From the moment that CBS broke its story that Classified documents were found in a DC office being rented for the, and here's a laugh, Biden THINK TANK, I knew how Curt and po, representing all progressive SwampLovers, would respond. They'd go to the wall supporting the Dem...because that's all Dem SwampLovers know to do. They fall in line. They explain away. Bottom line: they're shameless sycophants.
OTOH, how antiSwamp people behave at their baseline has been demonstrated in Trump's similar issue. Both OD and pb here on SS have reacted in a very different way to Trump's Classified Documents problem: Both have attacked big brother fascism in the way the DOJ of the sitting President has treated the person who was, at the time, the incumbent's likely rival in the next election...but, neither OD nor pb defended or supported Trump's behavior in any way.
Forty-ish years ago, when Reagan was running against Carter and Mondale, the divide in American politics was between conservatives and liberals. But, those days are looooooooong gone. These days what distinguishes the two sides of the great political divide is antiSwamp open-minded cynicism and the SwampLovers' shameless, sycophantic and subservient support for elected Big Brother acolytes in government.
What happened in the recent election of the House Speaker is a perfect picture of the difference between freethinking antiSwamp cynics and SwampDems, SwampGOPs, the SwampMedia and all SwampLovers represented by the progressives here on SS. Swampers fall in line. Subservience. Sycophancy. Brainless go-along-ism.
Please please please please please please! Don't let me mindlessly accept subjugation and blandly, happily join the Swamp and become a Stepford, uh, spouse.
So, Curt, po. Go ahead. Defend the Former Trucker on his swiped documents. Trust. Serve. Accept.
We'll never allow ourselves to turn off our brains. Not to Trump. Not to no one.
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