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Crime selectors, pages, etc.
Classified files found at Biden's former private office!!!!!
By HatetheSwamp
January 10, 2023 4:40 am
Category: Crime

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About 10 of the files were discovered in a locked closet at the Penn Biden Center in Washington in November by Mr Biden's legal team, said his lawyer.

The batch has been handed over to the National Archives.

Mr Biden's predecessor, Donald Trump, is facing a probe for taking classified files to Florida after his presidency.

According to the BBC's US partner CBS News, the FBI is involved in the inquiry into classified documents found at the Penn Biden Center, and US Attorney General Merrick Garland has been asked to review the papers.

Just one note to progressive Swampcultists here: Neither OD nor pb defended OrangeMan for possessing classified documents. We were all over the DOJ for the way it handled the search.

pb is not expecting our libs here to respond to this emerging Biden scandal with the same integrity. A President can declassify any federal document but a Vice President has no such authority.

Who's as anxious as pb to read accounts of fibbies rummaging through Jill's undies drawer.

Who else is thankful that pit bull Jim Jordan is chair of the House Oversight Committee?

Oh, and watch the video. Is Joe a hypocrite or is it, simply, dementia?

Bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh!

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Comments on "Classified files found at Biden's former private office!!!!!":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on January 10, 2023 5:03 am


    This must be serious. The progressive ain't ignoring the's go-to in protecting "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap."

    Good ol Rachel immediately jumped to the Flatulent Fool's defense! Yikes!

    Gooooooooooo Rachel.

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh!

    Gotta luv it.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on January 10, 2023 5:19 am

    Sorry. I couldn't get the video of the Former Trucker to take. It's from his 60 Minutes interview, and very juicy. FOX AND FRIENDS has been playing it several times an hour this morning!

  3. by Curt_Anderson on January 10, 2023 8:43 am
    “Neither OD nor pb defended OrangeMan for possessing classified documents.” —HtS

    But you did, falsely claiming this repeatedly:
    “President can declassify any federal document…”

    A president cannot unilaterally and secretly with a wave of a hand declassify documents. And a former president certainly cannot declassify.

  4. by Curt_Anderson on January 10, 2023 8:49 am
    As for Joe Biden’s defense, look up “Mens Rea” a term which olde dude and I discussed recently.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on January 10, 2023 8:55 am
    Fine. Splain what you know about Trump’s document heist that suggests that he intended to do the US dirty.

  6. by Ponderer on January 10, 2023 9:14 am

    Geez. What happened to your "innocent until proven guilty" mantra, Bill?

    Legally, Trump and Biden are innocent until proven guilty of a crime, as we all are. I totally understand and get that as you do. But here's where we differ:

    When Trump willingly admits in full public view and record to his having committed a crime, I don't feel that my legally meaningless opinion needs to stick too fundamentally to the idea that he "is innocent" of having committed the crime until proven guilty in criminal court. I feel totally free, and quite logically justified, in believing that he in fact is guilty of the crime he has confessed to. Especially when all publicly available evidence totally corroborates his confession.

    You, by deference to his status as your cult's guru and eternal leader, must needs absolutely and totally ignore the admissions emanating from his own mouth of having committed a crime. You are driven to keep a death grip on your devotion to the denial of him being in any way guilty of a crime. And this, even knowing full well that in the end, he's gonna be found totally guilty.

    But hey, at least it allowed you to justify believing bullshit until then, eh?

    That you pig-ignorantly think that this situation with these Biden documents is anything to compare with Trump's is wildly hysterical. The law was entirely and swiftly complied with from the moment of the documents' discovery. There is nothing known at this time that in any way whatsoever indicates, let alone is evidence of, any crime having been committed.

    Trump, in absolute contrast, simply kept doubling down on his initial felony of willfully taking the documents in the first place, apparently hoping that everyone would just get sick of asking him for his well deserved stolen booty back and forget all about it. To the point that the FBI finally had to raid his home with a fully legal and lawfully justified warrant to get them back. Had he simply given the documents back when initially asked, we'd have never heard about any of it and he'd be free and clear of a crime.

