By HatetheSwamp January 11, 2023 1:38 pm Category: Government (0.0 from 0 votes)
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I just listened to House member Pat Fallon, R-TX being interviewed by that gay Guy Curt never heard of. Fallon has filed impeachment articles against Mayorkas. Last November, now House Speaker Kevin McCarthy called for Mayorkas to resign.
Here's the thing. Guy Benson is not a MAGA, not by a long chalk. He's not too far to the right of progressive SwampLovers' beloved Liz Cheney. Benson indicates how on fire the GOP mainstream fury at President Clouseau and Mayorkas, his henchman is. pb won't be surprised for border hearings to happen soon and for the House to consider the articles of impeachment, not so long after that.
Honestly, pb expected Mayorkas to do a Fauci and resign by the end of 022 after the GOP won the fall election.
We'll see. I can't wait to hear House Dems defend Mayorkas' job both the House and the Senate.
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