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The GOP’s dilemma over Joe Biden’s classified documents
By Curt_Anderson
January 11, 2023 9:26 am
Category: President

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On one hand, the House Republicans are eager to rake Joe Biden over the coals concerning the 10 classified documents found at the Penn Biden Center. They would love to make those mishandled 10 classified documents the crime of the century.

But on the other hand, how do they do it without making the 300 documents (which reportedly contain nuclear secrets) which Trump was reluctant to give up not a worse crime? In contrast to Joe Biden, Donald Trump or his team did not self report the classified documents, which the FBI eventually retrieved from Mar-a-Lago. Trump falsely claimed they were declassified when they were not, denied their existence, and fought keep the classified documents.

Republicans also like to argue that President Trump, with kinglike powers, was able to waive his scepter, and declassify all the documents he took the Mar-a-Lago without notifying the national archives, the DOJ or other relevant agencies. If they really believe that, they must worry that Joe Biden will declassify the 10 documents found at Joe Biden’s office at Penn State.

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Comments on "The GOP’s dilemma over Joe Biden’s classified documents":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on January 11, 2023 9:54 am

    Ya think, Curt?

    You progressive SwampLovers continually confuse GOPs with you locksteppin, fascist Dems.

    The GOPs are the party of diversity in every way. Is it difficult for you to understand that many, many GOPs are looking for any reason at all to jettison OrangeMan? Most GOPs will not go to the mat for Trump like you Good Germans will die for your Fuhrer. OD and pb have been pointing out that we have never defended Trump on the documents. We haven't. If he's vulnerable over them, fine.

    This is a big winner over here.

  2. by oldedude on January 11, 2023 9:56 am
    The flip side, since you only spoke about one.

    pedojoe had them for SIX years.

    Four of those years, were illegally obtained documents, and are required to be returned.

    To be clear, the papers were on Iran's nuclear program, not ours. pedojoe may have the same sort of documents.

    Biden's documents were kept in an unclassified area, that was in violation of protocol for any classified, from CONFIDENTIAL, and up.

    Most of the rest is a problem.

    I question using a raid instead of working through official channels in the Miami office. That was nothing more than a political stunt. Yes, the FBI "talked" to him, and he pretty much stone walled them. That was dumb.

    So the two cases are different. My thought is DOJ, if they do anything at all about pedojoe (doubtful), they're going to be very quiet about what they do.

    The question in people's minds are about why is nothing going to happen to pedojoe, but DOJ is looking to take Trump to prison? That would be a good thing for the GOP. Again, Trump will be flogged, whipped with chains, then given a cross, stop at the 12 stations, be hung on the cross until dead. I don't think the dims want that. I certainly don't.

    So I agreed on this post since the beginning. IF you're going to charge Trump, you have to charge pedojoe (and visa-versa). The defenses of both cases are going to point to cliton and her server and what they did to her.

  3. by Curt_Anderson on January 11, 2023 10:09 am
    " IF you're going to charge Trump, you have to charge pedojoe (and visa-versa)." --OD

    You are forgetting about Trump's favorite defense against prosecution, a defense he lost which Joe Biden now owns: presidential immunity.

    Anyway, as we learned during Watergate, it's the not the fundamental act/behavior/felony/misdemeanor, it's the cover-up. Trump possibly faces exposure for obstruction over the protracted battle to retrieve the documents themselves.

    The Biden administration turned over the records the same day they were discovered, without any intent to conceal. That’s important because the Justice Department historically looks for willfulness, or an intent to mishandle government secrets, in deciding whether to bring criminal charges. Mens rea as we have discussed.

  4. by Ponderer on January 11, 2023 10:24 am

    Valiant effort, Curt.

    These guys are determined to ignore reality and facts for whatever they want to believe is true as long as they need to. There willful ignorance is cemented into their very beings and isn't about to be fixed.

    They will never admit when they are wrong.


  5. by Curt_Anderson on January 11, 2023 10:44 am
    Admitting and realizing are two different things. OD and HtS will never admit Trump's criminal exposure, malfeasance, etc. But those two are not stupid, in their heart of hearts they realize that Trump is in trouble on multiple fronts.

    They also must know that Biden's situation is unlike Trump's, not that they'd admit it. You can imagine their frustration that Biden won't be prosecuted over classified documents while Trump probably will be over his obstruction of justice related to the classified documents.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on January 11, 2023 11:08 am

    You are forgetting about Trump's favorite defense against prosecution, a defense he lost which Joe Biden now owns: presidential immunity.

    Bang on.

    But, "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" can be impeached.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on January 11, 2023 11:11 am

    Just a reminder. When pb first posted about Joe's documents, he predicted that our progressive SwampLovers won't deal with Joe with the integrity OD and pb have with OrangeMan.

    Bang on!

