crime (0.0 from 0 votes)
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Fox was jubilant yesterday. The News Channel...and on Fox News Radio, that Guy Curt never heard of was in stitches! "Baited." "Peter baited Biden." That was Guy's take.
Fox's Peter Doocy nailed President Clouseau to the wall with, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!!!!!?" To which the Flatulent Fool with what, in Joe's dementia-laced mind, must have been a clever retort, that his Corvette is in a locked garage! Good'ne Joe! I guess you showed him!!!!!
I had a bout of insomnia last night so I listened to Red Eye Radio for an hour. Eric and Gary were busting their guts. Nonstop!
What a hoot!
pb admits to mixed feelings. He saw this coming from the 020 campaign on. pb wants to laugh at Joe, and he can't help himself, he is laughing. But, pb remembers his own dad. Falling deep into dementia, thinking that he was being clever. That's sad. I have often said that I think Jill Biden should be busted for elder abuse. I never felt that more when, in dementia-fueled arrogance, Joe zinged Doocy with his cleverness. The Corvette's locked in his garage.
But, get it! pb IS laughing at you TDSers who've been defending Joe. Denile ain't just a river in Delaware, eh? Joe's been spouting this sort of idiocy all along. You probably don't know about most of it because the progressive SwampMedia covered it up. But, pb's got the GOP SwampMedia, pb's got Fox. GUTFELD! We know it all!
Memo to all pb's TDS Biden-luvin straight men: GarageGate/Car-a-Lago ain't going away.
I can't see any way around it. Joe's toast. He's not going to end up in the pokey. But, tell me. Curt? po? Donna? Can you justify voting for this guy in 024? isle, can Heather stand up for "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap?" How bout Smiley?
Images of Joe's open garage door ain't goin away. Forget that picture of Trump’s documents spread out across the Mar-a-Lago, protected by the Secret Service.
Watch the video. That pile of boxes and envelopes? That's Top Secret Classified Documents that are the property of the US government!
Thanks to all of you. YOU did this to America.
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