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Law selectors, pages, etc.
Trump forced the January 6 committee into recommending criminal charges to the DOJ
By Curt_Anderson
December 18, 2022 10:30 am
Category: Law

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The reason being that Trump pretends that he is exonerated by anything but a guilty plea resulting in jail time, which we know hasn’t happened yet. Those judicial outcomes in which Trump claims that he is innocent include:
• Delays that run out the clock and statute of limitations.
• Out of court settlements in which Trump pays his accusers off.
• Trump fined millions of dollars.
• Trump told he must dissolve a charity and cannot operate future charities in a state.
• Impeachment trials which don’t result in 3/5 of Senators reaching a guilty verdict.
• The Trump Organization being found guilty in criminal court.
• Verdicts in which Trump is not found guilty on all charges.
• Trump forbidden in a court decision from doing business in a state.
• Using the office of the presidency to fend off prosecution of crimes committed prior to being in office.

Of course the J6 committee is not a prosecuting body but an investigating body. Yes, it’s political. That allows Trump to claim politics are involved. Now it’s the DOJ’s job to present irrefutable facts in making the case against Trump. Being a politician should not be shield against criminal prosecution.

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Comments on "Trump forced the January 6 committee into recommending criminal charges to the DOJ":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on December 18, 2022 11:02 am

    Of course the J6 committee is not a prosecuting body but an investigating body.

    Baha! That's what OD predicted you'd say.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on December 18, 2022 11:29 am
    OD predicted that I would state that fact? Did he also predict that I’d say that Joe Biden is the legitimately elected president or I’d say that Trump NFTs are a scam?

  3. by oldedude on December 19, 2022 10:25 am
    Curt- I don't believe Trump is forcing anyone to do anything. DOJ still has the decision, the choice to go to prosecution or not based on evidence. Not some lame thought that some TDS'r has to say, but in legal terms. If they do, they do. If they do and can't prove their case, they're in past their eyeballs deep.

    Unfortunately, Trump will used that forever and we'll never get rid of him. Lead and I, especially, want him just gone. You want him to die on the cross after flogging with spikes and having to carry the cross to the mountain. Be careful what you wish for.

  4. by Ponderer on December 19, 2022 11:52 am

    olde dude, are you at all regretful now about your abject support and defense of Trump's voluminous and blatant felonies until only recently, while he was helping you achieve your political goals? I realize that he has now evolved to a place where he is of no earthy use to you or your side anymore. It's no big deal that you are now abandoning him now that he's useless to you.

    Are you at all sorry that you chose to willfully ignore his heinous and undeniably obvious criminality for so many years, just because he was the leader of Your Side and could get you what you wanted? Constitution and rule of law be damned? His immorality and ceaseless career criminal behavior and corruption of no concern to you?

    Do you at all recognize the errors of your ways and feel any shame now, given the mountains of evidence testifying to how wrong you were?

  5. by HatetheSwamp on December 19, 2022 12:13 pm

    olde dude, are you at all regretful now about your abject support and defense of Trump's voluminous and blatant felonies...


    You are such an effin liar.

  6. by Curt_Anderson on December 19, 2022 12:20 pm
    Calm down HtS. Ponderer didn't say OD was regretful; she asked if he was regretful.

  7. by Ponderer on December 19, 2022 12:37 pm

    Thanks, Curt. His reading comprehension hasn't improved a bit in all these years.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on December 19, 2022 12:41 pm


    po lied about what he'd have reason to regret. po's been a blind supporter of BLM and Antifa violence. Good for po. po's a member of the progressive Swampcult.

    But, od has never supported any of Trump's excesses.

    And, Trump has never been convicted of a single felony. po is a world class effin liar. No doubt po believes this stuff. But, it's otherworldly. It's deranged.

    po's an effin insane liar!

  9. by Curt_Anderson on December 19, 2022 1:09 pm
    HtS, you are lying by insinuation. Ponderer didn't say Trump was convicted of felonies. She said Trump's felonies were voluminous and blatant. Blatant means bad behavior done openly and unashamedly. Cultists are often oblivious to the obvious faults of their leaders.

    Al Capone was blatant in his criminality. He was done in by the least of his crimes.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on December 19, 2022 1:17 pm


    Trump’s guilty of no felonies. And, OD, certainly hasn't defended and supported them!

    po's a Stage 4 TDS liar. The TDS is aggravating on its own. But the pathological, filthy too much. There's not one word that OD has ever put on SS that fits what po has lied about!

    OD won't defend himself from this abuse. So, pb is.