  8. by Curt_Anderson on January 11, 2023 12:15 pm
    On what issues have you ever questioned Trump's integrity? Simply repeating your well-worn and meaningless refrain that "Trump is despicable" is not questioning Trump's integrity.

  9. by Ponderer on January 11, 2023 12:40 pm

    Exactly, Curt.

    They seem to be consciously or unconsciously calculating that as long as they can fool themselves and keep by any means at their disposal from actually realizing what reality is, they never have to admit to what it is and can make up whatever they want to instead.

    Bill, as far as impeachment goes, there is no end to the balderdash that they will come up with to try to impeach Biden for. I'm sure that MTG already has a long list of baseless nonsense that she plans to have him impeached for, regardless of this new document situation. Which won't be anything either.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on January 11, 2023 12:52 pm

    I'll give you the credit, Curt, for being honest here. You don't remember pb answering forms of this question in the past.


    pb's tiring of repeating this answer. And, pb's been doing this since before OrangeMan was inaugurated in 017. And, pb's inclination is not to respond because he's certain that you progressive SwampLovers will ask the question, incredulous, accusing pb of pretending not to be a Trump butt boy wannabe.

    pb agrees with Trump on, say, what?, maybe 90% of political issues. 85%-90.

    But, pb is disgusted with Trump as far as his character is concerned. It's from poor character that a lack of integrity comes. pb considers Trump to be an unabashed narcissist. A bully. Arrogant. Self-centered. Incapable of collaboration, compromise or cooperation.

    Trump lacks personal integrity in nearly every way one can.

    pb's written this post, he'd guess a dozen times, since election day, 016.

    Further, pb presumes that it's his ability to see these truths about Trump, and yet to remain underanged, that separates pb from you, and po, PTTP and isle...

    ...and how you can no idea that this exchange has appeared here so many times.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on January 11, 2023 12:56 pm


    As a lynch mob joining, noose carrying, TDS infected progressive SwampLover who slobbered all over SS over two Trump impeachment, you have no room to accuse GOPs for being anxious to hold Biden accountable for his lies and derelict of duty.

  12. by Curt_Anderson on January 11, 2023 1:03 pm
    So your answer to my question, "On what issues have you ever questioned Trump's integrity?" is:
    1. You are tired of repeating your purported answer, so instead of listing an issue or two (at the risk of supposedly repeating yourself), you launch into a longwinded explanation of why you won't answer the question.

    2. You listed Trump's well-documented personality flaws. They might explain his lack of integrity but they are not a list of issues in which Trump demonstrated a lack of integrity.

    It doesn't take Sigmund Freud to explain what's happening here. If you were to actually list any examples of Trump's lack of integrity, you'd be admitting for all to see that Trump is unworthy of any elected office.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on January 11, 2023 1:15 pm


    Splain to me what you mean that Trump might lack integrity on an "issue."

    Perhaps to help me understand what you mean, give me an example of one such issue...and how that lack of integrity works itself out.

  14. by Curt_Anderson on January 11, 2023 1:27 pm
    You now claim you need an explanation of what integrity is. You were the one who claimed that you and OD have dealt with Trump's lack integrity and that you are tired of repeating examples of Trump's lack of integrity.

    Integrity is a consistency of behavior. It's opposite of hypocrisy.

  15. by Curt_Anderson on January 11, 2023 1:39 pm
    HtS, you are obviously having trouble answering an "essay question". I'll make it easy for you by making it a multiple choice question. Feel free to list other examples.

    Which of the following are examples of Trump's lack of integrity?

    1. He hammered Hillary Clinton on her use of a private email server, then mishandled classified documents at Mar-a-Lago.
    2. He is OK with “alternative facts,” but constantly slams the media as "fake news."
    3. He constantly criticized Obama’s golfing, only to spend more time on the golf course himself.
    4. He said it was absurd for taxpayers to pay for Obama’s vacations, but he’s already cost them millions with his and his kid's trips to Mar-a-Lago and elsewhere.
    5. Trump says the media shouldn’t use anonymous sources, but he doesn’t seem to have a problem using them himself.
    6. The electoral college was a “disaster” until he won. Then it was "genius." When he lost he considered it corrupt again.
    7. He claims to promote clean air and water, but he wants to gut the EPA.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on January 11, 2023 1:47 pm

    I'm picking up more than a little TDS irrationality from you. This is in the genre of po's, Do you still beat your wife questions.

    I have never defended Trump on the classified you must know.

  17. by oldedude on January 11, 2023 2:21 pm
    Curt- Some of these I agree with. Those I don't I'll comment on. As far as these being "integrity" issues, I think in at least a few issues, that's a really timeous line. You and I may not agree with them, but I don't think they raise to that level.