    But hey, I also look forward to the results of a thorough investigation of these Biden documents, don't get me wrong. Because I am sure that by the end of it, we will have a clear and concise timeline of events that will explain the entire situation...

    ...and I am willing to bet right now that no crime will have been found to have been committed... No indictments will be filed.


  7. by HatetheSwamp on January 10, 2023 10:38 am


    From his first post, pb raised this issue, not in terms of the possible guilt of "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" but in terms of OD's and pb's fair and rational response to the similar issue with Trump and how you Blue MAGA Swampcultists would respond to this development with Joe.

    You're being found wanting.

  8. by Ponderer on January 10, 2023 10:49 am

    Well, you may think that you and od's response to Trump's blatantly criminal activity, now and over the years, should make you appear as "fair and rational". But I hate to tell you that it just makes you look willfully ignorant, existentially biased against reality, and comfortably mendacious.

    Actually, that's not true.

    I actually love telling you that.

  9. by Ponderer on January 10, 2023 10:51 am

    As I said, I fully look forward to the upcoming investigations into the Biden Documents. And the judge that has been appointed is Trump appointee I understand. ALL THE BETTER!!!

  10. by oldedude on January 10, 2023 2:28 pm
    Here you go, po, since you already knew what I was going to write. I started this prior to a doctor's appointment, All I did was to take a second look at it.

    I think it's interesting. I can imagine what was said by the person that found them. But if I said that, curt would be getting a nastygram over foul language....

    So the same thing goes for Biden just like anyone else. Were they locked up as they should be? This is kind of a routine thing with JCS, top administration folks, that level of person (like I said before). There are times when "vacation" time still have global stuff going on. SOMETIMES, they will go on "vacation" and take a group of trusted advisors with them to go through a laundry list of options without interruptions. They need the intel either to review or refresh what's going on and need that information to make a decision. I'm not sure the National archives were the place to give it, but if that's their protocol, that's fine. No doubt somebody called the state department to get rid of it pretty fast.

    The singular issue I have is that these documents seem to be regarding UdSSR and Ukraine and were from his VICE Presential days. THAT creates the problem. I doubt if there is very much CONFIDENTIAL information with those two targets. If nothing else, it's usually a Methods and Means protocol and would be TS something.

    So. Unlike po, fair is fair. The elements are pretty much identical. If you charge Trump for holding on to Classified, so you must every other person of power that keeps classified in their house. My guess is that both sets of classified was in their SCIF. If it is a crime then, it's a crime now.

    Did I think the Trump thing was huge? I don't think the things Trump did in FL were particularly great, but ya got whatcha got. I did think they made mountain out of a molehill on that one. Should we get our panties in a wad over this? I dunno. Had they not made the deal with Trump, I'd say no. It's not a big thing. But I said that about Trump also. The way Trump was treated created the standard. Therefore, the "standard" should be applied. If they're going to let pedojoe off the hook, then that's the standard.

  11. by Ponderer on January 10, 2023 3:25 pm

    Well I agree with you, od, that the issue is really about how they got into that closet in the first place. And as I mentioned before, I expect that there will be a thorough investigation and the result will be that there isn't anything likely to be considered criminal about how they got there. I may be wrong but we don't know.

    Honest mistakes are exactly that. Legally, the key thing to consider here is were the documents knowingly kept. That is the criminal part. That's not a question with Trump. We know and he admits that they were knowingly taken. Not so with Biden yet.

    My money is on an honest mistake. Again, I could be wrong. But we don't know.

    There's starting to be a big hullabaloo about the timing of the release of the information about these Biden documents. They were discovered just before the election but we are only now hearing about it. This is a red herring. It's no big whoop. Who cares.

    Where is there any law that forces such a discovery to be made public, or more precisely when such a discovery must be made public? It was made public. Absolutely irrelevant and moot issue.

    Where is the law that if such a discovery is made that a sitting administration must release it, even though doing so might have adverse effects for its party in an upcoming election?

    Are we to believe that the Republicans, in an uncharacteristic seizure of self-destructive transparency, would have instantly rushed to the media to let them know about having made such a possibly damaging discovery to their party's chances in an upcoming election? Yeah. As if.

