by Curt_Anderson on December 29, 2022 10:58 am
Seriously, OD, you are worried about "Tuberculosi, Aedes mosquito–transmitted arboviral diseases (dengue, chikungunya, Zika), Enteric diseases (Vibrio, Listeria monocytogenes, nontyphoidal Salmonella, Brucella spp.), Rickettsioses (R. rickettsia, R. typhi, R. parkeri)" ?!
Given your concerns, I have some terrible news for you: about 70 million international tourists visit America annually. Around 8 million Americans travel abroad every year. Are you not concerned about all the diseases they could be carrying into America?
I have no problem in determining that anybody who comes across our border from foreign countries are negative for Covid and a host of other communicable diseases. I would even be in favor of international tourists, returning American tourists and immigrants showing that they have been vaccinated for Covid.
Here in Oregon, we get all sorts of anti-vax riffraff from places like Texas and Florida visiting our state. Unfortunately, the law does not allow us to keep them and the contagious diseases they carry out of our fine state.
by oldedude on December 29, 2022 12:02 pm
I just figured that you whined like a little "mule" about people getting COVID boosters as late as a couple of weeks ago that you might be concerned about having disease that isn't common in the US and are many times missed initially by medical providers might be a problem.
And don't worry much. Most Floridians refuse to go to the "democratic" republic of oragone. Why give up our rights to see nothing in particular?