I despise Donald Trump. I think he's despicable. But, as I've been clear about, I generally agree with the policies he advanced.
...there's a new book on the market...
...written by Michael Kelly of the Wall Street Journal, describing Trump as a despicable human being. And, as usual, I find the book interesting.
Because I have the view of Trump that I do, none of what's being reported about the content of the book is hard for me to believe. What I always have trouble with is knowing what to believe.
So many people who would make these claims about Trump are driven by hate, they are deranged and, therefore, their veracity is in question.
However, based on the reporting, I'm inclined to believe this.
Yet, the problem remains. The most difficult aspect of dealing with Trump, for a reasonable person such as myself,
is the fact that most of the people who are critical of Trump, heck, most of the people who won't outright worship him, have given in to hate so completely that it's impossible to believe them.
What suggests to me that this book may be reliable is its suggestion that Trump's comment about Hitler may simply be a function of his lack of knowledge of or interest in history, which is fair, and probably, true.
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