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Government selectors, pages, etc.
Washington gov’s equity summit declares isle and po guilty of ‘white supremacy’
By HatetheSwamp
December 14, 2022 2:10 pm
Category: Government

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Both isle and po strenuously demand that they live life with objectivity.

Democratic Washington Gov. Jay Inslee held a recent equity summit that included a governor-appointed state education agency telling other state agencies that concepts like “objectivity” and “individualism” are rooted in “White supremacy culture” and should be rejected in favor of “indigenous relational pedagogy.”

During Inslee’s “2022 Governor’s Equity Summit” in Tacoma on Nov. 30, the interim executive director of the state’s Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB), which consists of 12 governor-appointed members dedicated to advancing “educational justice,” gave a PowerPoint presentation titled “Internal Transformation: How an Education Agency is Transforming Itself in the Name of Justice.”

Truth be told. pb's the only poster here who ain't guilty of white supremacy.


Subjectivity is, po, effin, truth!

Bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

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Comments on "Washington gov’s equity summit declares isle and po guilty of ‘white supremacy’":

  1. by Ponderer on December 15, 2022 6:34 am

    "Truth be told. pb's the only poster here who ain't guilty of white supremacy." -Hate

    But then, you've demonstrably been a disgustingly unconscionable, reality-denying, bald-faced liar in here for years.

    So that fairly and solidly establishes the absolute worthlessness of any stated opinion you might care to post here.

    Plus, Bill, when you also consider your sadly ever-increasing senile derangement, your pointless and incoherent nonsense becomes even more blatantly meaningless.


  2. by HatetheSwamp on December 15, 2022 7:14 am

    pb's guessing, po, that you didn't read the link.

  3. by Ponderer on December 15, 2022 7:45 am

    I didn't read it because it's irrelevant to the fact that your assertion about me and Isle is a total lie.

    How would my reading that link somehow change the fact that you're a disgusting liar? Nothing in that article makes me a white supremacist. And your nonsensically self-serving reading of it in no way makes me one either.

    Given that the expurgated version of the article which you posted, apparently thinking that it was sufficient to make your mendaciously erroneous point but failed as miserably as it did, there was no logical expectation that anything else in the article would lend any credibility to the sacrilegiously unchristian false witness you bore against me.

    You're just a pathetic, disgusting liar, Bill. And your lies are at their acme when you know you are wrong.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on December 15, 2022 7:54 am

    I made no assertion about isle and you. I merely reported how your ilk appeared in this story. Subjectivity is truth and that's a good thing. Apparently, denying it is also a reflection of the worst of whiteness.

  5. by Ponderer on December 15, 2022 8:39 am

    Dear GOD you're a flabbergastingly disgusting liar, Bill. Aren't you in any way at all ashamed to lie like that knowing how unchristian a thing it is that you're doing? Do you think Jesus admires and is proud of the flaming lies you tell about people in here?

    "Washington gov’s equity summit declares isle and po guilty of ‘white supremacy’" -Hate

    The article did no such thing by any stretch of any sane imagination. So your thread title is coming entirely from your demented and mendacious ego. It's your assertion. It's your declaration you are pathetically using this article to camouflage your lie with. How laughably and blatantly dishonest and lame. How can you even look yourself in the mirror anymore?

    What a putrid and nauseating excuse for a Christian you are, Bill.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on December 15, 2022 8:44 am

    Dear GOD you're a flabbergastingly disgusting liar, Bill. Aren't you in any way at all ashamed to lie like that knowing how unchristian a thing it is that you're doing? Do you think Jesus admires and is proud of the flaming lies you tell about people in here?

    The teaching of Jesus are packed with humor which the Pharisees...and you, clearly...don't have. I guess that the roots of wokeness trace back at least 2,000 years. Keeheeheeheeheeheeheehee, ha!

  7. by islander on December 15, 2022 9:08 am

    Pondy ~ Hate does this quite regularly here...It's called gaslighting.

    I had a former friend who used to do it to his wife while in the company of others. He'd say something insulting about her and if she took offense he'd tell her it's not his fault that she took offense at the insult, it's her fault for not having a sense of humor since he was just joking.

    😀 Smiley says Hate should be ashamed of himself for claiming that Jesus used to do that to people !!!

  8. by HatetheSwamp on December 15, 2022 9:36 am

    You're getting this all wrong. Because neither of you have a sense of humor, pb knew...expected...effin to take offense. Your immature, shallow, silly denial of the power of subjectivity turns you, among thinking people, into kids who walked down the hall in Jr Hi with a piece of tablet paper saying "kick me" taped to their back.

    Democratic Washington Gov. Jay Inslee held a recent equity summit that included a governor-appointed state education agency telling other state agencies that concepts like “objectivity” and “individualism” are rooted in “White supremacy culture” and should be rejected in favor of “indigenous relational pedagogy.”

    pb didn’t make this up. Your continuing claim to objectivity makes you, according to very well placed fellow wokesters, vile racists. Read it and weep. What you hold dear places you smack dab in the heart of white supremacy.

    And, right. pb's laughing. You ARE the joke! So's your woke Gov. Inslee.

  9. by Curt_Anderson on December 15, 2022 11:18 am
    True statement: When it comes to race, "there is [no] such a thing as being objective or 'neutral.'"

    Race awareness is like be aware of accents. We recognize accents when we hear them. It's easy for a northerner to spot a southern accent. A Texan can easily notice a Boston accent. Australians and Brits can identify American accents and vice versa. Everybody has an accent. There is no such thing as a neutral accent. Yet you can find people in every corner of America and even the world who claim they don't have an accent or that the people in their local group have neutral accents.