  11. by Curt_Anderson on December 19, 2022 1:23 pm
    "Trump’s guilty of no felonies. And, OD, certainly hasn't defended and supported them!" --- HtS

    That Trump hasn't been found guilty yet, doesn't mean that Trump is not in fact guilty of the half dozen or more charges that currently is facing.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on December 19, 2022 1:30 pm

    Are you just joshin me at po's expense? That'd be cruel. Because, that's what it seems like what you're doing.

    What felonies is Trump charged with...THAT OD IS DEFENDING AND SUPPORTING!!!!!?

    Face it. po's a Stage 4 TDS liar. And, OD doesn't deserve this treatment.

  13. by Ponderer on December 19, 2022 1:47 pm

    Exactly, Curt. And thanks again for helping poor pb understand.

    "Trump has never been convicted of a single felony. po is a world class effin liar." -Hate

    I have never claimed that he has ever been convicted in any criminal court of any felonies, so I couldn't have possibly lied about it.

    Keep them bald-faced, pathological lies about me comin', Bill!

    All I have said is that Trump has in fact committed felonies. I've watched him on videos commit them. I've heard tapes of him committing them. Read transcripts he confirms are correct of him committing them. Watched him shamelessly confess to committing them. I've watched his corrupt, lame-ass attempts to hide his having committing them. I've heard him cry and whine about the FBI finding evidence in his desk of his having committed them.

    There are mountains of blatant evidence available to anyone without Fox News blinkers stapled to their temples that Trump has committed various and sundry felonies and misdemeanors.

    I, as a common citizen of this country, with no legal authority or qualification whatsoever, and based upon nothing but my own sane senses taking in all the evidence that Trump himself has supplied to the public discourse, feel absolutely confident and entirely justified in holding the ubiquitous and broadly held opinion that Donald Trump has demonstrably committed felonies.

    And all you have defending your assertions that he hasn't is your boundless willful blindness and flabbergasting pig-ignorance of everything going on around you concerning the issue, Bill.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on December 19, 2022 2:37 pm

    Nananananana, po.

    Why don't you just move to Russia!!!!!? I hear they have full-fledged socialized medicine. Clearly, you're uncomfortable living among people who are protected by a Bill of Rights...and the due process it guarantees.

    You're up to an old po...Blue MAGA progressive Swampcult trick. Claiming and practicing omnipotence. You...even you, po...ain't investigator, prosecutor, judge and jury.

    OD has never defended and supported any, even legal, Trump overreach. OD's only "sin," effin "crime," is to disagree with the great and powerful po...the (not) center of the universe.

  15. by Ponderer on December 19, 2022 3:54 pm

    "OD has never defended and supported any, even legal, Trump overreach." -Hate

    Well, you know how Trump was derelict in his duties and actually supported the violent 1/6 rioters who stormed the Capitol by never calling out any police, military or security forces of any kind to stop them, while also giving aide and comfort to those dutifully destructive insurrectionists of his and supporting them by not telling them to stand down and go home...?

    It's support in that sorta sense.

  16. by oldedude on December 19, 2022 8:59 pm
    I was never in support of the attack. Do I think Trump said to do it? I don't think there is court evidence. What you believe is totally different than what is used in court. They believe in facts, you believe from your heart. Two different things. That's why I'm okay with charges. I just really question that because if he wins, you're side is gonna suck for decades. He will make a martyr of himself either way. That's what I told curt (had you read).

  17. by HatetheSwamp on December 20, 2022 3:51 am

    And, that's the thing, OD. We both remember how gleefully po received the news of the police precinct being torched during the 020 BLM and Antifa Summer of Love.

    Every conservative and antiSwamper here was condemning the J6 mostly peaceful gathering as it was happening.

    po is the SS hypocrite-in-chief! And, it's the most heinous sort of hypocrisy. It ends up with po condemning you for what po does while sleeping! AND, YOU DON'T DO IT, ANYWAY!


  18. by islander on December 20, 2022 5:22 am

    The Orange Men “say” they despise Trump, so if they "say" that, it must mean they they don’t support him.

    😀 Smiley says their actions speak louder than their words! LoL !!!

    Here’s how people support a politician:

    Naturally the most powerful way to support a politician is to vote for that politician...Who did the Orange men vote for twice ! Trump, Trump !!!

    Some of the other things one can do to support one's candidate is to praise his policies and denigrate his political opponents. What do the Orange Men do on this board? They praise Trumps policies, denigrate Trump’s opponents and their policies, and spread Trump's lies like the "Big Lie" that election was "rigged"!

    This is why everyone rolls their eyes 🙄 and laughs when the Orange Men pretend to not support Trump !!!

  19. by oldedude on December 20, 2022 7:27 am
    Welcome to the new age of "Moving Alinsky Marxist America (MAMA). This is a supported group on this site. In order to join the club, you must be politically naive, TDS, and support the stated goals of Alinsky and Marxism. Welcome to the sheeple!

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