    The important thing to remember is that the cases are, so far, in no way equitable:

    Trump has admitted to and evidence is mountainous establishing that he committed a crime. He thwarted all official attempts to get him to rectify and exonerate himself of any crime, and instead refused all official attempts to get him to cooperate for nearly two years.

    At this point in time, I don't even think we can suggest that Biden even knew those documents were there. I mean, he likely did. But we simply don't know yet.

    That's how far away these two situations are. But already Republicans are calling for Biden's impeachment over this.

  12. by oldedude on January 10, 2023 4:20 pm
    "Honest mistakes are exactly that. Legally, the key thing to consider here is were the documents knowingly kept."Bold

    It doesn't matter with classified. The fact that he had them is the violation of classified protocol (thereby illegal).

    There's starting to be a big hullabaloo about the timing of the release of the information about these Biden documents. They were discovered just before the election but we are only now hearing about it.

    It makes a LOT of difference. The information was secured until he was out of country and "safe" from too many questions.

    Where is there any law that forces such a discovery to be made public, or more precisely when such a discovery must be made public?

    It's an integrity issue. He "promised" to be the most transparent "president" ever. So far, he's been an epic fail.

    Where is the law that if such a discovery is made that a sitting administration must release it, even though doing so might have adverse effects for its party in an upcoming election?

    Again, it's an issue of morals and integrity.

    Are we to believe that the Republicans, in an uncharacteristic seizure of self-destructive transparency, would have instantly rushed to the media to let them know about having made such a possibly damaging discovery to their party's chances in an upcoming election? Yeah. As if.

    I would have fully supported him, had that been done. He could have pulled it off easily. I understand thing happen (as I said multiple times, but he has no morals or integrity.

    The issues are the same, although pedojoe had his classified for about six years. Those documents may have been kept so Trump couldn't have used it against him. All the GOP needs now, is the date/time group of the messages to see what it was. That's pretty easy.

    The only place it differs, is who dunnit.

  13. by Curt_Anderson on January 10, 2023 4:23 pm
    "If you charge Trump for holding on to Classified, so you must every other person of power that keeps classified in their house." --OD

    Trump will not be charged with simply holding classified documents. Trump got himself into hot water by ignoring and denying the National Archive's request to return the documents. He alternatingly denied he had any, returned some piecemeal and claimed they were legitimately his because he supposedly declassified then. It took a subpoena, a warrant and an FBI search to finally get them back. Trump is likely to be charged with obstruction of justice for the behavior I just described. Also Trump's lawyer falsely declared that an exhaustive and careful search found no more classified documents.

    In contrast, Biden's own team reportedly discovered the classified documents, turned them over and cooperated with the DOJ.

    Also Biden reportedly had ten classified documents in the Penn State office. Trump has some 300. If Biden gets charged with ten counts of mishandling classified documents, Trump will be charged with 300 counts.

  14. by Ponderer on January 10, 2023 4:47 pm

    Biden has since said that he was surprised by the discovery of any classified documents there. He could be lying. But we don't know. That's what the investigation will seek to establish.

    "Those documents may have been kept so Trump couldn't have used it against him." -olde dude

    od, there are nothing but baseless "ifs" here. You can construct whatever scenario you can pull out of your imagination. It's going to be just as hypothetical as any other until we know a lot more.

    I look forward to an interesting investigation.

    Documents can have fingerprints......

  15. by oldedude on January 10, 2023 8:18 pm
    Trump will not be charged with simply holding classified documents. Trump got himself into hot water by ignoring and denying the National Archive's request to return the documents.
    Yeah, that is a problem. Jail time? No.

    There is nothing known at this time that in any way whatsoever indicates, let alone is evidence of, any crime having been committed.
    So here's where the cases are different. pedojoe's documents were not found in even a SCIF-like room... They were found in the closet in an office the janitor had access to. Did the office have a lock? I'm sure. Who else had a key? Was the door checked hourly for security? Were the locks IAW the style and security of the DNI and DOD regulation? All of these things make a difference. THAT is a big deal. It means that there was no record of who was in that room, no log. No check of the documents to ensure their security. In theory, the documents could have been taken out by a janitor or maintenance person, copied, returned, and sold to the highest bidder.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on January 11, 2023 5:05 am

    There is nothing known at this time that in any way whatsoever indicates, let alone is evidence of, any crime having been committed.