    Likewise, we are all aware of racial groups. We may not immediately assume the worst about other racial groups but we instinctively have a different, at least initially, attitude toward people of a different group. It's probably a survival mechanism from the days when a different tribe with different physical characteristics came marauding over the hill. Strangers meant danger when food supplies were scarce.

    We were not and still are not objective or neutral about race. Perhaps now we won't immediately throw a spear at people who are dissimilar, so we've made some progress.

  10. by islander on December 15, 2022 12:22 pm

    "You're getting this all wrong. Because neither of you have a sense of humor," ~ Hate

    You literally had 😀 Smiley laughing out loud with that one as it was a PERFECT example of "gaslighting" ! 🤣

    😀 Smiley thinks you were unaware of what you did because you don't really understand what gaslighting is or how it works!

  11. by HatetheSwamp on December 15, 2022 12:29 pm

    Tragically, isle, you don't UNDERSTAND. When UNDERSTAND MAN don't UNDERSTAND, we're all at risk!

  12. by Ponderer on December 15, 2022 3:47 pm

    I see, Bill.

    So it isn't that your flaming, bald-faced lies make Jesus proud...

    ...It's that He thinks your lies about Isle and I are funny jokes you and He share and we just don't get them.

    So you say that your disgusting lies are merely great entertainment that Jesus gets a big kick out of? And Jesus used to lie about people all the time just for a good laugh at the Pharisees expense you say? So Jesus was never above lying His Ass off about someone like you do if it got a good laugh?

    Huh. Well, that certainly doesn't sound anything like any Jesus I ever heard of. But then, I'm not the one who went to seminary school.

  13. by Ponderer on December 15, 2022 3:51 pm

    Bill, you are apparently such a terrible Christian that you are willfully blind to the fact that Jesus was actually one of the most "woke" beings ever to grace this planet.

  14. by Donna on December 15, 2022 11:34 pm


    manipulate (someone) using psychological methods into questioning their own sanity or powers of reasoning.


    Hm. Not sure that's the right word, islander.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on December 16, 2022 4:03 am

    Clearly, pb has gotten under po's, and isle's, skin. pb told no lie in this thread.

    And?, "So you say that your disgusting lies are merely great entertainment..." No lies. Certainly, not 'great' entertainment. Merely a mild amusement.

    pb's joke seems pretty obvious. He knows that po and isle have enuff brains to get the joke. Apparently, pb doesn't have enough brains to understand why they're going so bonkers.

    So, please, po. I have a degree in history and I've been taking Jesus seriously for about 50 years. I don't understand your, "Jesus was actually one of the most "woke" beings ever to grace this planet." In what way was Jesus woke?

  16. by HatetheSwamp on December 16, 2022 4:25 am

    po, isle.

    The presentation in the woke "Equity Summit" asserted something that pb's told you both tens of dozens of times.

    From the article:

    The presentation also dispelled the beliefs “that there is such a thing as being objective or ‘neutral,’” and that “emotions are inherently destructive, irrational, and should not play a role in decision-making or group process.”

    pb ain't woke. But, this attack on the notion that a human being can be objective or neutral is bang on.

    The organizers of the Equity Summit are calling you participants in white supremacy. pb ain't. pb just thinks that you are fools. Bahahahahahahahahahaha.

    Clearly, though, if you are going to worship at the altar of wokeness, if you are going to continue to argue with pb that subjectivity is truth, you're in intellectual trouble. Keeheeheeheeheeheeheehee, ha!

  17. by Ponderer on December 16, 2022 8:14 am

    "Washington gov’s equity summit declares isle and po guilty of ‘white supremacy’" -Hate

    That is a lie. It does no such thing. You are a disgusting, damnable, bald-faced liar. Adding more lies on top of lies doesn't make any of them true.

    You need to find some other way to converse with people other than lying, Bill. You can't use lies and mendacious misrepresentation of others as the foundation of your arguments and expect anyone to ever take you seriously. Your constant and flagrant lies are why no sane person in this forum ever takes you seriously. And why no one ever will.

    You're just a liar, Bill.

  18. by HatetheSwamp on December 16, 2022 8:30 am

    Words mean stuff, po.

    From the article:

    The presentation also dispelled the beliefs “that there is such a thing as being objective or ‘neutral,’” and that “emotions are inherently destructive, irrational, and should not play a role in decision-making or group process.”

    pb ain't lyin.

  19. by islander on December 16, 2022 8:44 am

    ”Hm. Not sure that's the right word, islander.” ~ Donna

    The typical goal of the gaslighter is not just manipulation, but power and control .

    The dictionary definition you quoted says “manipulate (someone) using psychological methods into questioning their own sanity or powers of reasoning.” but it doesn’t explain what those psychological methods are or how the gaslighter uses those psychological methods.


If a gaslighter’s intended victim understands what the gaslighter is trying to do, gaslighting won’t work on that person, which is why Hate’s attempts at gaslighting don’t work on anyone here. Pondy fights right back and straight forwardly calls him out on it.

    Some of the methods gaslighters use are, Lying. According to psychologists, gaslighters are often habitual and pathological liars with narcissistic tendencies. Blame shifting. For example, gaslighters will lie to someone or insult the person and then try to blame that person for being offended or feeling insulted, as in the example of my ex-buddy insulting his wife. His blame shifting was his attempt to convince her that she herself is to blame for thinking that he insulted her. If he can make her question her own sense of humor, then what she feels is her own fault not his. If he’s successful he can and usually does insult at will and she cannot defend herself. They are no longer married by the way. 👍

  20. by HatetheSwamp on December 16, 2022 8:53 am

    Cute, isle.

    Words mean stuff.

    Which are you not? Woke? Or, an, uh, objectivity-ist?

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