by oldedude on January 12, 2023 8:23 pm
So now there's a third batch. Okay. Since everyone's comparing Trump to pedojoe, I'm going to go with this. I cited 18 U.S. Code § 798 for those that want pedojoe off because "What's the deal with unreturned classified documents?" That number means there's a full chapter on this if you care to read it.
1. I do not believe it is morally right for any politician or any other person holding a clearance "holding on to" classified documents. Unfortunately, the rule around the President and VP are not clear at all starting with obomber.
My view is that it should be illegal with one caveat. I do understand that some persons are still asked to give their thoughts on problems from time to time. In that case, read them into the case, give them the documents, let them give their opinion, once the mission or decision is done, they log it back in to a SCIF and shred it.
2. The issue between Trump and joe not only the classifications per se, but also the amount and storage of the documents.
Trump apparently had his documents in an approved SCIF. Joe had far fewer, but his were available to his son, someone that had their security clearance revoked. Trump did the right thing, joe was an epic fail.
3. The length of time having the classified documents. Joe had his over six years. Trump, less than two. Trump had his a shorter time. Joe forgot his. Toss up.
4. When the documents were found, what did the individual do? Trump put up a fight, joe's folks handed them over and reported. Joe did the right thing, Trump epic fail.
We still have an issue of not reporting to the American people about the documents from joe. This is a separate issue from Trump, because everyone got to watch Trump's estate get raided. So joe chose to lie by omission to the American people to save the midterms. Brilliant move for the mid-terms, horrible for his chances to get re-elected.
5. Who gains the most from having Trump raided? The TDSrs are going to say the anti Trump GOP. I would argue that Merrick Garland hates Trump so much (along with the rest of the TDSrs) that the dims have a lot more to gain. The issue is that we also all know Trump can create chaos and has lots of enemies. I think joe wanted it done, and Garland was all too eager to do it.
5a. Who gains the most from pedojoe going through this. As shallow as the dims bench is, I still think the dims would pick someone else. AND do the dims want to put up with him for the next two years running and not have anyone else that could legitimately run?
I don't think anyone is creative enough to think of getting rid of him this way. This is a pretty target rich environment. I think pedojoe actually did this himself. Which is a tad sad. And I think joe is lying about it. He may have forgotten about it for a long time, but when they found it, it was like "oh crap I should have done something different with that."
SO. They're both legally at fault. The points here are things the system will consider separately. I doubt anyone is going to jail, for better or worse. Will this ruin careers? I don't know. The dims really want Trump, but can't do that and not charge joe. How this plays out is a crapshoot at this time.