    Of course a crime was committed in the former effin VICE President even having these documents outside of the White House! Trump, as President, had the authority to declassify documents. It would be a possibility that classified documents in his possession might have been declassified. And, there could be a legitimate dispute over whether particular documents were properly declassified.

    But, the Vice President has no such authority. The very fact that those documents were in the possession of the Former Truck Driver outside of the White House, from his VEEP days, is a violation of the nation's security. It's a crime. Period!

    Beyond the issue of a crime being committed...

    The fact that the documents were discovered before the election but this violation was withheld from voters until after the election is the Biden Crime Family laptop story all over again. It's classic Dem shenanigans. Is it illegal? No. But, it's shady. It should, and no doubt, will be addressed in the Biden Crime Family hearings.

    And, knowing the connection between "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap," Burisma and Hunter? The fact that documents connected to Ukraine were illegally taken has to raise eyebrows, ain't? No doubt, that'll come up in the hearings. MUST WATCH TV!

  17. by oldedude on January 11, 2023 6:31 am
    Watch them squirm saying pedojoe "declassified" those documents after he was "president" In which case, he knew about them (yet another lie in the long string of lies by this "president."

    It slipped my mind about the declassification. But yes. And classified vs pedojr? could be pretty damning. And a good reason to take the chance of getting caught.

    I guess what is interesting to me, is people "assume" these are the original documents. I'm not calling these people stupid or anything else. If you haven't been in the genre, you naturally wouldn't know that. So it's more of a friendly FYI. These reports are all done electronically. That's why I said anyone with that clearance to the system could pull it up (given you have the clearance and were read into the program). Their number is created by the computer. Yearmonthdayhourminutesecond is the format. Hours are in the standard government clock (it's set on GMT, 24hour clock).

    This goes for both sides of the Trump administration for this conversation. In transition between an administration, that information may be in inadvertently exposed, giving the other administration a Key that the prior administration had looked the information up. Maybe the oncoming administration did know this and had copies. In the interest of National Security, no one would say there were classified documents, just allude to the fact a crime had been committed (in your opinion).

  18. by oldedude on January 11, 2023 6:42 am
    But you did, falsely claiming this repeatedly:
    “President can declassify any federal document…”

    A president cannot unilaterally and secretly with a wave of a hand declassify documents. And a former president certainly cannot declassify.
    "The president's classification and declassification powers are broad

    Experts agreed that the president, as commander-in-chief, is ultimately responsible for classification and declassification. When someone lower in the chain of command handles classification and declassification duties -- which is usually how it's done -- it's because they have been delegated to do so by the president directly, or by an appointee chosen by the president.

    The majority ruling in the 1988 Supreme Court case Department of Navy vs. Egan -- which addressed the legal recourse of a Navy employee who had been denied a security clearance -- addresses this line of authority.

    "The President, after all, is the 'Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States'" according to Article II of the Constitution, the court's majority wrote. "His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security ... flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant."

    Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, said that such authority gives the president the authority to "classify and declassify at will."

    In fact, Robert F. Turner, associate director of the University of Virginia's Center for National Security Law, said that "if Congress were to enact a statute seeking to limit the president's authority to classify or declassify national security information, or to prohibit him from sharing certain kinds of information with Russia, it would raise serious separation of powers constitutional issues."

    The official documents governing classification and declassification stem from executive orders. But even these executive orders aren't necessarily binding on the president. The president is not "obliged to follow any procedures other than those that he himself has prescribed," Aftergood said. "And he can change those."

    Indeed, the controlling executive order has been rewritten by multiple presidents. The current version of the order was issued by President Barack Obama in 2009.

    The national-security experts at the blog Lawfare wrote in the wake of the Post's revelation that the "infamous comment" by President Richard Nixon -- that "when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal" -- "is actually true about some things. Classified information is one of them. The nature of the system is that the president gets to disclose what he wants.""

    You are correct though, this power is only as long as the person is in office. I would also say this shouldn't be used often. They're classified for a reason if you know it or not.