    1. He hammered Hillary Clinton on her use of a private email server, then mishandled classified documents at Mar-a-Lago.
    cliton wantonly destroyed 33,000 emails that were subpoenaed by congress. She ditched those. She "said" they were personal in nature and were about her daughter's wedding. In recreating the emails from the sources she emailed, she LIED. A couple of hundred were classified. And each one was a felony for scrubbing. The guy she
    She had someone change the classification of emails and put them on her server. This is impossible to do without willfully taking them off one system, copying them on to a disk, then inserting the drive into a computer on the low side. That is also blatantly illegal. The systems cannot talk to each other. They are two different systems that use different protocols to log on to.

    2. He is OK with “alternative facts,” but constantly slams the media as "fake news."
    Two words, "Russian Hoax" that you still believe is true.

    3. He constantly criticized Obama’s golfing, only to spend more time on the golf course himself.
    Okay. I don't mind the golfing (see below).

    4. He said it was absurd for taxpayers to pay for Obama’s vacations, but he’s already cost them millions with his and his kid's trips to Mar-a-Lago and elsewhere.
    Trump, like many presidents, use a single place to go for "vacations" that are set up for Secret Service folks, SCIFs, etcetcetc. Once those are put online, they cost a fraction of what it takes to do a "vacation" at a different place each time, especially on beaches or cities. LBJ had his ranch, Nixon had San Clemente, the Bush's had ranches, Kennedy's had their places, etc. obomber went to a different place each time. Even pedojoe goes to the Deleware home most of the time. These save tons of money compared to traveling to different places each time.

    5. Trump says the media shouldn’t use anonymous sources, but he doesn’t seem to have a problem using them himself.
    Yeah, can't have it both ways. Is that an integrity issue? No, it's politics.

    6. The electoral college was a “disaster” until he won. Then it was "genius." When he lost he considered it corrupt again.

    7. He claims to promote clean air and water, but he wants to gut the EPA.
    I've talked about this, and the complete overreach of the EPA where they are ruining farming and ranching because of the STUPID ideas they put forth. Not being able to get carcasses out of a flooded area, then fining the ranchers because they had carcasses polluting the water when they did start to decompose. I was thankful for him to do that. Although they did approve Keystone, so there's that.

  18. by Ponderer on January 11, 2023 2:23 pm

    Well, Curt. There's the answer to any question about Hate's integrity at any rate.

    You gave a very simple list of publicly known factual examples for anyone to work out for themselves as evidence of Trump's lack of integrity. All simple statements of verifiable fact about him for anyone to compare.

    And Hate can't comment on the integrity or lack of integrity of a single one. It's because he supports him.

    "I have never defended Trump on the classified you must know." -Hate

    Steadfastly refusing to accept that he committed a crime when he himself has confessed publicly numerous times and in several various ways to having committing it, was caught quite messily red-handed, and all available evidence blatantly and undeniably shows that he committed it, is not only suggestive of a total detachment from reality, but also a form of supporting and defending him, Bill. Sorry.

    You are guilty of defending him. Cased closed. It has been for years.

  19. by oldedude on January 11, 2023 5:01 pm
    Also, curt, the issue of the electoral college. Again, stick to one answer regardless. They'll burn you up replaying tapes. Integrity issue? not sure....

  20. by Curt_Anderson on January 14, 2023 9:49 am
    I may have been wrong about this being dilemma for the GOP. I suggested that the Republicans will have a hard time characterizing Biden's 20 or so mishandled classified documents as the crime of the century without making Trump's hundreds of mishandled classified documents not a worse crime.

    But I forgot about the Republican super-power: unabashed hypocrisy and obfuscation. For example, the FBI obtained a search warrant and searched Trump's residence not because Trump unknowingly had classified documents, but because he knowingly had them, lied about having them and refused to return them.

    It is comical how Kevin McCarthy was upset that Biden didn't reveal the existence of his classified documents earlier yet he had no complaint when Trump revealed his classified documents months later and only after the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago.

    The House GOP wants to form an congressional investigative committee to see what was in Biden's documents. Yet they have no curiosity about the many more documents (which are more recent, therefore more relevant) that Trump held onto.

  21. by Donna on January 14, 2023 10:05 am

    It took the National Archives over a year and a half to pry those documents out of Trump's tiny hands -- and they still might not have all of them -- yet AG Garland didn't assign a special counsel until Trump announced his candidacy for 2024, while it only took one small stash in Biden's case for Garland to assign a special counsel.

    There are numerous lefty political commentators who've been very critical about the way Garland dicked around so long regarding Trump's case. The way Garland jumped all over Biden's case at lighting speed made them even more furious about him.

  22. by HatetheSwamp on January 14, 2023 1:26 pm

    There are numerous lefty political commentators who've been very critical about the way Garland dicked around so long regarding Trump's case.

    I'm guessing that your lefties were cheering Garland when he directed fibbies to check out Melania's undies.

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