  19. by Ponderer on January 11, 2023 7:17 am

    Hey guys. I don't want to interrupt your Speculation Jamboree here, but my initial statement, "There is nothing known at this time that in any way whatsoever indicates, let alone is evidence of, any crime having been committed.", still stands as the case here.

    We still, at this point, have almost nothing to go on. Your wild speculations are nothing more than that. You are so invested in finding some crime that was committed that you happily ignore any possibilities that are actually much more likely that no crime was committed.

    I'm in no place to speculate about the documents being declassified by Biden or anyone else, so I am not about to "squirm" about as you want me to to assert it. I'm not going to make statements that I can't back up with facts, proof, or evidence. And If I am going to speculate, I endeavor to posit it as such.

    I must say though that it is encouraging to see you two free your imaginations in a way towards Biden that I feared might be impossible for you, given the way your imaginations and logic were stultified by your near-religious imperative to ignore Trump's obvious and blatant crimes.

  20. by HatetheSwamp on January 11, 2023 7:42 am

    Hey guys. I don't want to interrupt your Speculation Jamboree here, but my initial statement, "There is nothing known at this time that in any way whatsoever indicates, let alone is evidence of, any crime having been committed.", still stands as the case here.

    C'mon po, gimme a break! You proclaimed Trump busted for planning a failed insurrection on, what?, J6 or did you wait until the 7th? "Speculation Jamboree." Bahahahahahahahahahaha! Pot to kettle, pot to kettle. You're black!

    Everyone, including President Clouseau, admits that highly classified documents, from his years as Veep, were in his office. That's a very serious crime!

    No speculation there. Simple. Universally acknowledged fact.

    You're wrong!

    ...stultified by your near-religious imperative to ignore Trump's obvious and blatant crimes.

    Projection, there, po.

    What crimes? I think I'm speaking for OD, too. Bahahahahahahahahahaha.

    And, again. Neither of us have devoted a single keystroke defending OrangeMan on the documents issue...only "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap's" DOJ in its fascist handling of them.

  21. by oldedude on January 11, 2023 8:39 am
    Here are the facts you refuse to admit.
    1. Classified files were found outside a secured area.
    2. The person responsible for the documents was VP pedojoe
    3. The area these classified documents were found in is considered "Unnsecured" meaning it wasn't up to DOS/DOD code for a secure area.

    So yes, there are pointed violations of the espionage act (I'm not saying joe's a spy, it's just that "act" covers security of classified material). There are also manuals regarding storage of classified material that both Dept of State, and DoD put out.

  22. by Ponderer on January 11, 2023 8:45 am

    "C'mon po, gimme a break! You proclaimed Trump busted for planning a failed insurrection on, what?, J6 or did you wait until the 7th?' -Hate

    Yes I did. On 1/6 or thereabouts. Because I saw and heard with my own eyes and ears the public evidence of his crime that he himself gave in real time as he was committing the crime. Just as I knew he committed a crime the moment I heard his call to the Georgia official asking him to "find" him eleven thousand seven hundred and eighty votes.

    The tape of his own voice on that call is blatant, undeniable evidence of him committing a crime.

    Him telling a group of hundreds if not thousands of his supporters, who he himself brought there and who he knew full well that many of whom were armed, to go to the Capitol and "fight like hell, because if they don't, they won't have a country anymore", was blatant and undeniable evidence of him committing a crime.

    The fact of him openly admitting that he took those classified documents from the White House and steadfastly refusing to give them back even when he was subpoenaed to do so is blatant, undeniable evidence of a crime.

    But hey, I know that you are programmed to simply ignore and blow off any blatant and undeniable evidence that Trump has ever committed any crime.

    In total contrast to Trump's crimes, you have seen no evidence that Biden committed any crime. None of us has yet. The entire issue about a crime being committed or not hinges on how those documents got into that closet in the first place. And that is what the investigation intends to find out.

    You know, the moment you MAGA Hats heard about the documents being seized by FBI search warrant at Mara Lago, you were already screaming about them having been planted. I haven't even brought up the possibility myself yet with these Biden documents because, again, we don't know enough yet to be making such an assertion.

    But hey please, Bill... please present the evidence you apparently think you have that the Biden documents couldn't possibly have been planted in Biden's closet, without his knowledge, for someone to eventually find...

    Or please, Bill... Tell us about your evidence of how it is absolutely impossible for this "dementia ridden piece of crap" to have absentmindedly set those documents somewhere where they could have then unknowingly been picked up with other things to have eventually ended up in that closet years ago.

    If I see a surveillance tape of a person robbing a convenience store, I will have no qualms about suggesting and believing that they robbed a convenience store. Even if they haven't as yet been charged or convicted. Again, I am not a court of law and am allowed to come to whatever totally logical conclusions I think the blatant and undeniable evidence I have suggests.

  23. by HatetheSwamp on January 11, 2023 9:23 am

    You know, the moment you MAGA Hats heard about the documents being seized by FBI search warrant at Mara Lago, you were already screaming about them having been planted.

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha. Whoa! Link to that on SS.

    Neither of the sane people here, OD nor pb, did that. Neither of us have defended OrangeMan, not even for one effin keystroke.

    please, Bill... please present the evidence you apparently think you have that the Biden documents couldn't possibly have been planted in Biden's closet, without his knowledge, for someone to eventually find...

    Or please, Bill... Tell us about your evidence of how it is absolutely impossible for this "dementia ridden piece of crap" to have absentmindedly set those documents somewhere where they could have then unknowingly been picked up with other things to have eventually ended up in that closet years ago.

    You must know, po, that Clouseau's lawyers found those documents MORE THAN TWO effin MONTHS AGO!!!!! They've had since before the election to get this mess handled. Nuthin. Keeheeheeheeheeheeheehee.

    If this stuff were planted, the Former Trucker's gang would have been proving that from the moment the story broke.

    If this were a matter of absent-mindedness, the Flatulent Fool's flunkies would be laying out, all the why's and wherefores. No. The Moron-in-Chief's thugs would have had his a$$ covered from the first minute...were that possible. The fact that, after two months, there's no a$$covering, says effin TONS!

    pb has good reason to suspect that the truth will be ugly for Joe. And, Jim EFFIN Jordan is Chair of the House Oversight Committee. Bahahahahahahahahahaha!

    Those Biden Crime Family hearings are gunna be an absolute hoot!

  24. by Ponderer on January 11, 2023 10:18 am

    In all that, you didn't make a single rational, cogent, or logical point at all.

    "You must know, po, that Clouseau's lawyers found those documents MORE THAN TWO effin MONTHS AGO!!!!! They've had since before the election to get this mess handled. Nuthin." -Hate

    Um, the documents were immediately handed over to the archives. All rules and laws were observed and adhered to from the moment of the discovery. There will now be an investigation into how the docs got into that closet. Neither Biden, nor his administration are in any place to be "handling" anything right now other than what they know. It's in the DOJ's hands to be doing the handling from here on. Really stupid argument you made there.

    "If this stuff were planted, the Former Trucker's gang would have been proving that from the moment the story broke." -Hate

    Proving that where? There are no hearings or investigations that are at any point in which to be proving anything yet. How in the hell do you think they would go about what you suggest? Really stupid argument you made there also.

    As goes for the rest of the nonsensically asinine assertions you proposed in that last post and I am not going to waste time on. They are all really stupid arguments that make no sense whatsoever. You're just wildly pulling shitt out of your ass and squeezing it really assertively through your fingers like that makes it something.

    I will never understand why you seem to believe that being a willfully ignorant moron blabbering idiocy somehow makes you victorious in a discussion.

  25. by HatetheSwamp on January 11, 2023 10:50 am

    When you're not here, po, what I miss, more than anything, is your vivid illustration of how uncompromisingly subjectivity is truth.

    OD and pb are objective about the reality is that Trump is despicable. There's not an ounce of honesty in you that "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" who's still claiming that he's never talked to his son about his son's business dealings. Even with the proof in White House records.

  26. by Ponderer on January 11, 2023 12:47 pm


    And we've quickly arrived at the point where you are forced to make up arguments that I have never made or commented on to make yourself feel superior to me. You are that out of ammunition apparently.

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